Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed


All of this documented, proven, in this the chagrin of the vile and vulgar FDR

All of that is distorted crap and adds up to nothing more than a warped conspiracy theory.
Why did you come to our country if all you wanted to do is trash it?

Rather than the usual "is not, isssssnooooottttttt!!!" whining.....

....pick one:

a. Remarque was one of a very great number of anti-Hitler Germans, to whom Roosevelt could have turned in order to end the regime and the war.

b. Much of Hitlerā€™s military could have been helpful in this regard as there were many anti-Nazis in the upper echelons.

c. There were numerous attempts by Germans in positions of power, to arrange to end the war. The head of British MI6 attested to this.

d. There was only one reason why Roosevelt forbid any liaison with the German resistance: Stalin demanded same.

e. Ending the war through negotiations with these Germans would have saved hundred of thousands of killed and wounded American boys. This was not a consideration for Roosevelt.

f. Military leaders, including Eisenhower, stated that the attack on Germany, D Day, should be via Italy, which the Allies had conquered. Stalin demanded that said attack be via western-most Europeā€¦.Normandy. FDR acquiesced to Stalinā€™s orders.

g. Stalin and Roosevelt both wanted the Normandy D Day so that the Red Army could take half of Europe.

h. Stalin would allow nothing less than ā€˜unconditional surrenderā€™ so that Germany would be pulverized, and could offer no resistance to Communism post war.

i. After the war, Stalin kept 25,000 American soldiers prisonerā€¦and the Roosevelt administration allowed thisā€¦.the ā€˜the betrayal of our own fighting fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons,ā€¦ā€™

We both know that every one is 100% true, correct, and accurate.....

....don't we.
1. While some may believe that the English language is of the Romance or Latinate, it is actually Teutonic, like German.
Some years ago I decided to read Erich Remarqueā€™s bookā€¦


ā€¦.in the original German. Took a long time, sitting with a German-English dictionary, but I did read it. Today, sometimes I can still get the gist of a written German news story.
The popularity of the novel proves how mistaken Franklin Roosevelt was in his worldview.

a.ā€œErich Maria Remarque[1] (born Erich Paul Remark; 22 June 1898 ā€“ 25 September 1970) was a German novelist who created many works about the horrors of war. His best known novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1928), about German soldiers in the First World War, was made into an Oscar-winning film. His book made him an enemy of the Nazis, who burned many of his works.ā€ Erich Maria Remarque - Wikipedia

3.ā€œHis book made him an enemy of the Nazis,ā€¦ā€

Remarque was hardly the only German who was anti-Nazi.

ā€œApproximately 77,000 German citizens were killed for one or another form of resistanceā€¦ā€ German resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia

Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anti-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

Why do you suppose FDR refused to use the anti-Nazi Germans in his battle against Hitler?

4. Hereā€™s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ā€˜Uncle Joeā€™ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalinā€™s orders.

The result is explained in the title of this thread.
It will be irrefutably proven in the thread itself.

5. If you believe that FDR functioned totally in the interests of America, and Americans, that he did a wonderful job in pursuing victory in WWII, that he had any sort of moral compassā€¦..

ā€¦.then you probably voted for Hillary.
Before we listen to your opinion are you successful? Did you make it on your own? Shouldnā€™t we know your success story before we take your advice?

For example what does don jr know about the real world? Or Ivanā€™s? The only one who does is melania

What a dunce you are.
These aren't opinions....they are facts.

All that matters is whether my posts are true, accurate and correct.

Pick one:

a. Remarque was one of a very great number of anti-Hitler Germans, to whom Roosevelt could have turned in order to end the regime and the war.

b. Much of Hitlerā€™s military could have been helpful in this regard as there were many anti-Nazis in the upper echelons.

c. There were numerous attempts by Germans in positions of power, to arrange to end the war. The head of British MI6 attested to this.

d. There was only one reason why Roosevelt forbid any liaison with the German resistance: Stalin demanded same.

e. Ending the war through negotiations with these Germans would have saved hundred of thousands of killed and wounded American boys. This was not a consideration for Roosevelt.

f. Military leaders, including Eisenhower, stated that the attack on Germany, D Day, should be via Italy, which the Allies had conquered. Stalin demanded that said attack be via western-most Europeā€¦.Normandy. FDR acquiesced to Stalinā€™s orders.

