Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad Read

Your homophobic bigotry is glaringly obvious to all.
I'll give up you one more chance to understand how use of the misnomer homophobe shoots down your own argument. Then you go to my troll bin. I only put up with non-responses to a certain point. Then it becomes a waste of time.

Onus is on you to prove that this dictionary definition is a misnomer.

a person who fears or hates homosexuals andhomosexuality.

You don't get to redefine the dictionary to suit your own personal bigotry.

And yes, you can run away but you can't prevent your posts from being mocked because of your fetid bigotry.
If the dictionary in question is wrong I sure as hell get to refute. Phobia is fear, not hate. I neither hate nor fear homos. Homophobe is the disparagement homofascists use to stifle discussion that dissents from their agenda and propaganda.

The whole world is "wrong" and only vile bigots like you are "right"?

Homo means same and phobia is fear, usually an irrational fear. Those opposed to homofascism are not phobics.

BZZZT Wrong yet again!

Homo - definition of Homo by The Free Dictionary

1. A genus of primates that includes modern humans (Homo sapiens) andseveral extinct species.
2. Used in combination with mock Latin adjectives to indicate a type of personor to characterize humans generally, often for humorous effect: Homoapatheticus.
[Latin homō, man; see dhghem- in Indo-European roots.]
n. pl. ho·mos Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a gay man or lesbian.

phobia - definition of phobia by The Free Dictionary

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situationthat compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it isnot dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
I'm offended by clown faces, clowns freak me out and I'm not the only one.

Can I throw out a statement suggesting those of us with 'clown phobia' put usmb members with clown avatars on ignore?

Yes I can! Isn't America great??

You people using clown faces in your avatars are mindless followers.....
"Oh look! Its trendy. I wanna do that"....

Thank you for proving how effective they are! :D
The minute I heard Burger King was making some type of gay whopper burger (forget the name) I stopped eating there and will never go back. Even if they're the only outpost on a 300 mile desert highway and I'm starving to death.

Kids eat there. And the sick memory of my friend who died because he was molested as a boy by a gay guy, became "gay" himself (hypersexually perferring numerous male sex partners) and died from AIDS. I thought "these fuckers are going to make kids think that's normal with their rainbow whopper or whatever".

Only it isn't normal to die in your early 30s from AIDS because of a misunderstood behavioral imprinting you were powerless as a child to stop from being influenced upon you.
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I'll give up you one more chance to understand how use of the misnomer homophobe shoots down your own argument. Then you go to my troll bin. I only put up with non-responses to a certain point. Then it becomes a waste of time.

Onus is on you to prove that this dictionary definition is a misnomer.

a person who fears or hates homosexuals andhomosexuality.

You don't get to redefine the dictionary to suit your own personal bigotry.

And yes, you can run away but you can't prevent your posts from being mocked because of your fetid bigotry.
If the dictionary in question is wrong I sure as hell get to refute. Phobia is fear, not hate. I neither hate nor fear homos. Homophobe is the disparagement homofascists use to stifle discussion that dissents from their agenda and propaganda.

The whole world is "wrong" and only vile bigots like you are "right"?

Homo means same and phobia is fear, usually an irrational fear. Those opposed to homofascism are not phobics.

BZZZT Wrong yet again!

Homo - definition of Homo by The Free Dictionary

1. A genus of primates that includes modern humans (Homo sapiens) andseveral extinct species.
2. Used in combination with mock Latin adjectives to indicate a type of personor to characterize humans generally, often for humorous effect: Homoapatheticus.
[Latin homō, man; see dhghem- in Indo-European roots.]
n. pl. ho·mos Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a gay man or lesbian.

phobia - definition of phobia by The Free Dictionary

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situationthat compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it isnot dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
Homo in the sense of homosexuality is a prefix meaning 'same'. Homo in the misnomer homophobe refers to the disparagement homo used against homos. Phobe is from the term phobia meaning an irrational fear.
The homo agenda is not only hypocritical in its use of the term (it would be like blacks referring to niggerphobes) but they accuse all who don't acquiesce to their agenda of being irrationally fearful. Complete, perfect misnomer.
The fact that your dictionary accepts it as a reasonable term suggests a serious bias in that dictionary and a reflection of a hijacked culture.
The minute I heard Burger King was making some type of gay whopper burger (forget the name) I stopped eating there and will never go back. Even if they're the only outpost on a 300 mile desert highway and I'm starving to death.

