CDZ Free speech and the protection of vulgar language

Overall America is the richest country in the world.
And overall there are more Americans living in poverty than in any other modern industrialized country in the world.
Those countries make up the top ten for quality of life, while the US is now 15th.
It's all about income inequality and we need to talk about it freely and openly.

Is it true that 60% of Americans couldn't scrape together 400 bucks to pay for an emergency?

They say, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
As with the health care discussion and here too on poverty, I can lead the American horse and I can get him to drink too!
Get the anger chip off your shoulder and start to learn some truths!
Come on now, I gave you proof that people in Europe and Canada are poorer than people in America. Stop trying to change the subject. Define poverty first before going off on another anti-America diatribe. Show proof of your conclusions otherwise, I must assume you are just a hater of America.
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A Cheerleader’s Vulgar Message Prompts a First Amendment Showdown (

A fitting early case that the Trump court will have to decide if they want to hear the case. Can a school punish students when they use social media to rant using vulgar language about school stuff? Specifically the school, cheer, softball and other things. The girl was taken off the cheer squad. Appeals have been made and the Supreme court will get the case.

The student will be represented by the ACL which will argue for her first amendment rights in regards to free speech. The school cannot remove her from the cheer squad because of what she says off campus. Yet if she says in on campus then they can. A line in the sand.

The school will try to enforce their decision to have the right to remove her the cheer squad based on what she posted even if it was off campus when she did it. Generally can the school discipline students from what they say away from school.

I have to say that I am torn between the two. Someone on the cheer squad who so easily post vulgar language and hand signs on social media. Probably no the best thing to do for all to see.

yet I do respect peoples rights to say what is in their heart. I would say that she was just venting and used social media.

Still such language can be repeated and spread by others. Creating situations in the school environment like school bullying and encouraging others to be vulgar for trivial things.

I am going to go with the school on this one. A message should be sent to avoid using social media to say things that you cannot take back. It is out there for all to see. The larger issue is common sense. It seems social media makes people lose self control. They are angry and they can post it for all to see. As a parent I would tell her that it was her mistake and to learn from it. That is just my opinion.

You can't make a law against "vulgar language". The Russian Duma was thinking about doing this way back, and you know people will just make new vulgar language to get around it.
A Cheerleader’s Vulgar Message Prompts a First Amendment Showdown (

A fitting early case that the Trump court will have to decide if they want to hear the case. Can a school punish students when they use social media to rant using vulgar language about school stuff? Specifically the school, cheer, softball and other things. The girl was taken off the cheer squad. Appeals have been made and the Supreme court will get the case.

The student will be represented by the ACL which will argue for her first amendment rights in regards to free speech. The school cannot remove her from the cheer squad because of what she says off campus. Yet if she says in on campus then they can. A line in the sand.

The school will try to enforce their decision to have the right to remove her the cheer squad based on what she posted even if it was off campus when she did it. Generally can the school discipline students from what they say away from school.

I have to say that I am torn between the two. Someone on the cheer squad who so easily post vulgar language and hand signs on social media. Probably no the best thing to do for all to see.

yet I do respect peoples rights to say what is in their heart. I would say that she was just venting and used social media.

Still such language can be repeated and spread by others. Creating situations in the school environment like school bullying and encouraging others to be vulgar for trivial things.

I am going to go with the school on this one. A message should be sent to avoid using social media to say things that you cannot take back. It is out there for all to see. The larger issue is common sense. It seems social media makes people lose self control. They are angry and they can post it for all to see. As a parent I would tell her that it was her mistake and to learn from it. That is just my opinion.
What word fid she use?
You can't make a law against "vulgar language". The Russian Duma was thinking about doing this way back, and you know people will just make new vulgar language to get around it.
That is true. I don't understand much Russian, but I do know that Russians have various "polite" figures of speech to describe things with extremely vulgar connotations.
A Cheerleader’s Vulgar Message Prompts a First Amendment Showdown (

A fitting early case that the Trump court will have to decide if they want to hear the case. Can a school punish students when they use social media to rant using vulgar language about school stuff? Specifically the school, cheer, softball and other things. The girl was taken off the cheer squad. Appeals have been made and the Supreme court will get the case.

The student will be represented by the ACL which will argue for her first amendment rights in regards to free speech. The school cannot remove her from the cheer squad because of what she says off campus. Yet if she says in on campus then they can. A line in the sand.

The school will try to enforce their decision to have the right to remove her the cheer squad based on what she posted even if it was off campus when she did it. Generally can the school discipline students from what they say away from school.

I have to say that I am torn between the two. Someone on the cheer squad who so easily post vulgar language and hand signs on social media. Probably no the best thing to do for all to see.

yet I do respect peoples rights to say what is in their heart. I would say that she was just venting and used social media.

Still such language can be repeated and spread by others. Creating situations in the school environment like school bullying and encouraging others to be vulgar for trivial things.

