Free speech ended in NYC

it is about intentional refusal to recognize identification, not a casual mistake because someone does not know a persons identity/gender.
It's about force and ignoring our rights.

Ignoring the other person's right and identity, disrespecting who they are as well as the law.
We have a Constitutional right to free speech, you have no such right that you are claiming.

a Mr. cannot force me to call him a Miss, if he doesn't like it, he can bitch, but not call the authorities and have a law enforced.

hate speech and abuse is not protected.
Why would I bother to call a talk show

Just thought I'd give you the opportunity to show us you're not a coward.

Not a coward, but I don't care to be yelled at and cut off mid sentence like he does. He's more like an ex-mother-in-law than a talk show host.
You are missing the point. Mark Levin is right, and you are wrong. Insulting him doesn't change that fact.
Not a coward, but I don't care to be yelled at and cut off mid sentence like he does. He's more like an ex-mother-in-law than a talk show host.

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Funny picture. I can laugh at it without feeling the need to prove anything to you. Now if that picture was directed at Trump, there would be a twitter war started and he would call you a loser on TV. That's not the behavior needed for a president.
Why would I bother to call a talk show

Just thought I'd give you the opportunity to show us you're not a coward.

Not a coward, but I don't care to be yelled at and cut off mid sentence like he does. He's more like an ex-mother-in-law than a talk show host.
You are missing the point. Mark Levin is right, and you are wrong. Insulting him doesn't change that fact.

He's an idiot, and you are too if you fall for his hysterics.
Hell, it's a no-brainer. Keep it simple and just call them Citizen or Comrade and refuse to call them anything else. Eventually this PC bullshit is gonna get a lot of he-she-its killed and maimed.
And the hammer of the law brought down on the lawbreakers' heads, leading to shattered families as their loved ones rot in prison or get enforced dirt naps.

If this election is at heart the right to be an asshole in public whenever one wants, Trump will lose in a massive landslide.
OK Jake. I'll play it safe and call them "That Thing."

i always have to wonder why people like you feel the need to deny basic human dignity to others.
I don't deny basic human dignity to others but no goddam fairy is gonna come mincing up to me and instruct me to call them some stupid shit name that no one has ever heard of. 56 genders my ass! There are 2 genders and if they don't like he or she then I can call them an ambulance. With all the crime and terrorism going on in the world today I don't give a rats ass about hurting some faggot's "feewings" and making them cry.
If you are engaged in public business with them governed by PA laws, yeah, that can happen, Hossfly.
So in public transactions, you have to respect another person.

Tough fucking luck, you jackhammers. :lol:
Regulating manners now are we? You're joking, right? :dunno:

passing laws against hate
aris2chat, I'm going to make a confession.

I consider you one scary motherfucker bitch. I do not want you, or anyone like you, to be in charge of this country.

So now I'm decided, I'm going to vote for Trump.

You, with your Stalinist rhetoric, have persuaded me.
No, blackrook, you are wrong. When you are engaged in public activity, you are engaged to be civil through public nuisance and disorderly laws.

You are an enemy to civilization.
Since when? As long as one is not creating a disturbance one can be as rude and discourteous as they wish.
Such behavior is rude and discourteous, which means you talk to the LEO. If you are engaged in public discourse or in public business, then, yes, the laws apply. Violate them at your own risk.
Bull shit.

See, there's an example of free speech, something you're obviously unfamiliar with. :thup:
Because it is allowed on this Board. If it were not and you defied the mods, you would be vacationed. You don't really understand this concept, do you?
I wasn't talking about the board, kinda missed that somewhere along the way, didn'tcha........ :lol:
I got it exactly. You don't want to follow laws governing speech in public you don't like. Tough.
So in public transactions, you have to respect another person.

Tough fucking luck, you jackhammers. :lol:
Regulating manners now are we? You're joking, right? :dunno:

passing laws against hate
aris2chat, I'm going to make a confession.

I consider you one scary motherfucker bitch. I do not want you, or anyone like you, to be in charge of this country.

So now I'm decided, I'm going to vote for Trump.

You, with your Stalinist rhetoric, have persuaded me.

Served in the military and for the government. Worked for women's and human rights around the world. Worked with state department and UN. Would not want to run for office.

You can relax on that point.
Since when? As long as one is not creating a disturbance one can be as rude and discourteous as they wish.
Such behavior is rude and discourteous, which means you talk to the LEO. If you are engaged in public discourse or in public business, then, yes, the laws apply. Violate them at your own risk.
Bull shit.

