Freedom of Speech: Je Suis Charlie Hebdo!!!!

Yeah, and since some of them are offended by restaurants serving bacon, they should stop serving it, and since some of them are offended by women driving vehicles, Euro women should stop driving, and since some of them are offended by women who show their faces, the women there should cover their faces.

Serving bacon doesn't mock islam and neither do women driving seem to have a bug up your ass about some cartoonists getting capped for taunting Mohambone.....hey, they played with fire and got burned....And until you're ready for a second Crusades, don't bother me with your whining about jihadists....I know what it will take to stop this in it's tracks and you don't have the stomach for it. the fucked up, senseless religion of Islam a PC protected religion?

No religion should be a "PC protected religion".

And.................I dunno if Islam is all you claim it to be. What makes Islam less "legitimate" than other religions?

And................if radicals from ANY RELIGION behave as terrorists, we shouldn't denounce the entire religion, just the radical fringes causing all the trouble.

During the time of Fred Phelps and all his lunacy, I never once said that the Westboro Baptist Church represented the views of all Christians. During his stupid protests, I denounced HIM and his church, but never all Christians.

You're doing that to Islam by saying that ISIL and Al Queda speak for all Muslims. They don't.

I'm just fucking with Mac. Maybe you should know where I'm coming from before hopping on that soapbox. the fucked up, senseless religion of Islam a PC protected religion?

No religion should be a "PC protected religion".

And.................I dunno if Islam is all you claim it to be. What makes Islam less "legitimate" than other religions?

And................if radicals from ANY RELIGION behave as terrorists, we shouldn't denounce the entire religion, just the radical fringes causing all the trouble.

During the time of Fred Phelps and all his lunacy, I never once said that the Westboro Baptist Church represented the views of all Christians. During his stupid protests, I denounced HIM and his church, but never all Christians.

You're doing that to Islam by saying that ISIL and Al Queda speak for all Muslims. They don't.

And there you have it. You pointed it out very well. Christians were so mortified by what Phelps did and stood for that they spoke against him, and you know, nothing he did comes even close to what Islamic terrorists do. And yet, and I will note again, the outcry against this is statistically the smallest possible drop in the largest possible bucket.

I don't think that ISIL und AQ speak for all Muslims, but not enough Muslims speak AGAINST ISIL and AQ. And they really should, because the damage to Islam after almost 25,000 terror attacks (hard to believe, what?) since 911 takes it's toll on the credibility of any belief system. the fucked up, senseless religion of Islam a PC protected religion?

No religion should be a "PC protected religion".

And.................I dunno if Islam is all you claim it to be. What makes Islam less "legitimate" than other religions?

And................if radicals from ANY RELIGION behave as terrorists, we shouldn't denounce the entire religion, just the radical fringes causing all the trouble.

During the time of Fred Phelps and all his lunacy, I never once said that the Westboro Baptist Church represented the views of all Christians. During his stupid protests, I denounced HIM and his church, but never all Christians.

You're doing that to Islam by saying that ISIL and Al Queda speak for all Muslims. They don't.

I'm just fucking with Mac. Maybe you should know where I'm coming from before hopping on that soapbox.

I do hope you lubricated him first.

You missed my point.

Which is those sacred books have the same things in them. However it takes a crazy person to actually commit those acts.

It doesn't matter if the person is muslim, jewish or christian. What matters is their hate and the fact that they've become crazy from hate.

It's not a religious thing. It's a hate and crazy thing.

Those crazy people are just using religion as an excuse for their actions.

Whatever "point" you are trying to make is invalid because of the dishonest nature of your sophistry.

When Muslims kill because their religion was mocked, they do so because Mohammad killed for the exact, same reason. In order for your sophomoric apologia to have any merit, you would need to provide evidence of all those Christians or Jews who actually do kill for a similar reason.

You have simply predetermined that you need to defend Islam, and so whip up some fiction that there is no difference between it or the other Abrahamic religions.

Do you know anything about the genocide done to the christian Armenians by the muslims of the ottoman empire?

If not do some research.

I'm half Armenian. Which means most of one side of my family died in that genocide. In my father's father's family they sent 3 boys to America. Only those three boys survived the genocide. In my father's mother's family they couldn't get anyone out in time. My grandmother told me about when the muslims came to their village. All the men in her family were taken away. The next time she saw her father and brothers was when they were lined up against a wall and shot. She told me what it was like to have her dad's brains splattered all over her. Then the muslims made them walk through the desert. My grandmother was one of 12 in her family when they started. There was 6 left by the end of the march. They got my grandmother out soon after that. She was smuggled to America with an old uncle from another village with the plans of her marrying him. The boat docked in Spain. She got off and ran away. She was found and convinced to get back on the boat. When she got to America, Massachusetts to be exact, she ran away again. She joined the Armenian community there and was introduced to my grandfather because both of them came from what's now known as Egypt and spoke the same language. As a result of what muslims did my father was the only person to carry on our family name. My mother had to have a son before she had her tubes tied. My brother never had kids. One of my sisters had a son. He changed his name from his father's name to our name so that the name can carry on.

