Francis Denounces Idolatry of Money...

The Pope is correct...Jesus said a man cannot serve two masters.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." Matthew 6:24

And one step farther...Jesus said:

"This is my command: Love each other. If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." John 15:17-19

But keep in mind, this is a Christian tenet, not a secular tenet.
The more I hear of Pope Francis, the more I like him. He seems like a truly humble soul who understands the plight of man. Kudo's to Pope Francis!
you leftards are IDIOTS.

It is in the Scripture.

what do you expect of the Head of the largest Christian Church to do? Glorify the Mammon?

However, supposed Christian Paul Ryan does just that. Requires his staff to read Ayn Rand, but not the Bible. Now whose philosophy would you rather see in power, that of Ayn Rand, or that of Jesus of Nazerath? The GOP has chosen Rand and Mammon.
Leaders within the Christian Church, the whole of it, not just Catholics, who give voice to Christ's teachings, tend to be regarded as heretics within the Church, and as dangerous thinkers by the world as a whole. After all, justice for all is an anthema to so many political philosophies.
The pope and RCC denouncing the idolatry of money is like the mafia denouncing the idolatry of extortion.

That's unfair.

This Pope has gone a long way into promoting charitable and positive works.

While I am not at all religious, I applaud and support initiatives that are put in place to alleviate suffering, promote helping people and generally make society more fair and equitable.
The more I hear of Pope Francis, the more I like him. He seems like a truly humble soul who understands the plight of man. Kudo's to Pope Francis!

He's been following in the footsteps of Pope John Paul.

Pretty glad Benedict stepped down.
The more I hear of Pope Francis, the more I like him. He seems like a truly humble soul who understands the plight of man. Kudo's to Pope Francis!

He's been following in the footsteps of Pope John Paul.

Pretty glad Benedict stepped down.

Me too! God forgive me for saying's true!

Pope Francis seems as if he'll go beyond Pope John Paul. His humility got my attention when he turned down royal treatment that Popes usually get just for being in that position. He also seems very approachable.
The pope and RCC denouncing the idolatry of money is like the mafia denouncing the idolatry of extortion.

That's unfair.

This Pope has gone a long way into promoting charitable and positive works.

While I am not at all religious, I applaud and support initiatives that are put in place to alleviate suffering, promote helping people and generally make society more fair and equitable.

So why are you a fanatical liberal totalitarian of the obamacult?
Leaders within the Christian Church, the whole of it, not just Catholics, who give voice to Christ's teachings, tend to be regarded as heretics within the Church, and as dangerous thinkers by the world as a whole. After all, justice for all is an anthema to so many political philosophies.

Too often the contrivances of convenience and worldly lust/greed compromise the leadership of the church. This is particularly true during times of affluence and acceptance for the church.

The church does better when the leadership has to sacrifice and take serious risks to their own personal safety, because then all the frauds are purged out by the world leaving only the hottest embers pushed together waiting to start the next spiritual wild fire.

Persecution and hardship help the soul to listen for God and find Him, while wealth and affluence shut God's Voice out.

These men particularly hate it when a pure soul reminds them of what they are supposed to be and what frauds they truly are.

Methinks the church is due a very harsh purge in the near future. But in the end it will triumph yet again.
The more I hear of Pope Francis, the more I like him. He seems like a truly humble soul who understands the plight of man. Kudo's to Pope Francis!

He's been following in the footsteps of Pope John Paul.

Pretty glad Benedict stepped down.

Benny was a former nazi.
He denounced his nazi beliefs later in life, hardly surprising the liberals hated him !!
The more I hear of Pope Francis, the more I like him. He seems like a truly humble soul who understands the plight of man. Kudo's to Pope Francis!

He's been following in the footsteps of Pope John Paul.

Pretty glad Benedict stepped down.

Benny was a former nazi.
He denounced his nazi beliefs later in life, hardly surprising the liberals hated him !!

Benedict was FORCED into a Nazi youth program similar to the Boy Scouts. He had no choice and left as soon as he could.
I wonder if corporatists like Scalia, Alito and other American politicians will follow the Pope's path?

Francis Denounces Idolatry of Money...