g. Stalin and Roosevelt both wanted the Normandy D Day so that the Red Army could take half of Europe.

h. Stalin would allow nothing less than ā€˜unconditional surrenderā€™ so that Germany would be pulverized, and could offer no resistance to Communism post war.

i. After the war, Stalin kept 25,000 American soldiers prisonerā€¦and the Roosevelt administration allowed thisā€¦.the ā€˜the betrayal of our own fighting fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons,ā€¦ā€™

i. After the war, Stalin kept 25,000 American soldiers prisonerā€¦and the Roosevelt administration allowed thisā€¦.the ā€˜the betrayal of our own fighting fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons,ā€¦ā€™
Are you sure this is one of your 100% true, accurate and documented facts?

This will be interesting to watch PoliticalChic to prove since FDR was dead and buried at the end of the war and President Truman had taken command. It was no longer an FDR administration, it was the Truman administration.

The 25,000 Americans abandoned is a conspiracy and is far from accepted as an accurate "fact".

i. After the war, Stalin kept 25,000 American soldiers prisonerā€¦and the Roosevelt administration allowed thisā€¦.the ā€˜the betrayal of our own fighting fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons,ā€¦ā€™
Are you sure this is one of your 100% true, accurate and documented facts?

This will be interesting to watch PoliticalChic to prove since FDR was dead and buried at the end of the war and President Truman had taken command. It was no longer an FDR administration, it was the Truman administration.

The 25,000 Americans abandoned is a conspiracy and is far from accepted as an accurate "fact".

Let's check:

" By May 15, 1945, the Pentagon believed 25,000 American POWs "liberated" by the Red Army were still being held hostage to Soviet demands that all "Soviet citizens" be returned to Soviet control, "without exception" and by force if necessary, as agreed to at the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

When the U.S. refused to return some military formations composed of Soviet citizens, such as the First Ukrainian SS Division, Stalin retaliated by returning only 4,116 of the [25,000] hostage American POWs.

On June 1, 1945, the United States Government issued documents, signed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, explaining away the loss of approximately 20,000 POWs remaining under Stalin's control."
National Alliance of Families

This is not idle conversation.....this is 20,000 American boys left to die in Stalin's gulags by the Roosevelt administration.

Left by Roosevelt, Hopkins, Marshall.....
....and Eisenhower.

Five day after V-E Day, the AP filed a startling news report from SHAEF: "Nearly half of the estimated 200,000 British and 76,000 American prisoners of war still in Germany are believed to be within the Russian zone of occupation and Supreme Headquarters has twice requested a meeting or arrangement to arrange their return."
Senate Minority POW/MIA Report, 39."SHAEF Asks Russians About Freed PW's", AP Dispatch, ADVANCE HEADQUARTERS, Reims, France, May 12, 1945

a. On May 19, 1945, Eisenhower signed a cable stating "Numbers of US prisoners estimated in Russian control 25,000"

b. Americans in Soviet custody were "in effect being held hostage"; "we may find a reluctance to return them all..." The realization began to dawn that they may never come home at all.
Major R.W. Barker, 'Report on Conference With Russian Officials Relative to Repatriation of Prisoners of War, May 23, 1945, See Senate Minority POW/MIA Report, 41.

Behind the scenes, on May 19, 1945, Supreme Commander Eisenhower himself signed a cable stating, ā€œNumbers of US prisoners estimated in Russian control 25,000.ā€

What happened? The Senate report goes on to assemble the relevant record of subsequent statements, memos, tallies and the like to arrive at its bottom line: between 12,500 and 20,000 U.S. servicemen were left behind after World.

"I canā€™t think of anything that puts a more American face on this uniquely twentieth-century record of perfidy [by Roosevelt and his administration] than the betrayal of our own fighting fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons, Americans of successive generations beginning back before the so-called Greatest Generation, all the way up to the baby boomers. Along with their long-suffering families, they would become the uniquely American sacrifice to the conspiracy of silence that improbably held the Free World and the Un-Free World together, partners in crime, over the course of the twentieth century. Sacrifices, all, to American betrayal."
Diana West, "American Betrayal," chapter 11
The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Memorial

Remember when you wrote this absurdity:

"FDR was a great moral compass for the country and the world."