Now you tell me I'm an apologist for muslims.

I am an honest person and can see that it takes a crazy person filled with hate to murder. That those crazy people use their faith as an excuse for murder.
Peope use the genocide against Armenians to say how bad Muslims are. They should not forget the the genocide done by Christians to the Jews during WWII. It isn't only Muslims who have committed genocide.
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Esmeralda, you are the classic example of the problem French has today, no offense. Your desparation of being politically correct is what drives most of western healthy minded people to their deaths.
You confuse political correctness with reason and logic. I'm being reasonable and logical, looking at this situation with a broader view. You are emotional, short sighted, narrow minded and unable to think without prejudice or bigotry.

BTW, France does not have a 'problem' anymore than anywhere else. You know nothing about France.
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.
It was not an "Islamic terrorist attack." It was an attack by sick, murderous people who CLAIM to be acting on behalf of Islam.
You confuse political correctness with reason and logic. I'm being reasonable and logical, looking at this situation with a broader view. You are emotional, short sighted, narrow minded and unable to think without prejudice or bigotry.

BTW, France does not have a 'problem' anymore than anywhere else. You know nothing about France.

But I know a lot about consquences of Muslim terror.

The only reason why the French government outwide called those incidents "Terror" is because they couldn't possibly sugarcoat it with "disturbed teens" or "mentally challanged individuals". That's because the attackers were all open proud of what they did.

In France, like most of Europe, there is this thiking of never calling Muslim terror by its name. People know that there is a possibility of a political Muslim party trying to convert France into Sharia Muslim country, yet they do nothing to prevent that possibility, in fear of "pissing off" the Muslims.

Danmark now said they will not express any criticism on Muhammad in drawing or media. I will bet my head off, you won't find any cricatures in official media rediculing Muhammad anymore. Poeple call now that they're all Charlie because they're shocked and emotional, you got that right. But on this round, terror won, since censorship's gonna reach new levels from now on.

Not beliving in politically correct bullshit doesn't make me a narrow minded person. I'll rather be a living racist bitch, than a dead enlightened pretty-soul. Calling the child at its name is what the people of Europe should do. This wasn't an attack on Jews. This wasn't attack on Journalists. This was an attack on EUROPE, for being non-Muslim. Teans Join ISIS in Europe every day, and the fashion of doing so among young European Muslims is not only increasing, but most uncontrolled.

As long as France doing take this struggle to the Muslim "NON KUFFAR ZONES", they'll continue to suffer those attacks. I heard Muslims are now afraid in Europe, and I say GOOD. When they're afraid, when they feel threatened, then those with potential will to attack will stay in their holes. Better them afraid, then more cops, civilians, and uninvolved dying.

You're all going to understand one day, question is, how many more are you willing to sacrifice for blindness
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.
It was not an "Islamic terrorist attack." It was an attack by sick, murderous people who CLAIM to be acting on behalf of Islam.

It was an Islamic terror attack, like it or not.
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.
It was not an "Islamic terrorist attack." It was an attack by sick, murderous people who CLAIM to be acting on behalf of Islam.

It was an Islamic terror attack, like it or not.
You are incapable of thinking logically. It was an attack by sick people who say they are acting in the name of Islam. It was not an Islamic terror attack.
You confuse political correctness with reason and logic. I'm being reasonable and logical, looking at this situation with a broader view. You are emotional, short sighted, narrow minded and unable to think without prejudice or bigotry.

BTW, France does not have a 'problem' anymore than anywhere else. You know nothing about France.

I don't need to know about France, to recognize the problem. France has more Muslim immigrants than any other European state, and those who pay the political correctness of the radical Islam issue, always end up being either Jews, or ones fighting for freedom. Better sacrificing them, than offending the Muslims? WTF.

We remember the Toulouse Massacre like it happened yesterday. Yet France learned NOTHING from this. So it makes it a Jewish issue, too.
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.
It was not an "Islamic terrorist attack." It was an attack by sick, murderous people who CLAIM to be acting on behalf of Islam.

It was an Islamic terror attack, like it or not.
You are incapable of thinking logically. It was an attack by sick people who say they are acting in the name of Islam. It was not an Islamic terror attack.

