Freedom of Speech: Je Suis Charlie Hebdo!!!!

Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Moving the goal posts?

I wouldn't expect moderate Muslims to have any more control over these assholes than moderate Christians have over abortion clinic bombers.
Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Moving the goal posts?

I wouldn't expect moderate Muslims to have any more control over these assholes than moderate Christians have over abortion clinic bombers.

Moderate Muslims do not know how to open their mouths and speak? Moderate Imams do not know how to get on a loud speaker and say come out of there and stop misrepresenting Islam like this? Gee. That is an interesting excuse you've come up with, Ravi. Let me tell you something right now. No Christian would ever condone the bombing of an abortion clinic and murder of innocent people. We condemn such actions completely and have openly said so.

As to the silence of the Muslim Imams - leaders on this hostage situation? It speaks volumes.

Once again you are consistent, Ravi. You defend the rights of Satanists to indoctrinate children in Orlando Fla Schools and now you defend the Muslims as being Moderates who do not know how to speak up - ? and still do not miss the opportunity to hurl an attack on Christians that does not fit at all. Back to the drawing board you go.
Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Moving the goal posts?

I wouldn't expect moderate Muslims to have any more control over these assholes than moderate Christians have over abortion clinic bombers.

Moderate Muslims do not know how to open their mouths and speak? Moderate Imams do not know how to get on a loud speaker and say come out of there and stop misrepresenting Islam like this? Gee. That is an interesting excuse you've come up with, Ravi. Let me tell you something right now. No Christian would ever condone the bombing of an abortion clinic and murder of innocent people. We condemn such actions completely and have openly said so.

As to the silence of the Muslim Imams - leaders on this hostage situation? It speaks volumes.

Once again you are consistent, Ravi. You defend the rights of Satanists to indoctrinate children in Orlando Fla Schools and now you defend the Muslims as being Moderates who do not know how to speak up - ? and still do not miss the opportunity to hurl an attack on Christians that does not fit at all. Back to the drawing board you go.
No offense, but you are bat shit crazy.
Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Moving the goal posts?

I wouldn't expect moderate Muslims to have any more control over these assholes than moderate Christians have over abortion clinic bombers.

Exactly what? They all had their vocal chords removed? They are all sick at home and cannot speak? They do not have access to the internet, facebook, the streets of Paris to protest against these hostage takers? Hmmm.... that is an interesting claim!
Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Moving the goal posts?

I wouldn't expect moderate Muslims to have any more control over these assholes than moderate Christians have over abortion clinic bombers.

Moderate Muslims do not know how to open their mouths and speak? Moderate Imams do not know how to get on a loud speaker and say come out of there and stop misrepresenting Islam like this? Gee. That is an interesting excuse you've come up with, Ravi. Let me tell you something right now. No Christian would ever condone the bombing of an abortion clinic and murder of innocent people. We condemn such actions completely and have openly said so.

As to the silence of the Muslim Imams - leaders on this hostage situation? It speaks volumes.

Once again you are consistent, Ravi. You defend the rights of Satanists to indoctrinate children in Orlando Fla Schools and now you defend the Muslims as being Moderates who do not know how to speak up - ? and still do not miss the opportunity to hurl an attack on Christians that does not fit at all. Back to the drawing board you go.
No offense, but you are bat shit crazy.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser, Ravi. You may want to write that one down.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

You speak of the lack of intelligence of others, and then proceed to offer nothing but incredibly trite and moronic platitudes regarding the oft repeated "a few Muslims".

Mohammad, himself, murdered those who mocked him, and the Islamists who murdered Hedbo were following the precedent he set. Just look up the name Abu Afak, and try to actually learn a little something about the subject matter and perhaps next time you will not appear to be a teenager simply repeating some vapid pablum you have heard from others. These murders may not represent ALL Muslims, but they have everything to do with Islam.

You obviously have no fucking idea what Muslims believe, what percentage believe in certain things or how many support the ends if not the means here. All you know is what you are expected to say, and that your little peeps reward you with smug congratulations if you say them while looking askance at you were you to display any actual knowledge.
And in all this talk about how some muslims may feel attacked when people react emotionally to yet another islamic terror attack, an act of absolute barbarity, I notice that not many people are noting that those innocent people who were killed probably also had lots of loved ones they leave behind, like husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc... So, imo, it's not just 65 people who have thus far died in just the last 48 hours at the hands of islamic terrorists, it's probably thousands of people who are suffering a severe loss.

