Free speech ended in NYC

Ignoring the other person's right and identity, disrespecting who they are as well as the law
There are only two genders: male and female. Your fucking side has identified 98. That is insanity to expect people to keep all of them straight.

Not even in the bible or quran is that true.

If you can't "keep it straight", ask the person how to identify or which pronoun to use. If you can remember someones name you work with or see frequently, you can remember how to identify them. Don't intentionally and repeatedly be insulting to them.
it is about intentional refusal to recognize identification, not a casual mistake because someone does not know a persons identity/gender.
It's about force and ignoring our rights.

Ignoring the other person's right and identity, disrespecting who they are as well as the law.
We have a Constitutional right to free speech, you have no such right that you are claiming.

a Mr. cannot force me to call him a Miss, if he doesn't like it, he can bitch, but not call the authorities and have a law enforced.

hate speech and abuse is not protected.
yes it is

and forcing me to use words that don't exist 'or else' is actual abuse.


buy a dictionary
When I conduct a business transaction with someone I might call them "Mr" or "Ms". No one forces me to do it. If I choose not to use these no one fines me. Its up to the person if they want to continue to do business with me if I offended them. So YES, the OP is an assault on free speech. Being rude in another person's opinion is not a fineable offense.
If you are knowingly rude or abusive, when your freedom of speech harms others, when someone is being called names and bullied in the work place or dos so to a customer, there is a problem both morally and legally. You are in the wrong.
The workplace isn't a freedom of speech thing. The owners can ban terms, especially when it comes to customers. Bullying needs to be handled in house too. Don't demand the government wipe everybody's butts.

There are laws for employment and justifiable reason to be fired. Being sexually different or ambiguous is not, insulting those who are is.

If you don' like your work place or the law regarding it, leave.
When I conduct a business transaction with someone I might call them "Mr" or "Ms". No one forces me to do it. If I choose not to use these no one fines me. Its up to the person if they want to continue to do business with me if I offended them. So YES, the OP is an assault on free speech. Being rude in another person's opinion is not a fineable offense.

If you are knowingly rude or abusive, when your freedom of speech harms others, when someone is being called names and bullied in the work place or dos so to a customer, there is a problem both morally and legally. You are in the wrong.

you don't incorrectly call someone gay if you are well aware they are not. You don't call men silly girls to be intentionally rude or just make assumptions. You don't force a legal woman to use a men's bathroom unless it is unisex when she might be abused. You don't accuse someone of being a criminal unless they have actually done something wrong or that have harmed others. You don't incite harm or threaten others. You don't create a dangerous situation just for the fun of it or because you can. This is not what free speech is about.

Hate, libels or abuse is not free speech. Freedoms and right are not without consequence or responsibility. Denying the right of others is not your legal right. You right ends when it interferes with the "legal" rights or invades the person space of other.

Sorry but your "rights" do no apply to you alone but not to every other citizen.

Ignorance or your personal rejection of the law is not a valid excuse for breaking the law.

People is some areas did not believe those of color were humans or women had no rights except those a husband choose to give them. It was wrong and laws were changed and challenged for constitutionality. Same for those of different sexual identities, including those who have had legal name and sexual changes.

Free speech does not mean any and all speech. Freedom does not include breaking the law without consequence.

You do not have the right to deny others their rights and call it freedom. You are not a law unto yourself and to hell with the rest of the country and the infinite variety of people that makes up this country. You have a right to equality not superiority from the rest of the population no matter your religious beliefs. Should muslims demand FGM for all girls and women including those who are not muslim in this country. Should they demand or have the right to abuse all women who don't dress "modestly" enough for muslim men? Does one religion have the right to tell people they can't eat pork or drink alcohol or own pets or deny them them their personal choice of faith or political opinions because they believe they alone are right? If people have the right o freedom of religion in the their personal life, it does not mean you have the right to impose your belief on others of force them to follow your personal religious morality. Your religious morality does not supersede the law of the land, it applies to your personal life. If a religion believes in child abuse, they might believe it is moral in their religious teachings but legally and for everyone else in the country it is not moral or their free right to disobey the laws of the state or country.

