Freedom of Speech: Je Suis Charlie Hebdo!!!!

Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someoen who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Should Bill Maher and others stop offending Christians then?

What should be their punishment if they continue?


Esmeralda, third try. Would you apply your eloquent comments to Christianity too?

Should Maher and others stop offending Christians?

What should happen to them if they do not?


there are many more but i have to bounce to work!
last one:

Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someoen who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Should Bill Maher and others stop offending Christians then?

What should be their punishment if they continue?


Esmeralda, your response to these questions?

I never said that these murderers should not be punished. I never said it was okay to attack that newspaper. You people apparently cannot read. I don't condone the violence at all. I also don't condone simple minded reactionary thinking based on this attak. This thread has become another Muslim hating thread with people who cannot think or refuse to think reasonably or rationally.
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A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
There is much outcry from the Muslim world: just Google it. There's plenty of condemnation of this act from the Muslim world.

Ok, I googled it.

The first thing that came up:

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It x27 s bigoted and Islamophobic. - Vox

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It's bigoted and Islamophobic.

Well, that was helpful...

I did find this:

Muslims Condemning Things

There is a smattering of condemnations.

And there was this:

The Myth of Muslim Condemnation of Terror Ali Eteraz

Second, heaping an expectation on Muslims - to call out "their" criminals - is absurd when no similar expectation is placed on any other religious, ethnic, or ideological group. Is it appropriate for a white man to tell "the hispanics" to make proclamations against the drug trade? Why should a hispanic who has never even touched drugs speak out against drug lords?

Well, that was not very helpful, either. This guy doesn't want to condemn islamic terrorist acts. In fact, he is insulted that people, after that world has suffered almost 25,000 terrorist attacks at the hands of muslims since 911, are wondering why there is so little condemnation from the Islamic world over this stuff.

I am watching El Jazeera right now. I watch it often, because alot of their reporting is very, very good. I also watched it yesterday and also on the 7th, after the Hebdo attack. Not one word of condemnation from one single Muslim on the most broadcast news station in all of the Middle East. Not one.

I am sorry. Googling is not helping very much. Care to try again?
You found just the opposite of what I found when I Googled Muslimsm condemn terrorism. Again, your bias is probably leading your thoughts and the language you used to google was influenced by that.

"Bias" is in the eye of the beholder...
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someoen who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Should Bill Maher and others stop offending Christians then?

What should be their punishment if they continue?


Esmeralda, your response to these questions?

I never said that these murderers should not be punished. I never said it was okay to attach that newspaper. You people apparently cannot read.

You didn't answer my questions.

Should Bill Maher and others stop offending Christians?

What should happen to them if they do not?

And this raises the question that those who exhibited an unwarranted hostility toward all Muslims and Islam refuse to answer:

What exactly to do advocate be 'done' with regard to Muslims and Islam?

Ban the Koran?

Render Islam illegal?

Prohibit all Muslims from entering a given country?

Require Muslims to wear an 'M' on their garments and register with the government as a potential enemy of the state?

Round Muslims up and concentrate them in a specific location?

Or are those who exhibited an unwarranted hostility toward all Muslims and Islam so naïve and foolish as to believe that Islam and Muslims will simply 'go away' as a consequence of public condemnation in the context of private society?

What exactly, then, is your 'remedy' to the Muslim/Islam 'problem,' you pontificate as to Islam's crimes and malevolence, yet seem to lack the courage and conviction to follow through with a final solution.
The Muslim faith is bullshit. There is no Mohammed. There is no Allah. I piss on images of Mohammed. That so many people follow such idiocy is bad news for humanity. That there are an enormous number of human beings in this 21st century who believe that you ought to be killed for something you say or draw is pure insanity. I think the entire fucking thing ought to be scrapped.

You are absolutely right on target.

There are 109 Sure - or Surahs- (Verses) in the Kuran that call for the killing of non-believers and also the killing of believers who become apostate. Many of the Surahs are very graphic about which part of the body is to be cut off.