And you know, those who suffer these horrific losses have a lot more meaning to me than the feelings of some overbearing and uppity people who bristle when a person even dares to suggest that the Islamic world could do more to prevent, let's say, another 25,000 terror attacks from happening in the next 14 years.

Come on, people, think about this.

There are those who have decided that they are the judge and jury of what they decide is "offensive", and that they have the authority for issuing consequences as they see fit.

How does one communicate with these people?


Why do you have to communicate with them? Don't you also have the right to just ignore people who are ignoramouses?

I just put Esmeralda on ignore, I should have done it a long time ago.

Besides, you classify way too much as being PC, which is silly on your part, for when something that REALLY PC is happening, people think you screamed wolf the whole time...

Just laugh at the people you think are the PC police.

People should be capable of coming up with more than a personal attack in response to a post - if they prove they are incapable of it or too lazy to do their own research before writing - then perhaps ignore is the right way to go.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

You speak of the lack of intelligence of others, and then proceed to offer nothing but incredibly trite and moronic platitudes regarding the oft repeated "a few Muslims".

Mohammad, himself, murdered those who mocked him, and the Islamists who murdered Hedbo were following the precedent he set. Just look up the name Abu Afak, and try to actually learn a little something about the subject matter and perhaps next time you will not appear to be a teenager simply repeating some vapid pablum you have heard from others. These murders may not represent ALL Muslims, but they have everything to do with Islam.

You obviously have no fucking idea what Muslims believe, what percentage believe in certain things or how many support the ends if not the means here. All you know is what you are expected to say, and that your little peeps reward you with smug congratulations if you say them while looking askance at you were you to display any actual knowledge.

You have brought up an excellent point and I agree with you. Their prophet ( he was a false prophet but to them he is to be followed and emulated) demanded that those who mocked him, made poems about him, anything he didn't like - be murdered. He was very thin skinned and you see this being played out again and again in Islam. The followers feel it is their duty to murder anyone who insults him or insults Islam. Their refusal to examine the early history of Mohammad and learn the truth is almost guaranteed to keep them in eternal ignorance on the matter - I perhaps should not say eternal because once they are in hell and see Mohammad in hell - they are going to realize that the Christians who warned them about Islam being a false religion (like Catholicism) were right!

Always inspirational to see how open-minded, supportive and tolerant the hardcore lefties are of religion.

Well, one religion.

The PC-protected religion.


If a person is of extremely low intelligence, incapable of reason or analysis and extraordinarily conformist, they might end up a bible thumping right wing fundie if indoctrinated properly, or this brand of left wing fundie if what motivates them is a general sense of self-hatred.

The main difference between the right wing bible thumper and the left wing useful idiot is that the right winger is overly concerned with preserving the status quo while the left winger only wants to destroy it.

Always inspirational to see how open-minded, supportive and tolerant the hardcore lefties are of religion.

Well, one religion.

The PC-protected religion.


If a person is of extremely low intelligence, incapable of reason or analysis and extraordinarily conformist, they might end up a bible thumping right wing fundie if indoctrinated properly, or this brand of left wing fundie if what motivates them is a general sense of self-hatred.

The main difference between the right wing bible thumper and the left wing useful idiot is that the right winger is overly concerned with preserving the status quo while the left winger only wants to destroy it.

Another effort to equate modern day Islam and modern day Christianity.

Another example of how Islam is the PC-protected religion.



Always inspirational to see how open-minded, supportive and tolerant the hardcore lefties are of religion.

Well, one religion.

The PC-protected religion.


If a person is of extremely low intelligence, incapable of reason or analysis and extraordinarily conformist, they might end up a bible thumping right wing fundie if indoctrinated properly, or this brand of left wing fundie if what motivates them is a general sense of self-hatred.

The main difference between the right wing bible thumper and the left wing useful idiot is that the right winger is overly concerned with preserving the status quo while the left winger only wants to destroy it.

It has nothing to do with intelligence or reason. Faith is a matter of the heart. Not the brain and its abilities.

