Fraud: Obama Exposed!


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Oct 6, 2008
Consider the following as an intellectual endeavor: how does a mediocre writer produce a graceful, lyrical, poetic, best-ever memoir....

Or does he? Jack Cashill reveals the impossibility of such. Agree or not, it is more than passing interesting.

1. “Dream From My Father” was designed not to make Obama President of the United States, but rather to make Obama the mayor of Chicago, a position that would have done Ayers a world of good.

2. Bill Ayers is an extremely talented writer. The questions, then, are who wrote the book, and is the story true?

3. Now then, do we find the literary background or predicate for the for the kind of grace and style of “Dreams” in prior samples of Obama’s work? Is there evidence of a dedication to the craft that might produce “Dreams”?

a. In “The Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell clearly defines the elements of success in a given field as a combination of talent and practice, constant practice, and not a particularly high I.Q. He calls it the “Ten Thousand Hour Rule,” and gives many examples such as the Beatles, Charlie Parker, Mozart, Bill Gates, and himself, a professional writer.

b. Christopher Hitchens, in his memoir, speaks of constant writing to hone his talent.

c. Frank Marshall Davis wrote about his efforts to improve as a writer, and his ‘journalitis”

4. Barack Obama, on the other hand, has only one mention that encompasses his attempts at writing in “Dreams,” ‘I made some journal entries and wrote some very bad poetry.’ That’s it.

5. Seeing samples of his writing prior to “Dreams,” I found an article that he wrote for the Columbia Sundial as a 23-year-old senior, in 1983. The article was called “Breaking the War Mentality,” and in the 1800 word essay there were five sentences in which the noun, the subject of the sentence, didn’t agree with the verb.

a. One example: “The very real ADVANTAGES of concentrating on a single issue IS leading the national freeze movement to challenge individual missile systems while continuing the broader campaign.” Of course, it should read “The very real advantages …ARE,” and one wonders about the structure of a sentence in which ‘advantages’ are ‘leading.’

b. This is a senior at America’s best college, one who spent the prior eight years in Hawaii’s best prep school. One would expect his writing skills at this point to be at 90% of the best it would ever be!

6. In 1988, we find a second example of his writing, an article called “Why Organize?” appearing in a book called “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.” Once again, nouns and subjects which don’t agree, awkward, disjointed sentences, leaden rather than flowing.

a. An example” “Facing these realities, at least three major strands of earlier movements are apparent.” Note, “Facing these realities…” modifies nothing. And ‘strands’ do not ‘face reality.’

b. It is interesting that there seems to be only one copy of the book, by a sitting President, and the asking price is $150. Someone knows what they have there.

7. In 1990, he wrote an unsigned casenote at Harvard, “Suits by a fetus against third parties provide an additional deterrent to unwanted intrusions on a woman’s bodily integrity.” You be the judge, stylistically smooth and graceful, or awkward and leaden?

a. Note that it states that if an unwanted child could sue its mother, or the abortionist, it would restrict the ability of the mother to kill an unwanted child.

b. Curious, also, in that it represents the only time in recent history that Democrats have not chosen to expand tort rights, in this case, to the unborn.

c. 1990 was the same year that Mr. Obama was honored with the affirmative action position of president of the Harvard Law Review.

8. As a result of the story of his accession to presidency of the Harvard Law Review, a NY literary agent, Jane Dystel, gets him to write a proposal for a book, which she takes to Simon and Schuster. The result is a $125,000 advance, with an agreement to finish the book in 18 months.
a. But, since Obama is not a writer, he does what people always do when faced with a challenge they can’t accomplish: he procrastinates. He takes on various responsibilities, other than the writing.

b. But, in 1995, after Simon and Schuster cancels his contract, and Dystel manages to get him a smaller contract, and with no time on his schedule, he manages to sit down and write a 440-page masterpiece, that Time magazine calls “the best written memoir ever produced by an American politician.” The Fresh Face - TIME

c. “…distinguished intellectual historian James Kloppenberg, chair of the Harvard history department. Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition… “the most substantial books written by anyone elected President of the United States since Woodrow Wilson.” Barack Obama, Intellectual - PageView - The Chronicle of Higher Education

d. Michiko Kakutani, the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic for The New York Times, described it as "the most evocative, lyrical and candid autobiography written by a future president." The New York Times.

