Franken urged to reverse his resignation

He didnt even touch her tits dude. You can see his hand shadow on her chest.. That isnt assault
Youre as dense as the Old Lady. Reread what I said.
yes, you said you have PROOF of him assaulted a molesting a sleeping woman. The "proof" as you call is it is him holding his hand above her chest without actually touching it. If you are referring to something else, please post it. I might not be aware of it.

That in and of itself is molesting someone, TN! If he'd taken his willie out and shook it in front of her face with out touching her would that be OK in your book? He was doing something to degrade a defenseless woman. That you can't see the harm in that disturbs me.
yes, you said you have PROOF of him assaulted a molesting a sleeping woman.
That's NOT what I said, dimwit. Do I really need to parse the sentence?

And you know he has EIGHT accusers, currently don't you. All accusing him of ASSAULT.
Here you senile old coot
We have PROOF Franken assaulted a woman and molested her in her sleep.
If you are not talking about the picture where he isnt even touching her tits, please post the one you are referring to. Thanks
See, its not just you OldLady
He didnt even touch her tits dude. You can see his hand shadow on her chest.. That isnt assault
Youre as dense as the Old Lady. Reread what I said.
yes, you said you have PROOF of him assaulted a molesting a sleeping woman. The "proof" as you call is it is him holding his hand above her chest without actually touching it. If you are referring to something else, please post it. I might not be aware of it.

That in and of itself is molesting someone, TN! If he'd taken his willie out and shook it in front of her face with out touching her would that be OK in your book? He was doing something to degrade a defenseless woman. That you can't see the harm in that disturbs me.
He was making a joke. His problem is that he and others have been preaching those kinds of jokes are offensive and disgusting. So there he is.
He didnt even touch her tits dude. You can see his hand shadow on her chest.. That isnt assault
Youre as dense as the Old Lady. Reread what I said.
yes, you said you have PROOF of him assaulted a molesting a sleeping woman. The "proof" as you call is it is him holding his hand above her chest without actually touching it. If you are referring to something else, please post it. I might not be aware of it.

That in and of itself is molesting someone, TN! If he'd taken his willie out and shook it in front of her face with out touching her would that be OK in your book? He was doing something to degrade a defenseless woman. That you can't see the harm in that disturbs me.
It was very disrespectful but saying molesting or assaulting is a bit of an overreach. Especially since the very definition of assault is "physical"
Not to mention dudes do shit like that all the time. Pretty normal..
Just my opinion.
IDK about all the other accusers, though. I am just referring to this one picture.
He didnt even touch her tits dude. You can see his hand shadow on her chest.. That isnt assault
Youre as dense as the Old Lady. Reread what I said.
yes, you said you have PROOF of him assaulted a molesting a sleeping woman. The "proof" as you call is it is him holding his hand above her chest without actually touching it. If you are referring to something else, please post it. I might not be aware of it.

That in and of itself is molesting someone, TN! If he'd taken his willie out and shook it in front of her face with out touching her would that be OK in your book? He was doing something to degrade a defenseless woman. That you can't see the harm in that disturbs me.
He was making a joke. His problem is that he and others have been preaching those kinds of jokes are offensive and disgusting. So there he is.
Very true!
We have PROOF Franken assaulted a woman and molested her in her sleep.

Here's the sentence just for TNH:

We have PROOF Franken assaulted a woman (he forced his tongue down her throat. She did not agree to that -- ASSAULT) and (Notice I said AND) molested her in her sleep. (Maybe you have no problem with that, but I consider that molestation. You would too if it was your wife or daughter.
We have PROOF Franken assaulted a woman and molested her in her sleep.

Here's the sentence just for TNH:

We have PROOF Franken assaulted a woman (he forced his tongue down her throat. She did not agree to that -- ASSAULT) and (Notice I said AND) molested her in her sleep. (Maybe you have no problem with that, but I consider that molestation. You would too if it was your wife or daughter.
There is proof he shoved his tongue down her throat? CAn i get a link? As i said(which you seem to have a hard time reading and comprehending your own posts) if you are referring to something OTHER than the picture, please post it.
Franken ASSAULTED 8 women so far. And you libs want him to stay and break his promise to leave in disgrace.
He didnt even touch her tits dude. You can see his hand shadow on her chest.. That isnt assault
Youre as dense as the Old Lady. Reread what I said.
yes, you said you have PROOF of him assaulted a molesting a sleeping woman. The "proof" as you call is it is him holding his hand above her chest without actually touching it. If you are referring to something else, please post it. I might not be aware of it.

That in and of itself is molesting someone, TN! If he'd taken his willie out and shook it in front of her face with out touching her would that be OK in your book? He was doing something to degrade a defenseless woman. That you can't see the harm in that disturbs me.
It was very disrespectful but saying molesting or assaulting is a bit of an overreach. Especially since the very definition of assault is "physical"
Not to mention dudes do shit like that all the time. Pretty normal..
Just my opinion.
IDK about all the other accusers, though. I am just referring to this one picture.

I don't think you understand the legal definition of assault, TN. Before you make a bigger fool of yourself on this issue...I'd suggest stopping and doing some research.

Dudes do shit like that all the time? Do you? I don't. Assholes do shit like that all the time!
He was making a joke. His problem is that he and others have been preaching those kinds of jokes are offensive and disgusting. So there he is
It was meant to INTIMIDATE and EMBARRASS. This is SEXUAL HARASSMENT in the business world.

You want lower standards for those making LAW? Or ONLY if they're Democrats?
He didnt even touch her tits dude. You can see his hand shadow on her chest.. That isnt assault
Youre as dense as the Old Lady. Reread what I said.
yes, you said you have PROOF of him assaulted a molesting a sleeping woman. The "proof" as you call is it is him holding his hand above her chest without actually touching it. If you are referring to something else, please post it. I might not be aware of it.