Kids eat there. And the sick memory of my friend who died because he was molested as a boy by a gay guy, became "gay" himself (hypersexually perferring numerous male sex partners) and died from AIDS. I thought "these fuckers are going to make kids think that's normal with their rainbow whopper or whatever".

Only it isn't normal to die in your early 30s from AIDS because of a misunderstood behavioral imprinting you were powerless as a child to stop from being influenced upon you.
"Gay Whopper"? WTF???????
Onus is on you to prove that this dictionary definition is a misnomer.

a person who fears or hates homosexuals andhomosexuality.

You don't get to redefine the dictionary to suit your own personal bigotry.

And yes, you can run away but you can't prevent your posts from being mocked because of your fetid bigotry.
If the dictionary in question is wrong I sure as hell get to refute. Phobia is fear, not hate. I neither hate nor fear homos. Homophobe is the disparagement homofascists use to stifle discussion that dissents from their agenda and propaganda.

The whole world is "wrong" and only vile bigots like you are "right"?

Homo means same and phobia is fear, usually an irrational fear. Those opposed to homofascism are not phobics.

BZZZT Wrong yet again!

Homo - definition of Homo by The Free Dictionary

1. A genus of primates that includes modern humans (Homo sapiens) andseveral extinct species.
2. Used in combination with mock Latin adjectives to indicate a type of personor to characterize humans generally, often for humorous effect: Homoapatheticus.
[Latin homō, man; see dhghem- in Indo-European roots.]
n. pl. ho·mos Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a gay man or lesbian.

phobia - definition of phobia by The Free Dictionary

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situationthat compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it isnot dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
Homo in the sense of homosexuality is a prefix meaning 'same'. Homo in the misnomer homophobe refers to the disparagement homo used against homos. Phobe is from the term phobia meaning an irrational fear.
The homo agenda is not only hypocritical in its use of the term (it would be like blacks referring to niggerphobes) but they accuse all who don't acquiesce to their agenda of being irrationally fearful. Complete, perfect misnomer.
The fact that your dictionary accepts it as a reasonable term suggests a serious bias in that dictionary and a reflection of a hijacked culture.

The far right simply have no intellect or rationale to discuss this topic.
If the dictionary in question is wrong I sure as hell get to refute. Phobia is fear, not hate. I neither hate nor fear homos. Homophobe is the disparagement homofascists use to stifle discussion that dissents from their agenda and propaganda.

The whole world is "wrong" and only vile bigots like you are "right"?

Homo means same and phobia is fear, usually an irrational fear. Those opposed to homofascism are not phobics.

BZZZT Wrong yet again!

Homo - definition of Homo by The Free Dictionary

1. A genus of primates that includes modern humans (Homo sapiens) andseveral extinct species.
2. Used in combination with mock Latin adjectives to indicate a type of personor to characterize humans generally, often for humorous effect: Homoapatheticus.
[Latin homō, man; see dhghem- in Indo-European roots.]
n. pl. ho·mos Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a gay man or lesbian.

phobia - definition of phobia by The Free Dictionary

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situationthat compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it isnot dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
Homo in the sense of homosexuality is a prefix meaning 'same'. Homo in the misnomer homophobe refers to the disparagement homo used against homos. Phobe is from the term phobia meaning an irrational fear.
The homo agenda is not only hypocritical in its use of the term (it would be like blacks referring to niggerphobes) but they accuse all who don't acquiesce to their agenda of being irrationally fearful. Complete, perfect misnomer.
The fact that your dictionary accepts it as a reasonable term suggests a serious bias in that dictionary and a reflection of a hijacked culture.
The far right simply have no intellect or rationale to discuss this topic.
Let's hear you rebuttal, hypocrite.
The whole world is "wrong" and only vile bigots like you are "right"?