In contrast to some of the very vicious verses you find in the Tanakh (Old Testament), these verses are all open-ended, meaning, there is no historical or time-context attached to them.


And that's just the Kuran.

In the volumes of the Hadith, speaking of murdering infidels and non-innocents is referred to way more than 100 times.

No, not every muslim is responsible for what terrorists do, but only a blind man cannot see that the overwhelming majority of such carnage over many years time now has been carried out by muslims who claim that they are doing EXACTLY what the Kuran commands of them.

So, it is only fitting to ask "moderate" muslims to condemn this.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
This is why I never liked you, you're so infantile and limited. I can confess that before I lived in Muslim countries, I knew almost nothing about their religion or culture, though I knew Muslim people in the States. I have learned a lot, but that is probably because I am open minded: you can't live and work in a lot of different countries and cultures if you aren't. It has nothing whatsoever to do with being right wing or left wing. My world and my world view are not two dimensional.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
There is much outcry from the Muslim world: just Google it. There's plenty of condemnation of this act from the Muslim world.

Ok, I googled it.

The first thing that came up:

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It x27 s bigoted and Islamophobic. - Vox

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It's bigoted and Islamophobic.

Well, that was helpful...

I did find this:

Muslims Condemning Things

There is a smattering of condemnations.

And there was this:

The Myth of Muslim Condemnation of Terror Ali Eteraz

Second, heaping an expectation on Muslims - to call out "their" criminals - is absurd when no similar expectation is placed on any other religious, ethnic, or ideological group. Is it appropriate for a white man to tell "the hispanics" to make proclamations against the drug trade? Why should a hispanic who has never even touched drugs speak out against drug lords?

Well, that was not very helpful, either. This guy doesn't want to condemn islamic terrorist acts. In fact, he is insulted that people, after that world has suffered almost 25,000 terrorist attacks at the hands of muslims since 911, are wondering why there is so little condemnation from the Islamic world over this stuff.

I am watching El Jazeera right now. I watch it often, because alot of their reporting is very, very good. I also watched it yesterday and also on the 7th, after the Hebdo attack. Not one word of condemnation from one single Muslim on the most broadcast news station in all of the Middle East. Not one.

I am sorry. Googling is not helping very much. Care to try again?
You found just the opposite of what I found when I Googled Muslimsm condemn terrorism. Again, your bias is probably leading your thoughts and the language you used to google was influenced by that.

"Bias" is in the eye of the beholder...
Everything is in the eye of the beholder. "Truth, as well as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder." This is taken from Aljazeera English news network.
And this raises the question that those who exhibited an unwarranted hostility toward all Muslims and Islam refuse to answer:

What exactly to do advocate be 'done' with regard to Muslims and Islam?

Ban the Koran?

Render Islam illegal?

Prohibit all Muslims from entering a given country?

Require Muslims to wear an 'M' on their garments and register with the government as a potential enemy of the state?

Round Muslims up and concentrate them in a specific location?

Or are those who exhibited an unwarranted hostility toward all Muslims and Islam so naïve and foolish as to believe that Islam and Muslims will simply 'go away' as a consequence of public condemnation in the context of private society?

What exactly, then, is your 'remedy' to the Muslim/Islam 'problem,' you pontificate as to Islam's crimes and malevolence, yet seem to lack the courage and conviction to follow through with a final solution.

Just to be clear: I have no hostility toward muslims. I have a problem with the veracity of a book called the Kuran, which I find to be a truly shitty book.

The Kuran should not be banned, muslims should not be banned from anywhere on the weath, and certainly I know of no one who thinks there should be concentration camps for anyone. That is ridiculous.

But you cannot ignore the mathematical fact that almost 25,000 terror attacks since 911, committed by muslims, is an issue that MUST be discussed. And it is incument upon the Islamic world to do this. The solution is dialogue and honesty.

I do not see this honesty from the Islamic world, not even in the slightest. The Islamic world gets it's feathers all ruffled the moment this is mentioned.

