Frank Gaffney Plotting To Take Down Grover Norquist

While I am not too unhappy at the GOP eating itself alive I would much rather they wise up than go so far off the deep end that Norquist is on the outs.
So two relatively unimportant people are disagreeing with each other and we are eating each other now?
The US Gov't supports the Muslim Brotherhood. What's the Problem?

Oh yeah, he's a Conservative! I forgot, only Liberals and their Phoney President can support Muslim Brotherhood around the world!
The US Gov't supports the Muslim Brotherhood. What's the Problem?

Oh yeah, he's a Conservative! I forgot, only Liberals and their Phoney President can support Muslim Brotherhood around the world!

We are no longer supposed to support democratically elected governments in the Middle East?

Why start now? The MIC has worked very hard to make the world safe from democracy.
The US Gov't supports the Muslim Brotherhood. What's the Problem?

Oh yeah, he's a Conservative! I forgot, only Liberals and their Phoney President can support Muslim Brotherhood around the world!

We are no longer supposed to support democratically elected governments in the Middle East?
You call the CIA destabilization efforts in the Middle East Democracy?

You call the CIA backed Muslim Brotherhood taking power in Egypt Democracy?

Have you looked into the origins and early connections of the Muslim Brotherhood? You won't like what you'll find.

EDIT:Unless you're a Liberal.
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The US Gov't supports the Muslim Brotherhood. What's the Problem?

Oh yeah, he's a Conservative! I forgot, only Liberals and their Phoney President can support Muslim Brotherhood around the world!

We are no longer supposed to support democratically elected governments in the Middle East?
You call the CIA destabilization efforts in the Middle East Democracy?

You call the CIA backed Muslim Brotherhood taking power in Egypt Democracy?

Have you looked into the origins and early connections of the Muslim Brotherhood? You won't like what you'll find.

EDIT:Unless you're a Liberal.
The U.S. influencing foreign elections. Hmmm...where have I seen that before?

Seymour Hersh: Bush Authorized Covert Plan to Manipulate Iraqi Elections

We are no longer supposed to support democratically elected governments in the Middle East?
You call the CIA destabilization efforts in the Middle East Democracy?

You call the CIA backed Muslim Brotherhood taking power in Egypt Democracy?

Have you looked into the origins and early connections of the Muslim Brotherhood? You won't like what you'll find.

EDIT:Unless you're a Liberal.
The U.S. influencing foreign elections. Hmmm...where have I seen that before?

Seymour Hersh: Bush Authorized Covert Plan to Manipulate Iraqi Elections


When we look at the results of American meddling in the political process of many developing countries it no longer seems so puzzling when these countries reject "American democracy" for the oligarchic sham it all too often turns out to be. We will not allow anything that even resembles populism or, god forbid, socialism to take root so that leaves good old fashioned military dictatorship.
The Muslim Brotherhoods penetration of American Society and American Government is far reaching.
You can't effectively fight a sworn enemy if the enemy has sappers and saboteurs strategically placed at every level.
Made a trip to an airport last evening to pick up an arriving guest. While checking the flight's arrival time and progress in a restaurant parking lot I noticed the restaurant parking lot was in the direct line of approach of incoming flights, with the aircraft's extended landing gear nearly brushing the rooftops. When I moved the car to get a better view of the incoming planes as they approached, I noticed the sign that said Islamic Center on one of the nearby buildings and also noticed I was parked in the middle of Burqa Central. What idiot in government allowed that?
So two relatively unimportant people are disagreeing with each other and we are eating each other now?

Unimportant to you maybe. But then YOU didn't sign Grovers no tax increase pledge. Now did you? Who were those people that thought Grovers pledge was so important that they signed it? Why it was those Rethugs in Congress.

Bet you didn't know that did you? Or you wouldn't have made such a stupid comment.

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