Free Internet at Your Expense for Low Income Families

What Do You Think of Providing Free Internet etc. for Low Income Families?

  • Sure. Why not? Give them all of it.

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • OK for free internet etc. IF non educational sites are blocked.

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Federal government charity for any cause is a bad idea.

    Votes: 35 54.7%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 13 20.3%

  • Total voters
They see another hand out and something for free for nothing. I am sure some will use it to better themselves but i am sure the VAST majority of them will use it for fun.

The problem is that this is a personal issue and not a government. Get a job and pay for your toys. Please show me where it says that internet is something that is necessary for life?

New Personal Assistants Jobs this Week
New: Bi-lingual Personal Assistant for Spanish Chef
Looking for a Spanish speaking fluent/bi-lingual assistant for a world-class chef. Needed part time 4 hours/ day, 5-days a week with potential to move full time. Needs to have ability to deal with high-end clientele, highly organized and good computer skills and excellent communication skills. Worked based out of New York city. Salary: DOE

Try hilighting a few different words.

LMAO, you have no idea what your talking about in the world of chefs. Trust me, what will be hired for the job you are describing is not going to be some dumb as rocks, getoneese speaking punk.

Other then that i have the same answer for you, they need to get a job and PAY for the internet and computer themselves .

Sounds good on a BB, but doesn't work in practice does it? Cut foreign aid and buy them a computer. Simple huh? Raise import taxes on china and buy them a computer. Simple huh? Cut corporate aid Bonuses for exporting and buy them a computer. Simple huh?
They dropped out of high school because they didn't give a rat's ass about their future, but now they will sit in front of a free computer because they care?

No, I don't think so. They all had a vision from the Great Shamoo who told them to go fuck women in the streets, so they quit high school and are fucking like rabbits and leaving lots of kids and social problems for you to pay for.

Stay a good con and starve the dog till he bites you in the ass.
New Personal Assistants Jobs this Week
New: Bi-lingual Personal Assistant for Spanish Chef
Looking for a Spanish speaking fluent/bi-lingual assistant for a world-class chef. Needed part time 4 hours/ day, 5-days a week with potential to move full time. Needs to have ability to deal with high-end clientele, highly organized and good computer skills and excellent communication skills. Worked based out of New York city. Salary: DOE

Try hilighting a few different words.

LMAO, you have no idea what your talking about in the world of chefs. Trust me, what will be hired for the job you are describing is not going to be some dumb as rocks, getoneese speaking punk.

Other then that i have the same answer for you, they need to get a job and PAY for the internet and computer themselves .

Sounds good on a BB, but doesn't work in practice does it? Cut foreign aid and buy them a computer. Simple huh? Raise import taxes on china and buy them a computer. Simple huh? Cut corporate aid Bonuses for exporting and buy them a computer. Simple huh?

I am all for cutting ALL foreign aid. All for raising import tax. I am all for cutting corporate aid bonuses. And all for them STILL paying for their own Internet. Do try and stay on topic.

It also sounds good on paper to give them MORE things for free, for still doing nothing. It also sounds good on paper that they will use the computers and internet to better themselves and improve their minds.
Are the gang bangers on the front porch in Compton "feeding their families?"

You know I think they are. I was over at gang house a few weeks back, just looking for a guy who tried to break into a neighbors house. More of less to send them a message that I would blow thier fucking heads off if I catch them over there. Anyway, sitting among all these bangers is an older lady who looked to be their mom. So I would have to say yes, at least for some of them. The guy that car jacked my lady used her charge card for $45. bucks of hamburgers, if you can imagine that. He was sure enough feeding someone.:eusa_angel:
Are the gang bangers on the front porch in Compton "feeding their families?"

