Free Internet at Your Expense for Low Income Families

What Do You Think of Providing Free Internet etc. for Low Income Families?

  • Sure. Why not? Give them all of it.

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • OK for free internet etc. IF non educational sites are blocked.

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Federal government charity for any cause is a bad idea.

    Votes: 35 54.7%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 13 20.3%

  • Total voters
Coming soon for Low Income Folks. . . .Free Internet access and Other Perks


So what do you think? Is it a good use of your hard earned tax dollar to provide free internet access, computer instruction, and low cost computers to folks while you are busting your butt to keep a roof over your head, food on the table, and you pay for your internet access and full price for your computer as well as whatever you need to use it?

Or will the payoff of better skilled and trained people be worth it?

Would you approve of all porn sites, shopping sites, gaming sites, Facebook, Twitter, etc. being blocked by the Internet provider to ensure that the computers will be used only for research and educational purposes?

Please discuss.

The Tampa Housing Authority has secured a $2.1 million federal grant to provide broadband Internet access to 23 public housing sites. Details are being finalized with Bright House Networks, which will provide the service, and residents will be connected beginning March 1.

The project will be the first such one in Florida and one of the few in the nation.

Internet access will be available to about 3,400 residents for free for the first two years. After two years, residents will be able to pay for the access for the next three years for $18.35 per month.

In addition to having Internet access, the housing authority also will make available a selection of computer training options, including basic computer and Internet keyboarding, Microsoft A+ Certification and an online computer curriculum for school-age children.

The program also will help residents get computers of their own by offering 1,000 computers for only $125 and will install almost 200 computers in two communities to offer residents a designated work space. The authority also will launch a website for residents to provide information on housing, employment opportunities, and the like.
Coming soon to Tampa public housing: Free Internet access

Bad idea and my answer is NO NO NO NO

I am sick to death of the hand outs. This has nothing to do with "starving people" or the " sad homeless" It has everything to do with getting more for sucking off the tit of the country. I am all for weening them. They can spend some of their cigarette and alcohol money (that we already provide them with) to pay for it. They can pool their money and get an Internet hub that a few apartments share the bill for.

If they want access go to the library or get a damn job and PAY for it like everyone else. If they cant afford Internet...they sure as hell cant afford a computer to go with it. Unless stealing one is part of the plan.

We have done this in SF. I pay for it but have no access to the FREE Internet. Ya know what FUCK THEM.
Yeah, I just don't get it.

We provide these people with free housing, free healthcare, free education, free food, free protection, just plain ole ass free money through welfare..........and we already provide free internet through the library. But they want more.

I guess they are not stuck on stupid. They see the only way to raise up is learn computer skills. They see libaries being shut down due to budget cuts. They know it is cheaper to put the computers in their homes. And just like you,....who gets free infrastucture and education, and cheap utilities, and cheap foods, they want more.

Problem is, this isn't a state issue, it is a Federal issue and should be handled at the federal level so all Americans can learn and be educated.
You mean, like compulsory education where 50% drop out of large urban schools?

Is that how government makes all Americans learn and get educated?
Coming soon for Low Income Folks. . . .Free Internet access and Other Perks


So what do you think? Is it a good use of your hard earned tax dollar to provide free internet access, computer instruction, and low cost computers to folks while you are busting your butt to keep a roof over your head, food on the table, and you pay for your internet access and full price for your computer as well as whatever you need to use it?

Or will the payoff of better skilled and trained people be worth it?

Would you approve of all porn sites, shopping sites, gaming sites, Facebook, Twitter, etc. being blocked by the Internet provider to ensure that the computers will be used only for research and educational purposes?

Please discuss.

The Tampa Housing Authority has secured a $2.1 million federal grant to provide broadband Internet access to 23 public housing sites. Details are being finalized with Bright House Networks, which will provide the service, and residents will be connected beginning March 1.

The project will be the first such one in Florida and one of the few in the nation.

Internet access will be available to about 3,400 residents for free for the first two years. After two years, residents will be able to pay for the access for the next three years for $18.35 per month.

In addition to having Internet access, the housing authority also will make available a selection of computer training options, including basic computer and Internet keyboarding, Microsoft A+ Certification and an online computer curriculum for school-age children.

The program also will help residents get computers of their own by offering 1,000 computers for only $125 and will install almost 200 computers in two communities to offer residents a designated work space. The authority also will launch a website for residents to provide information on housing, employment opportunities, and the like.
Coming soon to Tampa public housing: Free Internet access

Bad idea and my answer is NO NO NO NO

I am sick to death of the hand outs. This has nothing to do with "starving people" or the " sad homeless" It has everything to do with getting more for sucking off the tit of the country. I am all for weening them. They can spend some of their cigarette and alcohol money (that we already provide them with) to pay for it. They can pool their money and get an Internet hub that a few apartments share the bill for.

