Franklin And His BFF, Joe Stalin


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. Here in NYC we have a waaaaaay far Left Mayor, who, aside from his politics, offers a social worldview in which associations with the disreputable are not a problem. He has a top adviser who lives with a murder, who refers to police in the most derogatory problem?

a. "A top adviser to Mayor Bill deBlasio in a live-in relationship with a convicted killer and drug trafficker who considers police officers “pigs” and continues to get into serious scrapes with the law, public records show.....Rachel Noerdlinger chief of staff to first lady Chirlane McCray ,,, While McCray, accompanied by Noerdlinger, enjoys attending high-level NYPD CompStat meetings, her top aide’s boyfriend has plenty of serious crime stats of his own — a rap sheet that includes homicide, conspiring to run a cocaine operation, and nearly running a cop off the road in Edgewater, NJ, last year....

“Rachel’s not going anywhere,” de Blasio spokeswoman Rebecca Katz said when asked if Noerdlinger would be asked to step down...."
Top adviser to de Blasio dates a cop-bashing killer New York Post

What's the point you say?
The point is that there must be more reputable individuals that could be representatives of the people, and recipients of taxpayers dollars.

b.After all... "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion."

2. So...if there is any validity in expecting elected officials to uphold values and behaviors of society, and I believe that there is.....where is the richly deserved contumely for Franklin Roosevelt, who made the sociopathic homicidal maniac, Joseph Stalin, his key political and military adviser???

3 There is no reasonable answer to the question as to why Franklin Roosevelt hitched the assets and reputation of the United States to a regime birthed and bathed in blood.
.Let's see if we can find an explanation, or at least an excuse....
"Well, we needed them to fight the Nazis."

a. First of all, there is no proof either that we needed Stalin to fight the Nazis...or that Stalin was going to lose to the Nazis.

b. And, Roosevelt made his infatuation known well before the war, and well before the Nazis were a factor. Contrary to the views of four previous Presidents and their six Secretaries of State, he offered recognition to the Soviet Union on November 16, 1933.

4. Let's remember that Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin were allies, both having learned from the study of Karl Marx, the first modern political philosopher to recommend genocide.

a. A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.

b. "Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

b. "Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

If you don't believe that Roosevelt liked Stalin's politics or policies.....what? He liked his mustache???
How many of Hitler's divisions did Stalin fight?
How many did Ike fight?
See why FDR needed Joe?
FDR was one of the most despicable people ever and I'm of the firm belief that there was something seriously wrong with him, some undiagnosed mental illness. He coddled Stalin AFTER Stalin murdered million in the Ukraine including 3,000,000 children..

Uncle Joe?
How many of Hitler's divisions did Stalin fight?
How many did Ike fight?
See why FDR needed Joe?

Instead of listening to you, how about we go to an actual expert:

1. "Hanson Baldwin, military analyst for The New York Times since 1937, winner of thePulitzer Prizefor his dispatches from Guadalcanal and the western Pacific in 1943, a dependably pro-military reporter. He had infuriated the president with an article on the Soviets’ efforts to protect their intercontinental ballistic missile launch sites with concrete bunkers. His reporting accurately stated the conclusions of the C.I.A.’s most recent national intelligence estimate."

2. But if one wishes to understand the current geopolitical scene, his 1949 book, "Great Mistakes of the War," is de rigueur! Hanson, more than our elected leaders, understood the psychology of US-USSR relations. He wrote of the "four great- and false- premises" of the war.

a. That the Soviet Union had abandoned its policy of world revolution.

b. That "Uncle Joe" Stalin was a 'good fellow,' someone we could 'get along with.'

c. That the USSR might make a separate peace with Germany.

d. That the Soviet Union's entry into the war against Japan was essential to victory or necessary to save thousands of American lives.

3. "A study of Marxian literature and of the speeches and writings of its high apostles, Lenin and Stalin, coupled with the expert knowledge of numerous American specialists, should have convinced an unbiased mind that international Communism had not altered its ultimate aim; the wolf had merely donned a sheep's skin."
Baldwin, "Great Mistakes of the War," p.9

a. Baldwin says we became "victims of our own propaganda," but, more correctly, we were victims of Soviet propaganda disseminated by Soviet agents within our Soviet-infiltrated government.

