Franklin Graham: Christians Must Take Over Every Mayorship In The Country To Stop 'Evil' LGBT Rights

I simply cannot fathom why Liberals are so filled with hate. Such bigots. One might as well listen to an ISIS recruiting message. Liberals must realty be unhappy campers indeed.

pointing out hate and bigotry is not being full of hate.

It doesn't work that way jillian. The hate comes from your side. Being against perverts in the wrong bathrooms is not hate. It's common sense.

Your bigotry is duly noted.
Maybe I misread this then. It sounds like he does want to deny people rights.

At a stop in Atlanta this week, Graham spoke about the need for conservative Christians to not only vote, but to run for office, saying that if every city in America had a Christian mayor, we wouldn’t have “evil” and “wicked” policies like LGBT nondiscrimination measures.
- See more at: Franklin Graham: Christians Must Take Over Every Mayorship In The Country To Stop 'Evil' LGBT Rights

Actually most of the candidates running for President have agendas that would infringe upon some or the other. Obamacare itself forces people to purchase insurance against their will or pay a fine. We have taxpayers firmly opposed to having their tax money given to Planned Parenthood, yet their money is sent to Planned Parenthood right along with those who support Planned Parenthood. In America, rights are defined by whoever is in power.
I understand that you have the opportunity to vote against it. That is the fundamental right.
Nobody likes where all of their taxes go but there you go - that is democracy.

Well, the states also had the opportunity to vote on the gay issue. Overwhelming, the people opposed gay marriage. In a vote of 5 to 4, the Supreme Court made null and void the wishes of the voters. Now, you will come back and protest that the voters had no right to deny gays the right to marry. I accept your view but that does not negate that that was not the wish of the majority of voters. You can't please everybody. Accept it.
Slavery was acceptable at one time. Doesnt make it right.

It was Christians that led the underground railroads.


It was also Christians who started the KKK. Your point?
It's the other way around.
3,8% gays of this country has now denied the rights of 75% of the Christian country.
This whole thing needs to be done where they have rights as well as Christians.
Not oppressing 75% of the country.
For some reason the left does not want to see this fact.
Thats a nutty response. Doesnt the constitution guarantee equality to all men ? How is oppressing gays a "right" ?

It is a statistical fact.

Where did I say oppressing gays?
I said they have rights as well as Christians.
Its not even a statistical fact is it ? 75% of the Christian country is not anti gay. And in many churches gay people are made welcome. The people who want to deny people their rights are a rump of bigots who have a hate agenda.

Makes one wonder why the majority of voters in the states voted against it. Many voters do not attend any church at all.

You don't have to attend Church in order to be a Christian.

My response was to Tommy who seems to want to point his finger at Christians. I simply pointed out that every voter is not a Christian and that it was the voters that voted against gay marriage.
Thats a nutty response. Doesnt the constitution guarantee equality to all men ? How is oppressing gays a "right" ?

It is a statistical fact.

Where did I say oppressing gays?
I said they have rights as well as Christians.
Its not even a statistical fact is it ? 75% of the Christian country is not anti gay. And in many churches gay people are made welcome. The people who want to deny people their rights are a rump of bigots who have a hate agenda.

Makes one wonder why the majority of voters in the states voted against it. Many voters do not attend any church at all.

You don't have to attend Church in order to be a Christian.

My response was to Tommy who seems to want to point his finger at Christians. I simply pointed out that every voter is not a Christian and that it was the voters that voted against gay marriage.
But the constitution should protect minorities. There is a history of this in the racist southern states.
Why Franklin Graham's salary raises eyebrows among Christian nonprofits - Religion News Service

Mr Graham does really well out of the God industry.
All that money must help him to remain humble.
How much of Franklin Graham's salary did you contribute? Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood makes a bloody $1Million; Franklin leads souls to salvation, Richards tosses unused body parts in the garbage.
Planned Parenthood are a force for good. Franklin is just a nest feathering hypocrite.
It is a statistical fact.

Where did I say oppressing gays?
I said they have rights as well as Christians.
Its not even a statistical fact is it ? 75% of the Christian country is not anti gay. And in many churches gay people are made welcome. The people who want to deny people their rights are a rump of bigots who have a hate agenda.

Makes one wonder why the majority of voters in the states voted against it. Many voters do not attend any church at all.

You don't have to attend Church in order to be a Christian.

My response was to Tommy who seems to want to point his finger at Christians. I simply pointed out that every voter is not a Christian and that it was the voters that voted against gay marriage.
But the constitution should protect minorities. There is a history of this in the racist southern states.

