Francis Denounces Idolatry of Money...

That's unfair.

This Pope has gone a long way into promoting charitable and positive works.

While I am not at all religious, I applaud and support initiatives that are put in place to alleviate suffering, promote helping people and generally make society more fair and equitable.

I find it hypocritical when the pope denounces the "idolatry of money" when the Vatican is the poster child for the idolatry of money.

Did you know the pope himself is worth close to a billion?

I guess you missed the part where he moved into austere quarters, has been getting close to the poor in a very physical way, and has generally advocated for understanding, humility and kindness in the church.

But he kept the money, right?
That's unfair.

This Pope has gone a long way into promoting charitable and positive works.

While I am not at all religious, I applaud and support initiatives that are put in place to alleviate suffering, promote helping people and generally make society more fair and equitable.

I find it hypocritical when the pope denounces the "idolatry of money" when the Vatican is the poster child for the idolatry of money.

Did you know the pope himself is worth close to a billion?

I guess you missed the part where he moved into austere quarters, has been getting close to the poor in a very physical way, and has generally advocated for understanding, humility and kindness in the church.

Getting close to the poor in a very physical way?
All the clergy do that, usually close and physical to poor boys aged 12 or thereabouts.
Now, if Liberals could denounce their idolatry of Obama, that'd be great.

You can't denounce what does not exist. :eusa_whistle:

So Obama doesn't exist?

Sweet. So this was all but a dream.


I can't speak to whether or not you fantasize that Obama is a dream but-----but we know for sure that the Republican budget is a nightmare to Jesus' teachings and-----and with Francis' proclamation denouncing the idolatry of money, I have to ask the Christians on this M/B - will you follow the teachings of Jesus or-----or will you follow the Republican party's budget and risk eternal damnation?
Exodus 20:3

Paul Ryan’s 2013 Budget Reflects the Teachings of Ayn Rand, Not Jesus Christ | Catholics United

This is not the time for political ideology to trump human dignity,” said James Salt, executive director of Catholics United. “The recently-released budget saddens me as it’s clear Congressman Ryan continues to follow the teachings of Ayn Rand, not Jesus Christ. For Catholics, there is no debate on this issue: the needs of the poor and vulnerable take preference over the needs of the wealthy and powerful—period. It’s puzzling and frustrating Congressman Ryan and so many self-proclaimed Catholics in Congress ignore this fundamental Catholic teaching.”
Now, if Liberals could denounce their idolatry of Obama, that'd be great.

You can't denounce what does not exist. :eusa_whistle:

So Obama doesn't exist?

Sweet. So this was all but a dream.


Um, the object of the sentence is idolatry. O'bama is part of an adjectival phrase. Read your own sentences much?

This is in effect what exists in your original:

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I wonder if corporatists like Scalia, Alito and other American politicians will follow the Pope's path?

Francis Denounces Idolatry of Money...


CAGLIARI, Sardinia -- Pope Francis denounced what he called big business's idolatry of money over man as he traveled Sunday to one of Italy's poorest regions to offer hope to the unemployed and entrepreneurs struggling to hang on.

Francis left aside his prepared remarks and spoke off the cuff to thousands of people in Sardinia's capital, telling them he knew well what it was like to suffer from financial crisis. He recalled that his Italian parents, who immigrated to Argentina before he was born, spoke about it often at home.

"My young father went to Argentina full of illusions of making it in America," a somber Francis told the crowd at the start of a daylong visit to the island. "And he suffered the terrible crisis of the 1930s. They lost everything. There was no work."

He said it's easy for a priest to come and tell the poor to have courage, but that he really meant it. Amid shouts of "Lavoro! Lavoro!" (Work! Work!), Francis called for a dignified work for all.

"Excuse me these are strong words, but I speak the truth," Francis said. "Where there is no work, there is no dignity."

The more I hear about this guy, the more I like him.

Idolatry for Beginners
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Why do christians feel the constant need to lie?

Prove where I lied, fraud.

I give links backing up my claims, and you just run your fucking pie hole, bitch.

You represented the "Patrimony of the Apostolic See" (the personal wealth of the pope) as the entire wealth of the catholic church. It was a lie, an intent to deceive.

So why did you do it?

I was referring to discretionary funds available to the Roman Catholic Church. Other funds are at the disposal of other entities that I listed in part. It is meaningless to total all the funds of the church's related institutions as though the Pope at any time could blow $85 billion a month on propping up private banks like Obama is.
Benny was a former nazi.
He denounced his nazi beliefs later in life, hardly surprising the liberals hated him !!

Benedict was FORCED into a Nazi youth program similar to the Boy Scouts. He had no choice and left as soon as he could.

Boy Scouts man AA weapons?
He was in the Hitler Jugend.
Still has his dagger and medals!!

Even if it is true, which I doubt, so what? That doesn't mean that he was sympathetic or in support of the goals of Nazism one damned bit.

Early life of Pope Benedict XVI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1939, aged 12, he enrolled in a minor seminary in Traunstein.[2] This period lasted until the seminary was closed for military use in 1942, and the students were all sent home. Ratzinger returned to the Gymnasium in Traunstein.[3] During this period in the seminary, following his 14th birthday in 1941, Ratzinger was enrolled in the Hitler Youth, as membership was legally required in effect beginning 25 March 1939. Following the seminary closure he continued required attendance with the Hitler Youth to not receive financial penalties in the Gymnasium tuition fees. The financial penalty, which theoretically required documentation of attendance at Hitler Youth activities was overlooked when [4] a sympathetic mathematics professor allowed him not to attend any meetings. In Ratzinger's book Salt of the Earth, Ratzinger says the following " ... Thank goodness, there was a very understanding mathematics teacher. He himself was a Nazi but an honest man, who said to me, 'Just go once and get the document so that we have it' ... When he saw that I simply didn't want to, he said, 'I understand, I'll take care of it', and so I was able to stay free of it."[5]...