4. Hanson Baldwin, military critic of the New York Times, declares in his book, "Great Mistakes of the War:" 'There is no doubt whatsoever that it would have been to the interest of Britain, the United States, and the world to have allowed and indeed to have encouraged-the world's two great dictatorships to fight each other to a frazzle.'
Baldwin writes that the United States put itself "in the role-at times a disgraceful role-of fearful suppliant and propitiating ally, anxious at nearly any cost to keep Russia fighting. In retrospect, how stupid!"

Do you begin to realize that you are a dunce?
5. Wait....did I say that Franklin Roosevelt made the sociopathic homicidal maniac, Joseph Stalin, his key political and military adviser???

Indeed I did.

Here....let me support that claim:

a. Stalin was telling Roosevelt how and where to launch some 'Second Front,' as North Africa wasn't good enough for him. And Roosevelt wrote to him, February 22,1943:
" I regret equally with you that the Allied effort in North Africa did not proceed in accordance with the schedule...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, p. 85.

So....somehow, success in North Africa didn't count as fighting the Nazis???

BTW....June 21, 1942... Allies surrender at Tobruk, Libya Rommel took more than 30,000 prisoners, 2,000 vehicles, 2,000 tons of fuel, and 5,000 tons of rations.

And this:
The Battle of Stalingrad(23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943)...Stalin won.

But here was Roosevelt wringing his hands, apologizing to his BFF for support of the Allied forces in North Africa while Stalin was doing quite well, thank you.
1. Here in NYC we have a waaaaaay far Left Mayor, who, aside from his politics, offers a social worldview in which associations with the disreputable are not a problem. He has a top adviser who lives with a murder, who refers to police in the most derogatory problem?

a. "A top adviser to Mayor Bill deBlasio in a live-in relationship with a convicted killer and drug trafficker who considers police officers “pigs” and continues to get into serious scrapes with the law, public records show.....Rachel Noerdlinger chief of staff to first lady Chirlane McCray ,,, While McCray, accompanied by Noerdlinger, enjoys attending high-level NYPD CompStat meetings, her top aide’s boyfriend has plenty of serious crime stats of his own — a rap sheet that includes homicide, conspiring to run a cocaine operation, and nearly running a cop off the road in Edgewater, NJ, last year....

“Rachel’s not going anywhere,” de Blasio spokeswoman Rebecca Katz said when asked if Noerdlinger would be asked to step down...."
Top adviser to de Blasio dates a cop-bashing killer New York Post

What's the point you say?
The point is that there must be more reputable individuals that could be representatives of the people, and recipients of taxpayers dollars.

b.After all... "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion."

2. So...if there is any validity in expecting elected officials to uphold values and behaviors of society, and I believe that there is.....where is the richly deserved contumely for Franklin Roosevelt, who made the sociopathic homicidal maniac, Joseph Stalin, his key political and military adviser???

3 There is no reasonable answer to the question as to why Franklin Roosevelt hitched the assets and reputation of the United States to a regime birthed and bathed in blood.
.Let's see if we can find an explanation, or at least an excuse....
"Well, we needed them to fight the Nazis."

a. First of all, there is no proof either that we needed Stalin to fight the Nazis...or that Stalin was going to lose to the Nazis.

b. And, Roosevelt made his infatuation known well before the war, and well before the Nazis were a factor. Contrary to the views of four previous Presidents and their six Secretaries of State, he offered recognition to the Soviet Union on November 16, 1933.

4. Let's remember that Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin were allies, both having learned from the study of Karl Marx, the first modern political philosopher to recommend genocide.

a. A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.

b. "Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

b. "Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

If you don't believe that Roosevelt liked Stalin's politics or policies.....what? He liked his mustache???

PC, your post disagrees with your other posts that say FDR gave too much of Europe to the Russians. I don't understand. Either FDR should have stayed out and gave Stalin all of Europe if Stalin defeated Hitler or he did good by getting in.