Homo means same and phobia is fear, usually an irrational fear. Those opposed to homofascism are not phobics.

BZZZT Wrong yet again!

Homo - definition of Homo by The Free Dictionary

1. A genus of primates that includes modern humans (Homo sapiens) andseveral extinct species.
2. Used in combination with mock Latin adjectives to indicate a type of personor to characterize humans generally, often for humorous effect: Homoapatheticus.
[Latin homō, man; see dhghem- in Indo-European roots.]
n. pl. ho·mos Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a gay man or lesbian.

phobia - definition of phobia by The Free Dictionary

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situationthat compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it isnot dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
Homo in the sense of homosexuality is a prefix meaning 'same'. Homo in the misnomer homophobe refers to the disparagement homo used against homos. Phobe is from the term phobia meaning an irrational fear.
The homo agenda is not only hypocritical in its use of the term (it would be like blacks referring to niggerphobes) but they accuse all who don't acquiesce to their agenda of being irrationally fearful. Complete, perfect misnomer.
The fact that your dictionary accepts it as a reasonable term suggests a serious bias in that dictionary and a reflection of a hijacked culture.
The far right simply have no intellect or rationale to discuss this topic.
Let's hear you rebuttal, hypocrite.
Tough to be you. You are not recognized as being a valid opponent of Marriage Equality. Sorry, but there it is.
Graham is free to bank where he wishes. I do find it funny that all he really did is chase the devil out with beelzebub. lol
Homo means same and phobia is fear, usually an irrational fear. Those opposed to homofascism are not phobics.

BZZZT Wrong yet again!

Homo - definition of Homo by The Free Dictionary

1. A genus of primates that includes modern humans (Homo sapiens) andseveral extinct species.
2. Used in combination with mock Latin adjectives to indicate a type of personor to characterize humans generally, often for humorous effect: Homoapatheticus.
[Latin homō, man; see dhghem- in Indo-European roots.]
n. pl. ho·mos Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a gay man or lesbian.

phobia - definition of phobia by The Free Dictionary

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situationthat compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it isnot dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
Homo in the sense of homosexuality is a prefix meaning 'same'. Homo in the misnomer homophobe refers to the disparagement homo used against homos. Phobe is from the term phobia meaning an irrational fear.
The homo agenda is not only hypocritical in its use of the term (it would be like blacks referring to niggerphobes) but they accuse all who don't acquiesce to their agenda of being irrationally fearful. Complete, perfect misnomer.
The fact that your dictionary accepts it as a reasonable term suggests a serious bias in that dictionary and a reflection of a hijacked culture.
The far right simply have no intellect or rationale to discuss this topic.
Let's hear you rebuttal, hypocrite.
Tough to be you. You are not recognized as being a valid opponent of Marriage Equality. Sorry, but there it is.
You can't rebut. You go to the troll bin, too.
The fact that your dictionary accepts it as a reasonable term suggests a serious bias in that dictionary and a reflection of a hijacked culture.


You have just made the troll bin. You can't discuss with intellect and rationale so you are an official waste of space and time.
PMH, a few days back, suggested a member jump off a bridge and kill their self.
Te thought it was funny and "liked" the post.
Both of them graduated to my ig-bin for it
The fact that your dictionary accepts it as a reasonable term suggests a serious bias in that dictionary and a reflection of a hijacked culture.


You have just made the troll bin. You can't discuss with intellect and rationale so you are an official waste of space and time.
PMH, a few days back, suggested a member jump off a bridge and kill their self.
Te thought it was funny and "liked" the post.
Both of them graduated to my ig-bin for it

Strange that I have no recollection of any such post so I did a search on PMH's posts for "Bridge, Jump"

However I did find this post of WW telling PMH to go jump off a bridge! Why don't you put him on ignore too?

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

hortysir, once again you demonstrate your incomprehension. No one is saying he should not do this or that the should not think this way. Good for him; it's his right. The point of the OP is that only evangelicals will care and they no longer affect our culture significantly and will do so even less in the future.
One Great Day you atheists won't have any evangelicals around to be significant in your cultural life or affect you in any way. However, those will be days where you peeps will call out to the mountains to fall on you.

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