Free speech ended in NYC

passing laws against hate

is that going to be very hard for you to adjust to? are you mentally ill that you can't act in a civilized fashion around other human beings?
Here's another reality, those like you on the left are working to create a utopia that will never exist, those on the right are trying to go back to a utopia that never existed, in the meantime everyone else has to suffer from both efforts.

Striving to 'create a utopia that will never exist' though leads to people simply working to improve their lives. It is the child of hope. Of something better. A human yearning that goes back to the beginning, this isn't a political thing it is a human thing. A natural desire to have your offspring be safer, better fed, more educated, less fearful.

There is no such thing as perfection, but the striving for perfection is the Saturn 5 rocket that lifts us to the moon.
Agreed but in that pursuit someone is always disenfranchised and human nature being what it is always corrupts.

All societies have to balance desires of millions of people, no easy task. Democracy means compromise.
Never said it didn't, I'm a student of humanity and humanity in sociopolitical situations has shown very little ability to change on the whole.
Keep fighting the good fight though, maybe one day someone will prove me wrong. :thup:
is that going to be very hard for you to adjust to? are you mentally ill that you can't act in a civilized fashion around other human beings?
Here's another reality, those like you on the left are working to create a utopia that will never exist, those on the right are trying to go back to a utopia that never existed, in the meantime everyone else has to suffer from both efforts.

Striving to 'create a utopia that will never exist' though leads to people simply working to improve their lives. It is the child of hope. Of something better. A human yearning that goes back to the beginning, this isn't a political thing it is a human thing. A natural desire to have your offspring be safer, better fed, more educated, less fearful.

There is no such thing as perfection, but the striving for perfection is the Saturn 5 rocket that lifts us to the moon.
Agreed but in that pursuit someone is always disenfranchised and human nature being what it is always corrupts.

All societies have to balance desires of millions of people, no easy task. Democracy means compromise.
Never said it didn't, I'm a student of humanity and humanity in sociopolitical situations has shown very little ability to change on the whole.
Keep fighting the good fight though, maybe one day someone will prove me wrong. :thup:

That is all I'm saying, all anyone can do is fight the fight. As with the people that hid Jews in Germany in WW2, you do what you can. Schindler's List presents this idea quite well. Even in the face of the worst evil on Earth human beings found their humanity and did SOMETHING.
Here's another reality, those like you on the left are working to create a utopia that will never exist, those on the right are trying to go back to a utopia that never existed, in the meantime everyone else has to suffer from both efforts.

Striving to 'create a utopia that will never exist' though leads to people simply working to improve their lives. It is the child of hope. Of something better. A human yearning that goes back to the beginning, this isn't a political thing it is a human thing. A natural desire to have your offspring be safer, better fed, more educated, less fearful.

There is no such thing as perfection, but the striving for perfection is the Saturn 5 rocket that lifts us to the moon.
Agreed but in that pursuit someone is always disenfranchised and human nature being what it is always corrupts.

All societies have to balance desires of millions of people, no easy task. Democracy means compromise.
Never said it didn't, I'm a student of humanity and humanity in sociopolitical situations has shown very little ability to change on the whole.
Keep fighting the good fight though, maybe one day someone will prove me wrong. :thup:

That is all I'm saying, all anyone can do is fight the fight. As with the people that hid Jews in Germany in WW2, you do what you can. Schindler's List presents this idea quite well. Even in the face of the worst evil on Earth human beings found their humanity and did SOMETHING.
Exactly but some humans being what they are the fight will be never ending and both good and evil will result from that fight. Such is life.
Striving to 'create a utopia that will never exist' though leads to people simply working to improve their lives. It is the child of hope. Of something better. A human yearning that goes back to the beginning, this isn't a political thing it is a human thing. A natural desire to have your offspring be safer, better fed, more educated, less fearful.

There is no such thing as perfection, but the striving for perfection is the Saturn 5 rocket that lifts us to the moon.
Agreed but in that pursuit someone is always disenfranchised and human nature being what it is always corrupts.