In reality I believe the "fog of war" effect made it VERY important to get involved in WWII. In the summer of 41 who knew how things would go and being conservative I believe in playing it safe. A world dominated by Hitler or Stalin would be a scary place. 70 years later we can look back and second guess easy enough.

And that quote about German Socialists is weird. First they swung around to the other end of the shoe after Hitler got in charge of the party according to most of what I read and second it seemed they wanted to impose their view on as much of the world as possible.... But I am relieved neither right nor left here wants to take ownership of Adolph lol.
1. Here in NYC we have a waaaaaay far Left Mayor, who, aside from his politics, offers a social worldview in which associations with the disreputable are not a problem. He has a top adviser who lives with a murder, who refers to police in the most derogatory problem?

a. "A top adviser to Mayor Bill deBlasio in a live-in relationship with a convicted killer and drug trafficker who considers police officers “pigs” and continues to get into serious scrapes with the law, public records show.....Rachel Noerdlinger chief of staff to first lady Chirlane McCray ,,, While McCray, accompanied by Noerdlinger, enjoys attending high-level NYPD CompStat meetings, her top aide’s boyfriend has plenty of serious crime stats of his own — a rap sheet that includes homicide, conspiring to run a cocaine operation, and nearly running a cop off the road in Edgewater, NJ, last year....

“Rachel’s not going anywhere,” de Blasio spokeswoman Rebecca Katz said when asked if Noerdlinger would be asked to step down...."
Top adviser to de Blasio dates a cop-bashing killer New York Post

What's the point you say?
The point is that there must be more reputable individuals that could be representatives of the people, and recipients of taxpayers dollars.

b.After all... "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion."

2. So...if there is any validity in expecting elected officials to uphold values and behaviors of society, and I believe that there is.....where is the richly deserved contumely for Franklin Roosevelt, who made the sociopathic homicidal maniac, Joseph Stalin, his key political and military adviser???

3 There is no reasonable answer to the question as to why Franklin Roosevelt hitched the assets and reputation of the United States to a regime birthed and bathed in blood.
.Let's see if we can find an explanation, or at least an excuse....
"Well, we needed them to fight the Nazis."

a. First of all, there is no proof either that we needed Stalin to fight the Nazis...or that Stalin was going to lose to the Nazis.

b. And, Roosevelt made his infatuation known well before the war, and well before the Nazis were a factor. Contrary to the views of four previous Presidents and their six Secretaries of State, he offered recognition to the Soviet Union on November 16, 1933.

4. Let's remember that Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin were allies, both having learned from the study of Karl Marx, the first modern political philosopher to recommend genocide.

a. A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." November 27, 1925.

b. "Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

b. "Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

If you don't believe that Roosevelt liked Stalin's politics or policies.....what? He liked his mustache???

PC, your post disagrees with your other posts that say FDR gave too much of Europe to the Russians. I don't understand. Either FDR should have stayed out and gave Stalin all of Europe if Stalin defeated Hitler or he did good by getting in.

In reality I believe the "fog of war" effect made it VERY important to get involved in WWII. In the summer of 41 who knew how things would go and being conservative I believe in playing it safe. A world dominated by Hitler or Stalin would be a scary place. 70 years later we can look back and second guess easy enough.

And that quote about German Socialists is weird. First they swung around to the other end of the shoe after Hitler got in charge of the party according to most of what I read and second it seemed they wanted to impose their view on as much of the world as possible.... But I am relieved neither right nor left here wants to take ownership of Adolph lol.

1. "PC, your post disagrees with your other posts that say FDR gave too much of Europe to the Russians."

Don't be stupid. His opening Eastern Europe to Stalin is exactly the point of this OP

More and more your posts seem to be the pretense 'duhhhh...I don't understand' variety.

2. "In reality I believe the "fog of war" effect made it VERY important to get involved in WWII."
The OP says nothing to the contrary, moron.

3. "In the summer of 41 who knew how things would go..."

Have you ever heard of a library??

