Friendly Fire. Wash Post Demolishes Planned Parenthood’s Lies About Deaths From Illegal Abortions

An example of why Democrats, such as Ginsberg, are crazy: A person who is pregnant with child is not a mother, but can be a man sez the Science-Based-PartyTM.

Friendly Fire. Washington Post Demolishes Planned Parenthood's Lies About Deaths From Illegal Abortions

If I'm not misunderstanding, they "heroically" debunked statistics which were widely debunked 50 years ago. But better late than never, I guess.

Don't even get me started on that dessicated little gremlin, Ginsberg. While I can certainly agree with her on an emotional level that a woman who has her unborn baby killed is not a mother, she's very wrong in the "actual meaning of words" context. Merriam-Webster tells us that "mother" means "a female parent"; "parent" would be "one who begets a child"; and "begets" is "to bring about".

Abortion doesn't make you not a mother; it makes you the mother of a dead child.
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