The above from “Deconstructing Obama,” by Jack Cashill
Lecture can be found at Search - C-SPAN Video Library

So, do we agree? The authorship is fraudulent, as is his presidency.
It doesn't matter.
If Obama were to be discovered today to be ineligible by birth, I doubt he would be removed as president. His supporters would counter that, well George Washington wasn't a US citizen either when he was born, or somesuch.
Yes of course he is a fraud. Yes of course he is a liar. Yes of course he was put in office by powerful interests that vilify everyone else.
But so what?
Consider the following as an intellectual endeavor: how does a mediocre writer produce a graceful, lyrical, poetic, best-ever memoir....

Or does he? Jack Cashill reveals the impossibility of such. Agree or not, it is more than passing interesting.

1. “Dream From My Father” was designed not to make Obama President of the United States, but rather to make Obama the mayor of Chicago, a position that would have done Ayers a world of good.

2. Bill Ayers is an extremely talented writer. The questions, then, are who wrote the book, and is the story true?

3. Now then, do we find the literary background or predicate for the for the kind of grace and style of “Dreams” in prior samples of Obama’s work? Is there evidence of a dedication to the craft that might produce “Dreams”?

a. In “The Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell clearly defines the elements of success in a given field as a combination of talent and practice, constant practice, and not a particularly high I.Q. He calls it the “Ten Thousand Hour Rule,” and gives many examples such as the Beatles, Charlie Parker, Mozart, Bill Gates, and himself, a professional writer.

b. Christopher Hitchens, in his memoir, speaks of constant writing to hone his talent.

c. Frank Marshall Davis wrote about his efforts to improve as a writer, and his ‘journalitis”

4. Barack Obama, on the other hand, has only one mention that encompasses his attempts at writing in “Dreams,” ‘I made some journal entries and wrote some very bad poetry.’ That’s it.

5. Seeing samples of his writing prior to “Dreams,” I found an article that he wrote for the Columbia Sundial as a 23-year-old senior, in 1983. The article was called “Breaking the War Mentality,” and in the 1800 word essay there were five sentences in which the noun, the subject of the sentence, didn’t agree with the verb.

a. One example: “The very real ADVANTAGES of concentrating on a single issue IS leading the national freeze movement to challenge individual missile systems while continuing the broader campaign.” Of course, it should read “The very real advantages …ARE,” and one wonders about the structure of a sentence in which ‘advantages’ are ‘leading.’

b. This is a senior at America’s best college, one who spent the prior eight years in Hawaii’s best prep school. One would expect his writing skills at this point to be at 90% of the best it would ever be!

6. In 1988, we find a second example of his writing, an article called “Why Organize?” appearing in a book called “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.” Once again, nouns and subjects which don’t agree, awkward, disjointed sentences, leaden rather than flowing.

a. An example” “Facing these realities, at least three major strands of earlier movements are apparent.” Note, “Facing these realities…” modifies nothing. And ‘strands’ do not ‘face reality.’

b. It is interesting that there seems to be only one copy of the book, by a sitting President, and the asking price is $150. Someone knows what they have there.

7. In 1990, he wrote an unsigned casenote at Harvard, “Suits by a fetus against third parties provide an additional deterrent to unwanted intrusions on a woman’s bodily integrity.” You be the judge, stylistically smooth and graceful, or awkward and leaden?

a. Note that it states that if an unwanted child could sue its mother, or the abortionist, it would restrict the ability of the mother to kill an unwanted child.

b. Curious, also, in that it represents the only time in recent history that Democrats have not chosen to expand tort rights, in this case, to the unborn.

c. 1990 was the same year that Mr. Obama was honored with the affirmative action position of president of the Harvard Law Review.