Here's a start for your research:

a. There was FDR close friend, on equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr.. Also an extreme Liberal, a radical, he had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism. "Franklin D. Rooseveltappointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to theSoviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936.",_Jr.

b. Ambassador Bullitt soon recognized the truth. Every 'pledge,' 'promise,' and 'assurance," that the Soviets had tricked Roosevelt into believing- if 'believing' is the accurate explanation- on war debt, on the treatment of American nationals and property in the USSR, on religious freedom, on subversion in the United States, and, of course, on fomenting revolution in the United States, was worthless. As dense a Liberal as Bullitt was, he saw Stalin convene the world's Communist parties, including the American Communist Party (CPUSA), in the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International, 1935. CPUSA leaders Earl Browder and William Foster took leading roles. So much for the pledges.
West, "American Betrayal," p. 197.

c. Future ambassador William H. Standley gave similar advice to FDR.....which he also ignored.

4.In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace." William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

FDR purged every anti-communist he could, and followed Litvinov's list of who to fire.
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears
6. Let's take a peek into Roosevelt's worldview....

a. " ON BEHALF of the people of the United States, I want to express to the Red Army, on its twenty-fifth anniversary, our profound admiration for its magnificent achievements, unsurpassed in all of history." February 22, 1943
Butler, Op. Cit.

b. Roosevelt had every intention...right from the hand Europe over to his BFF.... Evidence can be seen in a document which Hopkins took with him to the Quebec conference in August, 1943, entitled "Russia's Position," quoted as follows in Robert Sherwood's book, "Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History,":
"Russia's post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one. With Germany crushed, there is no power in Europe to oppose her tremendous military forces."
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

Do you not realize that it was Adolph Hitler who decided to attack his long-time ally and facilitator, Joseph Stalin, on 22 June 1941, that decided the war???
Hitler "tore the guts out of the Nazi" designs.

And that was a half year before Tojo attacked the US, forcing Hitler to declare war....

Evidence exists that Stalin had his agents in Japan instigate that attack.

Too bad you know so little....and that is the reason you believe as you do.
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

"– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American."

But, you wasn't Hitler who killed most of them!
It was Franklin Roosevelt's BFF....Joseph Stalin.

World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat. More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal"by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

You are exactly what the Left wants, ignorance, and a reliable Democrat voter.
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

1.""It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites."
This was the lie that FDR told the American people.

a. "Russia does not fight for the same ideals as the United States."
Loy Henderson, Soviet and Eastern European affairs expert and Foreign Service officer, as quoted by Martin Weil in "A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 106.

b. To trick the American public into support for the Russian tyrant....Roosevelt swore to the American public the exact opposite: he declared that Stalin fought for the same ideals!FDR was lying!

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massivepro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinatedfor the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

2. How about a little exercise to show that you're not a moron?
"...the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites."

I dare you to show how so.
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

"– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American."

But, you wasn't Hitler who killed most of them!
It was Franklin Roosevelt's BFF....Joseph Stalin.

World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat. More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal"by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

You are exactly what the Left wants, ignorance, and a reliable Democrat voter.
While you swallow every load Monarchists offer and then ask for second? How many of those thousands of recruits were right wing Nazis living in Ukraine?

"A committed monarchist, Tolstoy is Chancellor of the International Monarchist League. He was also Chairman of the London-based Russian Monarchist League, and chaired their annual dinner on 6 March 1986, when the Guest-of-Honour was the MPJohn Biggs-Davison. He was also in the chair for their Summer Dinner on 4 June 1987, at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in Pall Mall. Tolstoy was a founding committee member (January 1989) of the now established War and Peace Ball, held annually in London, which raises funds for White Russian charities."

Nikolai Tolstoy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

"– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American."

But, you wasn't Hitler who killed most of them!
It was Franklin Roosevelt's BFF....Joseph Stalin.

World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat. More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal"by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

You are exactly what the Left wants, ignorance, and a reliable Democrat voter.
While you swallow every load Monarchists offer and then ask for second? How many of those thousands of recruits were right wing Nazis living in Ukraine?

