Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad Read

So, what did Graham do that is illegal?
Nothing at revealing that he controls bank assets of over $100,000,000.00, he has exposed the FACT that he's nothing but a fucking grifter, using" religiosity" to fleece the sheeple...Just like his father!!!
In a world where 1000+ babies under 4 yrs old die EVERY FUCKING DAY as a result of malnutrition, and inability to get a clean drink of water, what does THAT piece of shit need to control a hundred fukkin' million bucks for...??? :blowup:
What have you done to feed 4 year olds?
BZZZT Wrong yet again!

Homo - definition of Homo by The Free Dictionary

1. A genus of primates that includes modern humans (Homo sapiens) andseveral extinct species.
2. Used in combination with mock Latin adjectives to indicate a type of personor to characterize humans generally, often for humorous effect: Homoapatheticus.
[Latin homō, man; see dhghem- in Indo-European roots.]
n. pl. ho·mos Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a gay man or lesbian.

phobia - definition of phobia by The Free Dictionary

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situationthat compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it isnot dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
Homo in the sense of homosexuality is a prefix meaning 'same'. Homo in the misnomer homophobe refers to the disparagement homo used against homos. Phobe is from the term phobia meaning an irrational fear.
The homo agenda is not only hypocritical in its use of the term (it would be like blacks referring to niggerphobes) but they accuse all who don't acquiesce to their agenda of being irrationally fearful. Complete, perfect misnomer.
The fact that your dictionary accepts it as a reasonable term suggests a serious bias in that dictionary and a reflection of a hijacked culture.
The far right simply have no intellect or rationale to discuss this topic.
Let's hear you rebuttal, hypocrite.
Tough to be you. You are not recognized as being a valid opponent of Marriage Equality. Sorry, but there it is.
You can't rebut. You go to the troll bin, too.
Good riddance to you.
Everyone of us on the Board who are decent people contribute regularly, through church or community programs, to feed children. Franklin is no more special than you or me that way.
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So, what did Graham do that is illegal?
Nothing at revealing that he controls bank assets of over $100,000,000.00, he has exposed the FACT that he's nothing but a fucking grifter, using" religiosity" to fleece the sheeple...Just like his father!!!
In a world where 1000+ babies under 4 yrs old die EVERY FUCKING DAY as a result of malnutrition, and inability to get a clean drink of water, what does THAT piece of shit need to control a hundred fukkin' million bucks for...??? :blowup:
What have you done to feed 4 year olds?
Why do you ask...??..Do you think I have a hundred million at My disposal...??
Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer

He wants you evangelicals to boycott such corporations who support LGBT. The far right social con Christian reactionaries are going to find out just how irrelevant they are truly.

You cannot be the Morality Police anymore.

Run along.
Ok.....Lets clear something up here....Libs are entitled to their opinion and points of view no matter how radical they may be because that is "freedom of speech/expression, etc" but when a an individual or group with right leaning opinions/ POV's does it, all hell breaks loose and you guys go get your weapons..
Got it.....
Such fucking hypocrisy..
BTW, genius. I don't agree with GRaham and I object to christian rightists and their fringe politics. But the last time I checked this IS the USA and as such freedom of speech and expression MUST apply to all or it means nothing.....Now take that and shove it up your closed minded ass.
Got a problem with that? Come get ya some....
I don't think anyone is objecting to his freedom of speech. They are objecting to what he says, not his right to say it.
Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer

He wants you evangelicals to boycott such corporations who support LGBT. The far right social con Christian reactionaries are going to find out just how irrelevant they are truly.

You cannot be the Morality Police anymore.

Run along.
Ok.....Lets clear something up here....Libs are entitled to their opinion and points of view no matter how radical they may be because that is "freedom of speech/expression, etc" but when a an individual or group with right leaning opinions/ POV's does it, all hell breaks loose and you guys go get your weapons..
Got it.....
Such fucking hypocrisy..
BTW, genius. I don't agree with GRaham and I object to christian rightists and their fringe politics. But the last time I checked this IS the USA and as such freedom of speech and expression MUST apply to all or it means nothing.....Now take that and shove it up your closed minded ass.
Got a problem with that? Come get ya some....
I don't think anyone is objecting to his freedom of speech. They are objecting to what he says, not his right to say it.

Only government has the authority to limit or preempt speech in accordance with First Amendment jurisprudence, not private citizens.