All societies have to balance desires of millions of people, no easy task. Democracy means compromise.
Never said it didn't, I'm a student of humanity and humanity in sociopolitical situations has shown very little ability to change on the whole.
Keep fighting the good fight though, maybe one day someone will prove me wrong. :thup:

That is all I'm saying, all anyone can do is fight the fight. As with the people that hid Jews in Germany in WW2, you do what you can. Schindler's List presents this idea quite well. Even in the face of the worst evil on Earth human beings found their humanity and did SOMETHING.
Exactly but some humans being what they are the fight will be never ending and both good and evil will result from that fight. Such is life.

Yes it is a never ending fight. The old quote "all that is necessary for evil men to succeed is for good men to do nothing" applies. A car left in a vacant lot will sooner or later be broken into. Locked in a garage or under security cameras not so much.
Agreed but in that pursuit someone is always disenfranchised and human nature being what it is always corrupts.

All societies have to balance desires of millions of people, no easy task. Democracy means compromise.
Never said it didn't, I'm a student of humanity and humanity in sociopolitical situations has shown very little ability to change on the whole.
Keep fighting the good fight though, maybe one day someone will prove me wrong. :thup:

That is all I'm saying, all anyone can do is fight the fight. As with the people that hid Jews in Germany in WW2, you do what you can. Schindler's List presents this idea quite well. Even in the face of the worst evil on Earth human beings found their humanity and did SOMETHING.
Exactly but some humans being what they are the fight will be never ending and both good and evil will result from that fight. Such is life.

Yes it is a never ending fight. The old quote "all that is necessary for evil men to succeed is for good men to do nothing" applies. A car left in a vacant lot will sooner or later be broken into. Locked in a garage or under security cameras not so much.
True but that's not really my point. One man's trash is another man's treasure, equally one man's vision is another man's nightmare, one man's freedom is another man's cage, one man's hope is another man's hell. And so it goes, on and on. It's human nature to control, control environments, people, events, ideas. While this has its beneficial aspects there's also a dark side and that dark side is often born of the desire to make things better but better in the image of only one person or one group of people with similar ideals, eventually the road to and/or that road from is corrupted often at the very beginning.
Don't know if it's true or not but supposedly one of our founding fathers was quoted as saying; "Our freedoms are never more in jeopardy than when Congress is in session." History has shown that the same might be said of SCOTUS and POTUS depending on one's view. Well, I've fought my fight, time for others to take over not that I think it will make any difference as this grand experiment gradually fails.

Isn't he that little bald whiny guy that says all the dumb stuff? Like "monarchy and feudalism were based on equality" ?
Stupid Mark Levin quote of the day
so it's ok to take away our Constitutional rights b/c of any reason your leaders can give you b/c people you don't like stand up to them.

Nobody is taking your constitutional rights, but if you keep pitching your silly little tantrum, you will deserve standing with your nose in the corner.

This is how ignorant leftists are.

A law is being passed that removes the right to free speech and they still feel that our rights aren't being taken away
You do not have a constitutional right act like an asshole in public, Two Thumbs. Show me in the Constitution where you do.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia oh and, stop acting like an asshole on this site or I'll call the NYPD on your ass. does that sound ignorant? well that's what you leftist sound like when you tell me I'll get fined for not using 'ze'
This is a private site, so free speech here does not exist. You get to be an asshole because it is permitted here. Try this on the streets of NYC or in business relationships and the COTUS does not protect.
yes it does moron.

well you have no grasp of freedom or the Constitution and don't understand what free speech is.

you can stop pretending you're a republican now, your level of ignorance and hate for freedom put you to the far left with the socialists

normal republicans don't think like you.

normal anything doesn't think like him.
that's offensive

I made it clear that I am to be referred to as "High master ruler of all the Stars".

Offend be again and I'll report you to the police.

how do you like them apples

it is about intentional refusal to recognize identification, not a casual mistake because someone does not know a persons identity/gender.
It's about force and ignoring our rights.

