Free Traders Wrong About Effect of Tariffs, of course


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This really shouldnt surprise anyone as the authors of Free Trade have always known that border control is required to make international trade work and trade in labor was completely off the table in their view. Only excess products was permitted in their theories, not populations.

Free Traders' Predicted Tariff Doom Fails as U.S. Manufacturing Booms

American manufacturing jobs have boomed to a more than 20-year high as President Trump has imposed a wide range of tariffs on imported steel, aluminum, and Chinese products — dooming predictions made by free traders that have yet to pan out.
U.S. manufacturers added 284,000 jobs in the last year, the most jobs added in the sector in a single year since 1997, as Breitbart News’s Economics Editor John Carney notes. In December 2018, alone, about 32,000 factory jobs were created.

American manufacturing is vital to the prosperity of communities, as every one manufacturing job supports about 3.6 American jobs in other sectors of industry.

The U.S. manufacturing jobs boom comes as free trade economists, billionaire donors, and establishment media pundits have routinely claimed that Trump’s 25 percent tariff on imported steel and ten percent tariff on aluminum would cripple the American economy.​

The expoerts said that manufacturing jobs could not return, that they were gone forever and we had to adjust to that new Reality.

Trump has again proven them wrong.

why do we think we need these 'experts' that are little more than Multinational Corporate shills?
Probably the biggest thing I have always hated about the GOP was it’s “free trade” policy. To never use tariffs and reward businesses to ship manufacturing and even services (IT tech support for example) overseas.

Finally we have a President that understands this was wrong and is doing everything he can to fix it and bring those jobs back.
Well, the only reason I agree is because the Chinese is not being fair in free trade. However, once deals are done, you will have even more trade with China.

Now, that means Trump is indeed awesome.

But less trades? That's not free market. Why should customers pay more just so others can have a job?

Anyone that cannot have a job are subhumans that are useless to society. That's why they're jobless. They're useless. Think about it.

Just die.

Stop complaining.
This really shouldnt surprise anyone as the authors of Free Trade have always known that border control is required to make international trade work and trade in labor was completely off the table in their view. Only excess products was permitted in their theories, not populations.

Free Traders' Predicted Tariff Doom Fails as U.S. Manufacturing Booms

American manufacturing jobs have boomed to a more than 20-year high as President Trump has imposed a wide range of tariffs on imported steel, aluminum, and Chinese products — dooming predictions made by free traders that have yet to pan out.
U.S. manufacturers added 284,000 jobs in the last year, the most jobs added in the sector in a single year since 1997, as Breitbart News’s Economics Editor John Carney notes. In December 2018, alone, about 32,000 factory jobs were created.

American manufacturing is vital to the prosperity of communities, as every one manufacturing job supports about 3.6 American jobs in other sectors of industry.

The U.S. manufacturing jobs boom comes as free trade economists, billionaire donors, and establishment media pundits have routinely claimed that Trump’s 25 percent tariff on imported steel and ten percent tariff on aluminum would cripple the American economy.​

The expoerts said that manufacturing jobs could not return, that they were gone forever and we had to adjust to that new Reality.

Trump has again proven them wrong.

why do we think we need these 'experts' that are little more than Multinational Corporate shills?

I hit a link in Breibart , took me to another Breibart article and was curious about the graft that was on it, only to find out it was not correct.

This is the correct graft:
All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls
Well, the only reason I agree is because the Chinese is not being fair in free trade. However, once deals are done, you will have even more trade with China.

Now, that means Trump is indeed awesome.

But less trades? That's not free market. Why should customers pay more just so others can have a job?

Anyone that cannot have a job are subhumans that are useless to society. That's why they're jobless. They're useless. Think about it.

Just die.

Stop complaining.

And who is going to pay, the consumer, and that is why Nafta (whatever he calls it now) will never pay for the wall, only the consumer. The US consumer.
Probably the biggest thing I have always hated about the GOP was it’s “free trade” policy. To never use tariffs and reward businesses to ship manufacturing and even services (IT tech support for example) overseas.

Finally we have a President that understands this was wrong and is doing everything he can to fix it and bring those jobs back.

Right because most of the US consumers can pay more for products. Lets raise the top bracket to 70% back to where it use to be before Reagan.


2013 – 2017

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 increased the highest income tax rate to 39.6 percent. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act added an additional 3.8 percent on to this making the maximum federal income tax rate 43.4 percent.