It does protect minorities but minorities should not suppress and overrule the rights of the majority.
Why Franklin Graham's salary raises eyebrows among Christian nonprofits - Religion News Service

Mr Graham does really well out of the God industry.
All that money must help him to remain humble.
How much of Franklin Graham's salary did you contribute? Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood makes a bloody $1Million; Franklin leads souls to salvation, Richards tosses unused body parts in the garbage.
Planned Parenthood are a force for good. Franklin is just a nest feathering hypocrite.

I would not call the ripping out of a innocent little beating heart good.
Its not even a statistical fact is it ? 75% of the Christian country is not anti gay. And in many churches gay people are made welcome. The people who want to deny people their rights are a rump of bigots who have a hate agenda.

Makes one wonder why the majority of voters in the states voted against it. Many voters do not attend any church at all.

You don't have to attend Church in order to be a Christian.

My response was to Tommy who seems to want to point his finger at Christians. I simply pointed out that every voter is not a Christian and that it was the voters that voted against gay marriage.
But the constitution should protect minorities. There is a history of this in the racist southern states.

It does protect minorities but minorities should not suppress and overrule the rights of the majority.
The majority do not have a right to oppress the minority.
Makes one wonder why the majority of voters in the states voted against it. Many voters do not attend any church at all.

You don't have to attend Church in order to be a Christian.

My response was to Tommy who seems to want to point his finger at Christians. I simply pointed out that every voter is not a Christian and that it was the voters that voted against gay marriage.
But the constitution should protect minorities. There is a history of this in the racist southern states.

It does protect minorities but minorities should not suppress and overrule the rights of the majority.
The majority do not have a right to oppress the minority.

So it is fine with you that 3 or 4% can oppress the majority?
Actually most of the candidates running for President have agendas that would infringe upon some or the other. Obamacare itself forces people to purchase insurance against their will or pay a fine. We have taxpayers firmly opposed to having their tax money given to Planned Parenthood, yet their money is sent to Planned Parenthood right along with those who support Planned Parenthood. In America, rights are defined by whoever is in power.
I understand that you have the opportunity to vote against it. That is the fundamental right.
Nobody likes where all of their taxes go but there you go - that is democracy.

Well, the states also had the opportunity to vote on the gay issue. Overwhelming, the people opposed gay marriage. In a vote of 5 to 4, the Supreme Court made null and void the wishes of the voters. Now, you will come back and protest that the voters had no right to deny gays the right to marry. I accept your view but that does not negate that that was not the wish of the majority of voters. You can't please everybody. Accept it.
Slavery was acceptable at one time. Doesnt make it right.

It was Christians that led the underground railroads.


It was also Christians who started the KKK. Your point?

No it wasn't.
The 1st Grand Wizard of the KKK was Nathan Bedford Forrest and he was not a Christian when he became their leader in 1865.
He did not become Christian until 1875.
He became a changed man and started speaking to the Pole Bearers which was the forerunner for today NAACP.
You don't have to attend Church in order to be a Christian.

My response was to Tommy who seems to want to point his finger at Christians. I simply pointed out that every voter is not a Christian and that it was the voters that voted against gay marriage.
But the constitution should protect minorities. There is a history of this in the racist southern states.

It does protect minorities but minorities should not suppress and overrule the rights of the majority.
The majority do not have a right to oppress the minority.

So it is fine with you that 3 or 4% can oppress the majority?
Where is the oppression ? That they are entitled to equality ?
My response was to Tommy who seems to want to point his finger at Christians. I simply pointed out that every voter is not a Christian and that it was the voters that voted against gay marriage.
But the constitution should protect minorities. There is a history of this in the racist southern states.

It does protect minorities but minorities should not suppress and overrule the rights of the majority.
The majority do not have a right to oppress the minority.

So it is fine with you that 3 or 4% can oppress the majority?
Where is the oppression ? That they are entitled to equality ?

Yes and the laws should have been made to make them equal to the laws like in the inheritance case or change the hospital rules to allow them to have decisions over their partners.
Forcing the majority to accept is oppression over them.
One example is when that one gay guy forced his way into the boy scouts of America.
They had the right to form their own not force themselves into theirs.
But the constitution should protect minorities. There is a history of this in the racist southern states.

It does protect minorities but minorities should not suppress and overrule the rights of the majority.
The majority do not have a right to oppress the minority.

So it is fine with you that 3 or 4% can oppress the majority?
Where is the oppression ? That they are entitled to equality ?

