Franco A.


Nov 14, 2012
Franco A. is the ISIS replacing super villain who keeps Germany in suspense. Bundeswehr terror cell, hit lists, nazism. More soldiers arrested. Super villain Franco A. allegedly registered himself as Syrian refugee to carry out a fake ISIS attack, the media say. His mission: distract from true threats. Meanwhile, a bunch of refugees burned a homeless to death. Their confessions are "null and void" because the police did not inform them about their rights.

Fear and terror in Germany as battle cat strikes again
The homeless guy didn´t die. He was rescued because of moral courage. The charge reads attempted murder. Like for murder, the only punishment is lifetime. The main defendant now claims he didn´t try to kill the guy but to "scare" him.
So. Franco A. is free. His arrest warrant is suspended. No exigent suspicion. What is the super villain going to to?
Maybe they think there will be no more ISIS attacks that they would then blame on Franco A.?

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