Franklin Roosevelt's Infatuation

You're lookin' like quite a fool about now, huh?
1. While some may believe that the English language is of the Romance or Latinate, it is actually Teutonic, like German.
Some years ago I decided to read Erich Remarqueā€™s bookā€¦


ā€¦.in the original German. Took a long time, sitting with a German-English dictionary, but I did read it. Today, sometimes I can still get the gist of a written German news story.
The popularity of the novel proves how mistaken Franklin Roosevelt was in his worldview.

a.ā€œErich Maria Remarque[1] (born Erich Paul Remark; 22 June 1898 ā€“ 25 September 1970) was a German novelist who created many works about the horrors of war. His best known novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1928), about German soldiers in the First World War, was made into an Oscar-winning film. His book made him an enemy of the Nazis, who burned many of his works.ā€ Erich Maria Remarque - Wikipedia

3.ā€œHis book made him an enemy of the Nazis,ā€¦ā€

Remarque was hardly the only German who was anti-Nazi.

ā€œApproximately 77,000 German citizens were killed for one or another form of resistanceā€¦ā€ German resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia

Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anti-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

Why do you suppose FDR refused to use the anti-Nazi Germans in his battle against Hitler?

4. Hereā€™s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ā€˜Uncle Joeā€™ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalinā€™s orders.

The result is explained in the title of this thread.
It will be irrefutably proven in the thread itself.

5. If you believe that FDR functioned totally in the interests of America, and Americans, that he did a wonderful job in pursuing victory in WWII, that he had any sort of moral compassā€¦..

ā€¦.then you probably voted for Hillary.
Before we listen to your opinion are you successful? Did you make it on your own? Shouldnā€™t we know your success story before we take your advice?



Just like it was informative to know you are a public unionized teacher who's also a Trump supporter, it'd be informative to know why she's a republican. Was she born rich. Did she forget where she came from? Is she a spoiled little brat? Or is she like most Republicans, voting against her own financial interests because she has lotto mentality. That's the idea that one day you might be rich and if you were rich you wouldn't want to pay ss taxes on anything above $100K so instead of voting to raise the cap you imagine how one day you might make over $100K so you side with the people who allow billionaires to not pay their fair share and fuck your own social security. Because the chances of her being rich are a lot less than her needing that social security check she'll be needing when her knees start going in the late 50's.
1. While some may believe that the English language is of the Romance or Latinate, it is actually Teutonic, like German.
Some years ago I decided to read Erich Remarqueā€™s bookā€¦


ā€¦.in the original German. Took a long time, sitting with a German-English dictionary, but I did read it. Today, sometimes I can still get the gist of a written German news story.
The popularity of the novel proves how mistaken Franklin Roosevelt was in his worldview.

a.ā€œErich Maria Remarque[1] (born Erich Paul Remark; 22 June 1898 ā€“ 25 September 1970) was a German novelist who created many works about the horrors of war. His best known novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1928), about German soldiers in the First World War, was made into an Oscar-winning film. His book made him an enemy of the Nazis, who burned many of his works.ā€ Erich Maria Remarque - Wikipedia

3.ā€œHis book made him an enemy of the Nazis,ā€¦ā€

Remarque was hardly the only German who was anti-Nazi.

ā€œApproximately 77,000 German citizens were killed for one or another form of resistanceā€¦ā€ German resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia

Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anti-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

Why do you suppose FDR refused to use the anti-Nazi Germans in his battle against Hitler?

4. Hereā€™s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ā€˜Uncle Joeā€™ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalinā€™s orders.

The result is explained in the title of this thread.
It will be irrefutably proven in the thread itself.

5. If you believe that FDR functioned totally in the interests of America, and Americans, that he did a wonderful job in pursuing victory in WWII, that he had any sort of moral compassā€¦..

ā€¦.then you probably voted for Hillary.
Before we listen to your opinion are you successful? Did you make it on your own? Shouldnā€™t we know your success story before we take your advice?



