Fresh news from Hama, Syria


Gold Member
Mar 2, 2014
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?
Because there is one point about this – such a fairy tale exists only in a Russian parallel reality.
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?
Because there is one point about this – such a fairy tale exists only in a Russian parallel reality.
Info is from Russian military ministry. Official one.

The result of Russian army year activity in Syria is fairy tale as well, isn't it?
5 years of war by US coalition against ISIS lead to grow of terrorists and their territories and a year after Russians came Syria is almost cleared.

You look like a barking dog from well known proverb "while dogs are barking caravan keeps moving"
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?
Because there is one point about this – such a fairy tale exists only in a Russian parallel reality.
Of course those 29 brave Russians assisted the Syrian army.
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?
Because there is one point about this – such a fairy tale exists only in a Russian parallel reality.
Of course those 29 brave Russians assisted the Syrian army.
According to achieved agreement to local people that zone is to be peaceful. Terrorists attacked Russian block-post, local military helped, soon Russian aviation arrived and as a result - glorious victory.

If some agreement is achieved it is fulfilled. That is distinctive feature of Russian army unlike American. That is why Russians in Syria are respected and successful.
Americans will never succeed as they suppose themselves to be exceptional.
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?
Because there is one point about this – such a fairy tale exists only in a Russian parallel reality.
Of course those 29 brave Russians assisted the Syrian army.
According to achieved agreement to local people that zone is to be peaceful. Terrorists attacked Russian block-post, local military helped, soon Russian aviation arrived and as a result - glorious victory.

If some agreement is achieved it is fulfilled. That is distinctive feature of Russian army unlike American. That is why Russians in Syria are respected and successful.
Americans will never succeed as they suppose themselves to be exceptional.
My Hama thread was deleted because of graphic images. But there is more news and the Syrians and Russians strike backs for years. Read here:
Russian airstrike against Turkey-backed militants kills, wounds nearly 100 fighters
Who signs agreement of de-confliction zones is not to be attacked.
Syria is an independent state and no one except Syrian army is allowed to control the territory. Russian military is officially invited to help unlike all others, so everyone else may be terminated on absolutely legal grounds- either terrorists or NATO or Iranians, etc.

But frankly speaking I greatly doubt official Turkey has still been supporting those militants. Ankara and Moscow now have a lot of contacts on Syria.
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?
Because there is one point about this – such a fairy tale exists only in a Russian parallel reality.
Info is from Russian military ministry. Official one.

The result of Russian army year activity in Syria is fairy tale as well, isn't it?
5 years of war by US coalition against ISIS lead to grow of terrorists and their territories and a year after Russians came Syria is almost cleared.

You look like a barking dog from well known proverb "while dogs are barking caravan keeps moving"
And what was said in this official information? Literally ’29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists’?
RE: Fresh news from Hama, Syria
※→ Eugene, et al,

I'm confused....

Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

I thought, in this case, the Jabhat al-Nusra (AKA: Jabhat Fateh al-Sham) are Salafist Jihadist... I thought (and I could be wrong here, that BOTH the America and the Russian Federation were opponents of the al-Nusra. I thought that the Allied Powers (US, UK, France, Russia) involved were on the side of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were all on the same side!

Maybe you need to school me here. I don't understand your contest:

• "29 russians against ⇒ about 1000 US backed terrorists"​

Teach me here...

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?

Rarely do the Russians go anywhere without some measure of success. However, in regrds to the Ukraine and the Civil War (Ukrainian Government 'vs' Separatist Forces), both sides are essentially Russian.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Fresh news from Hama, Syria
※→ Eugene, et al,

I'm confused....

Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

I thought, in this case, the Jabhat al-Nusra (AKA: Jabhat Fateh al-Sham) are Salafist Jihadist... I thought (and I could be wrong here, that BOTH the America and the Russian Federation were opponents of the al-Nusra. I thought that the Allied Powers (US, UK, France, Russia) involved were on the side of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were all on the same side!

Maybe you need to school me here. I don't understand your contest:

• "29 russians against ⇒ about 1000 US backed terrorists"​

Teach me here...

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?

Rarely do the Russians go anywhere without some measure of success. However, in regrds to the Ukraine and the Civil War (Ukrainian Government 'vs' Separatist Forces), both sides are essentially Russian.

Most Respectfully,
To tell the truth I was surprised with that news and the figures shown in it. But it came from the official sources.
The more I looked for some info the more I understood how it all happened.

A block-post of russian military police was situated near the Christian town for protecting it. It was in new de-confliction zone. A significant number of jihadists attacked them and soon had to move back while Russians were forced to go to a building where Syrian military were.
After long time of fight russian Air Force arrived and helped.
As for figures they show only losses of Russians and jihadists and nothing is mentioned about Syrian military.
I could have found an interview of 2 Russian officers who took part in that fight. It is in Russian.

