Free speech for me but not thee

How has his free speech been violated because he chose to cancel his own event?

And can someone who repeatedly tries to silence opposition with threats, bullying, and promises of government retaliation when he gains power really get upset over this?

When the protesters make the venue unavailable for a rally then they are denying EVERYONE who wished to go to the rally their right to peaceably gather and thus their right to free speech has been denied.

Yet more evidence that this country is descending into a banana republic.

Who suggested the venue was "unavailable"?

If it was "unavailable" --- where were they all standing when the guy came out and announced that Rump was hiding?

Hmmmmm, one guy with a megaphone vs 4,000 idiots who don't want him to speak. Then if violence broke out you would all blame trump. Nope. They made the correct decision to cancel and as I said, the fall of this country is accelerating thanks to anti constitutional morons.

God bless you.

It's already happening here.


From your video...

Authoritarian regimes grow by exploiting peoples fears.

Worries about economic troubles, crime, foreign invaders, and so on...

And that the solution is for a political leader to be given total control, so he can protect the people from the evils of the world.

Can you tell us who wants to ban all Muslim's?
Donald Trump postpones UIC rally

Left Wing politics in actions folks!!!! This will just boost Trump even more! :)

Wait a sec...isn't it the Trump supporters who beat up on protesters?
You mean isn't it Trump supporters that defend themselves from violent terrorists making threats and causing problems at a rally they weren't invited to and only showed up to provoke a reaction and then cry when they get one.
Donald Trump postpones UIC rally

Left Wing politics in actions folks!!!! This will just boost Trump even more! :)
Donald Trump postpones UIC rally

Left Wing politics in actions folks!!!! This will just boost Trump even more! :)

I thought you people supported armed rebellion. Isn't that why you support the 2nd Amendment?

Oh, wait, these protesters aren't armed...
Who is "you people"? Trump appeals to MILLIONS if you hadn't seen the polls and election results so far.
Intolerance and disrespect for another person's opinion is the new norm employed by the left. From an intellectual stand point the inability to listen, disagree, vote and accept the outcome is required to retain freedom and liberty. To sensor, shut down, disrupt freedom of expressing ones beliefs are the very tools employed by fascist oligarchies in controlling citizens and squashing countering view points. Simply a page from Saul Alinsky's play book, thanks Barack, great job, you have divided this country to further your progressive socialist agenda.
Again, Trump and his supporters have been threatening others into silence and encouraging violence for months. They aren't victims when they reap what they sow.
How has his free speech been violated because he chose to cancel his own event?

And can someone who repeatedly tries to silence opposition with threats, bullying, and promises of government retaliation when he gains power really get upset over this?

When the protesters make the venue unavailable for a rally then they are denying EVERYONE who wished to go to the rally their right to peaceably gather and thus their right to free speech has been denied.

Yet more evidence that this country is descending into a banana republic.

Who suggested the venue was "unavailable"?

If it was "unavailable" --- where were they all standing when the guy came out and announced that Rump was hiding?

Hmmmmm, one guy with a megaphone vs 4,000 idiots who don't want him to speak. Then if violence broke out you would all blame trump. Nope. They made the correct decision to cancel and as I said, the fall of this country is accelerating thanks to anti constitutional morons.

God bless you.

It's already happening here.


From your video...

Authoritarian regimes grow by exploiting peoples fears.

Worries about economic troubles, crime, foreign invaders, and so on...

And that the solution is for a political leader to be given total control, so he can protect the people from the evils of the world.

Can you tell us who wants to ban all Muslim's?


Trump is a classic example of a demagogue who seeks to exploit worries about economic troubles, crime, and foreign invaders to advance his own political fortune.
How has his free speech been violated because he chose to cancel his own event?

And can someone who repeatedly tries to silence opposition with threats, bullying, and promises of government retaliation when he gains power really get upset over this?

When the protesters make the venue unavailable for a rally then they are denying EVERYONE who wished to go to the rally their right to peaceably gather and thus their right to free speech has been denied.

Yet more evidence that this country is descending into a banana republic.