Just like it was informative to know you are a public unionized teacher who's also a Trump supporter, it'd be informative to know why she's a republican. Was she born rich. Did she forget where she came from? Is she a spoiled little brat? Or is she like most Republicans, voting against her own financial interests because she has lotto mentality. That's the idea that one day you might be rich and if you were rich you wouldn't want to pay ss taxes on anything above $100K so instead of voting to raise the cap you imagine how one day you might make over $100K so you side with the people who allow billionaires to not pay their fair share and fuck your own social security. Because the chances of her being rich are a lot less than her needing that social security check she'll be needing when her knees start going in the late 50's.

Sooooo.....I called your bluff, and now you have to admit that every one of these is 100% true, correct, and accurate????


a. Remarque was one of a very great number of anti-Hitler Germans, to whom Roosevelt could have turned in order to end the regime and the war.

b. Much of Hitlerā€™s military could have been helpful in this regard as there were many anti-Nazis in the upper echelons.

c. There were numerous attempts by Germans in positions of power, to arrange to end the war. The head of British MI6 attested to this.

d. There was only one reason why Roosevelt forbid any liaison with the German resistance: Stalin demanded same.

e. Ending the war through negotiations with these Germans would have saved hundred of thousands of killed and wounded American boys. This was not a consideration for Roosevelt.

f. Military leaders, including Eisenhower, stated that the attack on Germany, D Day, should be via Italy, which the Allies had conquered. Stalin demanded that said attack be via western-most Europeā€¦.Normandy. FDR acquiesced to Stalinā€™s orders.

g. Stalin and Roosevelt both wanted the Normandy D Day so that the Red Army could take half of Europe.

h. Stalin would allow nothing less than ā€˜unconditional surrenderā€™ so that Germany would be pulverized, and could offer no resistance to Communism post war.

i. After the war, Stalin kept 25,000 American soldiers prisonerā€¦and the Roosevelt administration allowed thisā€¦.the ā€˜the betrayal of our own fighting fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons,ā€¦ā€™

When will you be changing your avi to 'DUNCE'???
1. While some may believe that the English language is of the Romance or Latinate, it is actually Teutonic, like German.
Some years ago I decided to read Erich Remarqueā€™s bookā€¦


ā€¦.in the original German. Took a long time, sitting with a German-English dictionary, but I did read it. Today, sometimes I can still get the gist of a written German news story.
The popularity of the novel proves how mistaken Franklin Roosevelt was in his worldview.

a.ā€œErich Maria Remarque[1] (born Erich Paul Remark; 22 June 1898 ā€“ 25 September 1970) was a German novelist who created many works about the horrors of war. His best known novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1928), about German soldiers in the First World War, was made into an Oscar-winning film. His book made him an enemy of the Nazis, who burned many of his works.ā€ Erich Maria Remarque - Wikipedia

3.ā€œHis book made him an enemy of the Nazis,ā€¦ā€

Remarque was hardly the only German who was anti-Nazi.

ā€œApproximately 77,000 German citizens were killed for one or another form of resistanceā€¦ā€ German resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia

Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anti-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

Why do you suppose FDR refused to use the anti-Nazi Germans in his battle against Hitler?

4. Hereā€™s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ā€˜Uncle Joeā€™ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalinā€™s orders.

The result is explained in the title of this thread.
It will be irrefutably proven in the thread itself.

5. If you believe that FDR functioned totally in the interests of America, and Americans, that he did a wonderful job in pursuing victory in WWII, that he had any sort of moral compassā€¦..

ā€¦.then you probably voted for Hillary.
Before we listen to your opinion are you successful? Did you make it on your own? Shouldnā€™t we know your success story before we take your advice?



Just like it was informative to know you are a public unionized teacher who's also a Trump supporter, .....

More of your illogical speculation, shitforbrains.

All of this documented, proven, in this the chagrin of the vile and vulgar FDR

All of that is distorted crap and adds up to nothing more than a warped conspiracy theory.
Why did you come to our country if all you wanted to do is trash it?

Rather than the usual "is not, isssssnooooottttttt!!!" whining.....

