Francis Redefines According To What?

Among Catholics, Papal proclamations on matters of faith and how one's faith be rightly manifested are infallible. Among non-Catholics, what the Pope says about such things is of no consequence.

But what is the matter of faith upon which he bases his redefinition?
Faith...which cannot be defined.

The RCC has sharply categorized matters of faith. There is currently a cadre of Cardinals studying points of possible heresy concerning Francis.
Among Catholics, Papal proclamations on matters of faith and how one's faith be rightly manifested are infallible. Among non-Catholics, what the Pope says about such things is of no consequence.

But what is the matter of faith upon which he bases his redefinition?
Faith...which cannot be defined.

The RCC has sharply categorized matters of faith. There is currently a cadre of Cardinals studying points of possible heresy concerning Francis.
There are questions about Francis among the laity as well.

Meanwhile, non Catholics need to realize that a Homily is not the same thing as a Papal Proclamation nor is every utterance of the Pope considered infallible.
Among Catholics, Papal proclamations on matters of faith and how one's faith be rightly manifested are infallible. Among non-Catholics, what the Pope says about such things is of no consequence.

But what is the matter of faith upon which he bases his redefinition?
Faith...which cannot be defined.

The RCC has sharply categorized matters of faith. There is currently a cadre of Cardinals studying points of possible heresy concerning Francis.
Vatican II is a Christianizef version of the Talmud to divert focus away from Jesus to the congregation.
I know this from an ordained priest who lives on my block; he is very unhappy about this.
Among Catholics, Papal proclamations on matters of faith and how one's faith be rightly manifested are infallible. Among non-Catholics, what the Pope says about such things is of no consequence.

But what is the matter of faith upon which he bases his redefinition?
The answer to that is a matter of inquiry you'll have to undertake by examining Catholic catechism, dogma and orthodoxy, perhaps you might even contact the Archbishop or Cardinal responsible for your area and ask them. I'm not Catholic; thus I don't know, and I don't care.

What I know is that:
  • If Catholics do know and care, they will accept his assertion as true and/or undertake an inquiry of the sort I above described to determine to what extent they should care about what the Pope said.
  • If the Pope's remarks do not fit the requirements for infallibility, it doesn't matter anyway.
  • Non-Catholics need not concern themselves with his proclamation either way.
The RCC has sharply categorized matters of faith. There is currently a cadre of Cardinals studying points of possible heresy concerning Francis.

Okay. Have they included the remarks to which this thread pertains among the matters they are examining?

Not as yet. Francis made this announcement just today.
Well, if/when they do and subsequently determine that his remark is heretical, there may be something to say about it; however, even if there then be "something to say" about it, it will still have relevance only for Catholics. The rest of us simply need not care what any Pope says about what is or is not a sin.
The RCC has sharply categorized matters of faith. There is currently a cadre of Cardinals studying points of possible heresy concerning Francis.

Okay. Have they included the remarks to which this thread pertains among the matters they are examining?

Not as yet. Francis made this announcement just today.
Well, if/when they do and subsequently determine that his remark is heretical, there may be something to say about it; however, even if there then be "something to say" about it, it will still have relevance only for Catholics. The rest of us simply need not care what any Pope says about what is or is not a sin.

I don't care. I am not Catholic. But having been raised one I find the subject interesting.
The RCC has sharply categorized matters of faith. There is currently a cadre of Cardinals studying points of possible heresy concerning Francis.

Okay. Have they included the remarks to which this thread pertains among the matters they are examining?

Not as yet. Francis made this announcement just today.
Well, if/when they do and subsequently determine that his remark is heretical, there may be something to say about it; however, even if there then be "something to say" about it, it will still have relevance only for Catholics. The rest of us simply need not care what any Pope says about what is or is not a sin.

I don't care. I am not Catholic. But having been raised one I find the subject interesting.
I can guess what the opinions will be from the various camps, but toss it out here anyway.

Pope: It's a sin if fear makes us hostile to migrants

When immigration and migration is done legally, then of course it would be a sin to be hostile to our new citizens, which I believe is what the Pope is addressing.

For example, it is good and right to welcome Islam converts into the Catholic faith. On the other hand, I am fairly certain the Pope would take a different stance for people who come to the Catholic faith with full intention of changing the Catholic faith into another faith, or to commit heresies.

Likewise, the US and other countries should have a system that welcomes those who are committed to becoming American "converts" (if you will). Those who wish to commit "heresies" (break our laws or promote drug and human trafficking) are not welcome and efforts will be made to keep them out of the country.

I wonder how the Pope would react if the President said Catholics should welcome Muslims to enter into Catholicism and bring their Muslim faith with them, which Catholics, then of course, should warmly accept the Muslim faith as their own. To do anything less would be a sin.

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