Freed Sudanese cameraman calls Gitmo history's worst jail


He is FROM Sudan. He doesn't work for a Sudanese newspaper. You do get this nonsubtle and completely obvious difference, yes?

Right because he chose to go to Guantanamo Bay with a "purpose" :cuckoo:

Ah, guilt by association. What a fun game.

By the way...Ad hominem attacks on this guy and his culture don't excuse the conditions at Gitmo.

Try using objective sources to prove the horrible conditions at Gitmo and you might have a case.

Not that prisons are supposed to be little vacation spots. IT'S A PRISON. What on earth makes you believe the inmates should be treated with every consideration, and their delicate sensibilities taken into account at every turn?
If he was not imprisoned upon his return to Sudan, then he works for the government, dimrod.

Because the only people in Sudan who aren't in prison work for the government?

What the fuck are you smoking?

Which is probably what landed him there in the first place.

The US doesn't just put people in GITMO because they work for the Sudanese government. The standards are low, but not that low.

Use that huge noggin of yours and think it out.

Yeah I have, and the conclusions you are coming to are beyond retarded.

Try using objective sources to prove the horrible conditions at Gitmo and you might have a case.

Gee, I'd love too. Want to convince the US government to allow objective sources to see Gitmo? Until they do that I'll take what I can get.

Not that prisons are supposed to be little vacation spots. IT'S A PRISON. What on earth makes you believe the inmates should be treated with every consideration, and their delicate sensibilities taken into account at every turn?

What makes you think the only two possibilities for a prison are "heinous" and "vacation spot"? Think maybe, just maybe, there is some room between the two extremes?
Because the only people in Sudan who aren't in prison work for the government?

What the fuck are you smoking?
I'm not smoking anything, and I certainly didn't say that or even imply it. What I'm saying is a JOURNALIST who is given a hero's welcome when he returns to the Sudan is HIGHLY SUSPECT since they put their honest journalists in jail, kill them, and shut down their venues. Sorry I made the assumption you could connect those dots.
The US doesn't just put people in GITMO because they work for the Sudanese government. The standards are low, but not that low.
It depends on what they do for the government, dillweed.
Yeah I have, and the conclusions you are coming to are beyond retarded.
I'll ignore that since you apparently have absolutely no reading comprehension and so far have shown abosolutely no comprehension of the situation, or of what I'm saying.
Gee, I'd love too. Want to convince the US government to allow objective sources to see Gitmo? Until they do that I'll take what I can get.
I know. It's a burning desire of yours to see to it that the folks who target children and innocents are treated with kid gloves. Despite the fact that they are POWS and not American citizens, and therefore don't have the same rights and privileges that our burglars and drug addicts have.

What makes you think the only two possibilities for a prison are "heinous" and "vacation spot"? Think maybe, just maybe, there is some room between the two extremes?

Sure, there's some room, and you have no idea where that line lies, or whether or not it's the line that is toed at Gitmo. You rely on the disgruntled families of terrorists and citizens of countries where genocide is the norm.

Other than the nekkid pics of the prisoners some years ago, what are the so-called atrocities being visited on the scumbags who are detained there?
Actually a lot of people have complained.

Well if its supposed to suck maybe we could, oh I don't know, TRY them first to make sure they are guilty?

They are prisoners because of war, there is no requirement to try them at all. They are illegal combatants. I say we just let them rot till they die of old age or the war ends.
I'm with you. If we keep our people safer by denying them rights which, as non-citizens, they aren't entitled to ANYWAY, I say keep them forever.

And allow the families of the people who have been killed and maimed by their buddies take care of them.
That's what they did in the middle ages. Imprison prisoners of the state in the homes of their enemies, and assign their enemies to be their caretakers.

It worked pretty well then.
I'm not smoking anything, and I certainly didn't say that or even imply it. What I'm saying is a JOURNALIST who is given a hero's welcome when he returns to the Sudan is HIGHLY SUSPECT since they put their honest journalists in jail, kill them, and shut down their venues. Sorry I made the assumption you could connect those dots.