....pick one:

a. Remarque was one of a very great number of anti-Hitler Germans, to whom Roosevelt could have turned in order to end the regime and the war.

b. Much of Hitlerā€™s military could have been helpful in this regard as there were many anti-Nazis in the upper echelons.

c. There were numerous attempts by Germans in positions of power, to arrange to end the war. The head of British MI6 attested to this.

d. There was only one reason why Roosevelt forbid any liaison with the German resistance: Stalin demanded same.

e. Ending the war through negotiations with these Germans would have saved hundred of thousands of killed and wounded American boys. This was not a consideration for Roosevelt.

f. Military leaders, including Eisenhower, stated that the attack on Germany, D Day, should be via Italy, which the Allies had conquered. Stalin demanded that said attack be via western-most Europeā€¦.Normandy. FDR acquiesced to Stalinā€™s orders.

g. Stalin and Roosevelt both wanted the Normandy D Day so that the Red Army could take half of Europe.

h. Stalin would allow nothing less than ā€˜unconditional surrenderā€™ so that Germany would be pulverized, and could offer no resistance to Communism post war.

i. After the war, Stalin kept 25,000 American soldiers prisonerā€¦and the Roosevelt administration allowed thisā€¦.the ā€˜the betrayal of our own fighting fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons,ā€¦ā€™

We both know that every one is 100% true, correct, and accurate.....

....don't we.
What a naive view of Nazi Germany
19. . Based on the hagiography, one can't help but be surprised at how mediocre Franklin Roosevelt was at just about everything. Prep school was Groton, college, Harvard....excelling at neither sports nor academics.
"I can't understand this thing about Frank. He never amounted to much at school."
"BEFORE THE TRUMPET: Young Franklin Roosevelt, 1882-1905," by Geoffrey C. Ward,, p. 180-181

A 'C to C+' student; not much for homework, study, or research....but he focused on social-political clubs, debates and journalism.

A total failure at businessā€¦.perhaps that is why he latched on to Stalin, and communism: he hated the successful.

In any case, due to Rooseveltā€™s infatuation with Stalin and communism, he refused to use the services of anti-Hitler factions in Germany, those who could have deposed the tyrant and brought the war to the end.

This is what Roosevelt ignored, to the detriment of America and Americans:

ā€œIn a certain sense there was not a single year between 1933 and 1945 during which there was not some contact or attempt at contact, between the anti-Hitler opposition and either Britain or the Unites States, or both. ā€œ The Greatest War Crime

Upper class members of both the military and the aristocracy in Germany, on whom FDR could have counted as allies against Hitler, included:

Wilhelm Canaris, head of Military Intelligence

Franz von Papen, German nobleman, General Staff officer and politician. He served as Chancellor of Germany in 1932 and as Vice-Chancellor under Adolf Hitler in 1933ā€“34.

Colonel General Ludwig Beck Beginning in early 1937,"the first 'cell' of the Resistance Movement" was formed by Ludwig Beck, Army Chief of staff, and Carl Goerdeler, who had just resigned as Mayor of Leipzig as a gesture in defiance of Nazi anti-Semitism (Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle, pp. 35-3G, 75-79). As financial adviser to the Robert Bosch firm of Stuttgart, Goerdeler was sent abroad by his employer "on business" between early 1937 and late 1939 to the U.S., Britain, Switzerland, Palestine and a dozen other countries, making contact with persons interested in the overthrow of Hitler's regime (Ibid, pp. 47, 81, 83, 305, 484; and Hoffmann, German Resistance, p. 153). The Greatest War Crime

Carl Friedrich Goerderler

Ulrich von Hassell

Johannes Popitz

Kurt von Hammerstein

Job Wilhelm Georg Erdmann Erwin von Witzleben (4 December 1881 ā€“ 8 August 1944) was a German officer, by 1940 in the rank of a Field Marshal(Generalfeldmarschall), and army commander in the Second World War. A leading conspirator in the 20 July plot,[1] he was designated to become Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht armed forces in a post-Nazi regime Erwin von Witzleben - Wikipedia

.General Edward Wagner

General Georg Thomas

Major General Hans Oster

General Friederich Olbricht

Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg

Wilhelm Leuchner

Julius Leber

Helmuth von Moltke

Baron Kurt von Lersner

Instead, Roosevelt bowed to Stalin's every demand.....costing thousands of Americans their lives, and dooming much of Europe to oppression.
19. . Based on the hagiography, one can't help but be surprised at how mediocre Franklin Roosevelt was at just about everything. Prep school was Groton, college, Harvard....excelling at neither sports nor academics.
"I can't understand this thing about Frank. He never amounted to much at school."
"BEFORE THE TRUMPET: Young Franklin Roosevelt, 1882-1905," by Geoffrey C. Ward,, p. 180-181

A 'C to C+' student; not much for homework, study, or research....but he focused on social-political clubs, debates and journalism.