If they want access go to the library or get a damn job and PAY for it like everyone else. If they cant afford Internet...they sure as hell cant afford a computer to go with it. Unless stealing one is part of the plan.

We have done this in SF. I pay for it but have no access to the FREE Internet. Ya know what FUCK THEM.

I don't know how you can take SF. I'd have a fucking stroke by the end of every day of dealing with that shit hole.
Yeah, I just don't get it.

We provide these people with free housing, free healthcare, free education, free food, free protection, just plain ole ass free money through welfare..........and we already provide free internet through the library. But they want more.

I guess they are not stuck on stupid. They see the only way to raise up is learn computer skills. They see libaries being shut down due to budget cuts. They know it is cheaper to put the computers in their homes. And just like you,....who gets free infrastucture and education, and cheap utilities, and cheap foods, they want more.

Problem is, this isn't a state issue, it is a Federal issue and should be handled at the federal level so all Americans can learn and be educated.

They see another hand out and something for free for nothing. I am sure some will use it to better themselves but i am sure the VAST majority of them will use it for fun.

The problem is that this is a personal issue and not a government. Get a job and pay for your toys. Please show me where it says that internet is something that is necessary for life?
Coming soon for Low Income Folks. . . .Free Internet access and Other Perks


So what do you think? Is it a good use of your hard earned tax dollar to provide free internet access, computer instruction, and low cost computers to folks while you are busting your butt to keep a roof over your head, food on the table, and you pay for your internet access and full price for your computer as well as whatever you need to use it?

Or will the payoff of better skilled and trained people be worth it?

Would you approve of all porn sites, shopping sites, gaming sites, Facebook, Twitter, etc. being blocked by the Internet provider to ensure that the computers will be used only for research and educational purposes?

Please discuss.

Bad idea and my answer is NO NO NO NO

I am sick to death of the hand outs. This has nothing to do with "starving people" or the " sad homeless" It has everything to do with getting more for sucking off the tit of the country. I am all for weening them. They can spend some of their cigarette and alcohol money (that we already provide them with) to pay for it. They can pool their money and get an Internet hub that a few apartments share the bill for.

If they want access go to the library or get a damn job and PAY for it like everyone else. If they cant afford Internet...they sure as hell cant afford a computer to go with it. Unless stealing one is part of the plan.

We have done this in SF. I pay for it but have no access to the FREE Internet. Ya know what FUCK THEM.

I don't know how you can take SF. I'd have a fucking stroke by the end of every day of dealing with that shit hole.

Its not easy. I see my money thrown down the rat hole at every turn. Hunters point got its free internet access several years ago. The rest of the city has to PAY for it.
Yeah, I just don't get it.

We provide these people with free housing, free healthcare, free education, free food, free protection, just plain ole ass free money through welfare..........and we already provide free internet through the library. But they want more.

I guess they are not stuck on stupid. They see the only way to raise up is learn computer skills. They see libaries being shut down due to budget cuts. They know it is cheaper to put the computers in their homes. And just like you,....who gets free infrastucture and education, and cheap utilities, and cheap foods, they want more.

Problem is, this isn't a state issue, it is a Federal issue and should be handled at the federal level so all Americans can learn and be educated.

You know why libraries are being shut down?


If poor, minority youth were flocking to the library to use the free internet, it would be a political disaster to shut it down. But they aren't. Thats why they are cutting the library budgets. Because the whining poor people didn't use the free internet they were given.

And I wasn't GIVEN free infrastructure, education, cheap utilities (btw, since when is my power, cable, water bill "cheap"), cheap food (again, food ain't cheap). I EARNED the ability to live in a suburb, to shop at dadgum Publix, and to run up a $200 a dadgum month power bill which is way too high for me.

But youths who this free internet program is aimed at would rather go listen to hip hop and freestlye rap on the corner than use the internet at the library.

AND further: if we do give them free, in home internet, with a free laptop, will they use it to further their education? Nope. They'll likely spend time downloading the newest Jay-Z rap song. Then whine about why we don't give them something else for free.

When are you damn liberals gonna realize the more you give dependent people.........they longer they'll remain dependent.

There is a reason momma birds teach their baby birds how to fly from the nest.
Bad idea and my answer is NO NO NO NO

I am sick to death of the hand outs. This has nothing to do with "starving people" or the " sad homeless" It has everything to do with getting more for sucking off the tit of the country. I am all for weening them. They can spend some of their cigarette and alcohol money (that we already provide them with) to pay for it. They can pool their money and get an Internet hub that a few apartments share the bill for.

If they want access go to the library or get a damn job and PAY for it like everyone else. If they cant afford Internet...they sure as hell cant afford a computer to go with it. Unless stealing one is part of the plan.