I think rationally. You think like a 5 year old.
You confuse political correctness with reason and logic. I'm being reasonable and logical, looking at this situation with a broader view. You are emotional, short sighted, narrow minded and unable to think without prejudice or bigotry.

BTW, France does not have a 'problem' anymore than anywhere else. You know nothing about France.

But I know a lot about consquences of Muslim terror.

The only reason why the French government outwide called those incidents "Terror" is because they couldn't possibly sugarcoat it with "disturbed teens" or "mentally challanged individuals". That's because the attackers were all open proud of what they did.

In France, like most of Europe, there is this thiking of never calling Muslim terror by its name. People know that there is a possibility of a political Muslim party trying to convert France into Sharia Muslim country, yet they do nothing to prevent that possibility, in fear of "pissing off" the Muslims.

Danmark now said they will not express any criticism on Muhammad in drawing or media. I will bet my head off, you won't find any cricatures in official media rediculing Muhammad anymore. Poeple call now that they're all Charlie because they're shocked and emotional, you got that right. But on this round, terror won, since censorship's gonna reach new levels from now on.

Not beliving in politically correct bullshit doesn't make me a narrow minded person. I'll rather be a living racist bitch, than a dead enlightened pretty-soul. Calling the child at its name is what the people of Europe should do. This wasn't an attack on Jews. This wasn't attack on Journalists. This was an attack on EUROPE, for being non-Muslim. Teans Join ISIS in Europe every day, and the fashion of doing so among young European Muslims is not only increasing, but most uncontrolled.

As long as France doing take this struggle to the Muslim "NON KUFFAR ZONES", they'll continue to suffer those attacks. I heard Muslims are now afraid in Europe, and I say GOOD. When they're afraid, when they feel threatened, then those with potential will to attack will stay in their holes. Better them afraid, then more cops, civilians, and uninvolved dying.

You're all going to understand one day, question is, how many more are you willing to sacrifice for blindness
You know nothing about how people in Europe see this situation or why they approach it the way they do.
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.
It was not an "Islamic terrorist attack." It was an attack by sick, murderous people who CLAIM to be acting on behalf of Islam.

It was an Islamic terror attack, like it or not.
You are incapable of thinking logically. It was an attack by sick people who say they are acting in the name of Islam. It was not an Islamic terror attack.

I think rationally. You think like a 5 year old.
LMAO. You're pathetic.
You confuse political correctness with reason and logic. I'm being reasonable and logical, looking at this situation with a broader view. You are emotional, short sighted, narrow minded and unable to think without prejudice or bigotry.

BTW, France does not have a 'problem' anymore than anywhere else. You know nothing about France.

But I know a lot about consquences of Muslim terror.

The only reason why the French government outwide called those incidents "Terror" is because they couldn't possibly sugarcoat it with "disturbed teens" or "mentally challanged individuals". That's because the attackers were all open proud of what they did.

In France, like most of Europe, there is this thiking of never calling Muslim terror by its name. People know that there is a possibility of a political Muslim party trying to convert France into Sharia Muslim country, yet they do nothing to prevent that possibility, in fear of "pissing off" the Muslims.

Danmark now said they will not express any criticism on Muhammad in drawing or media. I will bet my head off, you won't find any cricatures in official media rediculing Muhammad anymore. Poeple call now that they're all Charlie because they're shocked and emotional, you got that right. But on this round, terror won, since censorship's gonna reach new levels from now on.

Not beliving in politically correct bullshit doesn't make me a narrow minded person. I'll rather be a living racist bitch, than a dead enlightened pretty-soul. Calling the child at its name is what the people of Europe should do. This wasn't an attack on Jews. This wasn't attack on Journalists. This was an attack on EUROPE, for being non-Muslim. Teans Join ISIS in Europe every day, and the fashion of doing so among young European Muslims is not only increasing, but most uncontrolled.

As long as France doing take this struggle to the Muslim "NON KUFFAR ZONES", they'll continue to suffer those attacks. I heard Muslims are now afraid in Europe, and I say GOOD. When they're afraid, when they feel threatened, then those with potential will to attack will stay in their holes. Better them afraid, then more cops, civilians, and uninvolved dying.

You're all going to understand one day, question is, how many more are you willing to sacrifice for blindness
You know nothing about how people in Europe see this situation or why they approach it the way they do.

Yeah, I do know. I don't say it out of the blue, and your comment of "You know nothing about this" doesn't make you sound any wiser. Instead of repeating the same mantra, I invite you to comment to the point, for once.
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.
It was not an "Islamic terrorist attack." It was an attack by sick, murderous people who CLAIM to be acting on behalf of Islam.

It was an Islamic terror attack, like it or not.
You are incapable of thinking logically. It was an attack by sick people who say they are acting in the name of Islam. It was not an Islamic terror attack.

