Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad Read

Evangelical pushback on anything now and in the future will be silly and ineffective.

Let us hope so!

In the past they have been vociferous and effective in mobilizing their political base.

With the passing of the demographic torch to the next generation that is less hidebound and bigoted we can expect that evangelicals will lose political clout.

However they are still not down and out completely. They won't go quietly into the long dark night.
Proctor & Gamble

Just a few.
Hobby lobby
Chic filet
You mean Chick-fil-A? What about them....didn't the owner announce they weren't giving to anti-gay groups anymore?
As for Hobby Lobby? what boycott is that? they had a SCOTUS case, I know...but didn't hear of any boycott.
And they won it. So what? STTAB (?) wants to boycott them.
He is going to have a hard time finding a major national bank willing to assume the reputational risk that he brings with that account.

None of them will want to be associated with anti-LBGT bigotry.
He is probably going to have to put the funds in some mom&pop bank somewhere and they won't have the resources to handle that kind of deposit.

What a fool!
On the contrary. He may expose a bank with the values of a Chick-Fil-a and that would enhance their business.
Oh come on, how stupid do you have to be to be foolish enough to believe Graham moved his money for "moral" reasons???
Wells Fargo's support of gays had nothing to do with Graham moving his money because he moved it to another bank which ALSO supports gay rights!!!

Graham is just seeking attention and donations from the gullible ignorant SUCKERS that make up the Right!

After Quitting One Gay-Friendly Bank Franklin Graham Joins Another

Rev. Franklin Graham announced last week that he would pull his accounts from Wells Fargo after the bank aired an ad featuring a gay couple, but the evangelist preacher did not have the best of luck finding a new bank that does not "promote homosexuality."

Graham told Family Research Council's "Washington Watch" on Monday that he would switch to BB&T, a bank based in North Carolina. However, as Right Wing Watch pointed out, BB&T is a sponsor of the Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade.

The bank hosted a fundraiser for Miami Beach Gay Pride in February to honor "Legacy Couples," where the bank also held a wedding ceremony for a gay couple at a makeshift chapel in the bank's South Beach branch.

Arthur Costa, the regional multicultural markets officer at BB&T told the Miami Herald that the bank supports "individuals and organizations that broaden our perspectives and strengthen the diverse fabric of our communities."
You do realize bank of America, won't fly the American flag?

The American flag was flying the last time I was at one of their office complexes right alongside the local state flag.


BZZZT Wrong!

Graham has publicly announced that he intends to move his accounts which is what makes them risk toxic to whichever bank accepts them.

You have just closed your paltry checking account without any publicity whatsoever therefore there is zero risk to the banks concerned because no one knows about your LBGT bigotry.
You obviously don't realize if a national bank accepts Graham's accounts. More than likely all Christian businesses and all churches, even christians, and people who are tired of hearing about queers 24/7. Will move their money there. That would make that bank the biggest in the world and would put some banks that are trying to play the pc card, out of business. You really don't understand how it really works.

How long have you worked in the banking sector?
Never, but I do know money and sex makes the world go around. When banks go against Christians and people that don't support gay marriage. Then a majority of America takes their money to a bank that doesn't become politically correct. Those politically correct banks lose. You do realize bank of America, won't fly the American flag? Liberals are insane.
Look at you! :lol: A bank provided the same benefits to its gay employees translating to being against christians. :lol:
No, a pastor decides to take his congregations money from a bank that openly supports gay marriage. To a bank that doesn't. Never said against Christians, but I'm sure you will call Graham a homophobe.

The good pastor is nothing but a provocateur of superstition based homophobia.
Evangelical pushback on anything now and in the future will be silly and ineffective.

Let us hope so!

In the past they have been vociferous and effective in mobilizing their political base.

With the passing of the demographic torch to the next generation that is less hidebound and bigoted we can expect that evangelicals will lose political clout.

