Freedom was fun while it lasted.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
E Pluribus Unum. What does that even mean? It’s on our money and the Great Seal of the US in the eagle’s mouth so it must be important. It’s Latin for “Out of Many, One”. So, loosely translated in modern terms it apparently means we are united.

Anyone who didn’t just come out of a cave knows we are anything but united. That Latin phrase has been a motto for America since the late 1700’s and it symbolized the country’s allegiance to freedom from oppressive and authoritarian government. It was a new and powerful idea that the people would control the government from the bottom up instead of being controlled from the top down.

Things went relatively well until the Great Depression when the stock market tanked, banks failed, the economy collapsed, and unemployment soared. Mass panic gripped the nation and there were no safeguards in place to stop the bleeding. Even with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal the wound took a decade to heal.

After the Second World War things got back on track but a spoiled generation followed that was indoctrinated by higher education to believe the Depression was caused by a failure of capitalism and Roosevelt’s social engineering saved the country. This ushered in LBJ’s Great Society and in just a few years family units fell apart, crime went to unprecedented levels, drug use skyrocketed, cities deteriorated, and government grew by orders of magnitude.

There was amnesia among academics and politicians and the American experiment was tainted with revised history as the gears of the nation were bent to produce idiosyncratic outcomes dividing the country with identity politics and racial discord disguised as the usual “class struggle” that underlies all socialist/communist fundamentalism. Donald Trump’s election was a repudiation of the same bad ideas destroying personal liberty and propagating top-down authoritarian government that oppresses so may in the world.

This Coronavirus could be the final nail in the coffin for a free America. It is the result of the abandonment of the people by political aristocrats colluding with global cohorts on distant continents to overthrow American Exceptionalism and bury it forever. It’s convenient germ warfare to destroy the national economy and biologically euthanize the problematic weak, old and sick.

The plague couldn’t have come at a better time for the political elite in America and that includes both parties. Freedom was fun while it lasted wasn’t it?
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Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose,
And nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free,
Feelin' good was easy, Lord, when Bobby sang the blues,
And buddy, that was good enough for me,
Good enough for me and my Bobby Mcgee.
And Trump is fully on board.

He must be hated by his voters now. What a betrayal. What a stab in the back.
This disaster is a perfect storm for the Green New Deal and the emergence of lawlessness in America.
If by lawlessness you mean total disdain for government dictates and its enforcers, the uprise of a vast black market, then bring it on.
A "new deal" is certainly in order, or at least a re-examination of the "social contract".
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Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose,
And nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free,
Feelin' good was easy, Lord, when Bobby sang the blues,
And buddy, that was good enough for me,
Good enough for me and my Bobby Mcgee.
Here's what I see coming and you see it too. Some unbalanced loser is bound to lose it and gun down innocent people. That will be a great excuse for the government to encourage the people to surveil their neighbors and report them to the authorities for possessing guns.

Then there will be an activation of the National Guard to knock on doors and inspect private homes to see who has guns so they can be taken away. The disarming of the public will be the beginning of the end.
The silver lining might be the American people wake up to the fraud being perpetrated against them, by their government and the elites.

I say burn it down.
Most Americans are more than happy to make sacrifices as long as they know for a fact it means something good and kind. Then there's you people. This shit will pass and it will leave a mark. Those who helped and sacrificed will be wiser and appreciate life a little more. Then there's you people.
E Pluribus Unum. What does that even mean? It’s on our money and the Great Seal of the US in the eagle’s mouth so it must be important. It’s Latin for “Out of Many, One”. So, loosely translated in modern terms it apparently means we are united.

Anyone who didn’t just come out of a cave knows we are anything but united. That Latin phrase has been a motto for America since the late 1700’s and it symbolized the country’s allegiance to freedom from oppressive and authoritarian government. It was a new and powerful idea that the people would control the government from the bottom up instead of being controlled from the top down.

Things went relatively well until the Great Depression when the stock market tanked, banks failed, the economy collapsed, and unemployment soared. Mass panic gripped the nation and there were no safeguards in place to stop the bleeding. Even with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal the wound took a decade to heal.

After the Second World War things got back on track but a spoiled generation followed that was indoctrinated by higher education to believe the Depression was caused by a failure of capitalism and Roosevelt’s social engineering saved the country. This ushered in LBJ’s Great Society and in just a few years family units fell apart, crime went to unprecedented levels, drug use skyrocketed, cities deteriorated, and government grew by orders of magnitude.

There was amnesia among academics and politicians and the American experiment was tainted with revised history as the gears of the nation were bent to produce idiosyncratic outcomes dividing the country with identity politics and racial discord disguised as the usual “class struggle” that underlies all socialist/communist fundamentalism. Donald Trump’s election was a repudiation of the same bad ideas destroying personal liberty and propagating top-down authoritarian government that oppresses so may in the world.

