Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed

How would you characterize the "informed" during the 30's when the only information sources were aligned with the FDR administration? The administration had all the bases covered even when Americans were dying in ditches during FDR's first two Great Depression terns. FDR was a very sick man who may have had several strokes but democrats ran his virtual corpse for a 4th term and the criminal conspiracy in the media kept his health issues a secret.
He must have been doing something Good, for our Republic.

The media is not going along with right wing, "privateering."
FDR was certainly played by Stalin at Yalta, then at the end of the war to allow the USSR to take as much of Europe, including part of Germany as they did. Despicable. It took us 45 five years, two wars, many lives, and countless Billions to overcome that.

We had the Bomb, the delivery mechanism, and other military strength the USSR did not possess. We had the leverage, and didn't use it. Why?
How do you propose we get the Soviets off of territory occupied by the Red Army?

Are you suggesting we nuke our former ally?
The leverage to use the "Bomb" on who?

On nobody, but the Russians didn't know that. The leverage is not to USE the bomb, but the threat of possibly using the bomb. We used it on the Japanese, why wouldn't the Russians think we'd use it on them even in actuality that would not be the plan.

High stakes Poker.
We did not have the bomb at Yalta
FDR never saw it come to fruition

The war in Europe ended three months before we deployed the bomb
How would you characterize the "informed" during the 30's when the only information sources were aligned with the FDR administration? The administration had all the bases covered even when Americans were dying in ditches during FDR's first two Great Depression terns. FDR was a very sick man who may have had several strokes but democrats ran his virtual corpse for a 4th term and the criminal conspiracy in the media kept his health issues a secret.

FDR, famous for lying to the public....and, as you point out, he had the controls that allowed him to get away with it....

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR. "The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137
FDR was certainly played by Stalin at Yalta, then at the end of the war to allow the USSR to take as much of Europe, including part of Germany as they did. Despicable. It took us 45 five years, two wars, many lives, and countless Billions to overcome that.

We had the Bomb, the delivery mechanism, and other military strength the USSR did not possess. We had the leverage, and didn't use it. Why?

How much 'playing' was necessary, really......he was a servant to Stalin from his first year in office.

1. He gave official recognition to Stalin in 1933
2. He provided lend lease largesse to Stalin far and above what was necessary
3. He allowed and encouraged Stalin's spies in his administration.
4. He insisted on a communist as his second vice president
5. He sent uranium and plans for the atomic bomb to Stalin
6. All of this with the foreknowledge that Stalin was a homicidal psychopath.

7. He acquiesced to d-day, not where his generals suggested, but where Stalin insisted.
8. He extended the Depression rather than ended it.
9.. He invalidated the Constitution, and made the Supreme Court into a rubber stamp
10.Through his efforts Joseph Stalin didn't just survive...he thrived, and FDR encouraged and promoted communists in government.
11. He changed the relationship between the people and the government...and not in a good way
12. He extended WWII by at least two years, therefore responsible for the loss of blood and treasure over those years.

Harry Hopkins was Stalin's spy, and actually lived in Roosevelt's White House!

Hopkins apparently served his Soviet masters almost to the end of his days. The following passage is from pp. 118-119 of Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein (2012):

a. Hopkins’s pro-Soviet leanings would be on further display in the Yalta records, where his handwritten comments are available for viewing. Though seriously ill at the time of the meeting, he continued to ply his influence with FDR, who himself was mortally sick and susceptible to suggestion in ways that we can only guess at.

After FDR had made innumerable concessions to Stalin, there occurred a deadlock on the issue of “reparations.” At this point, Hopkins passed a note to Roosevelt that summed up the American attitude at Yalta. “Mr. President,” this said, “the Russians have given in so much at this conference I don’t think we should let them down. Let the British disagree if they want—and continue their disagreement at Moscow [in subsequent diplomatic meetings]” (Emphasis added by Evans and Romerstein).

b. One may search the Yalta records at length and have trouble finding an issue of substance on which the Soviets had “given in” to FDR—the entire thrust of the conference, as Roosevelt loyalist [Robert] Sherwood acknowledged, being in the reverse direction.

One can only wonder if Roosevelt brought Stalin his coffee in the morning, or rushed to light is pipe.
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FDR was certainly played by Stalin at Yalta, then at the end of the war to allow the USSR to take as much of Europe, including part of Germany as they did. Despicable. It took us 45 five years, two wars, many lives, and countless Billions to overcome that.

