Free healthcare for all Americans that make under 100k per year!


Apr 5, 2014
Basically my idea is the city, county, state, and federal governments can donate empty buildings throughout the Unites States, to a honest private non-profit organization that would allow all of the students in the US that are going to school in the medical field to get school credit and teachers and retired doctors and all walks of life that want to donate their time. If the governments have too many buildings they can sell some of them to buy supplies for the medical offices. The existing hospitals in America to donate all of the used equipment to these non-profit organizations. All the utilities like electricity, water, trash, etc. get tax write offs for donating theses services to these non profits organizations. We get people with minor crimes to complete community service hours for any labor that needs to be completed such as cleaning, gardening, etc. Then we get people like Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett to donate computers and money to help with the cost of equipment. Get people like Donald Trump, Mr. Cuban, and other successful people in america to sit down and brainstorms more ideas that would help this private project. We contact the auto industries to donate vehicles for these non profits hospitals throughout America. and contact other manufactures that provide health care equipment to ornate to these hospitals and give them 100% tax write offs for their effort. These hospitals would be ran through private non profits, completely independent from the US government. I want to encourage other people to think about other ways to help each other without government involvement.
Incorporate Tort Law like in Texas, the government can donate Bureau Land Management(BLM) land.
I ask the you to contact your congressmen to imply ideas that will make us independent from the government.
Thank you for reading.
-Perry Bacon
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Well people making anything over 100k a year will be able to afford healthcare easily. This idea was for low income families throughout the US.
How about testing high school students and drafting those with medical potential into federal medical schools? Then forcing them to practice in federal health facilities, living in federal housing and given but a small stipend?

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