This Coronavirus could be the final nail in the coffin for a free America. It is the result of the abandonment of the people by political aristocrats colluding with global cohorts on distant continents to overthrow American Exceptionalism and bury it forever. It’s convenient germ warfare to destroy the national economy and biologically euthanize the problematic weak, old and sick.

The plague couldn’t have come at a better time for the political elite in America and that includes both parties. Freedom was fun while it lasted wasn’t it?

The Founding Fathers with all their wisdom knew it would not last. Here is what Ben Franklin said about it.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

In fact, the vast majority of men who have walked the earth have either been a slave or fought for a despot or worse. It is the human condition. in fact, today there are more slaves walking the earth than at any other time in human history.

The silver lining might be the American people wake up to the fraud being perpetrated against them, by their government and the elites.

I say burn it down.

Yea, historically that always works out well.

"You People". Code for you don't think like me therefore you must be destroyed. :Boom2:
I could say: "You callous, cowardly, hateful paranoid assholes". You can see all this is a threat to your brand of "let them die" politics and you're worried.

Now that about half of Americans favor not allowing free speech, especially on college campuses and the rest of the nation agreeing to not be able to assemble cuz there are viruses out there, I reckon the First Amendment is now dead.

The second amendment is well on its way out as well cuz guns are evil.

Now what is the Third Amendment again? We can't possibly need that either

Baby steps.
"You People". Code for you don't think like me therefore you must be destroyed. :Boom2:
I could say: "You callous, cowardly, hateful paranoid assholes". You can see all this is a threat to your brand of "let them die" politics and you're worried.
Other example of one that drinks the government's kool aid without question.
you need to open your eyes, you are under house arrest with no end in sight and you refuse to see it. May god have mercy on your soul
E Pluribus Unum. What does that even mean? It’s on our money and the Great Seal of the US in the eagle’s mouth so it must be important. It’s Latin for “Out of Many, One”. So, loosely translated in modern terms it apparently means we are united.

Anyone who didn’t just come out of a cave knows we are anything but united. That Latin phrase has been a motto for America since the late 1700’s and it symbolized the country’s allegiance to freedom from oppressive and authoritarian government. It was a new and powerful idea that the people would control the government from the bottom up instead of being controlled from the top down.

Things went relatively well until the Great Depression when the stock market tanked, banks failed, the economy collapsed, and unemployment soared. Mass panic gripped the nation and there were no safeguards in place to stop the bleeding. Even with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal the wound took a decade to heal.

After the Second World War things got back on track but a spoiled generation followed that was indoctrinated by higher education to believe the Depression was caused by a failure of capitalism and Roosevelt’s social engineering saved the country. This ushered in LBJ’s Great Society and in just a few years family units fell apart, crime went to unprecedented levels, drug use skyrocketed, cities deteriorated, and government grew by orders of magnitude.

There was amnesia among academics and politicians and the American experiment was tainted with revised history as the gears of the nation were bent to produce idiosyncratic outcomes dividing the country with identity politics and racial discord disguised as the usual “class struggle” that underlies all socialist/communist fundamentalism. Donald Trump’s election was a repudiation of the same bad ideas destroying personal liberty and propagating top-down authoritarian government that oppresses so may in the world.

This Coronavirus could be the final nail in the coffin for a free America. It is the result of the abandonment of the people by political aristocrats colluding with global cohorts on distant continents to overthrow American Exceptionalism and bury it forever. It’s convenient germ warfare to destroy the national economy and biologically euthanize the problematic weak, old and sick.

The plague couldn’t have come at a better time for the political elite in America and that includes both parties. Freedom was fun while it lasted wasn’t it?

The Founding Fathers with all their wisdom knew it would not last. Here is what Ben Franklin said about it.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

In fact, the vast majority of men who have walked the earth have either been a slave or fought for a despot or worse. It is the human condition. in fact, today there are more slaves walking the earth than at any other time in human history.

ya, I do not think our run is over yet. Steele is forged in fire and flame. This generation was not forged in fire and flame maybe this pandemic is what was needed to harden the masses. Maybe all this social distancing will make all these fucks buried in thier cell phones care about the person right beside them again. Maybe take the abilty to get out doors and get recreation will make us appreciate it more again and peole will live healthier out door life styles. That would sure make me happy. More people fish,hunt,golf,hike, and all of the other out door awesome stuff there is to do that I currently mainly do alone. I cant even get lazy fuckers around here to go mushroom hunting. Walking is to hard. Are fucking kidding me?
"You People". Code for you don't think like me therefore you must be destroyed. :Boom2:
I could say: "You callous, cowardly, hateful paranoid assholes". You can see all this is a threat to your brand of "let them die" politics and you're worried.
You and I are not so different. We are just floating on opposite ends of the same piece of driftwood. You want to believe it was just a chance event that brought this on us. The rest of us suspect a diabolically engineered paradigm placed by the manipulators of an experiment or test to see just how far they can go.

You may be very disillusioned and disappointed to find out what may come out in the near future.

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