You do not have the right abuse, harm or kill those you disagree with. You personally might disagree with someone's identity or freedoms, but you don't have the right on impose you beliefs on the rest of the country that does not share them.

Live your life by your moral code "within the law". It might be your "private" moral belief, but that does not make it your right to shove it in the face of others or make it public to everyone especially when it runs counter to the majority, counter to the law or the constitution.

You might believe killing is wrong, but for military, police and in the case of self defense there are legal and moral exceptions. You might believe rape is the right of a man or that a woman does not have a right to control her own body of make choices for her life, that does not make it correct or legal.

No one is forcing you to be gay, bi-sexual, transsexual, transvestite, asexual, hermaphrodite or intersexual, but you don't have the right to determine what someone else is or becomes.

What about all the minorities that don't qualify for "protected class" coverage? How is it equal protection if they are left off the gravy train?
When I conduct a business transaction with someone I might call them "Mr" or "Ms". No one forces me to do it. If I choose not to use these no one fines me. Its up to the person if they want to continue to do business with me if I offended them. So YES, the OP is an assault on free speech. Being rude in another person's opinion is not a fineable offense.

If you are knowingly rude or abusive, when your freedom of speech harms others, when someone is being called names and bullied in the work place or dos so to a customer, there is a problem both morally and legally. You are in the wrong.

you don't incorrectly call someone gay if you are well aware they are not. You don't call men silly girls to be intentionally rude or just make assumptions. You don't force a legal woman to use a men's bathroom unless it is unisex when she might be abused. You don't accuse someone of being a criminal unless they have actually done something wrong or that have harmed others. You don't incite harm or threaten others. You don't create a dangerous situation just for the fun of it or because you can. This is not what free speech is about.

Hate, libels or abuse is not free speech. Freedoms and right are not without consequence or responsibility. Denying the right of others is not your legal right. You right ends when it interferes with the "legal" rights or invades the person space of other.

Sorry but your "rights" do no apply to you alone but not to every other citizen.

Ignorance or your personal rejection of the law is not a valid excuse for breaking the law.

People is some areas did not believe those of color were humans or women had no rights except those a husband choose to give them. It was wrong and laws were changed and challenged for constitutionality. Same for those of different sexual identities, including those who have had legal name and sexual changes.

Free speech does not mean any and all speech. Freedom does not include breaking the law without consequence.

You do not have the right to deny others their rights and call it freedom. You are not a law unto yourself and to hell with the rest of the country and the infinite variety of people that makes up this country. You have a right to equality not superiority from the rest of the population no matter your religious beliefs. Should muslims demand FGM for all girls and women including those who are not muslim in this country. Should they demand or have the right to abuse all women who don't dress "modestly" enough for muslim men? Does one religion have the right to tell people they can't eat pork or drink alcohol or own pets or deny them them their personal choice of faith or political opinions because they believe they alone are right? If people have the right o freedom of religion in the their personal life, it does not mean you have the right to impose your belief on others of force them to follow your personal religious morality. Your religious morality does not supersede the law of the land, it applies to your personal life. If a religion believes in child abuse, they might believe it is moral in their religious teachings but legally and for everyone else in the country it is not moral or their free right to disobey the laws of the state or country.

You do not have the right abuse, harm or kill those you disagree with. You personally might disagree with someone's identity or freedoms, but you don't have the right on impose you beliefs on the rest of the country that does not share them.

Live your life by your moral code "within the law". It might be your "private" moral belief, but that does not make it your right to shove it in the face of others or make it public to everyone especially when it runs counter to the majority, counter to the law or the constitution.

You might believe killing is wrong, but for military, police and in the case of self defense there are legal and moral exceptions. You might believe rape is the right of a man or that a woman does not have a right to control her own body of make choices for her life, that does not make it correct or legal.

No one is forcing you to be gay, bi-sexual, transsexual, transvestite, asexual, hermaphrodite or intersexual, but you don't have the right to determine what someone else is or becomes.

What about all the minorities that don't qualify for "protected class" coverage? How is it equal protection if they are left off the gravy train?

