Freedom of Religion? Christian Artists Face Jail Time For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Invitations

All the religions on this planet ar freely prescribes in this nation. Christians do not hold a monopoly. It's not even required to be married by a clergyman, priest, rabbi or imam. You can be married by an Elvis impersonator. ......
...and that has no impact on the fact that the Constitution protects the right of freedom of religion and the exercise thereof....
Again, no one is impeding these unfortunate people from practicing their faith. Unless their faith implores them to discriminate. And that' s crossing the line from Christianity to something else and from adhering to the law to criminality.
Eerily reminiscent of all other repressed groups in this nation's history. That's why that big statue of Justice wears a blindfold. Society's hatred, fears and predjudices get checked at the door to the courthouse.
It USED to wear a blindfold...that hasn't been for quite a while as Justice in this nation has been corrupted - the blindfold has been replaced with 'liberal-colored' glasses.
Spoken like someone who would be comfortable with Jim Crow laws.


Again you are confusing government mandated discrimination with choices of conceive by non essential business people.

In fact, PA laws that do not allow any form of moral dissent are far more like Jim Crow laws then what you are implying.
Eerily reminiscent of all other repressed groups in this nation's history. That's why that big statue of Justice wears a blindfold. Society's hatred, fears and predjudices get checked at the door to the courthouse.
It USED to wear a blindfold...that hasn't been for quite a while as Justice in this nation has been corrupted - the blindfold has been replaced with 'liberal-colored' glasses.
Spoken like someone who would be comfortable with Jim Crow laws.


Again you are confusing government mandated discrimination with choices of conceive by non essential business people.

In fact, PA laws that do not allow any form of moral dissent are far more like Jim Crow laws then what you are implying.
What? You're saying that including everyone is more restrictive than segregating one demographic?
Again, no one is impeding these unfortunate people from practicing their faith.
Actually liberals seek to prevent them from practicing their religion, which teaches NOT to facilitate, enable, or encourage the sin of homosexuality.

YOU see that as discrimination; however, the Constitution recognizes that as exercising their personal religious beliefs that is supported by teachings in the bible. YOU DON'T GET TO DICTATE / DEFINE. DETERMINE WHAT RELIGIOUS PRACTICIES ARE INDEED RELIGIOS FAITH/BELIEFS. The Constitution protects that right and the practice of an individual's religion.

Thank you again for demonstrating why that Constitutional Right exists.
Your freedom of religion does not provide for legal COVER to break other laws.
Laws are required to be Constitutional. The Constitution states that we have the freedom of religion and the EXERCISE THEREOF....
Where did this peculiar dogma come from? Never before has the adminonition to avoid commerce with homosexuals been sent forth from the pulpit. These unfortunate people are wrapping themselves in a dogma to perpetuate the hatred in their hearts and calling it "Christianity".
Religion has nothing to do with it. It's the scope of services provided by the merchant.

I am a Christian. The basic tenant of my faith is the Golden Rule.

If you're really use force to compel an artist to design something for you for any reason rather then just going to another artist, then you are a sick fuck indeed and there is nothing "Christian" about doing that.

The Golden Rule is meant to be a guide to you how to treat others. It wasn't a hammer for you to hold your breath and demand your way
Without religious freedom, the artists retain artistic freedom that should be unassailable. This compulsion to control artistic creation is pure evil.
Your freedom of religion does not provide for legal COVER to break other laws.
Laws are required to be Constitutional. The Constitution states that we have the freedom of religion and the EXERCISE THEREOF....
Where did this peculiar dogma come from? Never before has the adminonition to avoid commerce with homosexuals been sent forth from the pulpit. These unfortunate people are wrapping themselves in a dogma to perpetuate the hatred in their hearts and calling it "Christianity".

You're obviously not a Christian. Again, you don't grasp that Christianity is a way to lead your life, it's not a tool to demand things from others and force them to do it your way. You don't understand the fundamental concept of Christianity
Public accommodation laws clearly state that a person cannot be discriminated against because of race religion or sexual orientation.
If you want to run a business you have to obey the law.
However any law that is contradictory to the United States Constitution is itself illegal. The United States Constitution provides for the Freedom of Religion and the 'exercise thereof'.

If these people, as NYC pointed out, were discriminating due to color -which is not supported biblically, then there would be a case. In this case, religious teachings and faith/beliefs are supported biblically.

