Free Clues


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
Democrats here is your chance, so get some grease, a good pry bar, and air freshner and pry that head out. Here are some facts you should learn.That way you'll save some American a bullet when they finish what you started 5 years ago.

1. We are not a democracy, democracy is mob rule. We are a Republic

2. Bill Clinton sold China 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets.

3. Bill Clinton let the Industrial Congressional Military Complex sell up to date
military equipment and rockets to China. Before Bill China couldn't get a rocket off the ground.

4.When Bill was in office more spies from China lived in the White House than lived in China.

5. Bill's crime bill ban large capacity magazines made after it's signing. He waited over a month to sign it so Polytet and Norenco, China's arms builders docked their last ship full of ban weapons. So many large magazines were built they still set in warehouses today. What happened to the money to put another 100,000 police on the street? Ask Bill.

6. Bill cut our military by 268 surface ships, 4 nuclear subs with their nuclear war heads, over 2000 fighter, 212 bomber aircraft, 20 air force and naval wings, 93,000 reservist, and over 250,000 active duty troops. What was left of our miliary he loaned out to the UN

7. It was both Bill and Hillary that said the Branch Davidians had a meth lab allowing tanks to murder that church group
8. Not a day went by you couldn't pick up a paper without reading about an innocent family having their home smashed into in the middle of the night with half the family killed by Bill's Jack Booted Thugs stompping puppies to death on the way out. Rape and accidental fire was a big thing in Clinton's Administration. You elected him twice

9.Obama another murdering gynocidal traitor. Fast and Furious, behind the back of Mexico's government obama sends over 2,000 Barrett sniper rifles, AK-47's, and everything in between to the worst bunch of murderers in the Americas. I have dealt with most of those gun shops half my life and all said the same thing. Once those guns left their shops they were gone, no trace no nothing. Over 600 mostly Mexican police and military were murdered. A week latter obama is in Mexico City giving a speech how all violent crime in Mexico is 100% the fault of American gun owners. 600, I would call that obama's first genocide

10. The South Africa Lawyers Ass. puts out a statement "Obama has murdered thousands of innocent people all across Africa including 500 children. Genocide number 2. This was 2 to many for me so I left the republicans cowards that should change their name to the enablers. But this murdering fuck was just getting started.

11. Libya, Obama looked us in the eye one night telling he couldn't wait for Congress he had to save the people of Libya then used over 6,000 sorties of bunker busters and cluster bombs to murder 300,000 of the ones he told us he had to save These bombings included hospitals. The prisons once over flooded with terrorist now all free to make room for Christans and Black Libians.Qaddaffi armed and trained his people and it looked like they were winning but small arms has no effect on the US Air Force. Al Qaida victory flags flew across the waste land. When Qaffafy was stabbed, shot and beat to death Obama told drone jokes while hillary cackled like an old hen who found a 12" roster. This was not only his third genocide but an illegal war. Oh did I mention none of butchered were White? If I didn't know better I would think the White half of that Oreo is a hard core racist.

12.Obama lied about using government agencies against his... anyone he wanted too. As a matter of fact there was never a time he wasn't lying.

13.She never made president but she is such a dirty lying criminal stank with her private server to hide her pay to play and if not hiding she would be hammering and the bleach bit. She should have been using it as a female odor eater

14.She cheated her way through the primary and that was after running a private server to cover her pay to play treason. Showing she treats everyone the same, will collude with anyone with a buck When the courts ordered her to turn over phones, hard drives and 30,000 e-mails she accidently beat them to pieces with a hammer and destroyed the e-mails with Bleach Bit. "You mean to wipe them with like a towel?" Her and her Commie Friends provided false evidence that ran Trump through Hell for 4 years with false evidence, lies and a media that should have rotted from the tree by now and still I think obama is hitting her and pelosi.

15. She paid a criminal to fabricate false evidence against Trump.

Do you see now why American Patriots are justified in wanting you dead? Well then it must be true stupid has no cure. I guess we will have to just line you up and I ain't even said a word on shit for brains
Democrats here is your chance, so get some grease, a good pry bar, and air freshner and pry that head out. Here are some facts you should learn.That way you'll save some American a bullet when they finish what you started 5 years ago.

1. We are not a democracy, democracy is mob rule. We are a Republic

2. Bill Clinton sold China 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets.

3. Bill Clinton let the Industrial Congressional Military Complex sell up to date
military equipment and rockets to China. Before Bill China couldn't get a rocket off the ground.

4.When Bill was in office more spies from China lived in the White House than lived in China.