I think rationally. You think like a 5 year old.
LMAO. You're pathetic.

I'm not the one saying "It wasn't Muslim attack" just because it doesn't go with the fact that you happen to know kind Muslims.
It's interesting, what is happening here in USMB. I call out Islamic terror for what it is:

Terror committed exclusively by Muslims and exclusively in the name of Islam, including, but not limited to, hostage taking, murder, theft of property.

And I get lambasted by some of my friends on the Left. Which is ok, I have big shoulders.

But this is not an issue of Right vs. Left. This is an issue of sanity.

Those terrorists who just lit up France for 48 hours very explicitly committed those acts in the name of "Allah". The two brothers shouted "Allahu Akbar" while and after they murdered 13 innocent human beings in Paris. They also said it was revenge for Mohamet. The third terrorist, the one who murdered 4 Jews in a kosher deli, specifically told the police he would kill all of the hostages were the police to not let the two Kouachi brothers go.

No matter how you slice it, this was not one, not two, not three, but rather, FOUR instances of islamic terror within 48 hours on French soil:

January 7th, direct in Paris, where the Hebdo building was. 13 dead.

January 8th, in Montrouge, where Amedi Koulibaly, 32, shot two police officers in the vicinity of a Jewish Elementary school, killing one officer.

January 9th, in Dammartan-En-Goele, the Koachi brothers hole up in a factory with a suspect.

January 9th, in Porte de Vincennes, Amedi Koulibaly (who killed a female cop the day before) and his girlfriend storm a kosher deli, take people hostage. 4 Jews died yesterday at the hands of that islamic terrorist.

Death total:

13 in Paris
1 in Montrouge (the other cop is in serious condition)
4 in Porte de Vincennes

18 innocent people who never before in their lives had anything to with the Kouachi beasts or Amedi Koulibaly, all died at the hands of bastards who yelled "allahu akbar".

Not only that, from the 7th to the 9th, elsewhere on the planet, islamic terror attacks happened in Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq, including the Taliban shooting two CHILDREN in the head as they were gathering wood. All total, including the terrorist bastards: 70 dead within 48 hours, all due to islamic terror.

This is unacceptable. It should be to every sane person in the world.

Again, this is an issue of sanity.

Almost 25,000 (TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND) individual, deadly terror attacks have occured across our planet since September 11, 2001, 14 years and 5 months ago, every single one of those attacks committed by muslims who acted in the name of Islam. Every single one of those attacks has been documented, either with film, audio, eyewitness reports, morgue reports, police reports, death certificates, news coverage and the like. Every single one.

I dare every member here to show me even 100 terror attacks committed by Christians, Jews, buddhists, Sihks, confucionists, Taoist, etc... all put together, in the same time, in the name of religion. I dare every single member to show us just 0.4% of the number of islamic terror attacks we have suffered at the hands of muslims. Just 0.4%.

Hint: you won't be able to piece together 100 attacks over 14 years and five months from all the other religions of the world (other than Islam) combined. Because very few terror attacks outside of islamic attacks happened.

And we have not even begun to talk about the number of dead, the ENORMOUS number of wounded, the ENORMOUS number of families literally ripped apart by this stuff and the material costs as well.

If publishing tasteless cartoons is enough for Muslims to decide that murder is acceptable and people just want to say, "well, gee, they were misunderstood, we shouldn't judge a whole groups based on the actions of a few. yadayadadayada", where are we then as a species?

I asked yesterday, and I ask again today: there were indeed a number of islamic organizations, imams and just plain normal muslims across the entire world who spoke out against this terror, but I have yet to find even one single imam, one single islamic organization (like CAIR), one single muslim tweet,etc, that had written or publicly spoken, telling the islamic terrorists to give up and turn themselves in. Not even one. I spent the day looking. Has anyone found one?

Why, if the rest of the islamic world is so against these acts of brutality, did no one from the islamic world come forth and say the most logical thing of all: that those criminals should turn themselves in and save our world some more anguish?


Again, in my opinion, this is not a Right vs. Left issue. This is an issue of pure sanity.

I wonder how Muslims would be feeling if suddenly this year, Christian terrorists were to suddenly start blowing up mosques and slitting peoples throats and stoning muslims to death, capturing planes, or storming islamic business and mowing people down, taking hostages in halal delis, etc.... I wonder what kind of screams of outrage would be happening were this to happen. Mind you, I do not advocate that, and in G-d's name, please, no one get the idea to do this, for that would be truly wrong. But if the shoe really were on the other foot, I wonder how the Islamic world would be reacting.

I bet that every single person here already knows that answer to that question.

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