In 1943, when he was 16, Joseph Ratzinger was drafted with many of his classmates into the Luftwaffenhelfer program. They were posted first to Ludwigsfeld, north of Munich, as part of a detachment responsible for guarding a BMW aircraft engine plant. Next they were sent to Unterföhring, northwest of Munich, and briefly to Innsbruck. From Innsbruck their unit went to Gilching to protect the jet fighter base and to attack Allied bombers as they massed to begin their runs towards Munich. At Gilching, Ratzinger served in a telephone communications post. On 10 September 1944, his class was released from the Corps. Returning home, Ratzinger had already received a new draft notice for the Reichsarbeitsdienst. He was posted to the Hungarian border area of Austria which had been annexed by Germany in the Anschluss of 1938. When Hungary was occupied by the Red Army Ratzinger was put to work setting up anti-tank defences in preparation for the expected Red Army offensive.[7]

On 20 November 1944, his unit was released from service. Joseph Ratzinger again returned home. After three weeks passed, he was drafted into the German army at Munich and assigned to the infantry barracks in the center of Traunstein, the city near which his family lived. After basic infantry training, he served at various posts around the city with his unit. They were never sent to the front. In late April or early May, shortly before Germany's surrender, he deserted.

That is from Wikipedia, a secular and unsympathetic source, and it clearly shows his disdain for and repugnance with anything to do with the Nazis. Americans who have never been in that situation are being pretty fucking hypocrital to judge others who have been in those situations.

Despite Nazi past, Israelis considered Pope Benedict XVI a friend who promoted coexistence | Fox News

Israeli President Shimon Peres, a Nobel peace laureate, said he was "saddened" to hear of Benedict's departure, and praised the outgoing pope for strengthening ties between the Vatican and the Jewish state.

"Under his leadership the Vatican has been a clear voice against racism and anti-Semitism and a clear voice for peace. Relations between Israel and the Vatican are the best they have ever been and the positive dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people is a testament to his belief in dialogue and cooperation," Peres said.

Benedict, who was forced to join the Hitler Youth as a child in Nazi Germany and then served in the German army before deserting near the end of the war, made improving relations with Jews a priority of his pontificate. He visited the Auschwitz Nazi death camp in Poland and Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial. In a 2011 book, he made a sweeping exoneration of the Jewish people for the death of Jesus Christ, contradicting interpretations that had been used for centuries to justify the persecution of Jews.

Hell, even the Isrealis don't fault him for his time in uniform.

Pope Benedict XVI reflects on life under Hitler's Nazi Party - International - Catholic Online

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - The 84-year-old German-born pontiff recalled how 70 years ago, a time "already marked by war" where Nazi leader Adolf Hitler "had already subjugated" one country after another, including Poland, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.

Benedict spoke during an audience this weekend at the Vatican with members of a German Catholic group in Regensburg, which he entered as a 14-year-old boy. Benedict noted "it looked like the continent was in the hands of this power, which put the future on Christianity in doubt."
...Resistance to the Nazis was dangerous and difficult, but not impossible. A few hundred yards away from his family home, a family hid Hans Braxenthaler, a local resistance fighter who shot himself rather than be captured again. The SS regularly searched local homes for resistance members, so the Ratzingers could not have been unaware about resistance efforts.

Neither Ratzinger nor any member of his immediate family joined the NSDAP (Nazi Party). The pope's father was critical of the Nazi government, and as a result the family had to move four times before he was ten years old.

None of this is remarkable, however, because the same happened with other German Catholic families. Although many German Catholic leaders were willing to work with the Nazis, many individual Catholics and Catholic priests resisted as best they could, refusing to cooperate with a political regime they regarded as anti-Catholic at best and the embodiment of evil at worst.
Hmmm, huh?

Anyway, the "Patrimony of the Apostolic See" is the PERSONAL bank account and assets of the Pope, not the CC.

It's like saying "The CEO of GM is worth 20 million so the total net worth of GM is 20 million".

The fact that THE POPE is personally worth close to 1 billion should tell you something about how much the entire CC is worth. In 1965 is was estimated at 10-15 billion, today it would be 75-100 billion.

But the guy posts that lie above because he pretty sure NO ONE will know what the "Patrimony blah blah blah" is...well except for an ex-catholic...heheh.

Except that these are separate diocese and not part of a monolithic business, idiot. Each diocese has control of its own resources and the same goes for the monestaries and other institution within the Catholic Church. They are 'within' the Catholic church because they share the same faith, not because they are owned by Rome, you stupid fucktard.

What a joke, you can't eve admit the CC is wealthy...I wonder what else you will lie about.

BTW - Nice language, you think jebus would approve?

Don't tell me what my faith requires, you lying hypocrite.

I think Jesus would give me a pat on the back for telling you to go fuck yourself, quite frankly.
I find it hypocritical when the pope denounces the "idolatry of money" when the Vatican is the poster child for the idolatry of money.

Did you know the pope himself is worth close to a billion?

I guess you missed the part where he moved into austere quarters, has been getting close to the poor in a very physical way, and has generally advocated for understanding, humility and kindness in the church.

But he kept the money, right?

HE never has had the money, you fucking liar.

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