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Freedom of speech covers racial slur & public speech


Active Member
Oct 3, 2015
I've been asking around. Apparently, freedom of speech covers racial slur & public speech.

I asked a lawyer. Don't judge me, but I like racial slurs particularly when I am angry. Racial slurs are the only profanity I use if they even count as profanity. Other than that, I use the word "trash", but that's more descriptive (like a dictionary word) than pure profanity.

I often use racial slurs in everyday life, not in the workplace but just in my casual conversation outside work. Is this legal? - Avvo.com

“I often use racial slurs in everyday life, not in the workplace but just in my casual conversation outside work. Is this legal? Does this count as profanity?”

“No law against being a jerk.”

Do you have free speech in a shopping mall? | First Amendment Center – news, commentary, analysis on free speech, press, religion, assembly, petition
"Most Americans know that they can speak their mind in the public square, thanks to the First Amendment.

But what about shopping malls, arguably the modern equivalent of a village green?

Well, outside of California and New Jersey, the First Amendment’s strong protection for free expression — particularly speech involving public issues — likely won’t apply in your local mall if it’s privately owned."

So, there is the freedom to public speech in public places. As for the privately owned places, not necessarily so, but that’s not the actual laws; it is just the private policy not having to do with real laws.

Aside from that, even regular profanity seems to be legal even in public. Some regions seem to prohibit it, but they only charge like $150 & you are not obligated against any other punishment.
Taber, Alberta, outlaws bad behaviour with $75 fine for spitting in public and $150 for yelling or swearing
"$150 for yelling or swearing".
Quoting from First Amendment Center, Remember, profanity isn't always protected speech | First Amendment Center – news, commentary, analysis on free speech, press, religion, assembly, petition
"Amendment hurdles, as recognized this week by the suburban Chicago city of Park Ridge, Ill. Perhaps in the spirit of the Cohen ruling, the city rid its books of a law that made it illegal to use profanity on streets, alleys and other public places. The police chief of the suburb told the Associated Press that free-speech concerns formed part of the reason for erasing the law."
"though you may have a right to curse on the street"

So, aside from racial slurs & public speech being protected by the freedom of speech, even regular profanity in public is either legal or is only $150 depending on the region.

Let’s summarize on public profanity. On the federal level, the right to public profanity is protected. On the regional level like states or provinces, it depends. Some regions allow public profanity as long as fighting words for an imminent fighting don’t occur. Some regions allow public profanity in general just like the federal view. Some regions don’t allow public profanity but charge you like $150 (but that’s it; you are not obligated to any other punishment & you can settle it in the court). As for racial slur, it is legal & doesn’t really count as profanity. Even by the definition, a slur is an utterance with contempt; it is not really a profanity. It’s very descriptive. For instance, “Jap” means Japanese, “Chink” means Chinese. Very factual like the word “trash”.

As for when you get to pay $150 fine payment (not obligated to something else) for public profanity in your region, you can fight against it in the court. Quoting from a litigation lawyer from Avvo.com, “The government passing laws regulating vulgar, crude, or offensive language would implicate freedom of speech, and the constitution of the United States one of the core/fundamental principles of our country. Many localities have ordinances prohibiting profanity. When challenged those ordinances are almost always found to violate constitutionally protected rights.”

Personally, I’ve never used profanity but only the racial slurs (not profanity & legal anywhere) & the word trash.

Any thoughts on these? Any information to add? I just want to be accurate with knowledge.
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People who need to rely on racial slurs are dim-witted weaklings and cowards.
“So, there is the freedom to public speech in public places. As for the privately owned places, not necessarily so, but that’s not the actual laws; it is just the private policy not having to do with real laws.”

The rights enshrined in the First Amendment concern solely the relationship between government and those governed, not the the relationship between and among private persons and entities, such as privately-owned shopping malls.
If you think racial slurs aren't covered by the 1st Amendment you are either a victim of propaganda or a typical under educated victim of the democrat party's education system. Of course racial slurs are covered by the 1st Amendment right to free speech . Racial slurs might be offensive and incur the wrath of the mainstream media but racial slurs are protected by the 1st Amendment's right to free speech and God bless America for it.

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