Free range kids: Children can now play outside without adult supervision in Utah

It was just more hidden then, it hasn’t increased, just awareness. Kids are overprotected these days.
yep. let them get hurt and realize what it means. let them fall so you can teach them to get up. let them get disrespected so you can teach them respect for others.

let them be kids.

^^^ are going to fail, pick them up, dust them off and tell them to try again.

Sometimes it's difficult to let them try but they are learning valuable life lessons...when they do fail, teach them that lesson
you'll never be able to prevent failure. ever.

more important is to teach them how to succeed from failure.

And never give them participation trophies...all it does is create mediocrity
It builds confidence.

No it doesn' tells them just being there is enough. Being there and winning are two different things.
yep. let them get hurt and realize what it means. let them fall so you can teach them to get up. let them get disrespected so you can teach them respect for others.

let them be kids.

^^^ are going to fail, pick them up, dust them off and tell them to try again.

Sometimes it's difficult to let them try but they are learning valuable life lessons...when they do fail, teach them that lesson
you'll never be able to prevent failure. ever.

more important is to teach them how to succeed from failure.

And never give them participation trophies...all it does is create mediocrity
It builds confidence.

No it doesn' tells them just being there is enough. Being there and winning are two different things.
Sassy, the kids are all perfectly aware of who won.
^^^ are going to fail, pick them up, dust them off and tell them to try again.

Sometimes it's difficult to let them try but they are learning valuable life lessons...when they do fail, teach them that lesson
you'll never be able to prevent failure. ever.

more important is to teach them how to succeed from failure.

And never give them participation trophies...all it does is create mediocrity
It builds confidence.

No it doesn' tells them just being there is enough. Being there and winning are two different things.
Sassy, the kids are all perfectly aware of who won.

Lady I have seven children....they each realize they wont get a trophy just for showing up. They practice, train or study to achieve the goal of winning.

That's part of the problem with today's youth, they are coddled, told it's OK to lose and BAM they hit the real world and it's a WTF moment. You people don't realize it but you're hurting them, raising mediocre individuals that will get crushed in the real world
A set up for failure they may not recover from.
Being taught that failure is ok, just learn from it, so as not to repeat the same mistakes, and continue on is a much more valuable lesson, imo.
In other words, try, try again.
you'll never be able to prevent failure. ever.

more important is to teach them how to succeed from failure.

And never give them participation trophies...all it does is create mediocrity
It builds confidence.

No it doesn' tells them just being there is enough. Being there and winning are two different things.
Sassy, the kids are all perfectly aware of who won.

Lady I have seven children....they each realize they wont get a trophy just for showing up. They practice, train or study to achieve the goal of winning.

That's part of the problem with today's youth, they are coddled, told it's OK to lose and BAM they hit the real world and it's a WTF moment. You people don't realize it but you're hurting them, raising mediocre individuals that will get crushed in the real world
A set up for failure they may not recover from.
Being taught that failure is ok, just learn from it, so as not to repeat the same mistakes, and continue on is a much more valuable lesson, imo.
In other words, try, try again.
And never give them participation trophies...all it does is create mediocrity
It builds confidence.

No it doesn' tells them just being there is enough. Being there and winning are two different things.
Sassy, the kids are all perfectly aware of who won.

Lady I have seven children....they each realize they wont get a trophy just for showing up. They practice, train or study to achieve the goal of winning.

That's part of the problem with today's youth, they are coddled, told it's OK to lose and BAM they hit the real world and it's a WTF moment. You people don't realize it but you're hurting them, raising mediocre individuals that will get crushed in the real world
It was just more hidden then, it hasn’t increased, just awareness. Kids are overprotected these days.
yep. let them get hurt and realize what it means. let them fall so you can teach them to get up. let them get disrespected so you can teach them respect for others.

let them be kids.

^^^ are going to fail, pick them up, dust them off and tell them to try again.

Sometimes it's difficult to let them try but they are learning valuable life lessons...when they do fail, teach them that lesson
you'll never be able to prevent failure. ever.

more important is to teach them how to succeed from failure.

And never give them participation trophies...all it does is create mediocrity
It builds confidence.
It was just more hidden then, it hasn’t increased, just awareness. Kids are overprotected these days.
yep. let them get hurt and realize what it means. let them fall so you can teach them to get up. let them get disrespected so you can teach them respect for others.

let them be kids.

^^^ are going to fail, pick them up, dust them off and tell them to try again.

Sometimes it's difficult to let them try but they are learning valuable life lessons...when they do fail, teach them that lesson
you'll never be able to prevent failure. ever.

more important is to teach them how to succeed from failure.

And never give them participation trophies...all it does is create mediocrity
It builds confidence.
so does working your ass off and getting the recognition for it.
Nonsense. Why not teach the child to be aware? Or to judge what is and is not a good idea? It’s how they learn you know.

And the ones that get picked off by pedophiles, that's like Darwinism in action.

Um. No. Parents are more aware now, they know that there are awful people out there.

Good on them.
^^^ are going to fail, pick them up, dust them off and tell them to try again.

Sometimes it's difficult to let them try but they are learning valuable life lessons...when they do fail, teach them that lesson

So what valuable life lesson are they learning when they get kidnapped, raped and buried in John Gacy's crawlspace?
That's part of the problem with today's youth, they are coddled, told it's OK to lose and BAM they hit the real world and it's a WTF moment. You people don't realize it but you're hurting them, raising mediocre individuals that will get crushed in the real world

Yawn... the real world is going to crush you anyway, sooner or later.

Now, while there is nothing wrong with a little healthy competition, you guys have told yourself the lie of the participation trophy like that's a real thing.
Nonsense. Why not teach the child to be aware? Or to judge what is and is not a good idea? It’s how they learn you know.

And the ones that get picked off by pedophiles, that's like Darwinism in action.

Um. No. Parents are more aware now, they know that there are awful people out there.

Good on them.

It’s you libtards who coddle chomo’s
And the ones that get picked off by pedophiles, that's like Darwinism in action.

Um. No. Parents are more aware now, they know that there are awful people out there.

Good on them.

I don't recall ever agreeing very much with you and I sure don't agree with you on this subject...


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