However they are still not down and out completely. They won't go quietly into the long dark night.
Proctor & Gamble

Just a few.
Hobby lobby
Chic filet
You mean Chick-fil-A? What about them....didn't the owner announce they weren't giving to anti-gay groups anymore?
As for Hobby Lobby? what boycott is that? they had a SCOTUS case, I know...but didn't hear of any boycott.
boycott hobby lobby - - Yahoo Search Results

boycott chick fil a - - Yahoo Search Results
I have quite a bit of respect for Billy Graham. His son Franklin doesn't hold a candle to his dad and unlike his father, he cherry picks thoughts from the Bible that fit his personal agenda, instead of God's agenda.
Wells Fargo? Regarding this move on their part is purely PR directed at a traditionally well-to-do demographic, it's business. It makes sense.
However, I'd like to point out all the fraud convictions Wells Fargo stacked up prior to and during the mortgage meltdown. Of course no one went to jail. I thought corporations were people, if an individual commits fraud, it's time in the slammer, but corporations? Nope, in that instance, corporations aren't people. We need the Supremes to clarify why corporations are people but not people. OK, I'll stop rambling.
The rw shrillness will increase over the next year or two from the gelding it is getting.

Same thing happened after 1932 and 1964.

They lose their balls every couple of generations.
You introduced Christian terror to justify muslim terror.

BZZZT Wrong!

I pointed the hypocrisy of fundamentalist Christians like yourself pointing fingers at fundamentalist Muslims for doing the same thing that you do.
I'm no fundamentalist Christian. And muslims do this terror thing way more than any other group. No one has enough fingers to point at them.
You're just doing the moral equivalency routine by attempting to equate a million with one.

BZZZT Wrong again.

It is you that is trying to use "moral equivalency" to escape the guilt of the murders committed by your fellow fundamentalist Christians.
You brought the moral equivalency issue to the discussion, not me.
No, quite the opposite. It's the accepted bigotry of the misnomer term homophobic that is the real bigotry and intolerance. That term alone is an illustration of the attempted speech-shutdown of homofascism.

Drowning in denial! :cuckoo:
Again, you can't rebut with analysis.

Your homophobic bigotry is glaringly obvious to all.
I'll give up you one more chance to understand how use of the misnomer homophobe shoots down your own argument. Then you go to my troll bin. I only put up with non-responses to a certain point. Then it becomes a waste of time.

Onus is on you to prove that this dictionary definition is a misnomer.

a person who fears or hates homosexuals andhomosexuality.

You don't get to redefine the dictionary to suit your own personal bigotry.

And yes, you can run away but you can't prevent your posts from being mocked because of your fetid bigotry.
If the dictionary in question is wrong I sure as hell get to refute. Phobia is fear, not hate. I neither hate nor fear homos. Homophobe is the disparagement homofascists use to stifle discussion that dissents from their agenda and propaganda.
Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer

He wants you evangelicals to boycott such corporations who support LGBT. The far right social con Christian reactionaries are going to find out just how irrelevant they are truly.

You cannot be the Morality Police anymore.

Run along.
Ok.....Lets clear something up here....Libs are entitled to their opinion and points of view no matter how radical they may be because that is "freedom of speech/expression, etc" but when a an individual or group with right leaning opinions/ POV's does it, all hell breaks loose and you guys go get your weapons..
Got it.....
Such fucking hypocrisy..
BTW, genius. I don't agree with GRaham and I object to christian rightists and their fringe politics. But the last time I checked this IS the USA and as such freedom of speech and expression MUST apply to all or it means nothing.....Now take that and shove it up your closed minded ass.
Got a problem with that? Come get ya some....
But he isn't calling for people who keep their money in said banks to be shunned.

Obviously you never bothered to read the OP or if you did your short attention span prevented you from remembering any of it.

Franklin Graham is calling on Christians to boycott corporations that feature same-sex relationships in their commercials. And he says he’ll do his part by moving all the bank accounts for his two ministries out of Wells Fargo because of its ad featuring a lesbian couple.

“This is one way we as Christians can speak out – we have the power of choice,” Graham wrote on Facebook over the weekend. “Let’s just stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God’s laws and His standards. Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention.”

