Free Speech That Mocks Islam Is National Security Threat for U.S., Prominent NJ Imam


Freedom First!
Nov 2, 2008
This is crazy. Get this animal out of NJ! We are all NOT liberal here!

Imam Mohammad Qatanani Tells TheBlaze That Free Speech Mocking Islam Should Be Pursued by Dept. of Homeland Security |

“We, as Americans, have to put limits and borders [on] freedom of speech,” Qatanani, leader of the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC), told TheBlaze. He explained that while Americans may ”have the freedom“ to speak their mind, ultimately, they “have no right to [talk about Muslim] holy issues“ as it will incite ”hatred or war among people.”

Qatanani said he thinks agitators who slander Islam, or, more specifically, the Prophet Muhammad, incite violence and hence, pose a national security risk that threatens the safety of Americans at home and abroad. Thus, America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

There's going to be a point in time where Muslims are going to feel very unwanted here in the will they start a war here? you bet. IMO I wish they would get the hell out of here. They hate us yet take full advantage of the welfare here, free healthcare, free car, home clothes food whatever else g'ment gives them. this sux
This is crazy. Get this animal out of NJ! We are all NOT liberal here!

Imam Mohammad Qatanani Tells TheBlaze That Free Speech Mocking Islam Should Be Pursued by Dept. of Homeland Security |

“We, as Americans, have to put limits and borders [on] freedom of speech,” Qatanani, leader of the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC), told TheBlaze. He explained that while Americans may ”have the freedom“ to speak their mind, ultimately, they “have no right to [talk about Muslim] holy issues“ as it will incite ”hatred or war among people.”

Qatanani said he thinks agitators who slander Islam, or, more specifically, the Prophet Muhammad, incite violence and hence, pose a national security risk that threatens the safety of Americans at home and abroad. Thus, America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

There's going to be a point in time where Muslims are going to feel very unwanted here in the will they start a war here? you bet. IMO I wish they would get the hell out of here. They hate us yet take full advantage of the welfare here, free healthcare, free car, home clothes food whatever else g'ment gives them. this sux

I reserve the right to call this Imam a fucking jackass.
You know, the whole thing about "free speech" is that people are free to say whatever they want, no matter how ridiculous and against the constitution it is.

People have every right to have whatever opinion they want.
You know, the whole thing about "free speech" is that people are free to say whatever they want, no matter how ridiculous and against the constitution it is.

People have every right to have whatever opinion they want.

And everyone else has the right to call this imam an asshole because of his opinion, which is what the two above posters were doing. Free speech for everyone.
This is crazy. Get this animal out of NJ! We are all NOT liberal here!
Telling – a conservative complains about a ‘threat’ to free speech and then goes on to advocate a fellow American’s fundamental right to move freely about the country be violated.

Qatanani said he thinks agitators who slander Islam, or, more specifically, the Prophet Muhammad, incite violence and hence, pose a national security risk that threatens the safety of Americans at home and abroad. Thus, America should disregard its First Amendment as it is typically applied and instead act in accordance with sharia law for the ultimate “good” of society.

Qatanani is clearly entitled to his opinion, however ignorant and wrong.

The mistake most conservatives make, unfortunately, is assuming Qatanani is somehow ‘representative’ of all Muslims, which he is obviously not.
What muslims are really saying is "The beatings will continue until morale improves". They will riot, kill, burn and do whatever they think they have to do to remove the right to both free speech and freedom of assembly.

With a little help from the UN.
Dear Mr. Qatanani:

You are an idiot, allah has anal sex with pigs, and the prophet enjoys giving blow jobs to gay male Jews, and swallows.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Mr. Qatanani:

You are an idiot, allah has anal sex with pigs, and the prophet enjoys giving blow jobs to gay male Jews, and swallows.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Iman Qatanani

You realize it's legal to abort mohammed don't you?
Islam is a religion that wants to silence people through death. Think about that for a second. There's no debate or arguing with these people...Just violence. We have to tiptoe around the "feelings" of these 7th century animals on the most basic of human rights. We the United states of America are cow-toeing our beliefs to a bunch of violent savages.

Obama supposed to be a liberal? LOL! A real liberal would tell this religion of hate to go to hell. He would value woman rights, freedom of speech and idea's more than life it's self.

With Obama we're showing great weakness to a people that want us to convert or die. I'm sorry but if Obama keeps showing weakness it will just get worse.

Obama must stand up for our freedom of speech. If not I fear he may go down as the worse president in the history of this country for what will happen.

Why do I feel he may go down as the worst?
1# This cracks the the door for limiting our freedom of speech that isn't likeable. Pretty much our government could ban whatever if this is acceptable.
2# Islam will be empowered to be more and more violent. It has one goal in mind: Complete rule over the planet through violence if need be. Only the threat of outright force has stopped them for the past thouand years.
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You know, the whole thing about "free speech" is that people are free to say whatever they want, no matter how ridiculous and against the constitution it is.

People have every right to have whatever opinion they want.


The first amendment is for speech that goes against the norm. Obama will be judged by how he defends it.
Free speech is a national security concern, muslim violence is not. A movie made two years ago is a matter of national security, the murder of an American ambassador is not.

The musims are toying with a full scale American revolt against islamic values. That's why the entire government worked to avoid after 911. I doubt they will be able to stop it next time. And I'm really not talking about attacking muslims in the streets. Not at all. But attacking their values, their lack of capacity for offense.

Americans are a different bunch, we will make fun of and mock everything. There is nothing so sacred to Americans that it can't or won't be made fun of. Islam is about to come into those cross hairs.
Free speech is a national security concern, muslim violence is not. A movie made two years ago is a matter of national security, the murder of an American ambassador is not.

The musims are toying with a full scale American revolt against islamic values. That's why the entire government worked to avoid after 911. I doubt they will be able to stop it next time. And I'm really not talking about attacking muslims in the streets. Not at all. But attacking their values, their lack of capacity for offense.

Americans are a different bunch, we will make fun of and mock everything. There is nothing so sacred to Americans that it can't or won't be made fun of. Islam is about to come into those cross hairs.

Its already started to happen on this board.
The Imam is 100% correct that there needs to be a limit on so called Free Speech. :cool:
The Imam is 100% correct that there needs to be a limit on so called Free Speech. :cool:

That's why the popular phrase

People in hell want ice water

is so popular.

We can now change that to "muslims in hell want the prophet respected". Or, maybe that's "profit".

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