Franklin Graham: Christians Must Take Over Every Mayorship In The Country To Stop 'Evil' LGBT Rights

I simply cannot fathom why Liberals are so filled with hate. Such bigots. One might as well listen to an ISIS recruiting message. Liberals must realty be unhappy campers indeed.
When you spout hate call it freedom of religion. When we give it back to call it persecution.

Not my OP asshole. It's another one of you Liberals who wants to stifle another person's right to be heard.
If you are for less govt and freedom then gay rights and marriage cannot be an issue for you. As a lifelong practicing christian I am calling out my fellow hypocrite christians. Can't have it both ways. And what is the threat gays bring?
If you are for less govt and freedom then gay rights and marriage cannot be an issue for you. As a lifelong practicing christian I am calling out my fellow hypocrite christians. Can't have it both ways. And what is the threat gays bring?
Whatever threat they bring should remain with them. I have no desire to commit a sin by being gay or accepting homosexuality as an alternative form of normal. Other than that they,can go and live as lepers.
He doesn't realize his ilk is circling the drain and have been marginalized and look at as a comedy and parody of themselves, not enough of these bible thumping rubes left outside of jesusland

Franklin Graham is visiting every state in the country this year as part of his “Decision America” tour, in which he is offering technically nonpartisan encouragement to his followers to “live out their faith” in the upcoming election -

Franklin Graham: Christians Must Take Over Every Mayorship In The Country To Stop 'Evil' LGBT Rights
Good lord Guano your mind is diseased. Franklin Graham is absolutely right to encourage Christians to vote in Christian mayors across this country. It is a sick mind for that mayor to encourage men to use women's bathrooms and vice versa for women. Are you in favor of perverts showering with women just because he thinks or claims to be a woman? If there were Godly men and women in leadership position in our cities, none of this LBGT shit would be entertained let alone made law. You sickos have run roughshod for all too long. This election season, we are taking back our Country from you diseased pigs.
From the party that says that they want to have super small government that leaves people alone. Hypocrites and assholes all.

No, they just want the entire country ran by the church and corporate offices.
That's a bogus argument. I'd spend a trillion dollars if that's what it would take to rid this country of liberal influence and permanently reverse course. Money well spent and we'd make you pay for it.
A small government that leaves people alone and believes in freedom should not be suing bakers, florists and wedding venues. Everyone would have the freedom to live their lives as they see fit.
I simply cannot fathom why Liberals are so filled with hate. Such bigots. One might as well listen to an ISIS recruiting message. Liberals must realty be unhappy campers indeed.

pointing out hate and bigotry is not being full of hate.

It doesn't work that way jillian. The hate comes from your side. Being against perverts in the wrong bathrooms is not hate. It's common sense.
A small government that leaves people alone and believes in freedom should not be suing bakers, florists and wedding venues. Everyone would have the freedom to live their lives as they see fit.
Why yes and Boss Tweed was wrongfully prosecuted..
A small government that leaves people alone and believes in freedom should not be suing bakers, florists and wedding venues. Everyone would have the freedom to live their lives as they see fit.
That all ended with the Whiskey Rebellion..
He doesn't realize his ilk is circling the drain and have been marginalized and look at as a comedy and parody of themselves, not enough of these bible thumping rubes left outside of jesusland

Franklin Graham is visiting every state in the country this year as part of his “Decision America” tour, in which he is offering technically nonpartisan encouragement to his followers to “live out their faith” in the upcoming election -

Franklin Graham: Christians Must Take Over Every Mayorship In The Country To Stop 'Evil' LGBT Rights
Lol, 75% of Americans still identify as Christian, and most of the membership loss is in the main stream Protestant denominations who have gone squishy like the Episcopalians and Congregationalists. The 'No religion' demographic has long been noted as consisting primarily of people 'between faiths' and not having renounced religion entirely.

Percentage of Christians in U.S. Drifting Down, but Still High

The only thing circling the drain is secular atheism which was largely a construct of the 19th century antithesis to the dominant cultural paradigm of Christian monarchism and all its excesses. Now a new synthesis is being formed that takes the old thesis of Christian government and makes it more multicultural friendly and secularizes the function of the government more, but not everywhere. The Queen of England, for example, is still the head of the Anglican Church as well.

The real pathetic losers where are the atheists, who have the most ridiculous set of assertions imaginable, that the entire universe sprang into existence in milliseconds from nothing and it had absolutely nothing to do with an eternal Creator. This is a big part of the reason why there are more people that believe the Lunar landings were faked than believe there is no God.
I simply cannot fathom why Liberals are so filled with hate. Such bigots. One might as well listen to an ISIS recruiting message. Liberals must realty be unhappy campers indeed.
When you spout hate call it freedom of religion. When we give it back to call it persecution.

I have said no such thing. It is not me you are persecuting. It is Franklin Graham. You are attempting to silence his right to free speech.
If you are for less govt and freedom then gay rights and marriage cannot be an issue for you. As a lifelong practicing christian I am calling out my fellow hypocrite christians. Can't have it both ways. And what is the threat gays bring?

Not the issue though is it? The issue is whether or no someone can freely express his/her views.
If you are for less govt and freedom then gay rights and marriage cannot be an issue for you. As a lifelong practicing christian I am calling out my fellow hypocrite christians. Can't have it both ways. And what is the threat gays bring?

Not the issue though is it? The issue is whether or no someone can freely express his/her views.
Where does his right to free speech cut across another persons right to enjoy equality under the law ?
He has as much right to voice his opinion as does anyone else. Beyoncé comes to mind.
Right...he does..but not tax-exempt.

How is Franklin Graham tax exempt?

He isn't.
His Church ministries are tax exempt but he pays taxes on his salary.

Of course he does. That's one reason Al Sharpton owes the IRS so much in back taxes. Most ministers file a 1040 and itemize deductions. Apparently Al tried to claim some deduction the IRS kicked back on.
If you are for less govt and freedom then gay rights and marriage cannot be an issue for you. As a lifelong practicing christian I am calling out my fellow hypocrite christians. Can't have it both ways. And what is the threat gays bring?

Not the issue though is it? The issue is whether or no someone can freely express his/her views.
Where does his right to free speech cut across another persons right to enjoy equality under the law ?

He's not denying anyone any rights. He's simply trying to get some people elected to office that embraces his views. America is doing that very thing right now. We have Super Pacs, special interest groups, billionaires, corporations, Planned Parenthood, and all kinds of people and eentities trying to get their man or woman elected.

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