Judaism started as a truly barbaric religion. Remember, I am a Jew, but more than willing to admit that Judaism in it's infancy was extremely barbaric. There are a number of Mitzvoteem (commandments) that require the death penalty for this or that sin. Jews do this no longer. Judaism had a major inner dialogue and decided to treat these verses allegorically, not literally. Judaism has changed with time.

Christianity, from about 800-1700, was extremely barbaric. The Catholic Church murdered non-believers. The Church no longer does this. Why? Because the Church had an inner dialogue and made some changes. See: Vatican II. Christianity has changed with time.

Islam has not had this inner dialogue and it is long overdue.
The Muslim faith is bullshit. There is no Mohammed. There is no Allah. I piss on images of Mohammed. That so many people follow such idiocy is bad news for humanity. That there are an enormous number of human beings in this 21st century who believe that you ought to be killed for something you say or draw is pure insanity. I think the entire fucking thing ought to be scrapped.

You are absolutely right on target.

There are 109 Sure - or Surahs- (Verses) in the Kuran that call for the killing of non-believers and also the killing of believers who become apostate. Many of the Surahs are very graphic about which part of the body is to be cut off.


In contrast to some of the very vicious verses you find in the Tanakh (Old Testament), these verses are all open-ended, meaning, there is no historical or time-context attached to them.


And that's just the Kuran.

In the volumes of the Hadith, speaking of murdering infidels and non-innocents is referred to way more than 100 times.

No, not every muslim is responsible for what terrorists do, but only a blind man cannot see that the overwhelming majority of such carnage over many years time now has been carried out by muslims who claim that they are doing EXACTLY what the Kuran commands of them.

So, it is only fitting to ask "moderate" muslims to condemn this.

They do.

46 examples of Muslim outrage about Paris shooting that Fox News can 8217 t seem to find

When doing so might get your family killed, however, you might need to rent a set of balls. Part of that religion's grip on people is the fact that they are frightened to say what is on their mind.

I think you are failing to take that part into account.

Why doesn't every Muslim living in America just kill the family next door to where they live. Is there something stopping them?
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Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someoen who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Should Bill Maher and others stop offending Christians then?

What should be their punishment if they continue?


Esmeralda, third try. Would you apply your eloquent comments to Christianity too?

Should Maher and others stop offending Christians?

What should happen to them if they do not?

I already answered this question. You're just trolling now.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someoen who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Should Bill Maher and others stop offending Christians then?

What should be their punishment if they continue?


Esmeralda, third try. Would you apply your eloquent comments to Christianity too?

Should Maher and others stop offending Christians?

What should happen to them if they do not?

I already answered this question. You're just trolling now.

Could you point out that answer then?

Maybe I missed it.

Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
This is why I never liked you, you're so infantile and limited. I can confess that before I lived in Muslim countries, I knew almost nothing about their religion or culture, though I knew Muslim people in the States. I have learned a lot, but that is probably because I am open minded: you can't live and work in a lot of different countries and cultures if you aren't. It has nothing whatsoever to do with being right wing or left wing. My world and my world view are not two dimensional.

Well, if it's any consolation, I have never liked you, either. You are disgustingly haughty, uppity and overbearing in everything you say. Your hubris knows no absolutely bounds and your behaviour makes Liberals look bad. Furthermore, you actually know very little of me. I live among many groups of people, including muslims, and I bet I have lived among those groups far longer than you have, now upwards of 18 years straight. I have said repeatedly that my beef is with the book called the Kuran, a very, very flawed book, imo. If you don't like that, then tough fuck for you. My world and my worldview is also not two-dimensional. The difference between me and you is I at least try to find the best in another person, and you are just uppity and already know everything better than everyone else.

Glad we could get that out of our systems.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.
I agree. Going out of your way to offend all Muslims and all of Islam is not an act of thoughtful people. These are two men, and of course, there are others, who react violently to Islam being insulted, but 99% of Muslims will not hurt anyone who insults Islam, yet they will be offended by such insults. Why punish them for the acts of a few? Why act so superior and self righteous because you haven't or wouldn't hurt someoen who insults the ideas and beliefs you hold most dear?