Really? Any evidence they put ALL of their honest journalists in jail?

Considering you are making up the dots as you go along, its no wonder nobody else can "connect" them.

Lets see...why would he recieve a hero's welcome.

Well Sudan is committing gross human rights violations. One of the states pressuring Sudan is the US. That the US commits a HR violation against a Sudanese citizen and then sends him back is a bit hypocritical. Gee...I really wonder why hes being paraded all around television.

Hey, look, its a deducation you can make without making up a bunch of bullshit.

It depends on what they do for the government, dillweed.

And what does this individual do for the government exactly?

I know. It's a burning desire of yours to see to it that the folks who target children and innocents are treated with kid gloves.

Any evidence this individual targeted any children, innocents, or had anything to do with any military or terrorist endeavor?

Despite the fact that they are POWS and not American citizens, and therefore don't have the same rights and privileges that our burglars and drug addicts have.

They are POW's? Well, good to know you disagree with the Bush administration on something.

Sure, there's some room, and you have no idea where that line lies, or whether or not it's the line that is toed at Gitmo. You rely on the disgruntled families of terrorists and citizens of countries where genocide is the norm.

Again, convince the US to let in objective individuals and I'd be glad to listen to them. But considering the only individuals you CAN rely on are those who were sent to Gitmo (which, by the way, aren't necessarily terrorists), then those are who I'm going to rely on.

Other than the nekkid pics of the prisoners some years ago, what are the so-called atrocities being visited on the scumbags who are detained there?

No idea. They don't allow cameras inside anymore. Gee...I wonder why.
They are prisoners because of war, there is no requirement to try them at all. They are illegal combatants.

Well, which are they? POWs are illegal combatants?

I say we just let them rot till they die of old age or the war ends.

Ah yes, America the land of freedom. :cuckoo:

Spare me the moral bullshit next time some of your child raping brethren are scooped up. You don't give a shit about freedom.
I'm with you. If we keep our people safer by denying them rights which, as non-citizens, they aren't entitled to ANYWAY, I say keep them forever.

Well cheers. So yeah, the Sudanese guy can pretty much criticize you now.

And allow the families of the people who have been killed and maimed by their buddies take care of them.
That's what they did in the middle ages. Imprison prisoners of the state in the homes of their enemies, and assign their enemies to be their caretakers.

It worked pretty well then.

Back then 4 of their extremely pissed off family members couldn't hijack a plane and smash it into a building killing thousands.

Yes...lets go to tactics they used in the middle ages. Awesome idea.
Well, which are they? POWs are illegal combatants?

Ah yes, America the land of freedom. :cuckoo:

Spare me the moral bullshit next time some of your child raping brethren are scooped up. You don't give a shit about freedom.

That you see no difference is exactly why you are a retard and a moron. They are both prisoners of war and illegal combatants you dumb shit. And they do not have the rights of our citizens because guess what retard? They were captured as foreigners fighting US in a foreign Country.

Remind me of all the trials we held against German and Italian and Japanese troops we caught in WW2. Remind me of the trials we held for the North Korean and Chinese troops from Korea? Or the trials for the Viet Cong or North Vietnamese in Viet Nam?

And now explain how we have violated their rights by holding them, feeding them so well they have gained weight, provided them with their religious materials ( actually punishing guards for supposed disrespect to the Koran), clothed them, provided them with lawyers and time in courts they have real right to, given them medical care, etc etc etc.

You are an IGNORANT boob on this matter, as you are on most matters. Par for the course from retards like you.
That you see no difference is exactly why you are a retard and a moron. They are both prisoners of war and illegal combatants you dumb shit.

Umm, actually I'm saying there IS a difference and that (according to the Bush administration), they are NOT POW's and ARE illegal combatants.