All laws, including all 'general applicable laws', must be weighed against Constitutionality. Again, in a case including race, gender - issues not supported Biblically - one would have a case if declaring 'discrimination', but in this case homosexuality is part of a religious, biblically based faith, and therefore should fall under religious protection.

IF YOU BELIEVE otherwise I completely understand and respect your opinion, as it is still perfectly ok to agree to disagree.
The people who are refusing to print the invitations are discriminating based on gender. And they are using the same arguments as those who used to discriminate based on color.

And you are profoundly ignorant if you are unaware that racists used the Bible to justify their discrimination. How did you not notice the burning CROSS!?

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This is about hate, and has NOTHING to do with religion.

Selling a commercial product for money is not a religious rite.
Eerily reminiscent of all other repressed groups in this nation's history. That's why that big statue of Justice wears a blindfold. Society's hatred, fears and predjudices get checked at the door to the courthouse.
It USED to wear a blindfold...that hasn't been for quite a while as Justice in this nation has been corrupted - the blindfold has been replaced with 'liberal-colored' glasses.
Spoken like someone who would be comfortable with Jim Crow laws.


Again you are confusing government mandated discrimination with choices of conceive by non essential business people.

In fact, PA laws that do not allow any form of moral dissent are far more like Jim Crow laws then what you are implying.
What? You're saying that including everyone is more restrictive than segregating one demographic?

No, what I am saying is that the desire to force inclusiveness regardless of the actual harm done is just as wrong as forcing exclusiveness to perpetuate actual harm.

Government force is the common element here, and is not justified in either case.
I do wish the LGBT community would stop bringing suit against the rare Christian purveyors who refuse to serve them. I understand that a gay person doesn't want to be discriminated against, but are there really that many out there who refuse to do business with them? There have been so few suits of this kind, although they are discussed so endlessly it seems as if there were a million of them.
Lawyers and courts may protect our rights, but taken to extremes nothing goes right, and this is one of those pushes that will not go well, imo. It just gives fundamentalists a big platform to complain from.
I want my wedding invitations sporting two gays dressed in white KKK robes, sporting Nazi Tatoos and breasts. According to the liberal you must comply.

Neither the KKK nor the Nazi's are a protected class anywhere, so which law(s) are you saying must be complied with?
You want an all white church, you can probably have it. What you can't have is an all white place of business.
'All White' is a racist belief, not a religious belief...but thanks for playing.

Not true. Alabama Church Holds “Whites-Only” Christian Conference
Again, that is a PERSONAL choice that is NOT supported Biblically. Keep 'reaching'.

Clearly that Alabama Church disagrees with you.

But hey- maybe you can have the government deciding on what is a genuine religious belief and what is not a genuine religious belief.

Or maybe everyone could just obey the law- you know like the Bible says

Romans 13

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
I want my wedding invitations sporting two gays dressed in white KKK robes, sporting Nazi Tatoos and breasts. According to the liberal you must comply.

Neither the KKK nor the Nazi's are a protected class anywhere, so which law(s) are you saying must be complied with?

Which is why the whole concept of a protected class has reached the end of its useful life. It was about protection from economic and political harm, not to punish people for hurting someone else's feelings.

Can't you see that it has become "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"?
Religion has nothing to do with it. It's the scope of services provided by the merchant.

I am a Christian. The basic tenant of my faith is the Golden Rule.

If you're really use force to compel an artist to design something for you for any reason rather then just going to another artist, then you are a sick fuck indeed and there is nothing "Christian" about doing that.

The Golden Rule is meant to be a guide to you how to treat others. It wasn't a hammer for you to hold your breath and demand your way
Compel under force! My oh my! And here I thought that is what these merchants were in business for!

But, here we come to find that these merchants are in business to discriminate and unnecessarily humiliate other people under the guise of religious freedom. The world turned upside down. Religion means suspicion and fear. Freedom means the right to discriminate. And justice means the protection to demean and refuse services because of who you happen to be.
This is about hate, and has NOTHING to do with religion.

Selling a commercial product for money is not a religious rite.

Again, free exercise of religion is protected, not a specific rite, not going to church, exercise.
Again, lets say the country swings more liberal in years to come and suddenly pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia become legal....are liberals going to threaten Americans who do not want to engage, facilitate / enable / such activities if those engaging in these things declare they are offended by that refusal based on religious beliefs?!
Oh stop it. Comparing homosexuality to the strongest taboos in our culture is rubbish. Come up with a believable argument.

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