As for Nusra, that organization is the US' ally in spite of their active cooperation with ISIS. US uses them for a very long time - Nusra is a branch of old American ally - Al Qaeda.
There were some scandal videos when heart of just killed Syrian officer was eaten, when 9-years old boy was beheaded and dome others- all those videos created questions "why we USA help them?".

Recent aero photos of Russian drons and/or satellite prove American cooperation with ISIS.
Here are the photos from Military Ministry's FB
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Text is in Russian, I haven't found English version. They explain what is seen at those photos- which kind of American military vehicles and where and when those photos were taken. Americans move freely among jihadists.
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Rarely do the Russians go anywhere without some measure of success. However, in regrds to the Ukraine and the Civil War (Ukrainian Government 'vs' Separatist Forces), both sides are essentially Russian
Right u r! Ukrainians are Russians, same nation.
But war is lead not by nations but first of all by economies and technologies.
In Syria Russian army is well seen by all the world- its troops, vehicles, Air Force and navy, radio-electronic tools, strategy, etc. and the results of their actions are well seen.

There are many people from Russia fighting in Donbass but they are not regular Russian military. Else conflict would be over long-long ago.
And frankly speaking I do not understand why it was not done. There wouldn't be so many people killed and civilians wouldn't suffer for so long.
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?
Because there is one point about this – such a fairy tale exists only in a Russian parallel reality.
Info is from Russian military ministry. Official one.

The result of Russian army year activity in Syria is fairy tale as well, isn't it?
5 years of war by US coalition against ISIS lead to grow of terrorists and their territories and a year after Russians came Syria is almost cleared.

You look like a barking dog from well known proverb "while dogs are barking caravan keeps moving"
Russia Releases Photos Showing US Special Ops At ISIS Positions In Syria
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?

Er.. who said the Russian army was in the Ukraine? It's not. Russian backed rebels are in the Ukraine, with Russian equipment.
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?

Er.. who said the Russian army was in the Ukraine? It's not. Russian backed rebels are in the Ukraine, with Russian equipment.
All Ukrainian mass media snd half of European and American said that.
In Ukraine journalists are arrested and sent out of the country just for the saying that it is "civil war in Donbass"...the correct is to say "war against Russia" or "Russian aggression".
Yesterday Russian general was killed in Deir Ezzor.
I think it is the right time for masdive bombing of everyone in that zone by all possible ways - Kalibres from Mediterranean and Caspian and by Air Force including those in Syria and TU-160 from Russia.
There more fire and death among terrorists and their ally the better.
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?

Er.. who said the Russian army was in the Ukraine? It's not. Russian backed rebels are in the Ukraine, with Russian equipment.
All Ukrainian mass media snd half of European and American said that.
In Ukraine journalists are arrested and sent out of the country just for the saying that it is "civil war in Donbass"...the correct is to say "war against Russia" or "Russian aggression".

So, where did they say this?

There are reports of small numbers of Russian troops in the Ukraine. But not masses amounts.

'Russian troops deployed' in Ukraine

And example from the BBC where the BBC report that Poroshenko accused Russia of deploying troops there.

It's like saying the US army is fighting in Syria, there might be troops there, but this isn't full scale deployment.

Same incident, different perspective;

"Russian Special Forces Repel a US-Planned Attack in Syria, Denounce the USA and Issue a Stark Warning - Something rather unprecedented just happened in Syria: US backed “good terrorist” forces attempted a surprise attack against Syrian government forces stationed to the north and northeast of the city of Hama. What makes this attack unique is that it took place inside a so-called “de-escalation zone” and that it appears that one of the key goals of the attack was to encircle in a pincer-movement and subsequently capture a platoon of Russian military police officers deployed to monitor and enforce the special status of this zone.

The Russian military police forces, composed mainly of soldiers from the Caucasus region, fought against a much larger enemy force and had to call for assistance. For the first time, at least officially, Russian special operations forces were deployed to rescue and extract their comrades. At the same time, the Russians sent in a number of close air support aircraft who reportedly killed several hundred “good” terrorists and beat back the attack (Russian sources speak of the destruction of 850 fighters, 11 tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, 46 armed pickup trucks, five mortars, 20 freighter trucks and 38 ammo supply points; you can see photos of the destroyed personnel and equipment here). What also makes this event unique is the official reaction of the Russians to this event........"
Al-Qaeda wants to mount another offensive but with what?

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:00 A.M.) – Leaders of the so-called Syrian opposition from southern Idlib Governorate say that they will support a new offensive by rebel militias against forces the “regime” in the region.

Today, the Khan Sheikhoun Local Council has released a document, signed by relevant leaders, formally rejecting the Astana peace talks and saying that it will support a new militant offensive against the Syrian Army in Hama Governorate.