I am going to go with the school on this one. A message should be sent to avoid using social media to say things that you cannot take back. It is out there for all to see. The larger issue is common sense. It seems social media makes people lose self control. They are angry and they can post it for all to see. As a parent I would tell her that it was her mistake and to learn from it. That is just my opinion.

You can't make a law against "vulgar language". The Russian Duma was thinking about doing this way back, and you know people will just make new vulgar language to get around it.
Well in the good old US you can be sued under intentional inflection of emotional duress.

broadcasting of obscenity is against the law

Even a number of states have laws still in the book on blasphemy and other vulgar language.

Granted they are rarely if never enforced but they still against a law that the state enacted.
A Cheerleader’s Vulgar Message Prompts a First Amendment Showdown (

A fitting early case that the Trump court will have to decide if they want to hear the case. Can a school punish students when they use social media to rant using vulgar language about school stuff? Specifically the school, cheer, softball and other things. The girl was taken off the cheer squad. Appeals have been made and the Supreme court will get the case.

The student will be represented by the ACL which will argue for her first amendment rights in regards to free speech. The school cannot remove her from the cheer squad because of what she says off campus. Yet if she says in on campus then they can. A line in the sand.

The school will try to enforce their decision to have the right to remove her the cheer squad based on what she posted even if it was off campus when she did it. Generally can the school discipline students from what they say away from school.

I have to say that I am torn between the two. Someone on the cheer squad who so easily post vulgar language and hand signs on social media. Probably no the best thing to do for all to see.

yet I do respect peoples rights to say what is in their heart. I would say that she was just venting and used social media.

Still such language can be repeated and spread by others. Creating situations in the school environment like school bullying and encouraging others to be vulgar for trivial things.

I am going to go with the school on this one. A message should be sent to avoid using social media to say things that you cannot take back. It is out there for all to see. The larger issue is common sense. It seems social media makes people lose self control. They are angry and they can post it for all to see. As a parent I would tell her that it was her mistake and to learn from it. That is just my opinion.

You can't make a law against "vulgar language". The Russian Duma was thinking about doing this way back, and you know people will just make new vulgar language to get around it.
Well in the good old US you can be sued under intentional inflection of emotional duress.

broadcasting of obscenity is against the law

Even a number of states have laws still in the book on blasphemy and other vulgar language.

Granted they are rarely if never enforced but they still against a law that the state enacted.

Ah, the so free USA....
Appears the court has ruled on this subject with only one judge (Clarence T) who dissented the Schools action as appropriate.

I guess Clarence who was accused of harassment felt sorry for the cheerleader.

What an embarrassment 8 to 1 disagreed with Clarence.
Sooo, just so we have this straight: a member of the high school baseball team could stand on the sidewalk outside the coach’s house, at8:00 pm, and shout obscenities at the coach, his wife and his children. No holds barred. Call him the F word. Call his wife the B word. Call his 4 year old daughter the C word. With no repercussions. Cannot throw him off the team or suspend him. Cannot punish him in any way.
The Court favored the cheerleader, as they should have. Thomas is wrong in his dissent. It should have been 9-0...

Who are these Vulgars who have a language and can they post in the Clean Debate Zone?


A Cheerleader’s Vulgar Message Prompts a First Amendment Showdown (

A fitting early case that the Trump court will have to decide if they want to hear the case. Can a school punish students when they use social media to rant using vulgar language about school stuff? Specifically the school, cheer, softball and other things. The girl was taken off the cheer squad. Appeals have been made and the Supreme court will get the case.

The student will be represented by the ACL which will argue for her first amendment rights in regards to free speech. The school cannot remove her from the cheer squad because of what she says off campus. Yet if she says in on campus then they can. A line in the sand.

The school will try to enforce their decision to have the right to remove her the cheer squad based on what she posted even if it was off campus when she did it. Generally can the school discipline students from what they say away from school.

I have to say that I am torn between the two. Someone on the cheer squad who so easily post vulgar language and hand signs on social media. Probably no the best thing to do for all to see.

yet I do respect peoples rights to say what is in their heart. I would say that she was just venting and used social media.

Still such language can be repeated and spread by others. Creating situations in the school environment like school bullying and encouraging others to be vulgar for trivial things.

I am going to go with the school on this one. A message should be sent to avoid using social media to say things that you cannot take back. It is out there for all to see. The larger issue is common sense. It seems social media makes people lose self control. They are angry and they can post it for all to see. As a parent I would tell her that it was her mistake and to learn from it. That is just my opinion.
How bout letting the parents discipline the child and shut the hell up?
Come on now, I gave you proof that people in Europe and Canada are poorer than people in America. Stop trying to change the subject. Define poverty first before going off on another anti-America diatribe. Show proof of your conclusions otherwise, I must assume you are just a hater of America.