You are speaking of humanism which is what the false church's are steeped in (how the intellectuals revel in it too!) - should the real Body of Christ tolerate the status quo of the false teachers - false churches - much longer - there will be no way to prevent this plan of a one world universal church under the satanic rule of the Vatican - which is the "ULTIMATE" false church - if ever there was one.
You have brought up an excellent point and I agree with you. Their prophet ( he was a false prophet but to them he is to be followed and emulated) demanded that those who mocked him, made poems about him, anything he didn't like - be murdered. He was very thin skinned and you see this being played out again and again in Islam. The followers feel it is their duty to murder anyone who insults him or insults Islam. Their refusal to examine the early history of Mohammad and learn the truth is almost guaranteed to keep them in eternal ignorance on the matter - I perhaps should not say eternal because once they are in hell and see Mohammad in hell - they are going to realize that the Christians who warned them about Islam being a false religion (like Catholicism) were right!

I do find it quite silly when people who have pre-determined that they must defend Islam invariably bring up Christianity, and when they do so, they always compare apples to oranges. The Q'ran represents the words of Mohammad, so if one wanted to make a true comparison rather than a specious one, they should reference the words of Jesus. All they have to do is pick up a Red Letter edition of the N.T. and start reading. They will certainly not find Jesus instructing followers to decapitate enemies.

If the Hadiths represent the life of Mohammad in terms of the life of the ultimate being to emulate, then one would have to compare them to the accounts of Jesus' life. If the apologists can find references to Jesus having sex with children or killing poets, then they would have something. If not, then they are just blowing smoke.

Another effort to equate modern day Islam and modern day Christianity.

Another example of how Islam is the PC-protected religion.



I am not equating the two as there is no equivalence. You just failed to understand my point.

I am saying that the left wing fundamentalists share certain psychological traits with their right wing counterparts. Christianity does not PRODUCE fundamentalists, only that those of a certain unquestioning mindset can interpret it in ways where they thump their bible instead of reading it or attempting to understand Jesus' message.
You have brought up an excellent point and I agree with you. Their prophet ( he was a false prophet but to them he is to be followed and emulated) demanded that those who mocked him, made poems about him, anything he didn't like - be murdered. He was very thin skinned and you see this being played out again and again in Islam. The followers feel it is their duty to murder anyone who insults him or insults Islam. Their refusal to examine the early history of Mohammad and learn the truth is almost guaranteed to keep them in eternal ignorance on the matter - I perhaps should not say eternal because once they are in hell and see Mohammad in hell - they are going to realize that the Christians who warned them about Islam being a false religion (like Catholicism) were right!

I do find it quite silly when people who have pre-determined that they must defend Islam invariably bring up Christianity, and when they do so, they always compare apples to oranges. The Q'ran represents the words of Mohammad, so if one wanted to make a true comparison rather than a specious one, they should reference the words of Jesus. All they have to do is pick up a Red Letter edition of the N.T. and start reading. They will certainly not find Jesus instructing followers to decapitate enemies.

If the Hadiths represent the life of Mohammad in terms of the life of the ultimate being to emulate, then one would have to compare them to the accounts of Jesus' life. If the apologists can find references to Jesus having sex with children or killing poets, then they would have something. If not, then they are just blowing smoke.


Interesting. We know what Mohammad would do because we have historical documentation that tells us what he did! While the Qu'ran represents some of what Mohammad taught - we find more in reading the hadith - such as from the hadith collection of Bukhari, the most authoritative book on Sunni Islam, second only to the Qu'ran ( Sahih Al - Bukari, 9 volumes translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Al Nabawiya: Dar Ahyah Us-Sunnah. An example of Mohammad's teachings - Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him. another of his is not fitting for a prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he has made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land......

Then on his murdering women and children - he says - from hadith collection - The Sahih of Muslim, the chapter discussing this is called, The permissibility of killing women and children in night raids, provided its not deliberate.

(this is basically giving them permission to murder women and children so long as they make it look like an accident) - it was night time! I could not see them clearly! That <----

Then there are two more traditions from another collection, Sunan Abu Dawud and the one you should examine is a chapter titled, The excellence of killing an infidel. In this one Mohammad promises that anyone who kills an infidel will never be brought to hell with him because the person fighting in "Allah's path" will have his sins and forgiven and removed and will therefore go to paradise while the infidel he murdered will go to hell.

This is the antithesis of teachings from the Bible - Jesus Christ never taught the Believer to murderer, rape, loot, murder women and children at night and then pretend it was not deliberate - the entire fruit of Islam is rotten to the core. Anyone examining it can see that there is no salvation in Islam and those who believe Mohammad's promise ^ above have been deceived into believing a lie. They will be rewarded with hell not paradise. The only hope for any Muslim is to repent and become a born again Christian. Leave Islam for good. It's the only hope they have.
I don't see this as a free speech issue. The government did not censor the journalists. Some fucktards did by killing them.