Yes and the laws should have been made to make them equal to the laws like in the inheritance case or change the hospital rules to allow them to have decisions over their partners.
Forcing the majority to accept is oppression over them.
One example is when that one gay guy forced his way into the boy scouts of America.
They had the right to form their own not force themselves into theirs.
You do not understand equality.
I understand that you have the opportunity to vote against it. That is the fundamental right.
Nobody likes where all of their taxes go but there you go - that is democracy.

Well, the states also had the opportunity to vote on the gay issue. Overwhelming, the people opposed gay marriage. In a vote of 5 to 4, the Supreme Court made null and void the wishes of the voters. Now, you will come back and protest that the voters had no right to deny gays the right to marry. I accept your view but that does not negate that that was not the wish of the majority of voters. You can't please everybody. Accept it.
Slavery was acceptable at one time. Doesnt make it right.

It was Christians that led the underground railroads.


It was also Christians who started the KKK. Your point?

No it wasn't.
The 1st Grand Wizard of the KKK was Nathan Bedford Forrest and he was not a Christian when he became their leader in 1865.
He did not become Christian until 1875.
He became a changed man and started speaking to the Pole Bearers which was the forerunner for today NAACP.

he became christian. and the kkk is a white christian supremacist organization.

try again.
Well, the states also had the opportunity to vote on the gay issue. Overwhelming, the people opposed gay marriage. In a vote of 5 to 4, the Supreme Court made null and void the wishes of the voters. Now, you will come back and protest that the voters had no right to deny gays the right to marry. I accept your view but that does not negate that that was not the wish of the majority of voters. You can't please everybody. Accept it.
Slavery was acceptable at one time. Doesnt make it right.

It was Christians that led the underground railroads.


It was also Christians who started the KKK. Your point?

No it wasn't.
The 1st Grand Wizard of the KKK was Nathan Bedford Forrest and he was not a Christian when he became their leader in 1865.
He did not become Christian until 1875.
He became a changed man and started speaking to the Pole Bearers which was the forerunner for today NAACP.

he became christian. and the kkk is a white christian supremacist organization.

try again.

10 years later he did and that changed him from that view point.
Slavery was acceptable at one time. Doesnt make it right.

It was Christians that led the underground railroads.


It was also Christians who started the KKK. Your point?

No it wasn't.
The 1st Grand Wizard of the KKK was Nathan Bedford Forrest and he was not a Christian when he became their leader in 1865.
He did not become Christian until 1875.
He became a changed man and started speaking to the Pole Bearers which was the forerunner for today NAACP.

he became christian. and the kkk is a white christian supremacist organization.

try again.

10 years later he did and that changed him from that view point.
So he disapproved of all the killing and torture then ?
It is a statistical fact.

Where did I say oppressing gays?
I said they have rights as well as Christians.
Its not even a statistical fact is it ? 75% of the Christian country is not anti gay. And in many churches gay people are made welcome. The people who want to deny people their rights are a rump of bigots who have a hate agenda.

Makes one wonder why the majority of voters in the states voted against it. Many voters do not attend any church at all.

You don't have to attend Church in order to be a Christian.

My response was to Tommy who seems to want to point his finger at Christians. I simply pointed out that every voter is not a Christian and that it was the voters that voted against gay marriage.
But the constitution should protect minorities. There is a history of this in the racist southern states.

I don't comprehend your post. The Constitution DOES protect minorities. Actually, it protects everyone whether minority or majority.
It was Christians that led the underground railroads.


It was also Christians who started the KKK. Your point?

No it wasn't.
The 1st Grand Wizard of the KKK was Nathan Bedford Forrest and he was not a Christian when he became their leader in 1865.
He did not become Christian until 1875.
He became a changed man and started speaking to the Pole Bearers which was the forerunner for today NAACP.

he became christian. and the kkk is a white christian supremacist organization.

try again.

10 years later he did and that changed him from that view point.
So he disapproved of all the killing and torture then ?

Tommy, you really need to learn something about America before you find fault with it.
He doesn't realize his ilk is circling the drain and have been marginalized and look at as a comedy and parody of themselves, not enough of these bible thumping rubes left outside of jesusland

Franklin Graham is visiting every state in the country this year as part of his “Decision America” tour, in which he is offering technically nonpartisan encouragement to his followers to “live out their faith” in the upcoming election -

Franklin Graham: Christians Must Take Over Every Mayorship In The Country To Stop 'Evil' LGBT Rights
Is Franklin a closeted gay man?

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