See, there's an example of free speech, something you're obviously unfamiliar with. :thup:
Because it is allowed on this Board. If it were not and you defied the mods, you would be vacationed. You don't really understand this concept, do you?
I wasn't talking about the board, kinda missed that somewhere along the way, didn'tcha........ :lol:
I got it exactly. You don't want to follow laws governing speech in public you don't like. Tough.
No, I was with the free speech movement back in the 60s and 70s, we were fighting censors back then, looks like we're fighting censors now.........
So in public transactions, you have to respect another person.

Tough fucking luck, you jackhammers. :lol:
Regulating manners now are we? You're joking, right? :dunno:

passing laws against hate

is that going to be very hard for you to adjust to? are you mentally ill that you can't act in a civilized fashion around other human beings?
Here's another reality, those like you on the left are working to create a utopia that will never exist, those on the right are trying to go back to a utopia that never existed, in the meantime everyone else has to suffer from both efforts.

Striving to 'create a utopia that will never exist' though leads to people simply working to improve their lives. It is the child of hope. Of something better. A human yearning that goes back to the beginning, this isn't a political thing it is a human thing. A natural desire to have your offspring be safer, better fed, more educated, less fearful.

There is no such thing as perfection, but the striving for perfection is the Saturn 5 rocket that lifts us to the moon.
Hell, it's a no-brainer. Keep it simple and just call them Citizen or Comrade and refuse to call them anything else. Eventually this PC bullshit is gonna get a lot of he-she-its killed and maimed.
And the hammer of the law brought down on the lawbreakers' heads, leading to shattered families as their loved ones rot in prison or get enforced dirt naps.

If this election is at heart the right to be an asshole in public whenever one wants, Trump will lose in a massive landslide.
OK Jake. I'll play it safe and call them "That Thing."

i always have to wonder why people like you feel the need to deny basic human dignity to others.
I don't deny basic human dignity to others but no goddam fairy is gonna come mincing up to me and instruct me to call them some stupid shit name that no one has ever heard of. 56 genders my ass! There are 2 genders and if they don't like he or she then I can call them an ambulance. With all the crime and terrorism going on in the world today I don't give a rats ass about hurting some faggot's "feewings" and making them cry.
If you are engaged in public business with them governed by PA laws, yeah, that can happen, Hossfly.
I read the two links in the OP and I understood it was laws for employers. That lets me out. But I am not going to tailor my speech to suit anyone on this green earth except myself. I won't confront any of those people but if they confront me they are going to play by my rules.
So in public transactions, you have to respect another person.

Tough fucking luck, you jackhammers. :lol:
Regulating manners now are we? You're joking, right? :dunno:

passing laws against hate

is that going to be very hard for you to adjust to? are you mentally ill that you can't act in a civilized fashion around other human beings?
Here's another reality, those like you on the left are working to create a utopia that will never exist, those on the right are trying to go back to a utopia that never existed, in the meantime everyone else has to suffer from both efforts.

Striving to 'create a utopia that will never exist' though leads to people simply working to improve their lives. It is the child of hope. Of something better. A human yearning that goes back to the beginning, this isn't a political thing it is a human thing. A natural desire to have your offspring be safer, better fed, more educated, less fearful.

There is no such thing as perfection, but the striving for perfection is the Saturn 5 rocket that lifts us to the moon.
Agreed but in that pursuit someone is always disenfranchised and human nature being what it is always corrupts.
Regulating manners now are we? You're joking, right? :dunno:

passing laws against hate

is that going to be very hard for you to adjust to? are you mentally ill that you can't act in a civilized fashion around other human beings?
Here's another reality, those like you on the left are working to create a utopia that will never exist, those on the right are trying to go back to a utopia that never existed, in the meantime everyone else has to suffer from both efforts.

Striving to 'create a utopia that will never exist' though leads to people simply working to improve their lives. It is the child of hope. Of something better. A human yearning that goes back to the beginning, this isn't a political thing it is a human thing. A natural desire to have your offspring be safer, better fed, more educated, less fearful.

There is no such thing as perfection, but the striving for perfection is the Saturn 5 rocket that lifts us to the moon.
Agreed but in that pursuit someone is always disenfranchised and human nature being what it is always corrupts.

All societies have to balance desires of millions of people, no easy task. Democracy means compromise.
When I conduct a business transaction with someone I might call them "Mr" or "Ms". No one forces me to do it. If I choose not to use these no one fines me. Its up to the person if they want to continue to do business with me if I offended them. So YES, the OP is an assault on free speech. Being rude in another person's opinion is not a fineable offense.

Just make sure you use the appropriate ze or hir and we won't rat you out like good Stazi informers.
Just use it at scream level so everyone knows what it is.

Just make sure you use the appropriate ze or hir and we won't rat you out like good Stazi informers.
Just use it at scream level so everyone knows what it is.

If you speak "legal leftist" -- New Yorkers are just gonna figure you're from Denmark or something and IGNORE you.. I'd need a portable app to translate in Times Square.

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