5. Bill's crime bill ban large capacity magazines made after it's signing. He waited over a month to sign it so Polytet and Norenco, China's arms builders docked their last ship full of ban weapons. So many large magazines were built they still set in warehouses today. What happened to the money to put another 100,000 police on the street? Ask Bill.

6. Bill cut our military by 268 surface ships, 4 nuclear subs with their nuclear war heads, over 2000 fighter, 212 bomber aircraft, 20 air force and naval wings, 93,000 reservist, and over 250,000 active duty troops. What was left of our miliary he loaned out to the UN

7. It was both Bill and Hillary that said the Branch Davidians had a meth lab allowing tanks to murder that church group
8. Not a day went by you couldn't pick up a paper without reading about an innocent family having their home smashed into in the middle of the night with half the family killed by Bill's Jack Booted Thugs stompping puppies to death on the way out. Rape and accidental fire was a big thing in Clinton's Administration. You elected him twice

9.Obama another murdering gynocidal traitor. Fast and Furious, behind the back of Mexico's government obama sends over 2,000 Barrett sniper rifles, AK-47's, and everything in between to the worst bunch of murderers in the Americas. I have dealt with most of those gun shops half my life and all said the same thing. Once those guns left their shops they were gone, no trace no nothing. Over 600 mostly Mexican police and military were murdered. A week latter obama is in Mexico City giving a speech how all violent crime in Mexico is 100% the fault of American gun owners. 600, I would call that obama's first genocide

10. The South Africa Lawyers Ass. puts out a statement "Obama has murdered thousands of innocent people all across Africa including 500 children. Genocide number 2. This was 2 to many for me so I left the republicans cowards that should change their name to the enablers. But this murdering fuck was just getting started.

11. Libya, Obama looked us in the eye one night telling he couldn't wait for Congress he had to save the people of Libya then used over 6,000 sorties of bunker busters and cluster bombs to murder 300,000 of the ones he told us he had to save These bombings included hospitals. The prisons once over flooded with terrorist now all free to make room for Christans and Black Libians.Qaddaffi armed and trained his people and it looked like they were winning but small arms has no effect on the US Air Force. Al Qaida victory flags flew across the waste land. When Qaffafy was stabbed, shot and beat to death Obama told drone jokes while hillary cackled like an old hen who found a 12" roster. This was not only his third genocide but an illegal war. Oh did I mention none of butchered were White? If I didn't know better I would think the White half of that Oreo is a hard core racist.

12.Obama lied about using government agencies against his... anyone he wanted too. As a matter of fact there was never a time he wasn't lying.

13.She never made president but she is such a dirty lying criminal stank with her private server to hide her pay to play and if not hiding she would be hammering and the bleach bit. She should have been using it as a female odor eater

14.She cheated her way through the primary and that was after running a private server to cover her pay to play treason. Showing she treats everyone the same, will collude with anyone with a buck When the courts ordered her to turn over phones, hard drives and 30,000 e-mails she accidently beat them to pieces with a hammer and destroyed the e-mails with Bleach Bit. "You mean to wipe them with like a towel?" Her and her Commie Friends provided false evidence that ran Trump through Hell for 4 years with false evidence, lies and a media that should have rotted from the tree by now and still I think obama is hitting her and pelosi.

15. She paid a criminal to fabricate false evidence against Trump.

Do you see now why American Patriots are justified in wanting you dead? Well then it must be true stupid has no cure. I guess we will have to just line you up and I ain't even said a word on shit for brains

Before Bill Clinton was in office, China couldnt deliver a nuclear warhead anywhere with accuracy, after Bill gave China to launch satellites into space, this also gave them very accurate weapons delivery of nukes. If a city goes nuclear mushroom by China, you can thank Bill Clinton for it.

Red Face Over China - June 1, 1998
If you were a Chinese aerospace kingpin looking for an agent to buy influence at the White House and get American rocket technology into your hands, Johnny Chung would not be your first choice for the job--or your second choice or even your third. Yet Chung, the cartoonish Taiwan-born businessman best known for his role in the 1996 Clinton campaign-finance scandals ($366,000 in suspicious contributions; a plea bargain in which he's cooperating with investigators), was being described in Washington last week as the pivot man in a "China Plan" to do just that.
That way you'll save some American a bullet when they finish what you started 5 years ago.
Violent little fascist pussy, aintcha? No doubt you were trying to stroke yourself as you wrote that, and failing, due to the "rolls of fat getting in the way" thing.

After you let go of your ankles, turn around and ask bigdaddy Putin how to respond to that.