The pledge of support comes at a time when all of the remaining offensive potential of armed rebel groups in northwest Syria has been effectively destroyed.

About one week ago, the Syrian Arab Army and the Russian Aerospace Forces stopped an Al-Qaeda-led offensive in northern Hama dead in its tracks, killing hundreds of jihadists and destroying dozens of tanks, trucks and artillery assets belonging to the terrorist group.

In the days that have followed, Russian and Syrian airpower has been launching round-the-clock strikes throughout northern Hama and southern Idlib Governorates, destroying militant logistical centers and bases as well as suppressing all rebel convoy movements throughout these regions.

Furthermore, elite Syrian Army forces also launched a limited counterattack two days ago, seizing two towns from militants and demonstrating with which alliance group the strategic initiative lay.

In any case, the Syrian opposition nonetheless considers it worth supporting a new rebel offensive against the Syrian Army in northern Hama despite the fact that anti-government militias in the region have virtually no strategic initiative, no heavy weapons, no elite shock troops and no freedom of movement behind their own lines."

Delusional opposition leaders support another offensive against "regime" in north Hama
RE: Fresh news from Hama, Syria
※→ cnelsen, et al,

This is disinformation.

The " Media, LTD" is a very low budget media outlet that redistributes articles or rewritten copy already published by a more established internet publication, open source broadcast program, or formal press releases (government and commercial interests).

Press releases from such sources as the Russian Ministry of Defense (RU/MOD) are not uncommon.

BTW: The Russian Federation does not use the term ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria). It uses the more accurate term DAESH, which is the transliteration of al-dowla al-islaamiyya fii-il-i’raaq wa-ash-shaam, which is in English ISIS. ISIS acronym formed from the transliteration of the English --- whereas DAESH acronym is formed from the transliteration of the Arabic.
The most recent Russian Idlib airstrike footage for the area.
Russian warplanes hit Jabhat al-Nusra targets, helping repel offensive

Amazing result of the fight that had been lasting for several hours.
29 russians against about 1000 US backed terrorists.
3 russians injured from one side and about 850 terrorists dead, 11 tanks, 4 IFVs and some other vehicles destroyed from another.

And when there are such results of fight, someone still really believes that there is russian army in Ukraine? Have been fighting for 3 years without any success?
Because there is one point about this – such a fairy tale exists only in a Russian parallel reality.
Info is from Russian military ministry. Official one.

The result of Russian army year activity in Syria is fairy tale as well, isn't it?
5 years of war by US coalition against ISIS lead to grow of terrorists and their territories and a year after Russians came Syria is almost cleared.

You look like a barking dog from well known proverb "while dogs are barking caravan keeps moving"
Russia Releases Photos Showing US Special Ops At ISIS Positions In Syria

Over the last several months, there has been an up-tick in the concerted effort to link the US to DAESH/ISIS; an attempt to make it appear that the US is providing all measure of support. The allegation is that US Special Forces set the conditions which permitted DAESH/ISIS to escape Mosul - to Raqqah - then to Dayr al-Zawr (Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor). Sputnik News reports that MG Igor Konashenkov (RU-MOD) made two comments that seemed to support the ascertain.

"To avoid unnecessary escalation, the command of the Russian forces in Syria gave the US partners an advance notice, through an existing communications channel, on the [territorial] borders within which the military operation in Deir Ez-Zor would be conducted," Konashenkov said."

"Konashenkov pointed out that the Russian intelligence services had discovered no clashes between Daesh fighters and any armed representatives of "third parties" on the eastern bank of the Euphrates in the last few days. He added that "only representatives of the international coalition themselves" could say how opposition members or coalition allies could make their way into the midst of Daesh troops without any fighting."​

Similarly, RT-News (Published time: 20 Sep, 2017 21:32) wrote:t

The Russian Defense Ministry says that, according to their data, an offensive launched by Al Nusra terrorists and their allies in Syria was orchestrated by the US security services, aiming at derailing the Syrian Army operation near Deir ez-Zor.

“According to our intelligence data, the offensive was instigated by the US security services to stop the successful advance of the government forces to the east of the [city of] Deir ez-Zor,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement, commenting on the incident.​

RT-News further wrote:

Earlier, Russian officials already suspected the US of having links to some radical groups in Syria and even of attempts to let Al Nusra terrorists off the hook. On September 11, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the situation around the Al Nusra Front terrorist group remains “highly ambiguous” as it was repeatedly spared in the operations conducted by the US-led coalition and its allies.​

The problem with the US involvement in the rich atmosphere of the Jihadist, Virulent Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters that is the Middle East, is that no matter what side the US supports (and by extension this includes Israel, America's only regional ally) in the eyes of the some factions we will be describes as doing wrong, supporting terrorism, or profiteering from the conflict.

Russia warns US it will strike back if militia attacks in Syria don’t end

Most Respectfully,

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