The government isn't the only entity that can violate a person's free speech. Nor is it only the government that is prohibited from not recognizing free speech.

Those crazy people violated the cartoonist's right to free speech by murdering the cartoonist and those who published it.

They are further violating the right to free speech by terrorizing people into silence or censoring themselves.

If you're protesting in front of a business or building and someone came up to you, took your sign and prevented you from protesting but they aren't the government, they are still violating your right to free speech. You could take them to court with a law suit and you would win.

That's basically what happened in Paris. Only the crazy person took it to the point of murder. Now some media outlets will be censoring themselves because those crazy people don't believe in free speech or a free press.

There's just a limited media outlets who published those cartoons after the murders. If those media outlets weren't terrorized into silence, I'm sure they would have published them.
Unfortunately there are those who lack the intelligence to understand that the bad acts of a few Muslims as a consequence of their ignorance of their own religion are not representative of all Muslims.

And unfortunately there are those of bad faith who will seek to contrive and propagate the lie that the Paris terrorists are indeed representative of all Muslims motivated by their unwarranted hatred of Islam.

Islam is not the problem, it is not the cause of this or other terrorist attacks, where seeking to disadvantage Muslims in some capacity as a response is just as offensive as seeking to deny anyone his freedom of speech.

A few?

a FEW!!!

As of this morning, there have now been 24,809 deadly terror attacks conducted by MUSLIMS all across the world since 911, not including 911 itself. So, with 911, that's 24,812 terror attacks.


On the same day that 12 or 13 people were murdered in Paris, 37 people were murdered in Sanaa, Yemen, by an islamic militant driving a bus. On that same day, 6 road workers were machine-gunned down in Baglan, Afghanistan. On that same day, in Zhari, Afghanistan, taliban asswipes murdered two CHILDREN while they were gathering firewood. So, it's not just 13 dead from islamic terror on January 7th alone, it's 58 humans wiped out of existence by the "Religion of Peace".

Yesterday, on January 8th, a sunni suicide bomber killed at least 8 worshippers in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad.

So, now we are up to 64 dead human beings at the hands of ISLAMIC terror, in 5 separate terror attacks, in just 48 hours.

"A few", my ass.

The problem can be found directly in that shitty, badly-written book called the K'uran, which dictates the murder to unbelievers, among other things.
You must have a lot of fun living in Germany and hating Muslims so much.

Untrue. I have a number of muslim friends, and they all know that I disapprove of a great amount of the K'uran. We are still friends.
So, instead of staying on topic, you attack me. Fascinating. You becoming a Rightie, or what?

Do you deny that those other terror attacks also happened on January 7th and 8th?
Do you deny that they were ALL carried out by muslim extremists?
Have you ever seen a victim of a terror attack up close? Ever seen a dead body after a terror attack?

And btw, where is the outcry from the muslim world for these attacks?
Where is the condemnation from the islamic world of their brethren who have done this? Where is it?
It's now been 48 hours since the attack in Paris. Where is the solidarity AGAINST this kind of terror within the muslim world? Where is it?
Please show it to me. Please show me the newspaper articles and the many videos of Imams getting up and saying publicly "Hey, this is wrong!" Where is it?
There is much outcry from the Muslim world: just Google it. There's plenty of condemnation of this act from the Muslim world.

Ok, I googled it.

The first thing that came up:

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It x27 s bigoted and Islamophobic. - Vox

Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It's bigoted and Islamophobic.

Well, that was helpful...

I did find this:

Muslims Condemning Things

There is a smattering of condemnations.

And there was this:

The Myth of Muslim Condemnation of Terror Ali Eteraz

Second, heaping an expectation on Muslims - to call out "their" criminals - is absurd when no similar expectation is placed on any other religious, ethnic, or ideological group. Is it appropriate for a white man to tell "the hispanics" to make proclamations against the drug trade? Why should a hispanic who has never even touched drugs speak out against drug lords?

Well, that was not very helpful, either. This guy doesn't want to condemn islamic terrorist acts. In fact, he is insulted that people, after that world has suffered almost 25,000 terrorist attacks at the hands of muslims since 911, are wondering why there is so little condemnation from the Islamic world over this stuff.