Minority rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMinority_rights
Minority rights are the normal individual rights as applied to members of racial, ethnic, class, ... around the world (such as the Civil Rights Movement in the United States). ... To protect minority rights, many countries have specific laws and/or ...
United States of America - Minority Rights Group › Directory
Minority Rights Group International
Minority Rights Group > Directory > United States of America ..... documentary sheds light on harsh realities faced by 'legal ghosts' in Dominican Republic · Say ...
Majority Rule/Minority Rights: Essential Principles | Democracy Web
Democracy therefore requires minority rights equally as it does majority rule. ... of the laws (see descriptions of these two cases on the African American History ...
Civil Rights: Law and History - FindLaw › Learn About The Law › Civil Rights › Civil Rights Overview
Until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, persons from minority groups were ... campus to protect him were 123 deputy federal marshals, 316 US Border Patrolmen, and ...
normal republicans don't think like you.

normal anything doesn't think like him.
that's offensive

I made it clear that I am to be referred to as "High master ruler of all the Stars".

Offend be again and I'll report you to the police.

how do you like them apples

Are you high, or are you normally this dumb?
I see it went over your head.

not surprised, leftists never understand that they hate freedom, they just need an excuse

So you think I hate freedom, but just don't know it? That settles it. You're high. Nobody is really that dumb.
Do you support a law that makes if clear, that if I don't use a pronoun that I am told to use, I can be fined?

if you do, you are against freedom
if not, you are still a leftist and are most likely still against it as there is no free thought on the left.
When I conduct a business transaction with someone I might call them "Mr" or "Ms". No one forces me to do it. If I choose not to use these no one fines me. Its up to the person if they want to continue to do business with me if I offended them. So YES, the OP is an assault on free speech. Being rude in another person's opinion is not a fineable offense.
If you are knowingly rude or abusive, when your freedom of speech harms others, when someone is being called names and bullied in the work place or dos so to a customer, there is a problem both morally and legally. You are in the wrong.
The workplace isn't a freedom of speech thing. The owners can ban terms, especially when it comes to customers. Bullying needs to be handled in house too. Don't demand the government wipe everybody's butts.

There are laws for employment and justifiable reason to be fired. Being sexually different or ambiguous is not, insulting those who are is.

If you don' like your work place or the law regarding it, leave.
I am my workplace, you smug shit stain. Who said ANYTHING about being fired for being queer?
normal anything doesn't think like him.
that's offensive

I made it clear that I am to be referred to as "High master ruler of all the Stars".

Offend be again and I'll report you to the police.

how do you like them apples

Are you high, or are you normally this dumb?
I see it went over your head.

not surprised, leftists never understand that they hate freedom, they just need an excuse

So you think I hate freedom, but just don't know it? That settles it. You're high. Nobody is really that dumb.
Do you support a law that makes if clear, that if I don't use a pronoun that I am told to use, I can be fined?

if you do, you are against freedom
if not, you are still a leftist and are most likely still against it as there is no free thought on the left.

We should have the right to call you a pervert dip shit moron whether or not it is true? We should be able to call you a CS or BF even if you are not? Sissy girl? Butch? CL? MF? AF? some incorrect pronoun even when you have asked not to be address in that manner more than once?
What if we called you a criminal, murderer or rapist though it is incorrect? What of the N word or nazi, communist, satanist, terrorist? Meat eater, pig eater, animals murderer, animal abuser?

Where does freedom of speech end in your view? We know legally there are limits but you intentionally want to break the law because you think the law should not apply to you? Most would call that anarchy, not democracy, constitutional law or representative government.
Where does freedom of speech end in your view? We know legally there are limits but you intentionally want to break the law because you think the law should not apply to you? Most would call that anarchy, not democracy, constitutional law or representative government.
I self identify as an important member here. From now on you are to address me as Mr. Iceweasel sir.
that's offensive

I made it clear that I am to be referred to as "High master ruler of all the Stars".

