Freedom of Speech: Je Suis Charlie Hebdo!!!!

Some Muslims are bastards.
It seems some Americans are also bastards, willing to insult the many for the crimes of a few.

Question is, where do we stop with hate?

A few Americans are guilty of mass murder, should all Americans be killed, or even insulted?
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.

There are those who have decided that they are the judge and jury of what they decide is "offensive", and that they have the authority for issuing consequences as they see fit.

How does one communicate with these people?

And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.

There are those who have decided that they are the judge and jury of what they decide is "offensive", and that they have the authority for issuing consequences as they see fit.

How does one communicate with these people?


Why do you have to communicate with them? Don't you also have the right to just ignore people who are ignoramouses?

I just put Esmeralda on ignore, I should have done it a long time ago.

Besides, you classify way too much as being PC, which is silly on your part, for when something that REALLY PC is happening, people think you screamed wolf the whole time...

Just laugh at the people you think are the PC police.
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.

There are those who have decided that they are the judge and jury of what they decide is "offensive", and that they have the authority for issuing consequences as they see fit.

How does one communicate with these people?


Why do you have to communicate with them? Don't you also have the right to just ignore people who are ignoramouses?

I just put Esmeralda on ignore, I should have done it a long time ago.

Besides, you classify way too much as being PC, which is silly on your part, for when something that REALLY PC is happening, people think you screamed wolf the whole time...

Just laugh at the people you think are the PC police.

Holy crap, if I could just laugh, that would be great.

But the damage they cause is too severe for that.

And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.

There are those who have decided that they are the judge and jury of what they decide is "offensive", and that they have the authority for issuing consequences as they see fit.

How does one communicate with these people?


Why do you have to communicate with them? Don't you also have the right to just ignore people who are ignoramouses?

I just put Esmeralda on ignore, I should have done it a long time ago.

Besides, you classify way too much as being PC, which is silly on your part, for when something that REALLY PC is happening, people think you screamed wolf the whole time...

Just laugh at the people you think are the PC police.

Holy crap, if I could just laugh, that would be great.

But the damage they cause is too severe for that.


You can't laugh?
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.

There are those who have decided that they are the judge and jury of what they decide is "offensive", and that they have the authority for issuing consequences as they see fit.

How does one communicate with these people?


Why do you have to communicate with them? Don't you also have the right to just ignore people who are ignoramouses?

I just put Esmeralda on ignore, I should have done it a long time ago.

Besides, you classify way too much as being PC, which is silly on your part, for when something that REALLY PC is happening, people think you screamed wolf the whole time...

Just laugh at the people you think are the PC police.

Holy crap, if I could just laugh, that would be great.

But the damage they cause is too severe for that.


You can't laugh?

Sure, in irony, in exasperation, in frustration.

I don't see this as a free speech issue. The government did not censor the journalists. Some fucktards did by killing them.

That's correct. This has nothing to do with the government, this is cultural.

A group of people have decided that they are judge & jury and have the right to issue "consequences" to anyone who dares to offend them.

But enough about the PC Police. Back to the story of the slaughter.

Kind of like the NYC police.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
muslims condemn french terrorists - Google Search

Thank you! You know I never had to opportunity to see anything they wrote about in their magazine OR the cartoons because there wasn't a media source in the USA that was willing to print them - that I ever knew about anyhow! Amazing, isn't it? We have freedom of speech and do not use it? And the French do?! What is wrong with that picture?

Perhaps we need to get you your own Magazine, Biker!

Thanks for the vote of confidence! And........actually.............MSNBC has been showing various covers with translations on many of their programs since last night. Saw quite a few of them on All In with Chris Hayes and on Rachel Maddow.

I will have to see if I get that channel, Biker. I am a very limited cable network with Dish. I think it costs like ten dollars. lol. I think my only news source is Steve Malzberg and one other one. I like Steve Malzberg though. He's good. I will need the translations as I cannot read French. (or any other language actually! - only English)

But you're not limited to just that dish.

There's the internet. You can watch the Chris Hayes Show on line. Here's the link to his website. You can find any recent episode. Yesterday's should be there.

All In with Chris Hayes on msnbc

Actually I never thought of it - but you are right! Thanks, Dana!
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
muslims condemn french terrorists - Google Search

They need to condemn Mohammad who was their leader and set the example of murdering those who insulted him - one of the earliest accounts being Mohammad asking for someone to murder a Jewish man who had written a poem about him that he didn't like. Imagine having someone murdered over a poem you didn't like and you are supposed to be a prophet of God? Ha! True Prophets of the LORD do not have people murdered over a poem. Mohammad was a false prophet. They need to start there and then make a fast exit from Islam. Then the world will pay attention.
Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?

Yes. It proves that they are liars. They have no desire to see the hostages set free or these Muslim Imams would be in the street with a speaker pleading with them to release the hostages. Instead they do not open their mouth. They are liars. It's part of their religion to use lies and deception to overtake their enemy and in their mind? Anyone non Muslim IS the enemy.
Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Moving the goal posts?

I wouldn't expect moderate Muslims to have any more control over these assholes than moderate Christians have over abortion clinic bombers.

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