Ignoring the other person's right and identity, disrespecting who they are as well as the law.
We have a Constitutional right to free speech, you have no such right that you are claiming.

a Mr. cannot force me to call him a Miss, if he doesn't like it, he can bitch, but not call the authorities and have a law enforced.

hate speech and abuse is not protected.
yes it is

and forcing me to use words that don't exist 'or else' is actual abuse.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia oh and, stop acting like an asshole on this site or I'll call the NYPD on your ass. does that sound ignorant? well that's what you leftist sound like when you tell me I'll get fined for not using 'ze'
This is a private site, so free speech here does not exist. You get to be an asshole because it is permitted here. Try this on the streets of NYC or in business relationships and the COTUS does not protect.
yes it does moron.

well you have no grasp of freedom or the Constitution and don't understand what free speech is.

you can stop pretending you're a republican now, your level of ignorance and hate for freedom put you to the far left with the socialists

normal republicans don't think like you.

normal anything doesn't think like him.
that's offensive

I made it clear that I am to be referred to as "High master ruler of all the Stars".

Offend be again and I'll report you to the police.

how do you like them apples

Are you high, or are you normally this dumb?
When I conduct a business transaction with someone I might call them "Mr" or "Ms". No one forces me to do it. If I choose not to use these no one fines me. Its up to the person if they want to continue to do business with me if I offended them. So YES, the OP is an assault on free speech. Being rude in another person's opinion is not a fineable offense.
In the PA law, it is.
This is a private site, so free speech here does not exist. You get to be an asshole because it is permitted here. Try this on the streets of NYC or in business relationships and the COTUS does not protect.
yes it does moron.

well you have no grasp of freedom or the Constitution and don't understand what free speech is.

you can stop pretending you're a republican now, your level of ignorance and hate for freedom put you to the far left with the socialists

normal republicans don't think like you.

normal anything doesn't think like him.
that's offensive

I made it clear that I am to be referred to as "High master ruler of all the Stars".

Offend be again and I'll report you to the police.

how do you like them apples

Are you high, or are you normally this dumb?
I see it went over your head.

not surprised, leftists never understand that they hate freedom, they just need an excuse
When I conduct a business transaction with someone I might call them "Mr" or "Ms". No one forces me to do it. If I choose not to use these no one fines me. Its up to the person if they want to continue to do business with me if I offended them. So YES, the OP is an assault on free speech. Being rude in another person's opinion is not a fineable offense.
In the PA law, it is.
so you support a clearly unconstitutional law.

The law is unconstitutional only in the heads of with Unconstitutional Derangement Syndrome.
Yes it is a never ending fight. The old quote "all that is necessary for evil men to succeed is for good men to do nothing" applies. A car left in a vacant lot will sooner or later be broken into. Locked in a garage or under security cameras not so much.
The quote definately applies to Obama and the GOP not stopping him.
When I conduct a business transaction with someone I might call them "Mr" or "Ms". No one forces me to do it. If I choose not to use these no one fines me. Its up to the person if they want to continue to do business with me if I offended them. So YES, the OP is an assault on free speech. Being rude in another person's opinion is not a fineable offense.
You'll notice that the PC zealots are the people who make the rules on what is "offensive". If you're "offended", tough shit, freedom of speech. If they're "offended", you will pay.

They're afraid of words and will punish you for using the "wrong" words.
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it is about intentional refusal to recognize identification, not a casual mistake because someone does not know a persons identity/gender.
It's about force and ignoring our rights.

Hate and abuse is not a right, it is a crime.

No one is forcing you to be recognized as gay, transgender or a sex that you are not legally recognized as. You do have to respect others of what ever race or gender identity they happen to be.
Actually no one has a legal right to my respect. And one way to gain my disrespect is to live by some weird contrived gender identity.
When I conduct a business transaction with someone I might call them "Mr" or "Ms". No one forces me to do it. If I choose not to use these no one fines me. Its up to the person if they want to continue to do business with me if I offended them. So YES, the OP is an assault on free speech. Being rude in another person's opinion is not a fineable offense.
In the PA law, it is.

Which is exactly what is wrong with PA law.

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