8. As a result of the story of his accession to presidency of the Harvard Law Review, a NY literary agent, Jane Dystel, gets him to write a proposal for a book, which she takes to Simon and Schuster. The result is a $125,000 advance, with an agreement to finish the book in 18 months.
a. But, since Obama is not a writer, he does what people always do when faced with a challenge they can’t accomplish: he procrastinates. He takes on various responsibilities, other than the writing.

b. But, in 1995, after Simon and Schuster cancels his contract, and Dystel manages to get him a smaller contract, and with no time on his schedule, he manages to sit down and write a 440-page masterpiece, that Time magazine calls “the best written memoir ever produced by an American politician.” The Fresh Face - TIME

c. “…distinguished intellectual historian James Kloppenberg, chair of the Harvard history department. Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition… “the most substantial books written by anyone elected President of the United States since Woodrow Wilson.” Barack Obama, Intellectual - PageView - The Chronicle of Higher Education

d. Michiko Kakutani, the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic for The New York Times, described it as "the most evocative, lyrical and candid autobiography written by a future president." The New York Times.

The above from “Deconstructing Obama,” by Jack Cashill
Lecture can be found at Search - C-SPAN Video Library

So, do we agree? The authorship is fraudulent, as is his presidency.
I'm glad you posted this. Cashill exposes Obama and proves Ayer's wrote his book. This proves his past is a made up lie. That is why his records are sealed. It's a fabrication feel good story that his team of cronies created to sell the American people in 08 and it worked. Obama was never eligible and they are desperately trying to keep a lid on it with the help of the MSM. That is why you are deemed a racist any time you question Obama's past. That's their shielding over him so to speak. Donald Trump broke through that shielding a few days ago when questioned in front of the MSM and elaborated as to why Obama has a shady past where no one remembers him. What is going to be the game changer that dooms Obama is another book that will be released mid May and it's already becoming a best seller before print. It's called 'Where's The Birth Certificate' written by Jerome Corsi and he is the guy who single handedly derailed John Kerry's campaign with his 'Swiftboat' book. Obama won't win re-election in 12.
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Professional writers generally agree that Ayers ghosted 'Dreams' and 'Audacity'. In fact, of the professional writers I know, I can't think of one who believes that Obama wrote either.
It doesn't matter.
If Obama were to be discovered today to be ineligible by birth, I doubt he would be removed as president. His supporters would counter that, well George Washington wasn't a US citizen either when he was born, or somesuch.
Yes of course he is a fraud. Yes of course he is a liar. Yes of course he was put in office by powerful interests that vilify everyone else.
But so what?

They couldn't use the George Washington argument because he was grandfathered in per Article 2 Section 1 which made special conditions for the first few presidents. until Martin Van Buren, who became the first natural born citizen president.
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It doesn't matter.
If Obama were to be discovered today to be ineligible by birth, I doubt he would be removed as president. His supporters would counter that, well George Washington wasn't a US citizen either when he was born, or somesuch.
Yes of course he is a fraud. Yes of course he is a liar. Yes of course he was put in office by powerful interests that vilify everyone else.
But so what?

They couldn't use the George Washington argument because he was grandfathered in per Article 2 Section 1 which made special conditions for the first few presidents. until Martin Van Burens who became the first natural born citizen president.
The distinctions will be lost. Trust me.
This is not really anything new. Everyone knows that Sorenson wrote "Profiles in Courage." To go back further, everyone knows that Hamilton wrote Washington's farewell.

Nothing wrong with a ghost.

the problem with Dreams of My Father is that it does contain Obama's ideas, maybe polished a bit. And it is the ideas themselves that are worthy of examination rather than literary nitpicking.

And given what idea that are in there that Obama's ideas, we really need to on guard against what he has to offer.
I have to agree with Army that Obama appears to have a past made up. He was a total ghost just about. Why has the administration gone to such lengths to seal his records?
Professional writers generally agree that Ayers ghosted 'Dreams' and 'Audacity'. In fact, of the professional writers I know, I can't think of one who believes that Obama wrote either.

Professional writers? Anybody can be a professional writer. Who cares? Do you have actual proof, or only the word of the delusional so-called professional writers that you personally know?
Professional writers generally agree that Ayers ghosted 'Dreams' and 'Audacity'. In fact, of the professional writers I know, I can't think of one who believes that Obama wrote either.

Professional writers? Anybody can be a professional writer. Who cares? Do you have actual proof, or only the word of the delusional so-called professional writers that you personally know?

I'll take their opinions, given their knowledge... and mine, over some Obamatron. It's quite hard to get 'proof' of who ghosted any particular book.... they often involve Non Disclosure Agreements and the writer agrees to forgo any recognition for a larger fee. That's how it works.

