Freedom of Speech: Je Suis Charlie Hebdo!!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
I've decided to start this thread as an act of freedom of expression. All people who contribute to this thread are requested to post any cartoon depicting Islam that you find funny, appealing or just plain appalling.

If Islamists read this thread, feel free to insult me and my beliefs, because it won't matter as my world will continue to spin and I will be happy.

Additionally, if you feel nervous about posting Islamic cartoons because of retribution.............don't. I assume all responsibility for any hurt feelings or insults that any Muslim may feel from reading this thread.

If you're Islamic and continue to read any farther than this post? Sorry that you feel outraged, but if this thread upsets you or causes you to feel your faith may be in question, I have one simple solution...........................

Thanks, Biker. Here is my contribution. I have a link full of cartoons that are not intended to mock Muslims but rather educate Muslims on the history of their religion and why what they are taught just isn't true.

I am Charlie - Cartoons for Islam US Message Board - Political Discussion ForumOur first story begins with here: [URL='']Men of Peace


Thank you! You know I never had to opportunity to see anything they wrote about in their magazine OR the cartoons because there wasn't a media source in the USA that was willing to print them - that I ever knew about anyhow! Amazing, isn't it? We have freedom of speech and do not use it? And the French do?! What is wrong with that picture?

Perhaps we need to get you your own Magazine, Biker!
I've decided to start this thread as an act of freedom of expression. All people who contribute to this thread are requested to post any cartoon depicting Islam that you find funny, appealing or just plain appalling.

If Islamists read this thread, feel free to insult me and my beliefs, because it won't matter as my world will continue to spin and I will be happy.

Additionally, if you feel nervous about posting Islamic cartoons because of retribution.............don't. I assume all responsibility for any hurt feelings or insults that any Muslim may feel from reading this thread.

If you're Islamic and continue to read any farther than this post? Sorry that you feel outraged, but if this thread upsets you or causes you to feel your faith may be in question, I have one simple solution...........................


Thank you.

Last night I created a thread with a link to the cartoons in Charlie.

Here's the link again. Please feel free to post it far and wide on the internet.

A faith that believes a person should be murdered because they exercised their right to free speech, doesn't get my respect.

These Are The Charlie Hebdo Cartoons That Terrorists Thought Were Worth Killing Over
To be clear - I have never understood the purpose of satire and do not find most of it funny - I do not care for jokes and such - life is too serious to be joking around - but I do support freedom of speech. My cartoon link - to be exact - is not for fun or laughter - it's deadly serious - I believe Mohammad is in hell and he doesn't want the people he deceived to end up down there with him. You know? So that was the purpose of my thread. To bring truth to a people group who are steeped in lies and deception.
Interestingly enough, there is NOTHING in the Quaran that says you cannot make images of Mohammed.

And....................the only reference to anything even remotely like that is contained in the Hadiths (various scholar's interpretations of what the Quaran says), is a place where it says to not have any idols or graven images. Nothing was said about killing someone for having them, it just states don't worship images as those images aren't God.

Kinda like what it says in the 10 Commandments about not worshiping graven images, but Christians won't kill people for having them or making fun of Jesus or God.

Most Muslims won't either, because they understand it's about THEIR beliefs and how they worship.

It's only the radicals that are looking for excuses to kill people that use that kind of reasoning.

Thank you! You know I never had to opportunity to see anything they wrote about in their magazine OR the cartoons because there wasn't a media source in the USA that was willing to print them - that I ever knew about anyhow! Amazing, isn't it? We have freedom of speech and do not use it? And the French do?! What is wrong with that picture?

Perhaps we need to get you your own Magazine, Biker!

Thanks for the vote of confidence! And........actually.............MSNBC has been showing various covers with translations on many of their programs since last night. Saw quite a few of them on All In with Chris Hayes and on Rachel Maddow.

Thank you! You know I never had to opportunity to see anything they wrote about in their magazine OR the cartoons because there wasn't a media source in the USA that was willing to print them - that I ever knew about anyhow! Amazing, isn't it? We have freedom of speech and do not use it? And the French do?! What is wrong with that picture?

Perhaps we need to get you your own Magazine, Biker!

Thanks for the vote of confidence! And........actually.............MSNBC has been showing various covers with translations on many of their programs since last night. Saw quite a few of them on All In with Chris Hayes and on Rachel Maddow.

I will have to see if I get that channel, Biker. I am a very limited cable network with Dish. I think it costs like ten dollars. lol. I think my only news source is Steve Malzberg and one other one. I like Steve Malzberg though. He's good. I will need the translations as I cannot read French. (or any other language actually! - only English)

Thank you! You know I never had to opportunity to see anything they wrote about in their magazine OR the cartoons because there wasn't a media source in the USA that was willing to print them - that I ever knew about anyhow! Amazing, isn't it? We have freedom of speech and do not use it? And the French do?! What is wrong with that picture?

Perhaps we need to get you your own Magazine, Biker!

Thanks for the vote of confidence! And........actually.............MSNBC has been showing various covers with translations on many of their programs since last night. Saw quite a few of them on All In with Chris Hayes and on Rachel Maddow.

I will have to see if I get that channel, Biker. I am a very limited cable network with Dish. I think it costs like ten dollars. lol. I think my only news source is Steve Malzberg and one other one. I like Steve Malzberg though. He's good. I will need the translations as I cannot read French. (or any other language actually! - only English)

But you're not limited to just that dish.

There's the internet. You can watch the Chris Hayes Show on line. Here's the link to his website. You can find any recent episode. Yesterday's should be there.

All In with Chris Hayes on msnbc
Muslim crazies by murdering those involved in the publication, will only serve to immortalize the cartoons and their creators. In a few decades time I am sure they will be worth a fortune, not to mention exist in several museums.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
I don't see this as a free speech issue. The government did not censor the journalists. Some fucktards did by killing them.

That's correct. This has nothing to do with the government, this is cultural.

A group of people have decided that they are judge & jury and have the right to issue "consequences" to anyone who dares to offend them.

But enough about the PC Police. Back to the story of the slaughter.

Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someone who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
There are over 2 billion Muslims in the world, where 24,812 constitutes a tiny minority of the overall Muslim population, indeed a few.

Islam is not the problem, nor the Koran – the problem is the ignorance of a tiny minority of Muslims with regard to their own religion, and the fear and hate that motivates them; the same fear, ignorance, and hate that motivates some to condemn all Muslims and Islam for the criminal acts of a non-representative minority.

To argue that the terrorist acts of a few represent all of Islam fails as a hasty generalization fallacy; to argue that the Koran is responsible for the terrorist acts of a few fails as a post hoc fallacy.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someoen who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Should Bill Maher and others stop offending Christians then?

What should be their punishment if they continue?


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