We had the Bomb, the delivery mechanism, and other military strength the USSR did not possess. We had the leverage, and didn't use it. Why?

FDR made certain that Stalin could get the bomb, and the materials necessary. Stalin used that 'leverage' to push the North Koreans to invade the South.

1. US Army Maj. George Racey Jordan was a Lend-Lease 'expediter' who couldn't understand the volume or priority nature of the shipments to the USSR....including 'secret cargo' hidden under 'diplomatic immunity.'

"The President has directed that 'airplanes be delivered in accordance with protocol schedules by the most expeditious means.' To implement these directives, the modification, equipment and movement of Russian planes have been given first priority, even over planes for US Army Air Forces." From the diaries of Maj. George Racey Jordan, supervisory 'expediter' of Soviet Lend-Lease aid, p. 20.

a. "In the file was a list of everything necessary to produce a 'brand-new and experimental atomic pile, courtesy of Lend-Lease."
West, 'American Betrayal'


c. "... he was instructed by the White House and State Department to deliver parts for the atomic bomb to the Soviets – at the same time the nation was worried about Russia stealing A-bomb secrets. At first, Congress did not believe him, but his diary filled with dates, shipping manifestos, and names of pilots who flew the missions,..." Major George Jordan

2. And the result, a disaster for America. On April 5, 1951, Judge Irving R. Kaufman sentenced the Rosenbergs to death for theft of atomic secrets, and, resulted in "the communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason."
Judge Kaufman's Sentencing Statement in the Rosenberg Case

a. It is clear today, based on archival evidence, unearthed by researchers in Russia and released in the United States, that Kaufman was correct. "Absent an atomic bomb, Stalin would not have released Pyongyang's army to conquer the entire Korean peninsula. Confident that his possession of atomic weapons neutralized America's strategic advantage, Stalin was emboldened to unleash war in Korea in 1950." Haynes, Klehr, and
Vassiliev, "Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America," p. 143, 545. And Romerstein and Breindel,"The Venona Secrets," p. xv, 253.

b. It is important to connect the treachery with the impact of that treachery: the theft of the nuclear technology with 36,940 Americans killed, 91,134 wounded, and 8,176 still missing, and this does not include at least two million civilian lives claimed on both sides. Bruce Cumings, "The Korean War: A History.' Included were 1.3 million South Korean casualties, including 400,000 dead. North Korea, 2 million casualties, and 900,000 Chinese soldiers killed.

When FDR was apprised of Soviet spies in his administration....he promoted them!!!!!!
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The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.

Franklin Roosevelt: a god to the uninformed.
The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.

Franklin Roosevelt: a god to the uninformed.
The uninformed being America's most noted historians who have rated the presidents since 1948, and the American people that lived during the FDR period. And the best rebuttal you can come up with is everybody went to government schools. Well not everybody, FDR went to a private school.
The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.

Franklin Roosevelt: a god to the uninformed.
The uninformed being America's most noted historians who have rated the presidents since 1948, and the American people that lived during the FDR period. And the best rebuttal you can come up with is everybody went to government schools. Well not everybody, FDR went to a private school.

Be sure to drop back when you feel prepared to refute my many posts exposing Roosevelt as the wanna-be dictator and anti-constitutionalist that he was.

...and bigot.

...and destroyer of both the economy and of thousands of lives of American soldiers.

In short:
1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

And, he inspired lying Leftists like you.
The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.

Franklin Roosevelt: a god to the uninformed.
The uninformed being America's most noted historians who have rated the presidents since 1948....

Name one, Captain Fallacy.
The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.

Franklin Roosevelt: a god to the uninformed.
The uninformed being America's most noted historians who have rated the presidents since 1948....

Name one, Captain Fallacy.

Our pal, reggie, will have no trouble coming up with some of the name of individual he allows to do his thinking for him.
The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.

Franklin Roosevelt: a god to the uninformed.
The uninformed being America's most noted historians who have rated the presidents since 1948....

Name one, Captain Fallacy.

Our pal, reggie, will have no trouble coming up with some of the name of individual he allows to do his thinking for him.

He’s googling as we speak.
The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.

