Fried sentenced to 25 years

I never started any conspiracy theory over this so perhaps you should have posted your response as a general comment instead of direct reply to me. Of course something as basic as this usually doesn’t occur to the TDS crowd have a nice day.
I was responding to the OP.

Don't take it personally, kiddo. I did not say it was YOUR conspiracy theory. But we all know MAGA tards had one about SBF and the Democrats.
The day your orange douchebag pays up the back taxes, pays back all the students he cheated and pays back all the sub contractors he stiffed.

And oh, poor Guillianni is still waiting to be paid.

Another TDS schill, how original. :rolleyes: 🤡
It's YOUR fantasy that his donations had any effect on anything.

YOU produce that list.

Then make your claims.

Then we can scrutinize them.

Got it?
'Fuck off. I'm not the one that claimed that he donated to reps. No proof, then it's pure bullshit.
If he were a Trump supporter he'd be on death row!

what a piece of work!:mad:

Sam Bankman-Fried, the former cryptocurrency mogul who was convicted of fraud, was sentenced to 25 years in prison on Thursday, capping an extraordinary saga that upended the multi-trillion-dollar crypto industry and became a cautionary tale of greed and hubris.

Mr. Bankman-Fried’s sentence was shorter than the 40 to 50 years that federal prosecutors had recommended, but above the six-and-a-half-year sentence requested by the defense lawyers. A federal probation officer had recommended 100 years, just under the maximum possible penalty of 110 years behind bars.

The sentence was handed down by Judge Lewis A. Kaplan at the Federal District Court in Manhattan.

So strange. Right-wingers assured us that since Bankman-Fried gave money to Dems (also to Repubs but of course they ignore that), he would get off scot-free, and yet... If the judge's name is familiar, he is the same guy who found Trump liable against Jean Carroll.
Kaplan is also the same jurist who used a private law firm to prosecute Steven Donziger after the SDNY found no grounds to pursue charges:

Lewis A. Kaplan - Wikipedia

"Donziger was unable to satisfy the contempt fine and restitution award so Kaplan ordered he surrender certain personal items of his such as cell phones and computers. These devices were to be handed over to Chevron employees trying to locate any assets Donziger may have concealed.

"Donziger refused to comply on the grounds doing so would be a breach of attorney-client privilege. In response, Kaplan found Donziger in criminal contempt and referred the case for prosecution.

"When the SDNY US Attorney's Office declined to pursue the case in August 2019, Kaplan appointed a private law firm, Seward & Kissel to prosecute Donziger"
Sam Bankman Fried the crypto crook has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. More than his defense team wanted but less than he deserve in my opinion.
He'll probably get out early for good behavior and have billions of dollars to live on the rest of his life.

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