So sorry, but there are topics and subjects that require a bit more in the way of cognizence in order for same to pique one's interest.

I fully understand your inability to get into this question.

My compliments!
You were the first one from the gauche side of the aisle to undertake a defense of our President.

I wonder if the reason is that Cashill's argument is so overwhelming that any defense is impossible...

...or could it be that the object of the OP has proven to be so underwhelming, himself, that those who formerly supported him have abandoned the effort.

In either case, had you read the link that you provided, you would- probably - have realized that it did not pertain to the thesis put forth by Jack Cashill.

And a convincing argument it is!

But...just the same, Bravo for standing up for your hero!

So sorry, but there are topics and subjects that require a bit more in the way of cognizence in order for same to pique one's interest.

I fully understand your inability to get into this question.

not really, because it seems every month a new writer comes out and states "X exposed! X is a fraud"..

The sensationalism of the title is just dumb...

You understood the subject, and don't have a rebuttal to the exegesis???

I mean, outside of "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."

Not even "did, too!" "did, too!'

I'm so disappointed.

But to give props where due, I did get quite a chuckle out of your first post "it's too boring"
thing, and then the second,
"too sensationalist"....

I suppose you subscribe to Emerson's "Consistency is the hobgobblin of small minds."
If only people would spend as much time on substantive issues as they did casting political aspersions
So, the point here seems to be:

1. Obama's book is well-written.

2. I don't believe Obama can write that well because, well...I just don't believe it and i base that on a paper he allegedly wrote when he was 20.

3. Therefore, Bill Ayers wrote the book.

Hey, that makes perfect sense!

<Proof that no claim is wild enough if it casts dispersions on our current president>
Usually, a title of "Exposed!" comes with an expose, not a grandiose theory citing a bunch of inane drivel and using a College Paper's typos as some sort of bad penmanship "proof" versus a Book, while knowing that (quite obviously) Books have these things called Editors who do things like proof-read. Schmuck shit, this is.
If only people would spend as much time on substantive issues as they did casting political aspersions

Here's why this issue is substantive, as you suggest, meaning having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful

It certainly goes toward a fuller and more informed understanding of the candidate.

And that is the type of understanding that should have been provided by the Fourth Estate, who spent more effort in vetting Joe the Plumber, than Barack the Candidate.

And, even more significant, it provides the substantive link between Barack Obama and Bill Ayers, a link that was mightily mitigated by the media and by the candidate, himself:
"...Ayers was just some guy in his neighborhood and just one guy of thousands of people he knew,..."
Terrorist Ayers a “GUEST” at White House!!! |

This, from a post on the board:
William Ayers, for those who don't know him was a member of the Weather Underground. These are the bombings his association was tied to.

February 21, 1970, bombs were exploded three gasoline-filled fire bombs at the home of New York State Supreme Court Justice Murtagh. The same night, bombs were thrown at a police car in Manhattan and two military recruiting stations in Brooklyn. March 6, 1970 a bomb under construction blew up in the groups home, killing three members. October 6, 1970 They blew up the 1886 Haymarket Riot statue in Chicago. Bombed the Unites States Capitol on March 1, 1971. Bombed the Pentagon on May 19, 1972. They bombed the United States Department Of State January 29, 1975.

Now, it is possible that you might find this link between the two less that substantive, but clearly Barack Obama found it to be so, indicated by the way he tried to distance himself from Ayers.

Therefore, to show, first, that Obama lied about his having written "Dreams," and then to open the question of who, then, did write it, and to strongly suggest that Ayers did, I contend, is the very essence of substantial.
"it provides the substantive link between Barack Obama and Bill Ayers,"

My gawd, the rightwing echo chamber is an interesting place. If we just tie enough bullshit together, we can use one example of bullshit to bolster another!

The "Expose" doesn't show any substantive link. It goes:

Obama bad writer -> Obama wrote nice book -> <<Mystery fruit>> - > Ayers wrote Obama's book!

That's the extent of the tripe on which you are choosing to hitch your wagon.
From that precious little link, you can find all 800 -EIGHT HUNDRED! - different scandals of the Obama administration.


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