A total failure at businessā€¦.perhaps that is why he latched on to Stalin, and communism: he hated the successful.

In any case, due to Rooseveltā€™s infatuation with Stalin and communism, he refused to use the services of anti-Hitler factions in Germany, those who could have deposed the tyrant and brought the war to the end.

This is what Roosevelt ignored, to the detriment of America and Americans:

ā€œIn a certain sense there was not a single year between 1933 and 1945 during which there was not some contact or attempt at contact, between the anti-Hitler opposition and either Britain or the Unites States, or both. ā€œ The Greatest War Crime

Upper class members of both the military and the aristocracy in Germany, on whom FDR could have counted as allies against Hitler, included:

Wilhelm Canaris, head of Military Intelligence

Franz von Papen, German nobleman, General Staff officer and politician. He served as Chancellor of Germany in 1932 and as Vice-Chancellor under Adolf Hitler in 1933ā€“34.

Colonel General Ludwig Beck Beginning in early 1937,"the first 'cell' of the Resistance Movement" was formed by Ludwig Beck, Army Chief of staff, and Carl Goerdeler, who had just resigned as Mayor of Leipzig as a gesture in defiance of Nazi anti-Semitism (Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle, pp. 35-3G, 75-79). As financial adviser to the Robert Bosch firm of Stuttgart, Goerdeler was sent abroad by his employer "on business" between early 1937 and late 1939 to the U.S., Britain, Switzerland, Palestine and a dozen other countries, making contact with persons interested in the overthrow of Hitler's regime (Ibid, pp. 47, 81, 83, 305, 484; and Hoffmann, German Resistance, p. 153). The Greatest War Crime

Carl Friedrich Goerderler

Ulrich von Hassell

Johannes Popitz

Kurt von Hammerstein

Job Wilhelm Georg Erdmann Erwin von Witzleben (4 December 1881 ā€“ 8 August 1944) was a German officer, by 1940 in the rank of a Field Marshal(Generalfeldmarschall), and army commander in the Second World War. A leading conspirator in the 20 July plot,[1] he was designated to become Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht armed forces in a post-Nazi regime Erwin von Witzleben - Wikipedia

.General Edward Wagner

General Georg Thomas

Major General Hans Oster

General Friederich Olbricht

Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg

Wilhelm Leuchner

Julius Leber

Helmuth von Moltke

Baron Kurt von Lersner

Instead, Roosevelt bowed to Stalin's every demand.....costing thousands of Americans their lives, and dooming much of Europe to oppression.
What happened to those accused of being in the German resistance?
They, and their family and friends were cruelly executed

This is the movement Frau Braun says could have toppled Nazi Germany if FDR had only kept them
20. "Archival evidence indicates that the Sovietā€™s wanted the war to continue long enough for them to conquer Eastern Europe and in order for Germany to be utterly destroyed or ā€œpastoralizedā€ which was called for in the Morgenthau Plan which was actually written by Soviet spy Harry Dexter White. The Soviets were also clamoring for a ā€œsecond frontā€ in France in order to deflect the allies out of Italy and the Balkans which was too close to Russia."
Chuck Morse Speaks: The Canaris Cover-up

While Hitler was useful to Stalin early on, the endgame required that his brand of socialism, national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race...had to be removed as an impediment to Stalin's conquest of Europe, and then further.
Stalin's policy was simple: the result of the war had to leave Germany a smoldering wreckage, with no ability to resist Stalin's forces.

This was the basis of Stalinā€™s demand for ā€˜unconditional surrender.ā€™

It is clear what Stalin had to gain from extending the war, and using American forces to pulverizeā€¦he called it ā€˜pastoralizeā€™ Germanyā€¦..but what did America have to gain?????

Who was to be the enemy post-war????

No one asked that question of Rooseveltā€¦..and the answer does not redound to the benefit of either Roosevelt, nor his brain-dead defenders.
Last edited:
21. Based on the facts revealed in this thread, there is only one conclusion about Roosevelt's motives and actions with respect to WWII: they were less based on benefits to America, than to the Soviet Union.