Indeed. It is no different than it was in pre-war nazi Germany. If you can shout down or beat the opposition in submission - then you have won the day. The left is fond of reminding the right of their "rights" and they are quick to point out that they can "exercise" their "rights" anytime they wish - even if it denies the rights of the other side.

However, honestly, the right has had enough of being shouted at, yelled at, screamed at and ridiculed into believing that they should remain quiet. Those days are over. And the left is beginning to figure it out.

I uh, don't think German protestors had much luck "shutting down" the Nazi thugs. If they had, a hell of a lot would have gone down differently.

Yeah, the Nazi thugs had made sure they disarmed the populace first. That's how progressives work.
Intolerance and disrespect for another person's opinion is the new norm employed by the left. From an intellectual stand point the inability to listen, disagree, vote and accept the outcome is required to retain freedom and liberty. To sensor, shut down, disrupt freedom of expressing ones beliefs are the very tools employed by fascist oligarchies in controlling citizens and squashing countering view points. Simply a page from Saul Alinsky's play book, thanks Barack, great job, you have divided this country to further your progressive socialist agenda.
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

To denounce the bigotry and hate that manifests mostly on the right is neither 'intolerance' nor 'disrespect.'

'The left' will be the first to defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry and hate should government ever seek to preempt or restrict that right; while as private citizens in the context of private society those opposed to the bigotry and hate of conservatives are at liberty to be critical of it, where to do so in no way constitutes an effort to censor, shut down, or disrupt the freedom of expressing one's beliefs.
How has his free speech been violated because he chose to cancel his own event?

And can someone who repeatedly tries to silence opposition with threats, bullying, and promises of government retaliation when he gains power really get upset over this?

When the protesters make the venue unavailable for a rally then they are denying EVERYONE who wished to go to the rally their right to peaceably gather and thus their right to free speech has been denied.

Yet more evidence that this country is descending into a banana republic.

Indeed. It is no different than it was in pre-war nazi Germany. If you can shout down or beat the opposition in submission - then you have won the day. The left is fond of reminding the right of their "rights" and they are quick to point out that they can "exercise" their "rights" anytime they wish - even if it denies the rights of the other side.

However, honestly, the right has had enough of being shouted at, yelled at, screamed at and ridiculed into believing that they should remain quiet. Those days are over. And the left is beginning to figure it out.

I uh, don't think German protestors had much luck "shutting down" the Nazi thugs. If they had, a hell of a lot would have gone down differently.

Yeah, the Nazi thugs had made sure they disarmed the populace first. That's how progressives work.
And the Nazis would repeat their lies endlessly in the hope those lies might be perceived as 'the truth.'

That's how most conservatives work – your post being one of many examples of conservatives' lies.
Again, Trump and his supporters have been threatening others into silence and encouraging violence for months. They aren't victims when they reap what they sow.

Care to show some of these "threats of silence via violence" by TRUMP SUPPORTERS? All I see are trouble makers making trouble at a rally they weren't invited to and obviously only came to,to cause trouble then whined when they got their ass stomped.Of course backed up by the anti Trump media.I can't wait for Tuesday....Trump support just doubled :)
How has his free speech been violated because he chose to cancel his own event?

And can someone who repeatedly tries to silence opposition with threats, bullying, and promises of government retaliation when he gains power really get upset over this?

When the protesters make the venue unavailable for a rally then they are denying EVERYONE who wished to go to the rally their right to peaceably gather and thus their right to free speech has been denied.

Yet more evidence that this country is descending into a banana republic.

Indeed. It is no different than it was in pre-war nazi Germany. If you can shout down or beat the opposition in submission - then you have won the day. The left is fond of reminding the right of their "rights" and they are quick to point out that they can "exercise" their "rights" anytime they wish - even if it denies the rights of the other side.

However, honestly, the right has had enough of being shouted at, yelled at, screamed at and ridiculed into believing that they should remain quiet. Those days are over. And the left is beginning to figure it out.

I uh, don't think German protestors had much luck "shutting down" the Nazi thugs. If they had, a hell of a lot would have gone down differently.

