France Proves That Not Everyone Is Paying Attention

France and the rest of Europe prove that the world is tired of the capitalist war on human life.

Sarkozy was a unpopular glorified glamor-boy .. and a warmonger.

Do you have anything intelligent to say? Or do you just prefer to spout this kind of empty-headed propaganda?
France and the rest of Europe prove that the world is tired of the capitalist war on human life.

Sarkozy was a unpopular glorified glamor-boy .. and a warmonger.

Do you have anything intelligent to say? Or do you just prefer to spout this kind of empty-headed propaganda?

:0) How incredibly stupid.

Given your obvious intellectual limitations .. perhaps you should go talk to someone else.

I'm not interested in what dumb people think.
France and the rest of Europe prove that the world is tired of the capitalist war on human life.

Sarkozy was a unpopular glorified glamor-boy .. and a warmonger.

Do you have anything intelligent to say? Or do you just prefer to spout this kind of empty-headed propaganda?

:0) How incredibly stupid.

Given your obvious intellectual limitations .. perhaps you should go talk to someone else.

I'm not interested in what dumb people think.

Just another loser I guess.
Do you have anything intelligent to say? Or do you just prefer to spout this kind of empty-headed propaganda?

:0) How incredibly stupid.

Given your obvious intellectual limitations .. perhaps you should go talk to someone else.

I'm not interested in what dumb people think.

Just another loser I guess.


I'm just another poster who is looking for intelligent conversations, not pissing matches.

There is nothing I need to prove. These are just conversations.
:0) How incredibly stupid.

Given your obvious intellectual limitations .. perhaps you should go talk to someone else.

I'm not interested in what dumb people think.

Just another loser I guess.


I'm just another poster who is looking for intelligent conversations, not pissing matches.

There is nothing I need to prove. These are just conversations.

If you were looking for intelligent responses, you probably shouldn't have called Sarkozy a 'warmonger'. That does not make you look intelligent.
Modern day France has become the poster child on what not to be... the elections here only being further evidence.
Government spending is wasteful and inefficient because there is little accountability.

Isn't that the truth. Particularly when it is military spending. Wouldn't you agree?

But the rethugs just reneged on the cuts to military spending that they previously agreed to. What's up with that?
Just another loser I guess.


I'm just another poster who is looking for intelligent conversations, not pissing matches.

There is nothing I need to prove. These are just conversations.

If you were looking for intelligent responses, you probably shouldn't have called Sarkozy a 'warmonger'. That does not make you look intelligent.

:0) It does to people who are actually paying attention.


Ring any bells?


Still no bells?
Modern day France has become the poster child on what not to be... the elections here only being further evidence.

But the corporate-sponsored privately-owned elections in the US that leave citizens without a voice are the poster child for what should hapopen to the rest of the world???


Me thinks not.
Government spending is wasteful and inefficient because there is little accountability.

Isn't that the truth. Particularly when it is military spending. Wouldn't you agree?

But the rethugs just reneged on the cuts to military spending that they previously agreed to. What's up with that?

Do you have a better solution to military procurement?
Modern day France has become the poster child on what not to be... the elections here only being further evidence.

But the corporate-sponsored privately-owned elections in the US that leave citizens without a voice are the poster child for what should hapopen to the rest of the world???


Me thinks not.

You thinks not is an understatement. It isn't any secret that the French economy as it slides more and more into the Socialist abyss is increasingly going into the crapper. Look at the U.S. economy... the more we dick with free markets, the more we become like France and the rest of the Euroweanies.
France and most of Europe will be at war in a very short time. Southern Europe cannot sustain itself on lazyness and Northern Europe will refuse to support them. The EU will fall apart, probably withn the next year or two at most.
Bullshit. Government overspending thwarts economic growth.
Government creates nothing. It only consumes. When taxes are increased, wealth disappears from the private job producing sector.

