Freed Sudanese cameraman calls Gitmo history's worst jail

So you are taking the word of people who ARE terrorists and associated with terrorists over everybody else WHO WAS there?

Its not as if the US military watched him do terrorist activities. Its an accusation, one which apparently didn't hold up since they released him. So is he a terrorist or not? Either the US government is scooping up people who aren't terrorists and holding them for years with no trial, or they are releasing people who are terrorists. Take your choice.
So you are taking the word of people who ARE terrorists and associated with terrorists over everybody else WHO WAS there?

Way to go lawyer! And you wonder why cops must hate you?

You are aware that no one SAW most of these people do anything. If theyre terrorists, try them adn convict them.

How hard would it be for your neighbor to call in your name as a "terrorist" (which is what happened to an awful lot of these people)... not very.

If cops can't make a case, btw, they aren't very good cops. So I wouldn't worry about it too much. Damn Constitution....

Thanks for playing.
I'm taking the US military's word for it when they accused him of being a "courier" for a militant organization. He wasn't shooting at US forces, he was arrested and accused, and never charged and then released. Some justice, eh? Don't really think that arresting international journalists who have a voice in the Arab world for charges we have no evidence for are going to win us any "hearts and minds" over there.

They hated us LONG before we went into Iraq and will hate us long after we leave. So, fuck them. Maybe we should work on them fearing us instead.

AFAIK, they aren't allowed to discuss the situation there, the only reports have been from people who are held there, and the government.

They discuss it, and they basically say this guys get treated well. It's not the Ritz, but it is a jail.

Like the civilian journalists we pick up and then later release?

Any evidence he was a "terrorist asshole"? I mean if it was that clear, then we would have tried him...or not released him...or something, right?

Idiotic moves like this hurt any effort to make gains to stop countries like Sudan from mistreating their own citizens. If we arrest them without charge, hold them in jail for years, and mistreat them while they are in jail, who are we to tell them to stop if they do the same or worse to their people?

Being a courier for terrorists=being a terrorist. If you help them, you're one of them and we should blow you to kingdom come.

And I don't care what they do to their people, it's you liberal humanitarians that have been doing that.
They hated us LONG before we went into Iraq and will hate us long after we leave. So, fuck them. Maybe we should work on them fearing us instead.

What a terribly naive point of view. Hatred isn't a dichotomy. The more of them the US abuses, the more of them will do absolutely anything they can to hurt the US. They won't ever fear the US enough not to do anything, unless you plan on start dishing out collective punishment on entire civilian villages?

They discuss it, and they basically say this guys get treated well. It's not the Ritz, but it is a jail.


Being a courier for terrorists=being a terrorist. If you help them, you're one of them and we should blow you to kingdom come.

Or, you know, we think you might be helping them. :rolleyes:

And I don't care what they do to their people, it's you liberal humanitarians that have been doing that.

Shitbag. To think that we shouldn't do anything believe of national sovreignty is one thing. To just not give a shit that mass rapes, mass killings, genocide, and other atrocities are going on is disgusting.
What a terribly naive point of view. Hatred isn't a dichotomy. The more of them the US abuses, the more of them will do absolutely anything they can to hurt the US. They won't ever fear the US enough not to do anything, unless you plan on start dishing out collective punishment on entire civilian villages?


Or, you know, we think you might be helping them. :rolleyes:

Shitbag. To think that we shouldn't do anything believe of national sovreignty is one thing. To just not give a shit that mass rapes, mass killings, genocide, and other atrocities are going on is disgusting.

NO...It is very naive of YOU to think that others DONT hate us just simply "because". To actually think that if we help others THEN they will learn to love us is pretty infantile.

Wait till you have kids...Then and maybe then you will have SOME understanding.
Good old Larkinn. Friend to under-appreciated and villified terrorists, supporter of war criminals.
NO...It is very naive of YOU to think that others DONT hate us just simply "because".

No, actually its not. If people hated the US just "because" it wouldn't be concentrated in certain geopolitical and geographical areas.

To actually think that if we help others THEN they will learn to love us is pretty infantile.

Who cares if they love us. But if we help them, then they will have less of a desire to massacre us.

Wait till you have kids...Then and maybe then you will have SOME understanding.

Awesome, because emotional responses are really how we should be responding to international issues?
Good old Larkinn. Friend to under-appreciated and villified terrorists, supporter of war criminals.

I'm a friend to individuals who get scooped up by the US Military and who never get tried . Maybe thats not a clue to geniuses like you that the evidence might not be all that great, but to with anyone with half a brain its a huge signal.
They are prisoners because of war, there is no requirement to try them at all. They are illegal combatants. I say we just let them rot till they die of old age or the war ends.

What a compassionate republican you are! Don't tell me! You are probably a "Christian" also. You should be proud...:eusa_think:
I'm a friend to individuals who get scooped up by the US Military and who never get tried . Maybe thats not a clue to geniuses like you that the evidence might not be all that great, but to with anyone with half a brain its a huge signal.

They don't have to be tried IN WAR TIME, genius. They get to be held until the war is over, or until we're done with them.

On the battle field, they just get shot. No trial there, either.
What a compassionate republican you are! Don't tell me! You are probably a "Christian" also. You should be proud...:eusa_think:

What a concept, WAR, one has no requirement to try people captured in a war and held because they took up arms against our Country. What part of that fails to register with you people?
They don't have to be tried IN WAR TIME, genius.
They get to be held until the war is over, or until we're done with them.

Yeah, and when its an indefinite war, I have a problem with it.

On the battle field, they just get shot. No trial there, either.

Only problem with that dishonest bullshit is that this Sudanese guy was never on the battlefield.
Sorry... it's guilt that has to be proven, not innocence. You guys go first.

Well, the next time the GOP gains control of both houses of Congress, let's say in another 20-30 years, they will run through legislation specifying "Guilt is assumed until Innocence is proven."

It sjust the GOP way of doing things.
While im not really interested in arguing about who deserves a trial... It's absolutely fucking ridiculous to state that gitmo is the worst jail in history. It's not a fucking dungeon. Im pretty sure there were worse DUNGEONS in the dark ages than gitmo by far. I don't see iron maidens, glowing hot pokers or any other toy of rank torture involved at gitmo. Im willing to bet that this critic would rather be captive by Americans in 2008 at gitmo than the Queens Dungeon in London during the Crusades.

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