Freedom of Religion, not for Christians only!

You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.

did Mary have a choice in the affair ...

She DID NOT HAVE TO BE----such a --goody-two-shoes
She DID NOT HAVE TO BE----such a --goody-two-shoes

considering the closing scene for the roughien she raised she may have had a few more sparks than the 4th century version written in their book. *(Hint) - good friends with Mary Madeline.

MADELINE? -----sssshheeeeeesh Magdeline. The word
MIGDAL means tower. The name of the racy chick is probably derived from some place in which she lived that had
lots of towers. I do not recall any specific interactions between broad Mary------and the goody two shoes Mary. They may have JUST MET-----at the closing scene
You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.

did Mary have a choice in the affair ...
Do you think God should have granted her the choice to chose?
Do you think God should have granted her the choice to chose?

I do not speak for the Almighty and do not believe there was participation by them for the condition brought onto Mary mostlikly as her own however it happened. they seemed to be freewheelers, gypsy's of their time so much so as to have drawn the attention of the Almighty to them and who participated with their deception - to the end.
I get so sick of Evans and even Trump who say there is a "War on Christmas ". The later years when I sent out cards (as you know that is a dying era) , I had to get different ones for my husbands business associates and the unreligious people we know, and our families ( yes a few would get upset if they did not get a religious card).

I find it more appropriate to say Happy Holidays now. Why, because we are suppose to be a country where we have freedom of religion, and I should say, many who use to be religious are now agnostic and or atheists. (admit it)

If one has kids and they are Christians they need to celebrate, and we do buy gifts for the grandkids, but that is it.

the grandkids are spoiled rotten, and when we never know what to get them. I want to tell them we are donating their gifts to Toys for Tots, but that would go over like ,What the heck !!!

I also think Freedom of Religion includes , freedom from religion. At this point I can skip Christmas and even New Years, and I am so sick of Christmas stories on TV unless they are comedies.

I have become a happy scrooge and I want to stay that way, so please do not think I'm missing anything.

There is no ‘war’ on Christmas, the notion is just another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Also correct about the First Amendment.

The Establishment Clause protects citizens from religious dogma being compelled through force of law, and the Free Exercise Clause protects religious expression from government overreach – including the right of citizens to be free from faith altogether.
You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.

did Mary have a choice in the affair ...

She DID NOT HAVE TO BE----such a --goody-two-shoes
She DID NOT HAVE TO BE----such a --goody-two-shoes

considering the closing scene for the roughien she raised she may have had a few more sparks than the 4th century version written in their book. *(Hint) - good friends with Mary Madeline.

MADELINE? -----sssshheeeeeesh Magdeline. The word
MIGDAL means tower. The name of the racy chick is probably derived from some place in which she lived that had
lots of towers. I do not recall any specific interactions between broad Mary------and the goody two shoes Mary. They may have JUST MET-----at the closing scene
I do not recall any specific interactions between broad Mary------and the goody two shoes Mary. They may have JUST MET-----at the closing scene

the 4th century book could not remove the spoken acknowledgement of their togetherness during and after the passing - they undoubtedly were close and enduring friends throughout the 1st century events upon the early acquaintance of Magdeline to Jesus. and Mary, all peas in the same pod. Josef too - under the hood, the great conspiracy.
I get so sick of Evans and even Trump who say there is a "War on Christmas ". The later years when I sent out cards (as you know that is a dying era) , I had to get different ones for my husbands business associates and the unreligious people we know, and our families ( yes a few would get upset if they did not get a religious card).

I find it more appropriate to say Happy Holidays now. Why, because we are suppose to be a country where we have freedom of religion, and I should say, many who use to be religious are now agnostic and or atheists. (admit it)

If one has kids and they are Christians they need to celebrate, and we do buy gifts for the grandkids, but that is it.

the grandkids are spoiled rotten, and when we never know what to get them. I want to tell them we are donating their gifts to Toys for Tots, but that would go over like ,What the heck !!!

I also think Freedom of Religion includes , freedom from religion. At this point I can skip Christmas and even New Years, and I am so sick of Christmas stories on TV unless they are comedies.

I have become a happy scrooge and I want to stay that way, so please do not think I'm missing anything.
Yes, freedom of religion applies to all of the different sects of Christianity. Remember that the forefathers thought that any other beliefs that are outside of Christianity were a wicked cult. That is why that they were called secret societies, because they couldn't exercised it out in the open. But it does says in the Holy scriptures to let everyone to practices what they desires to do. Because He prefers everyone to be themselves, showing their true nature when He comes. But if they are in the middle, between good and evil,, that He will still vomit them out. But he is going to sneak in and catches us in our acts.


U.S. Courts: Does a witness still swear on a Bible? - Straight Dope Message Board

Witch Hunts in the DC Area - Older Than You Think

A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt… And if we feel their power just sufficiently to hoop us together, it will be the happiest situation in which we can exist. If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Taylor, June 4, 1798 in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson p. 1050.
Jefferson on the Reign of Witches | Harper's Magazine

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