Franklin Roosevelt: a god to the uninformed.
The uninformed being America's most noted historians who have rated the presidents since 1948, and the American people that lived during the FDR period. And the best rebuttal you can come up with is everybody went to government schools. Well not everybody, FDR went to a private school.

Be sure to drop back when you feel prepared to refute my many posts exposing Roosevelt as the wanna-be dictator and anti-constitutionalist that he was.

...and bigot.

...and destroyer of both the economy and of thousands of lives of American soldiers.

In short:
1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

And, he inspired lying Leftists like you.
We got Hoover Dam and the Tennessee Valley Authority out of it.

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The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.

Franklin Roosevelt: a god to the uninformed.
The uninformed being America's most noted historians who have rated the presidents since 1948....

Name one, Captain Fallacy.
Professor Tom Kelly WWW Siena College Research Institute
The one thing that prevented German victory more than anything else was that FDR, with his experience of developing new and modern weapons as an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, guided the development of all the modern weapons that defeated both the Germans and the Russians. From the infantry rifle to the Bombers and WWII era aircraft carriers and submarines, FDR prepared the US for war and when war came America was prepared.
Not really..
True we might have been better prepared but the Republicans fought FDR and his preparations. An example: America had started a draft but only for one year. Republicans fought the original one year draft and the extension for a full time military. Republicans finally gave in a few months before Pearl Harbor, and the draftees were in for the war now.
Anyone remember the song "Goodbye dear, I'll be back in a year because I'm in the army now"
The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.

Franklin Roosevelt: a god to the uninformed.
The uninformed being America's most noted historians who have rated the presidents since 1948....

Name one, Captain Fallacy.
Professor Tom Kelly WWW Siena College Research Institute

And how does he address roosevelt's concentration camps, rejection of Jewish refugees, and culpability with stalin's atrocities (to name only a few issues)? Provide links to the professor's published works to support your responses.
The one thing that prevented German victory more than anything else was that FDR, with his experience of developing new and modern weapons as an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, guided the development of all the modern weapons that defeated both the Germans and the Russians. From the infantry rifle to the Bombers and WWII era aircraft carriers and submarines, FDR prepared the US for war and when war came America was prepared.
Not really..
True we might have been better prepared but the Republicans fought FDR and his preparations. An example: America had started a draft but only for one year. Republicans fought the original one year draft and the extension for a full time military. Republicans finally gave in a few months before Pearl Harbor, and the draftees were in for the war now.
Anyone remember the song "Goodbye dear, I'll be back in a year because I'm in the army now"

The lying sack of shit got elected three times by swearing/lying that we would never get involved in Europe's conflicts when he knew damn well he intended just the opposite.
The one thing that prevented German victory more than anything else was that FDR, with his experience of developing new and modern weapons as an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, guided the development of all the modern weapons that defeated both the Germans and the Russians. From the infantry rifle to the Bombers and WWII era aircraft carriers and submarines, FDR prepared the US for war and when war came America was prepared.
Not really..
True we might have been better prepared but the Republicans fought FDR and his preparations. .....

Preparations for what?

"Our acts must be guided by one single, hardheaded thought -- keeping America out of the war."
The one thing that prevented German victory more than anything else was that FDR, with his experience of developing new and modern weapons as an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, guided the development of all the modern weapons that defeated both the Germans and the Russians. From the infantry rifle to the Bombers and WWII era aircraft carriers and submarines, FDR prepared the US for war and when war came America was prepared.
Not really..
True we might have been better prepared but the Republicans fought FDR and his preparations. .....

Preparations for what?

"Our acts must be guided by one single, hardheaded thought -- keeping America out of the war."
A hard-headed thought might be to keep our goal in sight but prepare for anything.
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The one thing that prevented German victory more than anything else was that FDR, with his experience of developing new and modern weapons as an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, guided the development of all the modern weapons that defeated both the Germans and the Russians. From the infantry rifle to the Bombers and WWII era aircraft carriers and submarines, FDR prepared the US for war and when war came America was prepared.
Not really..
True we might have been better prepared but the Republicans fought FDR and his preparations. .....

Preparations for what?

"Our acts must be guided by one single, hardheaded thought -- keeping America out of the war."
A hard-headed thought might be to keep our goal in sight but prepare for anything.

= to lie

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