"A committed monarchist, Tolstoy is Chancellor of the International Monarchist League. He was also Chairman of the London-based Russian Monarchist League, and chaired their annual dinner on 6 March 1986, when the Guest-of-Honour was the MPJohn Biggs-Davison. He was also in the chair for their Summer Dinner on 4 June 1987, at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in Pall Mall. Tolstoy was a founding committee member (January 1989) of the now established War and Peace Ball, held annually in London, which raises funds for White Russian charities."

Nikolai Tolstoy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million men, women and children.

Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

"Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin - New York Times

Still waiting for you to show how Nazis and Soviets were 'literally opposite.'

Taking the time to change feet in your mouth?
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

1.""It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites."
This was the lie that FDR told the American people.

a. "Russia does not fight for the same ideals as the United States."
Loy Henderson, Soviet and Eastern European affairs expert and Foreign Service officer, as quoted by Martin Weil in "A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 106.

b. To trick the American public into support for the Russian tyrant....Roosevelt swore to the American public the exact opposite: he declared that Stalin fought for the same ideals!FDR was lying!

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massivepro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinatedfor the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

2. How about a little exercise to show that you're not a moron?
"...the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites."

I dare you to show how so.
Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists, didn't he?
Bankers in New York and London, not Moscow, loaned Hitler the money he required to rearm as a buffer against Stalin, not FDR. You really need to expand your reading list if you expect to comment intelligently on 20th Century History.
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

"– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American."

But, you wasn't Hitler who killed most of them!
It was Franklin Roosevelt's BFF....Joseph Stalin.

World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat. More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal"by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

You are exactly what the Left wants, ignorance, and a reliable Democrat voter.
While you swallow every load Monarchists offer and then ask for second? How many of those thousands of recruits were right wing Nazis living in Ukraine?

"A committed monarchist, Tolstoy is Chancellor of the International Monarchist League. He was also Chairman of the London-based Russian Monarchist League, and chaired their annual dinner on 6 March 1986, when the Guest-of-Honour was the MPJohn Biggs-Davison. He was also in the chair for their Summer Dinner on 4 June 1987, at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in Pall Mall. Tolstoy was a founding committee member (January 1989) of the now established War and Peace Ball, held annually in London, which raises funds for White Russian charities."

Nikolai Tolstoy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million men, women and children.

Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

"Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin - New York Times

Still waiting for you to show how Nazis and Soviets were 'literally opposite.'

Taking the time to change feet in your mouth?
Your link, Loser:
"Q&A Related to "Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People?"
Why did joesph Stalin kill so many people?
No one knows for sure, but he probably wanted to maintain stability and rid the country of possible threats, so that he would stay in power.
Why did joesph Stalin ki
Why did Stalin kill so many people?
"It is not true. The myth of mass killings in the Soviet Union (except for two years in the late 1930s) is all a pack of lies from Anti-Communist agitators. In fact only some 700,000
How many people did Stalin kill?
"There is an important distinction between how many people were killed directly, such as Stalin ordering their deaths - and how many people died as a direct consequence of his foolish
How X Questions - Quora"

Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -
Hitler-Stalin comparisons aside...

...DeBlasio's a little more complicated than that.

Drug run-ins and crime are often results from social alienation. If you exist in a community where you get treated like crap, you're going to do what you will to make a living and find fulfillment in your life.

Now obviously, there are lots of thugs and lazy bums who just don't care about principles, so they make bad lifestyle choices...

...but there are also victims who fall through the cracks.

The problem is these victims don't have a choice but to sympathize with thugs and lazy bums because if they don't, then they have nobody to team up with and counterbalance corrupt authorities and peers who push them to fall through the cracks.
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

"– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American."

But, you wasn't Hitler who killed most of them!
It was Franklin Roosevelt's BFF....Joseph Stalin.

World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat. More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal"by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

You are exactly what the Left wants, ignorance, and a reliable Democrat voter.
While you swallow every load Monarchists offer and then ask for second? How many of those thousands of recruits were right wing Nazis living in Ukraine?