Yeah, the Nazi thugs had made sure they disarmed the populace first. That's how progressives work.
And the Nazis would repeat their lies endlessly in the hope those lies might be perceived as 'the truth.'

That's how most conservatives work – your post being one of many examples of conservatives' lies.

Yes, indeed. Funny how you can't seem to recognize the same behavior in the MSM of today. The Nazis had Signal, we have NBC.
Donald Trump postpones UIC rally

Left Wing politics in actions folks!!!! This will just boost Trump even more! :)
Actually not – instead it illustrates the ignorance of Trump supporters and many others on the right.

This has nothing to do with 'free speech.'

Free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between and among private persons and organizations.

One private person cannot 'violate' the free speech rights of another private person.

By your logic, voter intimidation is ok.
How has his free speech been violated because he chose to cancel his own event?

And can someone who repeatedly tries to silence opposition with threats, bullying, and promises of government retaliation when he gains power really get upset over this?

When the protesters make the venue unavailable for a rally then they are denying EVERYONE who wished to go to the rally their right to peaceably gather and thus their right to free speech has been denied.

Yet more evidence that this country is descending into a banana republic.

Indeed. It is no different than it was in pre-war nazi Germany. If you can shout down or beat the opposition in submission - then you have won the day. The left is fond of reminding the right of their "rights" and they are quick to point out that they can "exercise" their "rights" anytime they wish - even if it denies the rights of the other side.

However, honestly, the right has had enough of being shouted at, yelled at, screamed at and ridiculed into believing that they should remain quiet. Those days are over. And the left is beginning to figure it out.

I uh, don't think German protestors had much luck "shutting down" the Nazi thugs. If they had, a hell of a lot would have gone down differently.

Yeah, the Nazi thugs had made sure they disarmed the populace first. That's how progressives work.
And the Nazis would repeat their lies endlessly in the hope those lies might be perceived as 'the truth.'

That's how most conservatives work – your post being one of many examples of conservatives' lies.

"Crumbling infrastructure"

"...brought is back from the brink."

"You can keep your plan, period"

"Bush lied"

"9-11 was an inside job"
Again, Trump and his supporters have been threatening others into silence and encouraging violence for months. They aren't victims when they reap what they sow.

Care to show some of these "threats of silence via violence" by TRUMP SUPPORTERS? All I see are trouble makers making trouble at a rally they weren't invited to and obviously only came to,to cause trouble then whined when they got their ass stomped.Of course backed up by the anti Trump media.I can't wait for Tuesday....Trump support just doubled :)

What hate speech? Are we talking about the wall? Cruz says the same thing, why not him? In fact you lefties claim he is the furthest right! You people are making excuses.You accosted leading GOP candidate because he is leading! Who are you trying to kid!
How has his free speech been violated because he chose to cancel his own event?

And can someone who repeatedly tries to silence opposition with threats, bullying, and promises of government retaliation when he gains power really get upset over this?

When the protesters make the venue unavailable for a rally then they are denying EVERYONE who wished to go to the rally their right to peaceably gather and thus their right to free speech has been denied.

Yet more evidence that this country is descending into a banana republic.

Indeed. It is no different than it was in pre-war nazi Germany. If you can shout down or beat the opposition in submission - then you have won the day. The left is fond of reminding the right of their "rights" and they are quick to point out that they can "exercise" their "rights" anytime they wish - even if it denies the rights of the other side.

However, honestly, the right has had enough of being shouted at, yelled at, screamed at and ridiculed into believing that they should remain quiet. Those days are over. And the left is beginning to figure it out.

I uh, don't think German protestors had much luck "shutting down" the Nazi thugs. If they had, a hell of a lot would have gone down differently.

Yeah, the Nazi thugs had made sure they disarmed the populace first. That's how progressives work.
And the Nazis would repeat their lies endlessly in the hope those lies might be perceived as 'the truth.'

That's how most conservatives work – your post being one of many examples of conservatives' lies.

You lying hypocrite. Shame on you.

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