Freedom of Speech: Je Suis Charlie Hebdo!!!!

Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
There are over 2 billion Muslims in the world, where 24,812 constitutes a tiny minority of the overall Muslim population, indeed a few.

Islam is not the problem, nor the Koran – the problem is the ignorance of a tiny minority of Muslims with regard to their own religion, and the fear and hate that motivates them; the same fear, ignorance, and hate that motivates some to condemn all Muslims and Islam for the criminal acts of a non-representative minority.

To argue that the terrorist acts of a few represent all of Islam fails as a hasty generalization fallacy; to argue that the Koran is responsible for the terrorist acts of a few fails as a post hoc fallacy.

Unfortunately for you, polling throughout the Islamic world proves you wrong, and that polling has been consistent for years now. The VAST majority of muslims approve of the activities of these "few". Those "few" are not committing these horrendous deeds in a vaccuum.

I used to say what you say, thinking I was being tolerant. But with time, facts overwhelmed me. It is not intolerant to call a duck a duck.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someone who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Are you saying that offensive cartoons = license to kill? Really?

I am very surprised at your wording.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someone who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Are you saying that offensive cartoons = license to kill? Really?

I am very surprised at your wording.
I am not saying that at all; in fact, I expressly said I wasn't saying it. Perhaps your reading skills are inhibited by your bias.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
There is much outcry from the Muslim world: just Google it. There's plenty of condemnation of this act from the Muslim world.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someoen who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Should Bill Maher and others stop offending Christians then?

What should be their punishment if they continue?


Esmeralda, your response to these questions?

I don't see this as a free speech issue. The government did not censor the journalists. Some fucktards did by killing them.

That's correct. This has nothing to do with the government, this is cultural.

A group of people have decided that they are judge & jury and have the right to issue "consequences" to anyone who dares to offend them.

But enough about the PC Police. Back to the story of the slaughter.


Back to the story of slaughter committed by muslim terrorists upon innocent people.
I don't see this as a free speech issue. The government did not censor the journalists. Some fucktards did by killing them.

That's correct. This has nothing to do with the government, this is cultural.

A group of people have decided that they are judge & jury and have the right to issue "consequences" to anyone who dares to offend them.

But enough about the PC Police. Back to the story of the slaughter.


Back to the story of slaughter committed by muslim terrorists upon innocent people.

I don't think you're allowed to use "muslim" and "terrorists" back to back like that.

Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
There is much outcry from the Muslim world: just Google it. There's plenty of condemnation of this act from the Muslim world.

They don't want to suffer the results of negetive feelings because of this attack.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
I don't know the percentage, but many of the 'terrorist' acts you include in your assertion are Muslim against Muslim, an age old conflict not unlike the bloody conflict between the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. It is not reasonable or logical to say that it is only Muslims who kill others because of ideological or religious beliefs. In fact, more wars have been in part or wholely about ideological or religious beliefs. You are not thinking rationally, but bigots never are.

And, again, for the third time: am not saying this attack was okay. I don't condone it. I have said that specifically in my posts.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
There is much outcry from the Muslim world: just Google it. There's plenty of condemnation of this act from the Muslim world.

They don't want to suffer the results of negetive feelings because of this attack.
~Google what they say. They are condemning the attack.
Oh look! It's working!!!!

Hey Mac! Look at this will ya! You've managed to turn people who don't hate all Muslims with every fibre of their being into people who are unwilling to denounce acts of terror for fear of the PC police.....even though nothing could be further from the truth.

Pay close attention. I'm supposed to be a member of the PC Police...right?

The Muslim faith is bullshit. There is no Mohammed. There is no Allah. I piss on images of Mohammed. That so many people follow such idiocy is bad news for humanity. That there are an enormous number of human beings in this 21st century who believe that you ought to be killed for something you say or draw is pure insanity. I think the entire fucking thing ought to be scrapped.

However.....I also think that the idiots who believe that stupid shit are capable of being freed from the religious chains that bind them. And the path toward this is a decidedly political one. Placing blame for the actions that we all find inhumane and worthy of severe condemnation on the people who commit those acts.....and not on every fucking idiot who follows the faith isn't being politically correct. It is being politically accurate. You want to free those people? You want that infant born yesterday to grow up NOT thinking that beheading Christians is OK? So do I.

Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
There is much outcry from the Muslim world: just Google it. There's plenty of condemnation of this act from the Muslim world.

Ok, I googled it.

The first thing that came up:

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It x27 s bigoted and Islamophobic. - Vox

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It's bigoted and Islamophobic.

Well, that was helpful...

I did find this:

Muslims Condemning Things

There is a smattering of condemnations.

And there was this:

The Myth of Muslim Condemnation of Terror Ali Eteraz

Second, heaping an expectation on Muslims - to call out "their" criminals - is absurd when no similar expectation is placed on any other religious, ethnic, or ideological group. Is it appropriate for a white man to tell "the hispanics" to make proclamations against the drug trade? Why should a hispanic who has never even touched drugs speak out against drug lords?

Well, that was not very helpful, either. This guy doesn't want to condemn islamic terrorist acts. In fact, he is insulted that people, after that world has suffered almost 25,000 terrorist attacks at the hands of muslims since 911, are wondering why there is so little condemnation from the Islamic world over this stuff.

I am watching El Jazeera right now. I watch it often, because alot of their reporting is very, very good. I also watched it yesterday and also on the 7th, after the Hebdo attack. Not one word of condemnation from one single Muslim on the most broadcast news station in all of the Middle East. Not one.

I am sorry. Googling is not helping very much. Care to try again?

Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
There are over 2 billion Muslims in the world, where 24,812 constitutes a tiny minority of the overall Muslim population, indeed a few.

Islam is not the problem, nor the Koran – the problem is the ignorance of a tiny minority of Muslims with regard to their own religion, and the fear and hate that motivates them; the same fear, ignorance, and hate that motivates some to condemn all Muslims and Islam for the criminal acts of a non-representative minority.

To argue that the terrorist acts of a few represent all of Islam fails as a hasty generalization fallacy; to argue that the Koran is responsible for the terrorist acts of a few fails as a post hoc fallacy.

Unfortunately for you, polling throughout the Islamic world proves you wrong, and that polling has been consistent for years now. The VAST majority of muslims approve of the activities of these "few". Those "few" are not committing these horrendous deeds in a vaccuum.

I used to say what you say, thinking I was being tolerant. But with time, facts overwhelmed me. It is not intolerant to call a duck a duck.
I don't accept or trust these polls. Based on having lived and worked in 3 different Muslim countries for 7 and a half years, working daily with mostly Muslim colleagues and clients, living with them as my neighbors, having them as colleagues, clients, acquaintences, friends, going to their weddings, traveling with them, having them to my home for dinners, having them stay with me, etc. I know that most Muslims, the vast majority, hate the terrorists and their acts which are done in the name of Islam. They do not side with the terrorists.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
There is much outcry from the Muslim world: just Google it. There's plenty of condemnation of this act from the Muslim world.

Ok, I googled it.

The first thing that came up:

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It x27 s bigoted and Islamophobic. - Vox

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It's bigoted and Islamophobic.

Well, that was helpful...

I did find this:

Muslims Condemning Things

There is a smattering of condemnations.

And there was this:

The Myth of Muslim Condemnation of Terror Ali Eteraz

Second, heaping an expectation on Muslims - to call out "their" criminals - is absurd when no similar expectation is placed on any other religious, ethnic, or ideological group. Is it appropriate for a white man to tell "the hispanics" to make proclamations against the drug trade? Why should a hispanic who has never even touched drugs speak out against drug lords?

Well, that was not very helpful, either. This guy doesn't want to condemn islamic terrorist acts. In fact, he is insulted that people, after that world has suffered almost 25,000 terrorist attacks at the hands of muslims since 911, are wondering why there is so little condemnation from the Islamic world over this stuff.

I am watching El Jazeera right now. I watch it often, because alot of their reporting is very, very good. I also watched it yesterday and also on the 7th, after the Hebdo attack. Not one word of condemnation from one single Muslim on the most broadcast news station in all of the Middle East. Not one.

I am sorry. Googling is not helping very much. Care to try again?

Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
There are over 2 billion Muslims in the world, where 24,812 constitutes a tiny minority of the overall Muslim population, indeed a few.

Islam is not the problem, nor the Koran – the problem is the ignorance of a tiny minority of Muslims with regard to their own religion, and the fear and hate that motivates them; the same fear, ignorance, and hate that motivates some to condemn all Muslims and Islam for the criminal acts of a non-representative minority.

To argue that the terrorist acts of a few represent all of Islam fails as a hasty generalization fallacy; to argue that the Koran is responsible for the terrorist acts of a few fails as a post hoc fallacy.

Unfortunately for you, polling throughout the Islamic world proves you wrong, and that polling has been consistent for years now. The VAST majority of muslims approve of the activities of these "few". Those "few" are not committing these horrendous deeds in a vaccuum.

I used to say what you say, thinking I was being tolerant. But with time, facts overwhelmed me. It is not intolerant to call a duck a duck.
I don't accept or trust these polls. Based on having lived and worked in 3 different Muslim countries for 7 and a half years, working daily with mostly Muslim colleagues and clients, living with them as my neighbors, having them as colleagues, clients, acquaintences, friends, going to their weddings, traveling with them, having them to my home for dinners, having them stay with me, etc. I know that most Muslims, the vast majority, hate the terrorists and their acts which are done in the name of Islam. They do not side with the terrorists.

Which Muslim countries are you talking about?
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
There is much outcry from the Muslim world: just Google it. There's plenty of condemnation of this act from the Muslim world.

Ok, I googled it.

The first thing that came up:

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It x27 s bigoted and Islamophobic. - Vox

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It's bigoted and Islamophobic.

Well, that was helpful...

I did find this:

Muslims Condemning Things

There is a smattering of condemnations.

And there was this:

The Myth of Muslim Condemnation of Terror Ali Eteraz

Second, heaping an expectation on Muslims - to call out "their" criminals - is absurd when no similar expectation is placed on any other religious, ethnic, or ideological group. Is it appropriate for a white man to tell "the hispanics" to make proclamations against the drug trade? Why should a hispanic who has never even touched drugs speak out against drug lords?

Well, that was not very helpful, either. This guy doesn't want to condemn islamic terrorist acts. In fact, he is insulted that people, after that world has suffered almost 25,000 terrorist attacks at the hands of muslims since 911, are wondering why there is so little condemnation from the Islamic world over this stuff.

I am watching El Jazeera right now. I watch it often, because alot of their reporting is very, very good. I also watched it yesterday and also on the 7th, after the Hebdo attack. Not one word of condemnation from one single Muslim on the most broadcast news station in all of the Middle East. Not one.

I am sorry. Googling is not helping very much. Care to try again?
You found just the opposite of what I found when I Googled Muslimsm condemn terrorism. Again, your bias is probably leading your thoughts and the language you used to google was influenced by that.

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