And they do not have the rights of our citizens because guess what retard? They were captured as foreigners fighting US in a foreign Country.

Legally no, morally yes. Actually legally they should have the rights to the Geneva convention, except for the lie that they aren't POWs.

Remind me of all the trials we held against German and Italian and Japanese troops we caught in WW2. Remind me of the trials we held for the North Korean and Chinese troops from Korea? Or the trials for the Viet Cong or North Vietnamese in Viet Nam?

Those were defined wars. This isn't. There is no end to the "war on terror". If you think its the same thing as old conventional warfare you are severely deluded.

And now explain how we have violated their rights by holding them, feeding them so well they have gained weight, provided them with their religious materials ( actually punishing guards for supposed disrespect to the Koran), clothed them, provided them with lawyers and time in courts they have real right to, given them medical care, etc etc etc.

Actually the large majority have no rights to a lawyer, or time in courts. But do keep lying.
I have an idea. We should make our prisons the nastiest places in the world, that way no one will want to go there. Maybe it'll cut down on the crime rate.
Well boo hoo

Why, they had their trial when they shot at the US military. They're lucky to be alive. Maybe they should show a little gratitude.

Who says they shot at the US military? You don't really believe everyone at Gitmo shot at the US military, do you? Or even most of them for that matter.
Well boo hoo

Your compassion for humanity is underwhelming.

Why, they had their trial when they shot at the US military. They're lucky to be alive. Maybe they should show a little gratitude.

He never shot at the US military. Perhaps you should do a bit of research on why some of these individuals are actually in GITMO before opening your mouth.

You been to Gitmo or does this mean you're going to shut the fuck up too?

Nope, hence I'm going off the word of those who have been. I'm not making shit up. Might want to try it sometime.

I have an idea. We should make our prisons the nastiest places in the world, that way no one will want to go there. Maybe it'll cut down on the crime rate.

Hey, we can just kill all the undersirables and dissidents while we are at it. I mean the Constitution is just a piece of toilet paper, right?
Your compassion for humanity is underwhelming.


He never shot at the US military. Perhaps you should do a bit of research on why some of these individuals are actually in GITMO before opening your mouth.

Do you KNOW that for sure, or are you taking his word for it?

Nope, hence I'm going off the word of those who have been. I'm not making shit up. Might want to try it sometime.

Have you tried talking to the people who are the guards there to get a balanced opinion or do you only care about the opinion of those who hate America?

Hey, we can just kill all the undersirables and dissidents while we are at it. I mean the Constitution is just a piece of toilet paper, right?

Nope, but I don't recall it saying anywhere that we have to be nice to every terroristic asshole that comes along.
Do you KNOW that for sure, or are you taking his word for it?

I'm taking the US military's word for it when they accused him of being a "courier" for a militant organization. He wasn't shooting at US forces, he was arrested and accused, and never charged and then released. Some justice, eh? Don't really think that arresting international journalists who have a voice in the Arab world for charges we have no evidence for are going to win us any "hearts and minds" over there.

Have you tried talking to the people who are the guards there to get a balanced opinion or do you only care about the opinion of those who hate America?

AFAIK, they aren't allowed to discuss the situation there, the only reports have been from people who are held there, and the government.

Nope, but I don't recall it saying anywhere that we have to be nice to every terroristic asshole that comes along.

Like the civilian journalists we pick up and then later release?

Any evidence he was a "terrorist asshole"? I mean if it was that clear, then we would have tried him...or not released him...or something, right?

Idiotic moves like this hurt any effort to make gains to stop countries like Sudan from mistreating their own citizens. If we arrest them without charge, hold them in jail for years, and mistreat them while they are in jail, who are we to tell them to stop if they do the same or worse to their people?
Sorry... it's guilt that has to be proven, not innocence. You guys go first.

So you are taking the word of people who ARE terrorists and associated with terrorists over everybody else WHO WAS there?

Way to go lawyer! And you wonder why cops must hate you?

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