"In a certain sense there was not a single year between 1933 and 1945 during which there was not some contact or attempt at contact, between the anti-Hitler opposition and either Britain or the Unites States, or both." The Greatest War Crime

Soooā€¦.why didnā€™t FDR take the opportunity to end the war??? The former head of MI6 explained it thus: The head of the Abwehr, German Military Intelligence, Wm. Canaris, made numerous attempts to form alliance with the British and the Americansā€¦.

Britain's intelligence chief said this about Canaris: 'It is said that had it not been for the Foreign Office's fear of offending Russia that he might have established direct contact with the admiral [Canaris] in 1942 on the removal of Hitler as a means of shortening the war."
ā€œGen. Menzies, Ex-British Intelligence Chief, Dies,ā€ New York Times, May 31, 1968.

F.W. Winterbotham was chief of air intelligence for Britain's MI6, and wrote in his memoir that he had approved a plan sent by Wilhelm Canaris, head of German military intelligence, to overthrow Hitler and surrender to the Allies, in 1942. ("Secret and Personal," by F.W. Winterbotham )

What prevented an earlier conclusion to the war?
"... fear of offending Russia..."

Fear of offending, it seems to me, suggests a relationship with one's superiors....
i.e., Roosevelt considered Stalin his superior.

ā€¦.and made the United States subservient to the Soviet Union.

This is the explanation for the cultural Marxism rampant in our society today.
A big thanks to Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
22. The anti-Nazi resistance convinced some of Rooseveltā€™s advisers that he should give a hearing to them, with the aim of ending the war.

What FDR did, in the case of the former governor of Pennsylvania, Commander George H. Earle, FDR's personal representative (i.e., eyes and ears) for the Balkans, tells all you need to know about the Presidentā€™s affiliations with the Soviets.

ā€œFranz Von Papen promised to get in touch with FDR. He decided to ask his friend, Baron Kurt von Lersner (a friend of FDR) to make contact with the former governor of Pennsylvania, Commander George H. Earle, FDR's personal representative (i.e., eyes and ears) for the Balkans, stationed in Istanbul. In the meantime, German Intelligence chief, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, long in contact with the Beck-Goerdeler group, had also decided to make the same attempt through Navy Captain Paul Leverkuehn, an internationally-known lawyer and acquaintance of William J. Donovan, head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (Heinz Hoehne, Canaris, trans. J. Maxwell Brownjohn Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979, pp. 482-83; Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle; and von Papen, Memoirs, pp. 488-89, 499.).

ā€¦ Earle soon became convinced of the sincerity of Canaris and von Papen, and strongly persuaded of sinister hidden designs of the Soviet Government, including its objective to establish the USSR as the supreme power in Europe. Commander Earle immediately sent an urgent message to Washington via diplomatic pouch, requesting a prompt reply. A month later, Canaris phoned, as had been agreed, but Earle could only say "I am waiting for news, but have none today." Several months, and several follow-up messages, passed but still no reply. Presumably Earle had informed FDR that this peace probe had the full backing of "the Pope, Papal Secretary of State Maglione, Nuncio Roncali (the later Pope John XXIII), and Bishop Montini (the later Pope Paul VI." (Hoehne, Canaris, p. 484; and von Papen, Memoirs, p. 459.)

According to Earle's account of the whole episode, as published by the Philadelphia Inquirer on January 30, 1959, von Papen's offer of a separate peace in return for handing over Hitler "was explained to President Roosevelt at once, by courier, and rejected."

FDR insisted that any attempt at negotiation had to go through Eisenhower, a general with whom von Papen had no contact ...nor was he in a position to make a decision of a purely political nature."

Earle flew to Washington for a personal confrontation with the President who forbade him to talk about the matter and sent him "to Samoa as Deputy Governor of 16,000 natives" (von Papen, Memoirs, p. 523; and Wedemeyer, Wedemeyer Reports!, p. 417).

ā€œā€¦the President who forbade him to talk about the matter and sent him "to Samoaā€¦.ā€

No doubt, Stalin gave Franklin the pat on the head he yearned for.
22. The anti-Nazi resistance convinced some of Rooseveltā€™s advisers that he should give a hearing to them, with the aim of ending the war.