Should Bill Maher and others stop offending Christians then?

What should be their punishment if they continue?


Esmeralda, third try. Would you apply your eloquent comments to Christianity too?

Should Maher and others stop offending Christians?

What should happen to them if they do not?

I already answered this question. You're just trolling now.

Could you point out that answer then?

Maybe I missed it.


She answered it.
The Muslim faith is bullshit. There is no Mohammed. There is no Allah. I piss on images of Mohammed. That so many people follow such idiocy is bad news for humanity. That there are an enormous number of human beings in this 21st century who believe that you ought to be killed for something you say or draw is pure insanity. I think the entire fucking thing ought to be scrapped.

You are absolutely right on target.

There are 109 Sure - or Surahs- (Verses) in the Kuran that call for the killing of non-believers and also the killing of believers who become apostate. Many of the Surahs are very graphic about which part of the body is to be cut off.


In contrast to some of the very vicious verses you find in the Tanakh (Old Testament), these verses are all open-ended, meaning, there is no historical or time-context attached to them.


And that's just the Kuran.

In the volumes of the Hadith, speaking of murdering infidels and non-innocents is referred to way more than 100 times.

No, not every muslim is responsible for what terrorists do, but only a blind man cannot see that the overwhelming majority of such carnage over many years time now has been carried out by muslims who claim that they are doing EXACTLY what the Kuran commands of them.

So, it is only fitting to ask "moderate" muslims to condemn this.

They do.

46 examples of Muslim outrage about Paris shooting that Fox News can 8217 t seem to find

When doing so might get your family killed, however, you might need to rent a set of balls. Part of that religion's grip on people is the fact that they are frightened to say what is on their mind.

I think you are failing to take that part into account.

Why doesn't every Muslim living in America just kill the family next door to where they live. Is there something stopping them?

Thank you for providing that information. Much of it was wonderful to read.

Wish there were links to the quotes.
The Muslim faith is bullshit. There is no Mohammed. There is no Allah. I piss on images of Mohammed. That so many people follow such idiocy is bad news for humanity. That there are an enormous number of human beings in this 21st century who believe that you ought to be killed for something you say or draw is pure insanity. I think the entire fucking thing ought to be scrapped.

You are absolutely right on target.

There are 109 Sure - or Surahs- (Verses) in the Kuran that call for the killing of non-believers and also the killing of believers who become apostate. Many of the Surahs are very graphic about which part of the body is to be cut off.


In contrast to some of the very vicious verses you find in the Tanakh (Old Testament), these verses are all open-ended, meaning, there is no historical or time-context attached to them.


And that's just the Kuran.

In the volumes of the Hadith, speaking of murdering infidels and non-innocents is referred to way more than 100 times.

No, not every muslim is responsible for what terrorists do, but only a blind man cannot see that the overwhelming majority of such carnage over many years time now has been carried out by muslims who claim that they are doing EXACTLY what the Kuran commands of them.

So, it is only fitting to ask "moderate" muslims to condemn this.

They do.

46 examples of Muslim outrage about Paris shooting that Fox News can 8217 t seem to find

When doing so might get your family killed, however, you might need to rent a set of balls. Part of that religion's grip on people is the fact that they are frightened to say what is on their mind.

I think you are failing to take that part into account.

Why doesn't every Muslim living in America just kill the family next door to where they live. Is there something stopping them?

Thank you for providing that information. Much of it was wonderful to read.

Wish there were links to the quotes.

I'm sure they can be sourced.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
This is why I never liked you, you're so infantile and limited. I can confess that before I lived in Muslim countries, I knew almost nothing about their religion or culture, though I knew Muslim people in the States. I have learned a lot, but that is probably because I am open minded: you can't live and work in a lot of different countries and cultures if you aren't. It has nothing whatsoever to do with being right wing or left wing. My world and my world view are not two dimensional.