Private citizens being critical of something another private citizen might say in no way 'violates' the free speech of the person being criticized.
How long have you worked in the banking sector?
Never, but I do know money and sex makes the world go around. When banks go against Christians and people that don't support gay marriage. Then a majority of America takes their money to a bank that doesn't become politically correct. Those politically correct banks lose. You do realize bank of America, won't fly the American flag? Liberals are insane.
Look at you! :lol: A bank provided the same benefits to its gay employees translating to being against christians. :lol:
No, a pastor decides to take his congregations money from a bank that openly supports gay marriage. To a bank that doesn't. Never said against Christians, but I'm sure you will call Graham a homophobe.

The good pastor is nothing but a provocateur of superstition based homophobia.
No, he is a good man of faith, who lives by God's word.
Franklin Graham? What a laugh.

He's a loser n'er do well who took over his dad's business, and cleaned up his public image to do so.
hortysir, once again you demonstrate your incomprehension. No one is saying he should not do this or that the should not think this way. Good for him; it's his right. The point of the OP is that only evangelicals will care and they no longer affect our culture significantly and will do so even less in the future.
One Great Day you atheists won't have any evangelicals around to be significant in your cultural life or affect you in any way. However, those will be days where you peeps will call out to the mountains to fall on you.
Ah yes...the "said with a gleam in his eye" christian.
The person who calls himself a Christian yet gloats in a perceived day of destruction of the sinner is not a Christian either in spirit or in fact.
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So what he can put his money in any bank he wants and at least he is not trying to get anyone fired as was the case with Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich after it was revealed he donated money to Califorinas Prop 8.
You all need to watch this, about Graham's banking switch, and karma:

Franklin Graham s anti-gay banking protest backfires MSNBC

The first 30 seconds are hilarious - it's a guy in a truck with road rage flipping off this driver, and then promptly crashes his car.
"This story is so great, I want to go to the bank and gay marry it."
"...if it's a lady"

How about that guy in the truck at the beginning of the segment?
That was pretty damn funny!
You all need to watch this, about Graham's banking switch, and karma:

Franklin Graham s anti-gay banking protest backfires MSNBC

The first 30 seconds are hilarious - it's a guy in a truck with road rage flipping off this driver, and then promptly crashes his car.
Franklin Graham Drops Bank Over LGBT Rights Stance, Joins a Bank That's Sponsoring A Pride Event. I'll bet Graham got a better deal from BT&T.

Franklin Graham Drops Bank Over LGBT Rights Stance Joins Bank That s Sponsoring A Pride Event Right Wing Watch
Never, but I do know money and sex makes the world go around. When banks go against Christians and people that don't support gay marriage. Then a majority of America takes their money to a bank that doesn't become politically correct. Those politically correct banks lose. You do realize bank of America, won't fly the American flag? Liberals are insane.
Look at you! :lol: A bank provided the same benefits to its gay employees translating to being against christians. :lol:
No, a pastor decides to take his congregations money from a bank that openly supports gay marriage. To a bank that doesn't. Never said against Christians, but I'm sure you will call Graham a homophobe.

The good pastor is nothing but a provocateur of superstition based homophobia.
No, he is a good man of faith, who lives by God's word.
Franklin Graham? What a laugh.

He's a loser n'er do well who took over his dad's business, and cleaned up his public image to do so.
He is a loser? How much are you worth? How many lives have you changed around, for the better?
The person who calls himself a Christian yet gloats in a perceived day of destruction of the sinner is not a Christian either in spirit or in fact.
I don't often agree with you Jakey, but on this one you've got a point. Any Christian who lays back and welcomes "the end times and the final judgment" believing they're saved and not doing a friggin' thing about the other stuff said in the Bible about making a difference so the end times wouldn't be necessary, is a fool. And they're not going to Heaven either. They're lazy and arrogant.

The proper venue for today's Christian is in the trenches with their sleeves rolled up, making a compassionate difference and getting shit done. Just like Jesus did. Not one so-called "Christian" who is sitting around on dead ass today, thinking some farcical aquatic ceremony has bought them a place in Heaven will be on the list of the redeemed on any theoretical judgment day..
Look at you! :lol: A bank provided the same benefits to its gay employees translating to being against christians. :lol:
No, a pastor decides to take his congregations money from a bank that openly supports gay marriage. To a bank that doesn't. Never said against Christians, but I'm sure you will call Graham a homophobe.

The good pastor is nothing but a provocateur of superstition based homophobia.
No, he is a good man of faith, who lives by God's word.
Franklin Graham? What a laugh.

He's a loser n'er do well who took over his dad's business, and cleaned up his public image to do so.
He is a loser? How much are you worth? How many lives have you changed around, for the better?
Same old Right-Wing benchmark: money. It's the only thing conservatives value. Not family, not country, not justice - just money.

Don't ever disparage George Soros again - the man is filthy rich, and has changed many thousands of lives for the better. He was a principle donor to the Haiti earthquake fund.

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