The highest income tax rate was lowered to 37 percent for tax years beginning in 2018. The additional 3.8 percent is still applicable, making the maximum federal income tax rate 40.8 percent.
History of Federal Income Tax Rates: 1913 – 2019

This is the 3.8 added from the ACA
What is the 3.8 percent Obamacare tax?
That's an additional 0.9 percent Medicare hospital tax on your income and self-employment profits above the stated thresholds. You are also taxed an extra 3.8 percent on investment income. These include dividends and capital gains that are above the threshold.Nov 7, 2018
Will You Have to Pay Obamacare Taxes This Year?

Someone has to pay for the rich ripping off of the poor since 1980. I am so sick of the rich, like they pay their fair share anyway. Not Trump and his buddies, they have so many LLC set up in Delaware they move money back and forth to get out of paying any tax.
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This really shouldnt surprise anyone as the authors of Free Trade have always known that border control is required to make international trade work and trade in labor was completely off the table in their view. Only excess products was permitted in their theories, not populations.

Free Traders' Predicted Tariff Doom Fails as U.S. Manufacturing Booms

American manufacturing jobs have boomed to a more than 20-year high as President Trump has imposed a wide range of tariffs on imported steel, aluminum, and Chinese products — dooming predictions made by free traders that have yet to pan out.
U.S. manufacturers added 284,000 jobs in the last year, the most jobs added in the sector in a single year since 1997, as Breitbart News’s Economics Editor John Carney notes. In December 2018, alone, about 32,000 factory jobs were created.

American manufacturing is vital to the prosperity of communities, as every one manufacturing job supports about 3.6 American jobs in other sectors of industry.

The U.S. manufacturing jobs boom comes as free trade economists, billionaire donors, and establishment media pundits have routinely claimed that Trump’s 25 percent tariff on imported steel and ten percent tariff on aluminum would cripple the American economy.​

The expoerts said that manufacturing jobs could not return, that they were gone forever and we had to adjust to that new Reality.

Trump has again proven them wrong.

why do we think we need these 'experts' that are little more than Multinational Corporate shills?
There is more to the equation than just manufacturing jobs. What are the costs of tariffs? Who is losing and how much?
I'm so sick of the envious spiteful thieves in America.

I'd rather abandon you mother fuckers to die than let you have 70% simply because we fucking succeeded and you jealous bratty shits didn't. Stick that in your socialist pipe and smoke it.
This really shouldnt surprise anyone as the authors of Free Trade have always known that border control is required to make international trade work and trade in labor was completely off the table in their view. Only excess products was permitted in their theories, not populations.

Free Traders' Predicted Tariff Doom Fails as U.S. Manufacturing Booms

American manufacturing jobs have boomed to a more than 20-year high as President Trump has imposed a wide range of tariffs on imported steel, aluminum, and Chinese products — dooming predictions made by free traders that have yet to pan out.
U.S. manufacturers added 284,000 jobs in the last year, the most jobs added in the sector in a single year since 1997, as Breitbart News’s Economics Editor John Carney notes. In December 2018, alone, about 32,000 factory jobs were created.

American manufacturing is vital to the prosperity of communities, as every one manufacturing job supports about 3.6 American jobs in other sectors of industry.

The U.S. manufacturing jobs boom comes as free trade economists, billionaire donors, and establishment media pundits have routinely claimed that Trump’s 25 percent tariff on imported steel and ten percent tariff on aluminum would cripple the American economy.​

The expoerts said that manufacturing jobs could not return, that they were gone forever and we had to adjust to that new Reality.

Trump has again proven them wrong.

why do we think we need these 'experts' that are little more than Multinational Corporate shills?

I think it’s too early to be certain that all these new manufacturing jobs are a result of the tariffs, but let’s just assume there is a significant impact.

The upshot is the American consumer is paying for those new jobs, and I am not saying that is good or bad, but rather we need to truly understand the cost of the tariffs, and who is paying that cost.
Probably the biggest thing I have always hated about the GOP was it’s “free trade” policy. To never use tariffs and reward businesses to ship manufacturing and even services (IT tech support for example) overseas.

Finally we have a President that understands this was wrong and is doing everything he can to fix it and bring those jobs back.

I agree, but understand the American consumer is the one footing the bill for those new jobs.
I'm so sick of the envious spiteful thieves in America.