You know I think they are. I was over at gang house a few weeks back, just looking for a guy who tried to break into a neighbors house. More of less to send them a message that I would blow thier fucking heads off if I catch them over there. Anyway, sitting among all these bangers is an older lady who looked to be their mom. So I would have to say yes, at least for some of them. The guy that car jacked my lady used her charge card for $45. bucks of hamburgers, if you can imagine that. He was sure enough feeding someone.:eusa_angel:

Sounds to me as if "we" are feeding the family. "Mom" is most likely on welfare and food stamps. :lol:
Not you, shitnao. He is a drug addict who doesn't even live in the United States.
Don't drop out of high school and you'll have all the computer skills you need.

Don't drop out of high school and your family starves. Must explain why the rich kids are computer literate, huh?


Where have you been? Its called public housing and welfare. They don't starve, nor are they homeless.

You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Are you a Berkeley grad? That would explain a lot here.
Don't drop out of high school and your family starves. Must explain why the rich kids are computer literate, huh?


Where have you been? Its called public housing and welfare. They don't starve, nor are they homeless.

You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Are you a Berkeley grad? That would explain a lot here.

Berkeley, home of the idiot liberal? You make me laugh. :lol: A Berkeley grad would be cheering for this idea from the rafters.

Try hilighting a few different words.

LMAO, you have no idea what your talking about in the world of chefs. Trust me, what will be hired for the job you are describing is not going to be some dumb as rocks, getoneese speaking punk.

Other then that i have the same answer for you, they need to get a job and PAY for the internet and computer themselves .

Sounds good on a BB, but doesn't work in practice does it? Cut foreign aid and buy them a computer. Simple huh? Raise import taxes on china and buy them a computer. Simple huh? Cut corporate aid Bonuses for exporting and buy them a computer. Simple huh?

I am all for cutting ALL foreign aid. All for raising import tax. I am all for cutting corporate aid bonuses. And all for them STILL paying for their own Internet. Do try and stay on topic.

It also sounds good on paper to give them MORE things for free, for still doing nothing. It also sounds good on paper that they will use the computers and internet to better themselves and improve their minds.

Ok, lets say we deny them the PC & net. You prefer to just go on paying for them forever I take it. I am for improving our lot, not making excuses and out right lies for why we should continue to sit in our own shit and complain, as you do. And you will pay for your own society, there is no ducking it, no getting away from it. They are going to eat, and you are going to feed them. So wish you luck with that.:eusa_angel:
Not you, shitnao. He is a drug addict who doesn't even live in the United States.

And you are pedophile that does!! Did that change the debate on pcs? Do you want to talk about your obession with merry-go-rounds and kids in parks, and shooting off a load in your pants for us?:eusa_shhh:
I'm all for educating the less fortunate, but I can't quite see how this is going to do it. People need to be motivated to educate themselves, and it that isn't there, it doesn't matter how easy you make it for people. Libraries are well established in every neighborhood in this country, and are a great place for education. Incidentally, they almost all have free internet.
I'm all for educating the less fortunate, but I can't quite see how this is going to do it. People need to be motivated to educate themselves, and it that isn't there, it doesn't matter how easy you make it for people. Libraries are well established in every neighborhood in this country, and are a great place for education. Incidentally, they almost all have free internet.

You really need to assess the situation. I have noted here budget cuts are closing libraries. Here are a few, because some people here don't seem to understand English or believe it could happen, or??? LOL!

librarys shutting down budget cuts

Tacoma: Library board expected to decide on branch closures, budget cuts tonight
Read more: Tacoma: Library board expected to decide on branch closures, budget cuts tonight | Political Buzz

City Council members believe that public libraries will open only five days a week
Read more: Budget cuts to force city libraries to shut down at least two days a week -

Under budget cuts, library system in poor New Jersey city prepares to shut down
Final chapter? Under budget cuts, library system in poor New Jersey city prepares to shut down -

Budget Cuts Force Charlotte Libraries To Shut Down
Budget Cuts Force Charlotte Libraries To Shut Down - Topix

Under budget cuts, Camden library system prepares to shut down permanently

Massive budget cuts that have already led to furloughs for ... city of Colton abruptly shut all three of its city libraries and fired 17 staffers. -

Southern California library officials where more than half reported having to institute furloughs, layoffs and other austerity measures.
Many libraries go quiet as local budget cuts deepen - Los Angeles Times