CAGLIARI, Sardinia -- Pope Francis denounced what he called big business's idolatry of money over man as he traveled Sunday to one of Italy's poorest regions to offer hope to the unemployed and entrepreneurs struggling to hang on.

Francis left aside his prepared remarks and spoke off the cuff to thousands of people in Sardinia's capital, telling them he knew well what it was like to suffer from financial crisis. He recalled that his Italian parents, who immigrated to Argentina before he was born, spoke about it often at home.

"My young father went to Argentina full of illusions of making it in America," a somber Francis told the crowd at the start of a daylong visit to the island. "And he suffered the terrible crisis of the 1930s. They lost everything. There was no work."

He said it's easy for a priest to come and tell the poor to have courage, but that he really meant it. Amid shouts of "Lavoro! Lavoro!" (Work! Work!), Francis called for a dignified work for all.

"Excuse me these are strong words, but I speak the truth," Francis said. "Where there is no work, there is no dignity."

He's 100% correct. I don't think this pope is comfy with all the rich trappings at Vatican city. Wonder if we will see a major Yard sale soon?
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The Roman Catholic Church does not have the liquid funds you seem to think they have. Most of their wealth is in the form of historical artifacts that they will not sell, so the RCC, with all its obligations, has little discretionary spending.

Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A sovereign state with about a billion dollars in assets is piddling. Out US government blows through twice that each day, easily.

Why do christians feel the constant need to lie?

Prove where I lied, fraud.

I give links backing up my claims, and you just run your fucking pie hole, bitch.

You represented the "Patrimony of the Apostolic See" (the personal wealth of the pope) as the entire wealth of the catholic church. It was a lie, an intent to deceive.

So why did you do it?
He's been following in the footsteps of Pope John Paul.

Pretty glad Benedict stepped down.

Benny was a former nazi.
He denounced his nazi beliefs later in life, hardly surprising the liberals hated him !!

Benedict was FORCED into a Nazi youth program similar to the Boy Scouts. He had no choice and left as soon as he could.

Boy Scouts man AA weapons?
He was in the Hitler Jugend.
Still has his dagger and medals!!
Hmmm, huh?

Anyway, the "Patrimony of the Apostolic See" is the PERSONAL bank account and assets of the Pope, not the CC.

It's like saying "The CEO of GM is worth 20 million so the total net worth of GM is 20 million".

The fact that THE POPE is personally worth close to 1 billion should tell you something about how much the entire CC is worth. In 1965 is was estimated at 10-15 billion, today it would be 75-100 billion.

But the guy posts that lie above because he pretty sure NO ONE will know what the "Patrimony blah blah blah" is...well except for an ex-catholic...heheh.

Except that these are separate diocese and not part of a monolithic business, idiot. Each diocese has control of its own resources and the same goes for the monestaries and other institution within the Catholic Church. They are 'within' the Catholic church because they share the same faith, not because they are owned by Rome, you stupid fucktard.

What a joke, you can't eve admit the CC is wealthy...I wonder what else you will lie about.

BTW - Nice language, you think jebus would approve?
The pope and RCC denouncing the idolatry of money is like the mafia denouncing the idolatry of extortion.

That's unfair.

This Pope has gone a long way into promoting charitable and positive works.

While I am not at all religious, I applaud and support initiatives that are put in place to alleviate suffering, promote helping people and generally make society more fair and equitable.

I find it hypocritical when the pope denounces the "idolatry of money" when the Vatican is the poster child for the idolatry of money.

Did you know the pope himself is worth close to a billion?
The pope and RCC denouncing the idolatry of money is like the mafia denouncing the idolatry of extortion.

That's unfair.

This Pope has gone a long way into promoting charitable and positive works.

While I am not at all religious, I applaud and support initiatives that are put in place to alleviate suffering, promote helping people and generally make society more fair and equitable.

I find it hypocritical when the pope denounces the "idolatry of money" when the Vatican is the poster child for the idolatry of money.

Did you know the pope himself is worth close to a billion?

I guess you missed the part where he moved into austere quarters, has been getting close to the poor in a very physical way, and has generally advocated for understanding, humility and kindness in the church.

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