1. We are not a democracy, democracy is mob rule. We are a Republic
Damn, you're stupid. No wonder you got sucked into the Trump cult.

The US is both a democracy and a republic. The two concepts are on separate axes. You can have a democratic republic, like the USA, or a fascist republic, like what you desire.

So why do Trump cultists always say that stupid thing? Because they're fascists who hate democracy. They want a fascist republic, so they spend their days saying democracy is bad.

Given that you're a fascist traitor who is out to destroy American democracy, there's no point in going further.
That way you'll save some American a bullet when they finish what you started 5 years ago.
Violent little fascist pussy, aintcha? No doubt you were trying to stroke yourself as you wrote that, and failing, due to the "rolls of fat getting in the way" thing.

After you let go of your ankles, turn around and ask bigdaddy Putin how to respond to that.

1. We are not a democracy, democracy is mob rule. We are a Republic
Damn, you're stupid. No wonder you got sucked into the Trump cult.

The US is both a democracy and a republic. The two concepts are on separate axes. You can have a democratic republic, like the USA, or a fascist republic, like what you desire.

So why do Trump cultists always say that stupid thing? Because they're fascists who hate democracy. They want a fascist republic, so they spend their days saying democracy is bad.

Given that you're a fascist traitor who is out to destroy American democracy, there's no point in going further.
You are about a stupid shit Just ask any
That way you'll save some American a bullet when they finish what you started 5 years ago.
Violent little fascist pussy, aintcha? No doubt you were trying to stroke yourself as you wrote that, and failing, due to the "rolls of fat getting in the way" thing.

After you let go of your ankles, turn around and ask bigdaddy Putin how to respond to that.

1. We are not a democracy, democracy is mob rule. We are a Republic
Damn, you're stupid. No wonder you got sucked into the Trump cult.

The US is both a democracy and a republic. The two concepts are on separate axes. You can have a democratic republic, like the USA, or a fascist republic, like what you desire.

So why do Trump cultists always say that stupid thing? Because they're fascists who hate democracy. They want a fascist republic, so they spend their days saying democracy is bad.

Given that you're a fascist traitor who is out to destroy American democracy, there's no point in going further.
How are your gasoline prices of today....You like paying a dollar more than last year? Stupid fuck.
How are your gasoline prices of today....You like paying a dollar more than last year? Stupid fuck.
How did Biden affect gas prices?

People like you are why the term "Useful Idiot" was invented. So, what other propaganda did you masters piss down your eager throat today? Make sure you regurgitate it here for us, like you always do.

I suppose you could blame Biden for sending the oeconomy roaring back faster than expected, which increased the demand for gasoline faster than the suppy could keep up. Is that what you'd like to say?

Probably not. You're probably going to tell us that Biden cancelling a pipeline that hadn't been built yet increased gasoline prices. You know you want to, so please proceed.
How are your gasoline prices of today....You like paying a dollar more than last year? Stupid fuck.
How did Biden affect gas prices?

People like you are why the term "Useful Idiot" was invented. So, what other propaganda did you masters piss down your eager throat today? Make sure you regurgitate it here for us, like you always do.

I suppose you could blame Biden for sending the oeconomy roaring back faster than expected, which increased the demand for gasoline faster than the suppy could keep up. Is that what you'd like to say?

Probably not. You're probably going to tell us that Biden cancelling a pipeline that hadn't been built yet increased gasoline prices. You know you want to, so please proceed.
Killed the keystone pipeline, stopped allowing fracking on "public" lands, made deals with OPEC, yeah, nothing to see here...
How are your gasoline prices of today....You like paying a dollar more than last year? Stupid fuck.
How did Biden affect gas prices?

People like you are why the term "Useful Idiot" was invented. So, what other propaganda did you masters piss down your eager throat today? Make sure you regurgitate it here for us, like you always do.

I suppose you could blame Biden for sending the oeconomy roaring back faster than expected, which increased the demand for gasoline faster than the suppy could keep up. Is that what you'd like to say?

Probably not. You're probably going to tell us that Biden cancelling a pipeline that hadn't been built yet increased gasoline prices. You know you want to, so please proceed.
Killed the keystone pipeline, stopped allowing fracking on "public" lands, made deals with OPEC, yeah, nothing to see here...
Why stop now, people are starting to feel it in the pocket book, but those energy prices must necessarily skyrocket as the brown turd Obammy wanted. Empty brain Joe Biteme is just copying the turds playbook, by shoving those gas prices higher. Misery and poverty , everyone will be forced to be equal one way or the other...


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