I am watching El Jazeera right now. I watch it often, because alot of their reporting is very, very good. I also watched it yesterday and also on the 7th, after the Hebdo attack. Not one word of condemnation from one single Muslim on the most broadcast news station in all of the Middle East. Not one.

I am sorry. Googling is not helping very much. Care to try again?

I don't think the problem is that muslims didn't condemn that attack. The problem is your search engine.

I don't use google. I never liked it. I use Bing. So I did a search on muslims condemn charlie hebdo. I got a lot of sites of muslims around the world condemning that attack.

Here's the link to that search.

muslims condemn charlie hebdo - Bing

Here's the very first article:

Muslims Around The World Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack

There's a reason why I don't use the word muslim when I describe or reference the people who commit these crimes. I call them "crazy people" which is exactly what they are.
Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Moving the goal posts?

I wouldn't expect moderate Muslims to have any more control over these assholes than moderate Christians have over abortion clinic bombers.
Really? You really think that?

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I don't see this as a free speech issue. The government did not censor the journalists. Some fucktards did by killing them.

The government isn't the only entity that can violate a person's free speech. Nor is it only the government that is prohibited from not recognizing free speech.

Those crazy people violated the cartoonist's right to free speech by murdering the cartoonist and those who published it.

They are further violating the right to free speech by terrorizing people into silence or censoring themselves.

If you're protesting in front of a business or building and someone came up to you, took your sign and prevented you from protesting but they aren't the government, they are still violating your right to free speech. You could take them to court with a law suit and you would win.

That's basically what happened in Paris. Only the crazy person took it to the point of murder. Now some media outlets will be censoring themselves because those crazy people don't believe in free speech or a free press.

There's just a limited media outlets who published those cartoons after the murders. If those media outlets weren't terrorized into silence, I'm sure they would have published them.
I don't know about France, but in the USA the only body that can be charged with infringing on free speech is the government.

What these assholes are guilty of is murder and terrorism, no matter what reason they dreamt up to excuse it.
blah blah blah......insult Mo these days and you're going to pay a price. Frankly I find the whole affair amusing.....sneering frog assholes ignoring the multiple warnings got themselves executed....a word to the wise....these raghead cocksuckers ain't kidding around. If you're not ready for the consequences of taunting them.....hello? DON'T TAUNT THEM! :eusa_naughty:
The Muslim faith is bullshit. There is no Mohammed. There is no Allah. I piss on images of Mohammed. That so many people follow such idiocy is bad news for humanity. That there are an enormous number of human beings in this 21st century who believe that you ought to be killed for something you say or draw is pure insanity. I think the entire fucking thing ought to be scrapped.

You are absolutely right on target.

There are 109 Sure - or Surahs- (Verses) in the Kuran that call for the killing of non-believers and also the killing of believers who become apostate. Many of the Surahs are very graphic about which part of the body is to be cut off.


In contrast to some of the very vicious verses you find in the Tanakh (Old Testament), these verses are all open-ended, meaning, there is no historical or time-context attached to them.


And that's just the Kuran.

In the volumes of the Hadith, speaking of murdering infidels and non-innocents is referred to way more than 100 times.

No, not every muslim is responsible for what terrorists do, but only a blind man cannot see that the overwhelming majority of such carnage over many years time now has been carried out by muslims who claim that they are doing EXACTLY what the Kuran commands of them.

So, it is only fitting to ask "moderate" muslims to condemn this.

Since I'm not christian or muslim or jewish, I think that I can see things in a different way from how christians, muslims and jewish people see their sacred books.

The bible includes several passages calling for the death of people who don't believe in the god of the bible:

Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives. (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)

A priest's daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death. (Leviticus 21:9 NAB)

Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

Make ready to slaughter his sons for the guilt of their fathers; Lest they rise and posses the earth, and fill the breadth of the world with tyrants. (Isaiah 14:21 NAB)

Cursed be he who does the Lords work remissly, cursed he who holds back his sword from blood. (Jeremiah 48:10 NAB)

Anyone who is a member of those three religions can use those passages from their sacred books as an excuse to kill. They just have to be totally crazy to do it.

I don't believe that it's faith that causes this. It's hate that has caused some to become crazy. I personally believe that hate kills the soul of the person who hates. If a person hates for a long time their soul either dies or is reduced to near death. All that remains is a very angry shell that gets it's pleasure from inflicting as much hate and pain on others as it possibly can.

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