Free speech ended in NYC

you don't deny people basic human dignity and then hurl slurs at them? you might want to re-think what basic human dignity is and the minimum decent treatment others deserve.

Censoring the speech of others to placate a bunch of whiners has nothing to do with decency and everything to do with tyranny.

isn't it cute how you're angry that you can't be disgusting toward people.

get over it.
since we decided people shouldn't be harassed in their work places, at school, and on the streets and in their homes.

Actually "we decided" (meaning, presumably, that our government passed a law), to only protect people from certain unpopular kinds of harassment. Everything else is a free-for-all.
Every New Yorker has the God-given right to be rude and disrespectful to anyone they want, even customers.

aris2chat, you are a seriously scary individual. When the revolution happens, I will run the other way when you and your Stalinist crew of comrades come walking down the street in my neighborhood, looking to kick some bourgeoisie ass. You are the stuff that brutal dictatorships are made of. You are an enemy to all who are free.
No, blackrook, you are wrong. When you are engaged in public activity, you are engaged to be civil through public nuisance and disorderly laws.

You are an enemy to civilization.
Since when? As long as one is not creating a disturbance one can be as rude and discourteous as they wish.
Such behavior is rude and discourteous, which means you talk to the LEO. If you are engaged in public discourse or in public business, then, yes, the laws apply. Violate them at your own risk.
Bull shit.

See, there's an example of free speech, something you're obviously unfamiliar with. :thup:
Because it is allowed on this Board. If it were not and you defied the mods, you could be vacationed. You don't really understand this concept, do you?
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So in public transactions, you have to respect another person.

Tough fucking luck, you jackhammers. :lol:
Regulating manners now are we? You're joking, right? :dunno:

passing laws against hate
aris2chat, I'm going to make a confession.

I consider you one scary motherfucker bitch. I do not want you, or anyone like you, to be in charge of this country.

So now I'm decided, I'm going to vote for Trump.

You, with your Stalinist rhetoric, have persuaded me.
OK Jake. I'll play it safe and call them "That Thing."

i always have to wonder why people like you feel the need to deny basic human dignity to others.
I don't deny basic human dignity to others but no goddam fairy is gonna come mincing up to me and instruct me to call them some stupid shit name that no one has ever heard of. 56 genders my ass! There are 2 genders and if they don't like he or she then I can call them an ambulance. With all the crime and terrorism going on in the world today I don't give a rats ass about hurting some faggot's "feewings" and making them cry.

you don't deny people basic human dignity and then hurl slurs at them? you might want to re-think what basic human dignity is and the minimum decent treatment others deserve.
Since when does someone think it's okay to mandate human dignity in this country? :dunno:

since we decided people shouldn't be harassed in their work places, at school, and on the streets and in their homes.

you should probably get over it if that troubles you.
What does harassment have to do with laws mandating human dignity? Obviously we are talking about two different things........ or are we....... :dunno:
Every New Yorker has the God-given right to be rude and disrespectful to anyone they want, even customers.

aris2chat, you are a seriously scary individual. When the revolution happens, I will run the other way when you and your Stalinist crew of comrades come walking down the street in my neighborhood, looking to kick some bourgeoisie ass. You are the stuff that brutal dictatorships are made of. You are an enemy to all who are free.
No, blackrook, you are wrong. When you are engaged in public activity, you are engaged to be civil through public nuisance and disorderly laws.

You are an enemy to civilization.
Since when? As long as one is not creating a disturbance one can be as rude and discourteous as they wish.
Such behavior is rude and discourteous, which means you talk to the LEO. If you are engaged in public discourse or in public business, then, yes, the laws apply. Violate them at your own risk.
Bull shit.

See, there's an example of free speech, something you're obviously unfamiliar with. :thup:
Because it is allowed on this Board. If it were not and you defied the mods, you would be vacationed. You don't really understand this concept, do you?
I wasn't talking about the board, kinda missed that somewhere along the way, didn'tcha........ :lol:
Every New Yorker has the God-given right to be rude and disrespectful to anyone they want, even customers.

aris2chat, you are a seriously scary individual. When the revolution happens, I will run the other way when you and your Stalinist crew of comrades come walking down the street in my neighborhood, looking to kick some bourgeoisie ass. You are the stuff that brutal dictatorships are made of. You are an enemy to all who are free.

Good Gawd, n o man.

That is when you put it on full auto and empty the banana mag.

not respectful, not legal

that is the way to end up in jail with no rights.
Because it is allowed on this Board. If it were not and you defied the mods, you would be vacationed. You don't really understand this concept, do you?