We have done this in SF. I pay for it but have no access to the FREE Internet. Ya know what FUCK THEM.

I don't know how you can take SF. I'd have a fucking stroke by the end of every day of dealing with that shit hole.

Its not easy. I see my money thrown down the rat hole at every turn. Hunters point got its free internet access several years ago. The rest of the city has to PAY for it.

They will use it mostly to surf porn and download rap music. But then again......liberals will honor that behavior.

Sometimes I wish I was poor. Then I'd get all the shit I get now for free. And not have to work.
You mean, like compulsory education where 50% drop out of large urban schools?

Is that how government makes all Americans learn and get educated?

They have to drop out and get jobs to support their families. But yes, that is how it is done.

Would private schooling make it any better?
Yeah, I just don't get it.

We provide these people with free housing, free healthcare, free education, free food, free protection, just plain ole ass free money through welfare..........and we already provide free internet through the library. But they want more.

I guess they are not stuck on stupid. They see the only way to raise up is learn computer skills. They see libaries being shut down due to budget cuts. They know it is cheaper to put the computers in their homes. And just like you,....who gets free infrastucture and education, and cheap utilities, and cheap foods, they want more.

Problem is, this isn't a state issue, it is a Federal issue and should be handled at the federal level so all Americans can learn and be educated.

They see another hand out and something for free for nothing. I am sure some will use it to better themselves but i am sure the VAST majority of them will use it for fun.

The problem is that this is a personal issue and not a government. Get a job and pay for your toys. Please show me where it says that internet is something that is necessary for life?

New Personal Assistants Jobs this Week
New: Bi-lingual Personal Assistant for Spanish Chef
Looking for a Spanish speaking fluent/bi-lingual assistant for a world-class chef. Needed part time 4 hours/ day, 5-days a week with potential to move full time. Needs to have ability to deal with high-end clientele, highly organized and good computer skills and excellent communication skills. Worked based out of New York city. Salary: DOE
I guess they are not stuck on stupid. They see the only way to raise up is learn computer skills. They see libaries being shut down due to budget cuts. They know it is cheaper to put the computers in their homes. And just like you,....who gets free infrastucture and education, and cheap utilities, and cheap foods, they want more.

Problem is, this isn't a state issue, it is a Federal issue and should be handled at the federal level so all Americans can learn and be educated.

They see another hand out and something for free for nothing. I am sure some will use it to better themselves but i am sure the VAST majority of them will use it for fun.

The problem is that this is a personal issue and not a government. Get a job and pay for your toys. Please show me where it says that internet is something that is necessary for life?

New Personal Assistants Jobs this Week
New: Bi-lingual Personal Assistant for Spanish Chef
Looking for a Spanish speaking fluent/bi-lingual assistant for a world-class chef. Needed part time 4 hours/ day, 5-days a week with potential to move full time. Needs to have ability to deal with high-end clientele, highly organized and good computer skills and excellent communication skills. Worked based out of New York city. Salary: DOE

Try hilighting a few different words.

LMAO, you have no idea what your talking about in the world of chefs. Trust me, what will be hired for the job you are describing is not going to be some dumb as rocks, getoneese speaking punk.

Other then that i have the same answer for you, they need to get a job and PAY for the internet and computer themselves .
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You know why libraries are being shut down?


If poor, minority youth were flocking to the library to use the free internet, it would be a political disaster to shut it down. But they aren't. Thats why they are cutting the library budgets. Because the whining poor people didn't use the free internet they were given.

Prove your Bullshit with a reference.

And I wasn't GIVEN free infrastructure, education, cheap utilities (btw, since when is my power, cable, water bill "cheap"), cheap food (again, food ain't cheap). I EARNED the ability to live in a suburb, to shop at dadgum Publix, and to run up a $200 a dadgum month power bill which is way too high for me.

Of course you given those things, they existed before your first shit in your diaper.

But youths who this free internet program is aimed at would rather go listen to hip hop and freestlye rap on the corner than use the internet at the library.

You are bullshitting again. Provide a reference.

AND further: if we do give them free, in home internet, with a free laptop, will they use it to further their education? Nope. They'll likely spend time downloading the newest Jay-Z rap song. Then whine about why we don't give them something else for free.

You are bullshitting again. Provide a reference.

When are you damn liberals gonna realize the more you give dependent people.........they longer they'll remain dependent.

There is a reason momma birds teach their baby birds how to fly from the nest.

I thought we had that figured out. Corporations and Israel continue to suck the government tits. As to the birds, did they have wings?

They dropped out of high school because they didn't give a rat's ass about their future, but now they will sit in front of a free computer because they care?
Don't drop out of high school and you'll have all the computer skills you need.

Don't drop out of high school and your family starves. Must explain why the rich kids are computer literate, huh?

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