Well, if it's any consolation, I have never liked you, either. You are disgustingly haughty, uppity and overbearing in everything you say. Your hubris knows no absolutely bounds and your behaviour makes Liberals look bad. Furthermore, you actually know very little of me. I live among many groups of people, including muslims, and I bet I have lived among those groups far longer than you have, now upwards of 18 years straight. I have said repeatedly that my beef is with the book called the Kuran, a very, very flawed book, imo. If you don't like that, then tough fuck for you. My world and my worldview is also not two-dimensional. The difference between me and you is I at least try to find the best in another person, and you are just uppity and already know everything better than everyone else.

Glad we could get that out of our systems.
You're funny. What a lot of lies, or maybe a total lack of self awareness on your part. In any case, I'll not respond to any more of your childishness, which you so quintessentially displayed during your feud with those, and particularly she, who got banned, and in your FZ feuds. You're back on ignore and I won't respond to any more of this nonsense.
A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
This is why I never liked you, you're so infantile and limited. I can confess that before I lived in Muslim countries, I knew almost nothing about their religion or culture, though I knew Muslim people in the States. I have learned a lot, but that is probably because I am open minded: you can't live and work in a lot of different countries and cultures if you aren't. It has nothing whatsoever to do with being right wing or left wing. My world and my world view are not two dimensional.

Well, if it's any consolation, I have never liked you, either. You are disgustingly haughty, uppity and overbearing in everything you say. Your hubris knows no absolutely bounds and your behaviour makes Liberals look bad. Furthermore, you actually know very little of me. I live among many groups of people, including muslims, and I bet I have lived among those groups far longer than you have, now upwards of 18 years straight. I have said repeatedly that my beef is with the book called the Kuran, a very, very flawed book, imo. If you don't like that, then tough fuck for you. My world and my worldview is also not two-dimensional. The difference between me and you is I at least try to find the best in another person, and you are just uppity and already know everything better than everyone else.

Glad we could get that out of our systems.
You're funny. What a lot of lies, or maybe a total lack of self awareness on your part. In any case, I'll not respond to any more of your childishness, which you so quintessentially displayed during your feud with those, and particularly she, who got banned, and in your FZ feuds. You're back on ignore and I won't respond to any more of this nonsense.

Thank G-d, I don't want to see your ugly face, either. Ciao.
The Muslim faith is bullshit. There is no Mohammed. There is no Allah. I piss on images of Mohammed. That so many people follow such idiocy is bad news for humanity. That there are an enormous number of human beings in this 21st century who believe that you ought to be killed for something you say or draw is pure insanity. I think the entire fucking thing ought to be scrapped.

You are absolutely right on target.

There are 109 Sure - or Surahs- (Verses) in the Kuran that call for the killing of non-believers and also the killing of believers who become apostate. Many of the Surahs are very graphic about which part of the body is to be cut off.


In contrast to some of the very vicious verses you find in the Tanakh (Old Testament), these verses are all open-ended, meaning, there is no historical or time-context attached to them.


And that's just the Kuran.

In the volumes of the Hadith, speaking of murdering infidels and non-innocents is referred to way more than 100 times.

No, not every muslim is responsible for what terrorists do, but only a blind man cannot see that the overwhelming majority of such carnage over many years time now has been carried out by muslims who claim that they are doing EXACTLY what the Kuran commands of them.

So, it is only fitting to ask "moderate" muslims to condemn this.

They do.

46 examples of Muslim outrage about Paris shooting that Fox News can 8217 t seem to find

When doing so might get your family killed, however, you might need to rent a set of balls. Part of that religion's grip on people is the fact that they are frightened to say what is on their mind.

I think you are failing to take that part into account.

Why doesn't every Muslim living in America just kill the family next door to where they live. Is there something stopping them?

Thank you for providing that information. Much of it was wonderful to read.

Wish there were links to the quotes.

I'm sure they can be sourced.

the one from Saudi Arabia was, uhm, sparse.... :lol:

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