"A committed monarchist, Tolstoy is Chancellor of the International Monarchist League. He was also Chairman of the London-based Russian Monarchist League, and chaired their annual dinner on 6 March 1986, when the Guest-of-Honour was the MPJohn Biggs-Davison. He was also in the chair for their Summer Dinner on 4 June 1987, at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in Pall Mall. Tolstoy was a founding committee member (January 1989) of the now established War and Peace Ball, held annually in London, which raises funds for White Russian charities."

Nikolai Tolstoy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million men, women and children.

Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

"Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin - New York Times

Still waiting for you to show how Nazis and Soviets were 'literally opposite.'

Taking the time to change feet in your mouth?
Your link, Loser:
"Q&A Related to "Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People?"
Why did joesph Stalin kill so many people?
No one knows for sure, but he probably wanted to maintain stability and rid the country of possible threats, so that he would stay in power.
Why did joesph Stalin ki
Why did Stalin kill so many people?
"It is not true. The myth of mass killings in the Soviet Union (except for two years in the late 1930s) is all a pack of lies from Anti-Communist agitators. In fact only some 700,000
How many people did Stalin kill?
"There is an important distinction between how many people were killed directly, such as Stalin ordering their deaths - and how many people died as a direct consequence of his foolish
How X Questions - Quora"

Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Nice spin...but the fact remains that it was Stalin, not Hitler who did the killing.

That is contrary to your earlier post, which implied that Stalin's losses were due to the Nazis.

Point for "l'oeuf"
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

1.""It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites."
This was the lie that FDR told the American people.

a. "Russia does not fight for the same ideals as the United States."
Loy Henderson, Soviet and Eastern European affairs expert and Foreign Service officer, as quoted by Martin Weil in "A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 106.

b. To trick the American public into support for the Russian tyrant....Roosevelt swore to the American public the exact opposite: he declared that Stalin fought for the same ideals!FDR was lying!

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massivepro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinatedfor the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

2. How about a little exercise to show that you're not a moron?
"...the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites."

I dare you to show how so.
Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists, didn't he?
Bankers in New York and London, not Moscow, loaned Hitler the money he required to rearm as a buffer against Stalin, not FDR. You really need to expand your reading list if you expect to comment intelligently on 20th Century History.

You weak-minded dolt.

Let's try an educated response instead.

Nazis or Communists:

1. Followed from Karl Marx's doctrines

2. Totalitarian big government

3. Command and Control economy

4. Practiced genocide.

5. Based on socialism

6. Imperialist

7. Anti-Semitic

8. Atheistic

Which one for each?????


The correct answer: for each of the above, BOTH

And you said they were "literally opposites"????

You ass. difference: only one had FDR as BFF/
7. Wait....did I say that Franklin Roosevelt made the sociopathic homicidal maniac, Joseph Stalin, his key political and military adviser???


How else to explain Roosevelt's allowing Stalin to dictate who should work in his administration??

Get this:
a. "Not only did FDR overlook the external evidence; FDR ignored the counsel of key experts at the State Department, which, at the time, was an educated and experienced cadre of anti-Communists....who would be neutralized and purged....
n 1937...the Russian research library at the State Department was broken up, the files on Communists, foreign and domestic, ordered destroyed.
The second, in 1943. Both purges took place under Soviet pressure and even direction as when in March 1943 Foreign Minister Litvinov, incredibly, handed over a list of American diplomats the Soviets wanted fired....a "guilt offering to Stalin from Roosevelt"...
West, "American Betrayal," p.193.

b. . Roosevelt purged anti-communist Foreign Service officers when given a "list of officials who were supposedly undermining American relations with Russia" by Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov. The purges began in 1937, and, ironic, Litvinov was dragged out of his position and replaced with Molotov, by Stalin, because Litvinov was Jewish, and Stalin had treaties with Hitler. The purges were at the behest of Harry Hopkins.
Weil, " A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 91-92

Oh...did I mention that Harry Hopkins was both Roosevelt's live-in adviser, and Stalin's spy?


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