Nah, the measure of high quality of life is NOT wealth.
If you have housing, employment, transportation, health care, etc., satisfied, then you do not need wealth.
But if you have wealth but still are unable to satisfy your housing, employment, transportation, health care, etc., needs, then you have a terrible quality of life.

The US has some of the worst quality of life issues the world.
That is easily shown by the simple fact the US has about the largest incarceration rate in the world.
It also has about the highest murder, suicide, and divorce rates.
It does not even have high life expectancy rates.
It does not at all rate well on anything but money.

And money is a poor marker for happiness or satisfaction.
Greed is not good, in contrast to what Gordon Gekko claimed.
As a social animal, humans gain satisfaction from interpersonal relationships that have nothing at all to do with wealth.
Well in the good old US you can be sued under intentional inflection of emotional duress.

broadcasting of obscenity is against the law

Even a number of states have laws still in the book on blasphemy and other vulgar language.

Granted they are rarely if never enforced but they still against a law that the state enacted.

What is legal is not defined by legislation passed by legislators.
There is an abstraction of what is unjustifiably harmful to others, that establishes what is really legal or not, and that is what the SCOTUS is supposed to go by in determining if legislation is legal or not.

Since the reality is everyone has seen animals engaged in sexual acts, then there is no secret.
There is no point is trying to pretend sex does not exist.
And likely it is then wrong and illegal to attempt to censor the language of anyone.
Sooo, just so we have this straight: a member of the high school baseball team could stand on the sidewalk outside the coach’s house, at8:00 pm, and shout obscenities at the coach, his wife and his children. No holds barred. Call him the F word. Call his wife the B word. Call his 4 year old daughter the C word. With no repercussions. Cannot throw him off the team or suspend him. Cannot punish him in any way.

If there were any legal means of preventing the verbal assault you described, it would be more on the invasion of privacy, and have nothing at all to do with what was said.
Throwing someone off the team for things outside of the team, is totally and completely illegal.

Schools can establish standards for activity in school, but not outside of school, in anyway.

And similar to the sidewalk situation, if one is being harassed on social media, then it is the violation of privacy they should complain about to the social media services, in order to get them censored voluntarily or through a legal process.
It is not over an arbitrary obscenity or vulgarity edicts.
Nah, the measure of high quality of life is NOT wealth.
If you have housing, employment, transportation, health care, etc., satisfied, then you do not need wealth.
But if you have wealth but still are unable to satisfy your housing, employment, transportation, health care, etc., needs, then you have a terrible quality of life.

The US has some of the worst quality of life issues the world.
That is easily shown by the simple fact the US has about the largest incarceration rate in the world.
It also has about the highest murder, suicide, and divorce rates.
It does not even have high life expectancy rates.
It does not at all rate well on anything but money.

And money is a poor marker for happiness or satisfaction.
Greed is not good, in contrast to what Gordon Gekko claimed.
As a social animal, humans gain satisfaction from interpersonal relationships that have nothing at all to do with wealth.
You must not live in America. If you do, you might consider moving.
You must not live in America. If you do, you might consider moving.

I have lived for significant amounts of time in WI, OR, TX, and NM.
They all got worse when they changed the tax regulation in 1957, to allow employee benefits be tax exempt to employers.
That is when insurance companies screwed up health care.
Since then, the US has steadily been going down hill.
Murdering innocent people in Vietnam was bad enough, but then we did it again to innocent Iraqis.
Profits have taken over from ethics or common sense.
A Cheerleader’s Vulgar Message Prompts a First Amendment Showdown (

A fitting early case that the Trump court will have to decide if they want to hear the case. Can a school punish students when they use social media to rant using vulgar language about school stuff? Specifically the school, cheer, softball and other things. The girl was taken off the cheer squad. Appeals have been made and the Supreme court will get the case.

The student will be represented by the ACL which will argue for her first amendment rights in regards to free speech. The school cannot remove her from the cheer squad because of what she says off campus. Yet if she says in on campus then they can. A line in the sand.

The school will try to enforce their decision to have the right to remove her the cheer squad based on what she posted even if it was off campus when she did it. Generally can the school discipline students from what they say away from school.

I have to say that I am torn between the two. Someone on the cheer squad who so easily post vulgar language and hand signs on social media. Probably no the best thing to do for all to see.

yet I do respect peoples rights to say what is in their heart. I would say that she was just venting and used social media.

Still such language can be repeated and spread by others. Creating situations in the school environment like school bullying and encouraging others to be vulgar for trivial things.

I am going to go with the school on this one. A message should be sent to avoid using social media to say things that you cannot take back. It is out there for all to see. The larger issue is common sense. It seems social media makes people lose self control. They are angry and they can post it for all to see. As a parent I would tell her that it was her mistake and to learn from it. That is just my opinion.

Since your link goes to the MSN start page and not the story, I'll assume she said it on some non-school run site, in which case they have no case since it isn't their media she said it on. If she said it on their site then yes, they have a right to suspend her.

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