French call for stronger EU to keep America in check

dilloduck said:
Iraq was a regime that supports and promotes terrorism. We are not just fighting Al quaeda--the WOT is a war on ALL terrorists who would wish to do America and it's allies harm. What is it about this WOT that you don't understand ??? It is also being fought in the Phillipines, Pakistan, and other countries using differnet methods but you insist on making only an issue of Iraq. Why?----(while millions in Europe were protesting Iraq---millions were also staying home in silent support of the WOT)

True...but it was in no way capable in doing anything to the US. There are tons of other regimes that supports and promotes terrorism so why a weak Irak, are those other regimes going to come next in line???
I think millions protesting is enough, you wouldn't want the whole of europe out in the street protesting againt a war would you? Would that be suficient?
j07950 said:
That's just a phrase...
Considering that my teacher is american then I guess he's changed sides. It's weird because he's as critic about some of their policies as he's quick to point out to all the great things they do.
No, it's not just a phrase, it's a fact. Student lead/ conducted learning is a disaster.
As far as your teacher, I'd like to hear some of what he feels are "great things".
j07950 said:
True...but it was in no way capable in doing anything to the US. There are tons of other regimes that supports and promotes terrorism so why a weak Irak, are those other regimes going to come next in line???
I think millions protesting is enough, you wouldn't want the whole of europe out in the street protesting againt a war would you? Would that be suficient?
Yes, those other regimes that support terrorism in any form are next in line...and they should be (in my opinion)

Frankly, I could care less if the entire population of France took to the streets in protest...they lost my respect when I found that they had been supporting Saddam Hussein while not only ignoring UN sanctions but blocking US led efforts to enforce those sanctions. The fact that France is now negotiating with China to provide weapons to that regime doesn't give me any warm fuzzy feelings either.
j07950 said:
True...but it was in no way capable in doing anything to the US. There are tons of other regimes that supports and promotes terrorism so why a weak Irak, are those other regimes going to come next in line???
I think millions protesting is enough, you wouldn't want the whole of europe out in the street protesting againt a war would you? Would that be suficient?

It's up to YOU to state why NOT iraq !!!!!----Other regimes have been pressured and YES--they may be next in line. ( avoid Syria in your travels)

Prove to me that the rest of the Europeans WANTED to protest but just stayed home instead .
Mr. P said:
No, it's not just a phrase, it's a fact. Student lead/ conducted learning is a disaster.
As far as your teacher, I'd like to hear some of what he feels are "great things".

Yeah like you'd know. Especially since it's not Student lead/ conducted learning it's class debate, what we learn outside of this is structured, and adresses certain topics and themes, we as students dont learn what we choose, how stupid to think this.
j07950 said:
Yeah like you'd know. Especially since it's not Student lead/ conducted learning it's class debate, what we learn outside of this is structured, and adresses certain topics and themes, we as students dont learn what we choose, how stupid to think this.
"We as students dont learn what we choose..." !!!!!!!

No conditioning going there at all is there!
CSM said:
Yes, those other regimes that support terrorism in any form are next in line...and they should be (in my opinion)

Frankly, I could care less if the entire population of France took to the streets in protest...they lost my respect when I found that they had been supporting Saddam Hussein while not only ignoring UN sanctions but blocking US led efforts to enforce those sanctions. The fact that France is now negotiating with China to provide weapons to that regime doesn't give me any warm fuzzy feelings either.
It seems to me like you're up againt the world. The biggest problem is based on culture. To people in the middle east the US is probably regarded as a regime. You can't go around attacking countries just because you think they are a regimes. The US has suported rebel groups in different parts of the world who are now or have now turned their backs against the US. Are we likely to attack you because you supported terrorism in anyway...? No!
There are different degrees to threat and it seems to the rest of the world that the US is out to get whoever doesn't agree with it, or whoever doesn't comply to what you think a country should be. You can't dictate the strusture of countries throughout the world. You're going to be fighting wars for years on if this is really your policy.
j07950 said:
It seems to me like you're up againt the world. The biggest problem is based on culture. To people in the middle east the US is probably regarded as a regime. You can't go around attacking countries just because you think they are a regimes. The US has suported rebel groups in different parts of the world who are now or have now turned their backs against the US. Are we likely to attack you because you supported terrorism in anyway...? No!
There are different degrees to threat and it seems to the rest of the world that the US is out to get whoever doesn't agree with it, or whoever doesn't comply to what you think a country should be. You can't dictate the strusture of countries throughout the world. You're going to be fighting wars for years on if this is really your policy.
The US is "out to get" those who have openly attacked us and have vowed to continue killing us. You have a problem with that for some reason why?
CSM said:
"We as students dont learn what we choose..." !!!!!!!

No conditioning going there at all is there!
It's the same all over the world and you know it, if you went to university you didn't learn exactly what you wanted to. What you learn are all the basic things that is thought to people all over the world, whatever course you're doing. Of course it's conditioning, but the importance is looking elsewhere for informations and making your own point of view and not stopping at what you are thought. Plus I'm sure what we learn in politics here in the UK is not much different from what you guys learn at college in the US.
dilloduck said:
The US is "out to get" those who have openly attacked us and have vowed to continue killing us. You have a problem with that for some reason why?
How has Irak openly attacked you?
j07950 said:
You are refering to the gulf war I suspect?
Right so they continued to invade Allies and shoot down US planes...I think I missed something...My TV probably wasn't working.
j07950 said:
Right so they continued to invade Allies and shoot down US planes...I think I missed something...My TV probably wasn't working.

They DID continually shoot at US and British planes who were enforcing UN sanctions. You missed a lot I guess
j07950 said:
It's the same all over the world and you know it, if you went to university you didn't learn exactly what you wanted to. What you learn are all the basic things that is thought to people all over the world, whatever course you're doing. Of course it's conditioning, but the importance is looking elsewhere for informations and making your own point of view and not stopping at what you are thought. Plus I'm sure what we learn in politics here in the UK is not much different from what you guys learn at college in the US.
My point exactly. One has to make the effort to find an opposing point of view and review it OBJECTIVELY. It is not an easy thing to do. I have been to more than one college and personally seen MANY professors give poor grades to students with views in opposition to their own. I have seen first hand how people (especially young people) adhere to a certain stance simply because it has been stated by some public figure and made NO effort to find the truth.

International politics and diplomacy is a very complex arena. Too often, we try to categorize specific aspects of that arena without considering the many facets affecting a specific issue.
j07950 said:
Right so they continued to invade Allies and shoot down US planes...I think I missed something...My TV probably wasn't working.
Iraqi missile batteries fired on US planes enforcing the no fly zone almost daily.
Saddam had murdered the Kurdish people in Iraq with chemical weapons.

After 9/11 proliferation of WMD's was one problem. The US assumed
he still had weapons or could easily produce some, and may give
them to AL Quaeda.

So whats wrong with taking out Saddam Hussein ?

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