Offend be again and I'll report you to the police.

how do you like them apples

Are you high, or are you normally this dumb?
I see it went over your head.

not surprised, leftists never understand that they hate freedom, they just need an excuse

So you think I hate freedom, but just don't know it? That settles it. You're high. Nobody is really that dumb.
Do you support a law that makes if clear, that if I don't use a pronoun that I am told to use, I can be fined?

if you do, you are against freedom
if not, you are still a leftist and are most likely still against it as there is no free thought on the left.

We should have the right to call you a pervert dip shit moron whether or not it is true? We should be able to call you a CS or BF even if you are not? Sissy girl? Butch? CL? MF? AF? some incorrect pronoun even when you have asked not to be address in that manner more than once?
What if we called you a criminal, murderer or rapist though it is incorrect? What of the N word or nazi, communist, satanist, terrorist? Meat eater, pig eater, animals murderer, animal abuser?

Where does freedom of speech end in your view? We know legally there are limits but you intentionally want to break the law because you think the law should not apply to you? Most would call that anarchy, not democracy, constitutional law or representative government.
And yet your president breaks the law every day and you do not seem to mins.
Where does freedom of speech end in your view? We know legally there are limits but you intentionally want to break the law because you think the law should not apply to you? Most would call that anarchy, not democracy, constitutional law or representative government.
I self identify as an important member here. From now on you are to address me as Mr. Iceweasel sir.
Sir, Yes Sir!
People have the right to self identify as anything they like. What they don't have the right to do is force others to call them what they self identify as. In other words, you cannot force another to say a word they don't want to say. That's unconstitutional.
We should have the right to call you a pervert dip shit moron whether or not it is true? We should be able to call you a CS or BF even if you are not? Sissy girl? Butch? CL? MF? AF? some incorrect pronoun even when you have asked not to be address in that manner more than once?

Yep. It's protected speech.
Where does freedom of speech end in your view?

That's already been addressed. For instance we cannot slander people or falsely yell 'fire' in a crowded theater. But speech we don't like is protected. Otherwise out 1st Amendment is dead. The consequences of that are terrible.

At present, NYC doesn't have a 1st Amendment.
it is about intentional refusal to recognize identification, not a casual mistake because someone does not know a persons identity/gender.

Here's the problem with that. If you were to self identify as the queen of England then we'd be forced to refer to you as 'Your Majesty' or face a fine. We'd be forced into lying, never mind merely being forced to say a word, which is a violation of our rights to begin with.
I demand that everyone here refer to me as "King" Digital Drifter.
It's nothing more than hateful micro aggression if you do not cooperate.
Are you high, or are you normally this dumb?
I see it went over your head.

not surprised, leftists never understand that they hate freedom, they just need an excuse

So you think I hate freedom, but just don't know it? That settles it. You're high. Nobody is really that dumb.
Do you support a law that makes if clear, that if I don't use a pronoun that I am told to use, I can be fined?

if you do, you are against freedom
if not, you are still a leftist and are most likely still against it as there is no free thought on the left.

We should have the right to call you a pervert dip shit moron whether or not it is true? We should be able to call you a CS or BF even if you are not? Sissy girl? Butch? CL? MF? AF? some incorrect pronoun even when you have asked not to be address in that manner more than once?
What if we called you a criminal, murderer or rapist though it is incorrect? What of the N word or nazi, communist, satanist, terrorist? Meat eater, pig eater, animals murderer, animal abuser?

Where does freedom of speech end in your view? We know legally there are limits but you intentionally want to break the law because you think the law should not apply to you? Most would call that anarchy, not democracy, constitutional law or representative government.
And yet your president breaks the law every day and you do not seem to mins.

He might be The President, but I did not vote for him. As for my opinions, I've always been frank about them.
it is about intentional refusal to recognize identification, not a casual mistake because someone does not know a persons identity/gender.

Here's the problem with that. If you were to self identify as the queen of England then we'd be forced to refer to you as 'Your Majesty' or face a fine. We'd be forced into lying, never mind merely being forced to say a word, which is a violation of our rights to begin with.

Not by my doing. I don't like "titles". I've had friends that were royal, but they were friends not my superiors.

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