That in and of itself is molesting someone, TN! If he'd taken his willie out and shook it in front of her face with out touching her would that be OK in your book? He was doing something to degrade a defenseless woman. That you can't see the harm in that disturbs me.
It was very disrespectful but saying molesting or assaulting is a bit of an overreach. Especially since the very definition of assault is "physical"
Not to mention dudes do shit like that all the time. Pretty normal..
Just my opinion.
IDK about all the other accusers, though. I am just referring to this one picture.

I don't think you understand the legal definition of assault, TN. Before you make a bigger fool of yourself on this issue...I'd suggest stopping and doing some research.

Dudes do shit like that all the time? Do you? I don't. Assholes do shit like that all the time!
Guys act like they touch women all the time. Of course, i hang out with country boys. Not prudes. Hell, even the chicks do it..
From the DOJ website
Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.
That picture meets none of those requirements as he didnt actually touch her.
A fine ass girl walks by me in walmart and i turn around and make the motion of smacking her ass.
That is sexual assault? Or molestation?
Youre as dense as the Old Lady. Reread what I said.
yes, you said you have PROOF of him assaulted a molesting a sleeping woman. The "proof" as you call is it is him holding his hand above her chest without actually touching it. If you are referring to something else, please post it. I might not be aware of it.

That in and of itself is molesting someone, TN! If he'd taken his willie out and shook it in front of her face with out touching her would that be OK in your book? He was doing something to degrade a defenseless woman. That you can't see the harm in that disturbs me.
It was very disrespectful but saying molesting or assaulting is a bit of an overreach. Especially since the very definition of assault is "physical"
Not to mention dudes do shit like that all the time. Pretty normal..
Just my opinion.
IDK about all the other accusers, though. I am just referring to this one picture.

I don't think you understand the legal definition of assault, TN. Before you make a bigger fool of yourself on this issue...I'd suggest stopping and doing some research.

Dudes do shit like that all the time? Do you? I don't. Assholes do shit like that all the time!
Guys act like they touch women all the time. Of course, i hang out with country boys. Not prudes. Hell, even the chicks do it..
From the DOJ website
Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.
That picture meets none of those requirements as he didnt actually touch her.

That's sexual assault. It's a different thing from assault, TN and if you looked it up you know that! You don't need to touch someone to commit assault!
Harley seems to have an interest in protecting SEXUAL PREDATORS as long as they're Democrat.
Listen you stupid sumbitch, if you have PROOF, please post it. If not, just be quiet, you whiny twat.
Last edited:
I don't know if anyone's ever told you this, Harley but you're a bit of a pig! Guys like you are the cause of countless bar fights because they think it's OK to disrespect women. Grow up!
He was making a joke. His problem is that he and others have been preaching those kinds of jokes are offensive and disgusting. So there he is
It was meant to INTIMIDATE and EMBARRASS. This is SEXUAL HARASSMENT in the business world.

You want lower standards for those making LAW? Or ONLY if they're Democrats?
I guess I would go for lower standards. Some of these claims from 40 years ago seem mighty nebulous and harmful or fatal if swallowed.

I can't stand Franken's politics and think he cheated to win the election. Still, I think he was making a childish joke in poor taste. I wasn't outraged over it, though.
yes, you said you have PROOF of him assaulted a molesting a sleeping woman. The "proof" as you call is it is him holding his hand above her chest without actually touching it. If you are referring to something else, please post it. I might not be aware of it.

That in and of itself is molesting someone, TN! If he'd taken his willie out and shook it in front of her face with out touching her would that be OK in your book? He was doing something to degrade a defenseless woman. That you can't see the harm in that disturbs me.
It was very disrespectful but saying molesting or assaulting is a bit of an overreach. Especially since the very definition of assault is "physical"
Not to mention dudes do shit like that all the time. Pretty normal..
Just my opinion.
IDK about all the other accusers, though. I am just referring to this one picture.

I don't think you understand the legal definition of assault, TN. Before you make a bigger fool of yourself on this issue...I'd suggest stopping and doing some research.

Dudes do shit like that all the time? Do you? I don't. Assholes do shit like that all the time!
Guys act like they touch women all the time. Of course, i hang out with country boys. Not prudes. Hell, even the chicks do it..
From the DOJ website
Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.
That picture meets none of those requirements as he didnt actually touch her.

That's sexual assault. It's a different thing from assault, TN and if you looked it up you know that! You don't need to touch someone to commit assault!
Assault is defined as an unlawful physical attack or threat of attack. Assaults may be classified as aggravated or simple. Rape, attempted rape, and sexual assaults are excluded from this category, as well as robbery and attempted robbery. The severity of assaults ranges from minor threats to incidents which are nearly fatal. Assault is categorized as --

  • Aggravated assault - Attack or attempted attack with a weapon, regardless of whether or not an injury occurred and attack without a weapon then serious injury results
    • With injury - An attack without a weapon when serious injury results or an attack with a weapon involving any injury. Serious injury includes broken bones, lost teeth, internal injuries, loss of consciousness, and any unspecified injury requiring two or more days of hospitalization
    • Threatened with a weapon - Threat or attempted attack by an offender armed with a gun, knife, or other object used as a weapon, not resulting in victim injury
  • Simple assault - Attack without a weapon resulting either in no injury, minor injury (for example, bruises, black eyes, cuts, scratches or swelling) or in undetermined injury requiring less than 2 days of hospitalization. Also includes attempted assault without a weapon
    • With minor injury - An attack without a weapon resulting in such injuries as bruises, black eyes, cuts or in undetermined injury requiring less than 2 days of hospitalization
    • Without injury - An attempted assault without a weapon not resulting in injury


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