I'd rather abandon you mother fuckers to die than let you have 70% simply because we fucking succeeded and you jealous bratty shits didn't. Stick that in your socialist pipe and smoke it.

I doubt you can afford a membership at Trumps golf course club in Fl or any membership at his golf courses.
I'm so sick of the envious spiteful thieves in America.

I'd rather abandon you mother fuckers to die than let you have 70% simply because we fucking succeeded and you jealous bratty shits didn't. Stick that in your socialist pipe and smoke it.

I doubt you can afford a membership at Trumps golf course club in Fl or any membership at his golf courses.

Why would I, I live in Alaska.

This must be another example of why socialist dipshits are all broke. Frivolous spending. Sounds like the government don't it...
We have been raped by European, Asian, and other countries for DECADES putting HIGH TARIFFS on our products so we can't sell them there. This has hurt exports, manufacturing, and our economy. Trump is a master NEGOTIATOR. He knows they need our markets more than we need theirs, and is attempting to use the threat of U.S. Tariffs so that other countries LOWER THEIR TARIFFS.

Connect the dots, and have some vision Lefties. Get your nose out of the Gender, and Minority Studies text books and take an Economics Course!
breitbart reports a mere tick in a bubble economy

Trump is riding a wave he did not create here

Trump is a master NEGOTIATOR
with a track record of failure....

He knows they need our markets more than we need theirs, and is attempting to use the threat of U.S. Tariffs so that other countries LOWER THEIR TARIFFS.

VAT & tariffs were declined by free traitors a generation ago, in order to flood our markets with their outsourced globalized goods

Nafta & Tpp further greased their ride

Now that we're the biggest consumer, and weak manufacturer ,the ideal is no longer the protectant it could have been

the manufacturing workhorse skipped the American fence long ago

Most of the employment uptick was the medical profession. In Petoskey they are crying for workers, why??

We have been raped by European, Asian, and other countries for DECADES putting HIGH TARIFFS on our products so we can't sell them there. This has hurt exports, manufacturing, and our economy. Trump is a master NEGOTIATOR. He knows they need our markets more than we need theirs, and is attempting to use the threat of U.S. Tariffs so that other countries LOWER THEIR TARIFFS.

Connect the dots, and have some vision Lefties. Get your nose out of the Gender, and Minority Studies text books and take an Economics Course!

No they haven't, we have just imported more because China, Mexico , etc due to low wages. We the consumers pay for tariffs and the trade wars.
Most of the employment has happened in the medical field.

Meanwhile, wealthy retirees moving into the area and a boom in short-term rentals like AirBnb (among other reasons) have made housing notoriously out of reach for the area’s lower wage workers. Networks Northwest, a regional economic development group, estimates a minimum wage employee would have to work 65 hours a week to afford an average rental unit in the region.

The resulting environment puts local workers in a crunch. Those who have access to a reliable car (there’s very limited public transportation in the economic hubs of the counties) can live in townships where the rent is cheaper and commute in, but many choose to find work downstate, where housing options are more plentiful.


McLaren Northern Michigan hospital is the largest employer in Emmet County. Derek Peters, Vice President of Human Resources at the hospital, said they are having trouble filling nursing and medical technologist positions, both of which are in high demand across the country. Hospital costs have been rising as they’ve been forced to bring in temporary help to fill the positions.

“I think we miss out on applicants, period, because of (the lack of affordable housing). If we had inventory in that affordable range, we would probably see our applications drive up as well,” Peters said.

In Charlevoix and Petoskey, pricey housing leaves businesses without workers
The upshot is the American consumer is paying for those new jobs, and I am not saying that is good or bad, but rather we need to truly understand the cost of the tariffs, and who is paying that cost.

And yet inflation has been negligable as well.

There are other ways of handling the imapct of tariffs without raising prices. Retail mark up in many industries is huge.
The upshot is the American consumer is paying for those new jobs, and I am not saying that is good or bad, but rather we need to truly understand the cost of the tariffs, and who is paying that cost.

And yet inflation has been negligable as well.

There are other ways of handling the imapct of tariffs without raising prices. Retail mark up in many industries is huge.

Inflation is like a tsunami in that it appears very small at first, but as it approaches land in swells rapidly. Besides, we have had inflation in the stock market and the housing market. All due to quantitative easing and low low interest rates. Watch gold!

Thru BO’s presidency we had very little growth, yet the stock market skyrocketed. All that will need to be unwind.

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