"Free Tuition" who is stupid enough to believe anything is free???

Why not? I don't believe it is free but I think it would be a reasonable investment if we demand some requirements.

1. You have to be majoring in a needed field of study
2. Your gpa has to be high enough to show that you can do it.

Like maintaining our infrastructure or anything else we invest in I think this could be a very good idea. Why punish capable people because they weren't born lucky with a gold spoon in their mouth????

Of course, you don't believe in reality so I don't expect you to understand. You'll understand when your party loses in 2016.
Why should we allow colleges to destroy our educational system out of greed? Time to put a damn stop to the corporate bs.
Why not? I don't believe it is free but I think it would be a reasonable investment if we demand some requirements.

1. You have to be majoring in a needed field of study
2. Your gpa has to be high enough to show that you can do it.

Like maintaining our infrastructure or anything else we invest in I think this could be a very good idea. Why punish capable people because they weren't born lucky with a gold spoon in their mouth????

Of course, you don't believe in reality so I don't expect you to understand. You'll understand when your party loses in 2016.

Whoosh... "Free tuition" is a misnomer for more federal money funneled towards Professors' salaries. And we wonder why they spout liberal ideology? Student loans are another example of this, no better than pay day loans to unsophisticated borrowers. Students should select schools based on what they can afford, not self-serving sales pitches by overpriced universities.
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Nothing is free and life ain't fair. Not a hard concept unless you're dealing with a two-year-old whose only life experience is having everything handed to him.
Why not? I don't believe it is free but I think it would be a reasonable investment if we demand some requirements.

1. You have to be majoring in a needed field of study
2. Your gpa has to be high enough to show that you can do it.

Like maintaining our infrastructure or anything else we invest in I think this could be a very good idea. Why punish capable people because they weren't born lucky with a gold spoon in their mouth????

Of course, you don't believe in reality so I don't expect you to understand. You'll understand when your party loses in 2016.

Whoosh... "Free tuition" is a misnomer for more federal money funneled towards Professors' salaries. And we wonder why they spout liberal ideology? Student loans are another example of this, no better than pay day loans to unsophisticated borrowers. Students should select schools based on what they can afford, not self-serving sales pitches by overpriced universities.

We can get rid of student loans and replace it with this program. This program could be based on skills and what our society needs.

I guess paying the police, maintaining our highways or regulating is liberal ideology??? I'll admit there's a lot of bs but what is your plan???? You don't have one.
Why not? I don't believe it is free but I think it would be a reasonable investment if we demand some requirements.

1. You have to be majoring in a needed field of study
2. Your gpa has to be high enough to show that you can do it.

Like maintaining our infrastructure or anything else we invest in I think this could be a very good idea. Why punish capable people because they weren't born lucky with a gold spoon in their mouth????

Of course, you don't believe in reality so I don't expect you to understand. You'll understand when your party loses in 2016.

Whoosh... "Free tuition" is a misnomer for more federal money funneled towards Professors' salaries. And we wonder why they spout liberal ideology? Student loans are another example of this, no better than pay day loans to unsophisticated borrowers. Students should select schools based on what they can afford, not self-serving sales pitches by overpriced universities.
Nothing is free and life ain't fair. Not a hard concept unless you're dealing with a two-year-old whose only life experience is having everything handed to him.

If we wish to remain number one,,,well, we will have to invest in our children and somethings are worth investing in. Also, to earn a degree takes years of hard work and it certainly isn't handed to you.
Why not? I don't believe it is free but I think it would be a reasonable investment if we demand some requirements.

1. You have to be majoring in a needed field of study
2. Your gpa has to be high enough to show that you can do it.

Like maintaining our infrastructure or anything else we invest in I think this could be a very good idea. Why punish capable people because they weren't born lucky with a gold spoon in their mouth????

Of course, you don't believe in reality so I don't expect you to understand. You'll understand when your party loses in 2016.

Whoosh... "Free tuition" is a misnomer for more federal money funneled towards Professors' salaries. And we wonder why they spout liberal ideology? Student loans are another example of this, no better than pay day loans to unsophisticated borrowers. Students should select schools based on what they can afford, not self-serving sales pitches by overpriced universities.

We can get rid of student loans and replace it with this program. This program could be based on skills and what our society needs.

I guess paying the police, maintaining our highways or regulating is liberal ideology??? I'll admit there's a lot of bs but what is your plan???? You don't have one.

you're saying it is the government's job to tell us what is best for society then dictate to us to the point where they even decide who gets to go to college, or at least who gets what funding and how much?

and you have the gall to try to dismiss anybody when you're clearly a far, extrem-left wahackjob?


Why not? I don't believe it is free but I think it would be a reasonable investment if we demand some requirements.

1. You have to be majoring in a needed field of study
2. Your gpa has to be high enough to show that you can do it.

Like maintaining our infrastructure or anything else we invest in I think this could be a very good idea. Why punish capable people because they weren't born lucky with a gold spoon in their mouth????

Of course, you don't believe in reality so I don't expect you to understand. You'll understand when your party loses in 2016.

you are simply a clown

you just dont get it; the Left overeached ...AGAIN, and the pendulum is swinging back. you can be smug as you want leftard. predict anything you want. you're an emotional loser and a joke anyway

You have a plan besides cut, cut, slash and burn. Yet, I am the loser? You'd have only a small percentage of society able to advance in life. You couldn't care less about people that didn't get born with a silver fork in their mouths.

YOU IDIOT; you are aware there are people walking around with 4 year degress and more waiting tables as it is?
You have no plan other than to provide a "free" college education to those who want it.

I wonder if you know where that money come from?? I wonder if you know it would be another huge entitlement that we taxpayers will be supporting??

Yep. You know and are stupid enough to agree with it.
11 Tuition-Free Colleges - US News
time for the op to put is head back in his ass.
And here is the OP's answer. Daws is certainly not the brightest, but still...
really? coming form a one live brain cell poster ,that's a bold statement.
no cost means no coast to the student.
taxes and grants pay for it.
this thread is just another bitch about the liberals waste of band width.

And who pays the taxes? Oh yeah, somebody else.
Nothing is free and life ain't fair. Not a hard concept unless you're dealing with a two-year-old whose only life experience is having everything handed to him.

If we wish to remain number one,,,well, we will have to invest in our children and somethings are worth investing in. Also, to earn a degree takes years of hard work and it certainly isn't handed to you.

if y ou want us to remain #1 (we arent anyway) maybe you should tell liberal teachers to spend less time teaching kids how to put on condoms or reading "Heather Has Two Mommies" to them??
and concentrate on algebra and English?
it's just naked pandering

but this idiot drank the kool-aid, swallowed and asked for more
Nothing is free and life ain't fair. Not a hard concept unless you're dealing with a two-year-old whose only life experience is having everything handed to him.

If we wish to remain number one,,,well, we will have to invest in our children and somethings are worth investing in. Also, to earn a degree takes years of hard work and it certainly isn't handed to you.

if y ou want us to remain #1 (we arent anyway) maybe you should tell liberal teachers to spend less time teaching kids how to put on condoms or reading "Heather Has Two Mommies" to them??
and concentrate on algebra and English?

I agree with you ;) We should design this program with demands that Algebra, English, engineering, and useful skills are at the core. If they teach outside of said useful program = no money.
YOU IDIOT; you are aware there are people walking around with 4 year degress and more waiting tables as it is?
You are making a fool of yourself in a topic about education.


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