The governor’s budget proposal cuts state library funding by 74 percent – $10.4 million. Funding for the Talking Book and Braille Center would be eliminated, forcing the service to shut down.
Approximately 250 of the state’s public libraries currently receive their internet access through New Jersey’s State Library; once the money runs out, they’ll have to make other arrangements lose the service.
Read more: Local Libraries Also Feel Governor?s Budget Cuts | – Everything New Jersey

Seattle's libraries will close for a week beginning late this month, leaving patrons without many normal services while the city continues to ponder how the system will operate on less money next year. It will be the second budget-driven closure in a year.
Seattle libraries to shut down for a week

Dwindling tax dollars are forcing libraries to close branches, cut hours and end programs just as more people are turning to them for services.
Troy, N.Y., is closing two of three branches today because the budget has been cut 16% to $669,000 this year, says Paul Hicok, executive director of the Troy Public Library. Its circulation of borrowed materials increased 16% last year.

• Muncie, Ind., is closing three of five branches, says library director Ginny Nilles. Its $4.8 million annual budget is facing a cut of $2 million over two years. Circulation increased 7% last year.

• In Philadelphia, Mayor Michael Nutter planned to close 11 of the city's 54 libraries this month to save $8 million, but a judge ruled he did not have the authority. Nutter is appealing. The branches remain open, but their hours will be reduced.

• Phoenix faces a 27% cut in its $40.6 million budget that would reduce hours at its 15 branches from 72 hours a week to 48 and eliminate some children and adult reading programs, says city librarian Toni Garvey. The number of visitors increased 8% in 2008.

• Darby, Pa., expects to close its only library — the oldest continuously operating free public library in Pennsylvania and believed to be the oldest in the nation — next year.

U.S. libraries on borrowed time? -
No doubt that's true. Do you think that same amount of money will afford an equal or greater number of people access to information that libraries generally offer if it is used to buy computers and internet access for the less fortunate? I don't. If we can't hold it together in a socialized pool of resources and information available to many, why do you think it's going to work on an individual basis?

Put another way: do you spend $500 on a computer in a library that multiple people can use? Or do you give that one computer to one person?

While we're on the topic, I don't understand why neighborhoods or towns don't purchase large bandwidth and make it wirelessly available for its taxpaying citizens. It would probably save cost in the big picture.
No doubt that's true. Do you think that same amount of money will afford an equal or greater number of people access to information that libraries generally offer if it is used to buy computers and internet access for the less fortunate? I don't. If we can't hold it together in a socialized pool of resources and information available to many, why do you think it's going to work on an individual basis?

Put another way: do you spend $500 on a computer in a library that multiple people can use? Or do you give that one computer to one person?

While we're on the topic, I don't understand why neighborhoods or towns don't purchase large bandwidth and make it wirelessly available for its taxpaying citizens. It would probably save cost in the big picture.

I am not happy with handing out PCs, but it is cheaper than running a library, insurance, utilities, taxes, etc., if they have them at home.

We could solve these problems by adding 400 channels to Educational TV, 24/7, give out class handouts to study per class, and let people take exams in a building like a DMV. People would have to pay for private lab work and training separately. This would educate moms with kids at home, and give finals for degrees at the exam buildings twice a year.

And of course, there would be no penalty on a college, who already cannot take in all students except the brightest. I doubt it would hurt them a bit.

Of course someone will say we would be paying for cable, and people watching porn, and other bullshit to suppress the poor. We could educated and rise the level of intelligence in America within a few years.
I don't understand why neighborhoods or towns don't purchase large bandwidth and make it wirelessly available for its taxpaying citizens. It would probably save cost in the big picture.

A group of people could get together and have their own satellite built and launched that would have all the electronic whistles on it to run their media (phn,pc,tv,ect.) About every ten years you would pay NASA to boost it back into a higher orbit. Other's could buy in and lower your initial costs as time goes by. I think you can do it for a couple million investment, and few tech worker wages.

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