Then why do even conservative politicians throw fits when someone suggests, for example, ending a defense spending program that will shut down the factory in their state or district that gets the contract for that program?

Because they don't have the courage to stand up for their principles.

And, because contrary to what the other poster said, they know that government spending does create jobs, does bring home the bacon to the districts, and does get politicians re-elected when it's spent in the right places.
So the conservatives around here are MOCKING the French people for throwing out the SITTING PRESIDENT just because they aren't happy with how things are going in their country?

Isn't that interesting...
So the conservatives around here are MOCKING the French people for throwing out the SITTING PRESIDENT just because they aren't happy with how things are going in their country?

Isn't that interesting...

No, we're mocking the French for deciding that when your broke,and you can no longer afford the system of entitlements you have put in place, the answer is to tax the rich and spend more money.

It demonstrates the utter stupidity of the Fabian Socialists and Progressives and that the majority of the French ar takers, not producers.
Then why do even conservative politicians throw fits when someone suggests, for example, ending a defense spending program that will shut down the factory in their state or district that gets the contract for that program?

Because they don't have the courage to stand up for their principles.

And, because contrary to what the other poster said, they know that government spending does create jobs, does bring home the bacon to the districts, and does get politicians re-elected when it's spent in the right places.

You are wrong that government spending per definition creates jobs. It just as often wipes them out. The equation is much more complex than you suggest.
So the conservatives around here are MOCKING the French people for throwing out the SITTING PRESIDENT just because they aren't happy with how things are going in their country?

Isn't that interesting...

Stupidity should be mocked. They can vote for a new president, but they can't vote for a new economy. The economy of France depends on the support of Germany. So does Greece. Italy and Spain depend on the tithings of Northern Europe to the EU. France's government is now so big that it can't be supported only by the French. In effect, as members of the EU, the overspending South can vote themselves funds from the treasuries of the countries in the North. This won't go on. Germany is getting fed up with the hand out to people who won't work. They will shortly refuse to pay. The EU will squabble, try to force the issue and the continent will again be at war.

I wonder how the geniuses who thought it was possible to bring 17 freakin' sovereign countries under one freakin' currency feel about their little plan now?

Modern day France has become the poster child on what not to be... the elections here only being further evidence.

But the corporate-sponsored privately-owned elections in the US that leave citizens without a voice are the poster child for what should hapopen to the rest of the world???


Me thinks not.

You thinks not is an understatement. It isn't any secret that the French economy as it slides more and more into the Socialist abyss is increasingly going into the crapper. Look at the U.S. economy... the more we dick with free markets, the more we become like France and the rest of the Euroweanies.

There is no such thing as a "free market" .. there is no such thing as a lassiz-faire economy. It exists nowhere in the world.

If you don't know why it doesn't exist .. SEE: the Robber Barons.
The modern conservative plays martyrdom like a fiddle, even if they win they lose. It is so interesting how they are always the loser, and as the loser, pity must be felt for them as all things out there challenge them. Conservatives only exist - feel real - in the strange world of a sinking ship, for when the ship is not sinking, they have no place to hide and whine that great losses are upon them. What a weird ideology the right has become, in losing or even winning, the world is against them.

"Conservatives often complain that they’ve been exiled from power, whether in the corridors of the Capitol or the pages of the New York Times. Yet conservative ideas have dominated American politics for thirty years. The centerpiece of that dominance is the notion that the market equals freedom and government is the threat to freedom. Despite the Great Recession and election of Barack Obama, the most progressive candidate to win the presidency since 1964, that idea retains its hold. The ideological realignment we have been waiting for, in which that idea is repudiated, has yet to come." Reclaiming the Politics of Freedom | The Nation

Read this book for it clarifies an ideology I used to take seriously. [ame=] The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin (9780199793747): Corey Robin: Books[/ame]

You are wrong that government spending per definition creates jobs. It just as often wipes them out. The equation is much more complex than you suggest.

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