So you're supporting the Mods 1st Amendment rights but not everyone else's. You don't know what you're talking about.
I will not call anyone "ze," "hir" or any bullshit like that. I will go to maximum security pound-me-in the-ass prison before I say any bullshit like that.
Every New Yorker has the God-given right to be rude and disrespectful to anyone they want, even customers.

aris2chat, you are a seriously scary individual. When the revolution happens, I will run the other way when you and your Stalinist crew of comrades come walking down the street in my neighborhood, looking to kick some bourgeoisie ass. You are the stuff that brutal dictatorships are made of. You are an enemy to all who are free.

Good Gawd, n o man.

That is when you put it on full auto and empty the banana mag.

not respectful, not legal

that is the way to end up in jail with no rights.
Put me in jail, if you can.
not respectful, not legal


Isn't he that little bald whiny guy that says all the dumb stuff? Like "monarchy and feudalism were based on equality" ?
Stupid Mark Levin quote of the day
so it's ok to take away our Constitutional rights b/c of any reason your leaders can give you b/c people you don't like stand up to them.

Nobody is taking your constitutional rights, but if you keep pitching your silly little tantrum, you will deserve standing with your nose in the corner.
No just recognize individual right as protected by the US constitution.
There is no Constitutional right to be a cross dressing, cock sucking fagot.

The Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered People ...
American Civil Liberties Unionrights-lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-t...
American Civil Liberties Union
The struggle of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered) people for equal ... ThisAmendment protects the right to organize and urge government to end ...
LGBT Rights | American Civil Liberties Union
American Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU works to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people can live openly without discrimination and enjoy equal rights, personal autonomy ...
Obergefell and trans rights: the Supreme Court's endorsement of ...
Jun 26, 2015 - How Obergefell Could Help Transgender Rights ... "The Constitution promises liberty to all define and express their identity." ... was a huge victory for the rights of gay, lesbian, and bisexual folks and those that love them.
Protecting the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and ...
Request Rejected...
Americans With Disabilities Act Information
Jump to Defending the Constitutional Rights of People in Institutions - The Division has authority under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act to ...

Romer v. Evans (1996)
In a 6–3 decision, the Supreme Court struck down Colorado's Amendment 2, which denied gays and lesbians protections against discrimination, calling them "special rights." According to Justice Anthony Kennedy, "We find nothing special in the protections Amendment 2 withholds. These protections . . . constitute ordinary civil life in a free society."

Lawrence v. Texas (2003)
The Supreme Court, 6–3, overruled a Texas sodomy law and voted 5–4 to overturn 1986's Bowers v. Hardwickdecision. "The state cannot demean their [gays'] existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime," wrote Justice Kennedy in the majority opinion. In his dissent to Lawrence v. Texas, Justice Scalia said the court has "largely signed on to the so-called homosexual agenda."

United States v. Windsor (2013)
The Supreme Court ruled that the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. In a 5 to 4 vote, the court ruled that DOMA violated the rights of gays and lesbians. The court also ruled that the law interferes with the states' rights to define marriage. It was the first case ever on the issue of gay marriage for the Supreme Court. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. voted against striking it down as did Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas. However, conservative-leaning Justice Anthony M. Kennedy voted with his liberal colleagues to overturn DOMA.

Hollingsworth v. Perry (2013)
The Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage opponents in California did not have standing to appeal the lower court ruling that overturned the state's ban, known as Proposition 8. The ruling will remove legal battles for same-sex couples wishing to marry in California. However, the ruling did not directly affect other states.

The highest court that determines constitutionality
so it's ok to take away our Constitutional rights b/c of any reason your leaders can give you b/c people you don't like stand up to them.
You do not have a constitutional right act like an asshole in public, Two Thumbs. Show me in the Constitution where you do.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia oh and, stop acting like an asshole on this site or I'll call the NYPD on your ass. does that sound ignorant? well that's what you leftist sound like when you tell me I'll get fined for not using 'ze'
This is a private site, so free speech here does not exist. You get to be an asshole because it is permitted here. Try this on the streets of NYC or in business relationships and the COTUS does not protect.
yes it does moron.

well you have no grasp of freedom or the Constitution and don't understand what free speech is.

you can stop pretending you're a republican now, your level of ignorance and hate for freedom put you to the far left with the socialists

normal republicans don't think like you.

normal anything doesn't think like him.
So in public transactions, you have to respect another person.

Tough fucking luck, you jackhammers. :lol:
Regulating manners now are we? You're joking, right? :dunno:

passing laws against hate

is that going to be very hard for you to adjust to? are you mentally ill that you can't act in a civilized fashion around other human beings?
Here's another reality, those like you on the left are working to create a utopia that will never exist, those on the right are trying to go back to a utopia that never existed, in the meantime everyone else has to suffer from both efforts.

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