What FDR did, in the case of the former governor of Pennsylvania, Commander George H. Earle, FDR's personal representative (i.e., eyes and ears) for the Balkans, tells all you need to know about the Presidentā€™s affiliations with the Soviets.

ā€œFranz Von Papen promised to get in touch with FDR. He decided to ask his friend, Baron Kurt von Lersner (a friend of FDR) to make contact with the former governor of Pennsylvania, Commander George H. Earle, FDR's personal representative (i.e., eyes and ears) for the Balkans, stationed in Istanbul. In the meantime, German Intelligence chief, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, long in contact with the Beck-Goerdeler group, had also decided to make the same attempt through Navy Captain Paul Leverkuehn, an internationally-known lawyer and acquaintance of William J. Donovan, head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (Heinz Hoehne, Canaris, trans. J. Maxwell Brownjohn Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979, pp. 482-83; Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle; and von Papen, Memoirs, pp. 488-89, 499.).

ā€¦ Earle soon became convinced of the sincerity of Canaris and von Papen, and strongly persuaded of sinister hidden designs of the Soviet Government, including its objective to establish the USSR as the supreme power in Europe. Commander Earle immediately sent an urgent message to Washington via diplomatic pouch, requesting a prompt reply. A month later, Canaris phoned, as had been agreed, but Earle could only say "I am waiting for news, but have none today." Several months, and several follow-up messages, passed but still no reply. Presumably Earle had informed FDR that this peace probe had the full backing of "the Pope, Papal Secretary of State Maglione, Nuncio Roncali (the later Pope John XXIII), and Bishop Montini (the later Pope Paul VI." (Hoehne, Canaris, p. 484; and von Papen, Memoirs, p. 459.)

According to Earle's account of the whole episode, as published by the Philadelphia Inquirer on January 30, 1959, von Papen's offer of a separate peace in return for handing over Hitler "was explained to President Roosevelt at once, by courier, and rejected."

FDR insisted that any attempt at negotiation had to go through Eisenhower, a general with whom von Papen had no contact ...nor was he in a position to make a decision of a purely political nature."

Earle flew to Washington for a personal confrontation with the President who forbade him to talk about the matter and sent him "to Samoa as Deputy Governor of 16,000 natives" (von Papen, Memoirs, p. 523; and Wedemeyer, Wedemeyer Reports!, p. 417).

ā€œā€¦the President who forbade him to talk about the matter and sent him "to Samoaā€¦.ā€

No doubt, Stalin gave Franklin the pat on the head he yearned for.

ā€œHand over Hitlerā€
How naive can you be?
How would you characterize the "informed" during the 30's when the only information sources were aligned with the FDR administration? The administration had all the bases covered even when Americans were dying in ditches during FDR's first two Great Depression terns. FDR was a very sick man who may have had several strokes but democrats ran his virtual corpse for a 4th term and the criminal conspiracy in the media kept his health issues a secret.
FDR was certainly played by Stalin at Yalta, then at the end of the war to allow the USSR to take as much of Europe, including part of Germany as they did. Despicable. It took us 45 five years, two wars, many lives, and countless Billions to overcome that.

We had the Bomb, the delivery mechanism, and other military strength the USSR did not possess. We had the leverage, and didn't use it. Why?
FDR was certainly played by Stalin at Yalta, then at the end of the war to allow the USSR to take as much of Europe, including part of Germany as they did. Despicable. It took us 45 five years, two wars, many lives, and countless Billions to overcome that.

We had the Bomb, the delivery mechanism, and other military strength the USSR did not possess. We had the leverage, and didn't use it. Why?
The leverage to use the "Bomb" on who?
The point is that everybody was technically uninformed during the four FDR terms while the media held all the cards. The media writes the history books so FDR has achieved virtual political sainthood even though his first two terms were failures and his 3rd term while he was a dying man was an example of the worst that could happen when the media authorizes crazy executive orders and Americans are rounded up and placed behind barbed wire without due process.
The leverage to use the "Bomb" on who?

On nobody, but the Russians didn't know that. The leverage is not to USE the bomb, but the threat of possibly using the bomb. We used it on the Japanese, why wouldn't the Russians think we'd use it on them even in actuality that would not be the plan.

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