Read more here: h
ttp://Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer

Franklin Graham
June 5 at 9:04am

Have you ever asked yourself–how can we fight the tide of moral decay that is being crammed down our throats by big business, the media, and the gay & lesbian community? Every day it is something else! Tiffany’s started advertising wedding rings for gay couples. Wells Fargo bank is using a same-sex couple in their advertising. And there are more. But it has dawned on me that we don’t have to do business with them. At the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, we are moving our accounts from Wells Fargo to another bank. And guess what—we don’t have to shop at Tiffany & Co., there are plenty of other jewelry stores. This is one way we as Christians can speak out—we have the power of choice. Let’s just stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God’s laws and His standards. Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention. Share this if you agree.

Franklin Graham - Have you ever asked yourself how can we... Facebook

What ever happened to freedom of speech, freedom of choice, etc. etc. etc. ???

I'm offended by clown faces, clowns freak me out and I'm not the only one.

Can I throw out a statement suggesting those of us with 'clown phobia' put usmb members with clown avatars on ignore?

Yes I can! Isn't America great??
It's his money. He can bank wherever he damn well pleases.

And he also has every right to use the power and influence of that money in an effort to compel Wells Fargo to end its advertising positive to gay Americans, just as others have the right to use the power and influence of money in opposition to a company's policy hostile to gay Americans – where neither manifest as the myth of 'political correctness,' nor 'violates' the 'free speech' of companies subject to such protests, as many on the right incorrectly maintain.
But he isn't calling for people who keep their money in said banks to be shunned.

Obviously you never bothered to read the OP or if you did your short attention span prevented you from remembering any of it.

Franklin Graham is calling on Christians to boycott corporations that feature same-sex relationships in their commercials. And he says he’ll do his part by moving all the bank accounts for his two ministries out of Wells Fargo because of its ad featuring a lesbian couple.

“This is one way we as Christians can speak out – we have the power of choice,” Graham wrote on Facebook over the weekend. “Let’s just stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God’s laws and His standards. Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention.”

Read more here: h
ttp://Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer

Franklin Graham
June 5 at 9:04am

Have you ever asked yourself–how can we fight the tide of moral decay that is being crammed down our throats by big business, the media, and the gay & lesbian community? Every day it is something else! Tiffany’s started advertising wedding rings for gay couples. Wells Fargo bank is using a same-sex couple in their advertising. And there are more. But it has dawned on me that we don’t have to do business with them. At the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, we are moving our accounts from Wells Fargo to another bank. And guess what—we don’t have to shop at Tiffany & Co., there are plenty of other jewelry stores. This is one way we as Christians can speak out—we have the power of choice. Let’s just stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God’s laws and His standards. Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention. Share this if you agree.

Franklin Graham - Have you ever asked yourself how can we... Facebook

What ever happened to freedom of speech, freedom of choice, etc. etc. etc. ???

I'm offended by clown faces, clowns freak me out and I'm not the only one.

Can I throw out a statement suggesting those of us with 'clown phobia' put usmb members with clown avatars on ignore?

Yes I can! Isn't America great??
The issue has nothing to do with 'freedom of speech' or 'freedom of choice,' which concern solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and private organizations in the context of private society, such as Graham's opposition to companies who present gay Americans in an accurate and positive manner.

Consequently, nothing 'happened' to freedom of speech and freedom of choice, as no one is seeking to restrict or deny either through force of law, where America is indeed great in safeguarding the right of private citizens to address the conflicts and controversies of the day absent unwarranted involvement of government or the courts.
Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer

He wants you evangelicals to boycott such corporations who support LGBT. The far right social con Christian reactionaries are going to find out just how irrelevant they are truly.

You cannot be the Morality Police anymore.

Run along.
Ok.....Lets clear something up here....Libs are entitled to their opinion and points of view no matter how radical they may be because that is "freedom of speech/expression, etc" but when a an individual or group with right leaning opinions/ POV's does it, all hell breaks loose and you guys go get your weapons..
Got it.....
Such fucking hypocrisy..
BTW, genius. I don't agree with GRaham and I object to christian rightists and their fringe politics. But the last time I checked this IS the USA and as such freedom of speech and expression MUST apply to all or it means nothing.....Now take that and shove it up your closed minded ass.
Got a problem with that? Come get ya some....
No, you don't 'got' anything but a straw man fallacy.

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