Friendly Reminder: If you like borders, you hate the free market.

ow is deporting every last illegal AND their anchor babies socialism? That's my plan!

Because it's anti-capitalist. Labor is a market. You are suppressing that market. You are no better than a Venezuelan government price-fixer.

Because mexicans cant swim that far.

So Mexicans are the only people who immigrate? Fascinating.

You are suppressing that market.

Yup. Suppress the shit out of those illegal aliens.
Suppress them all the way back to their shitholes.
ow is deporting every last illegal AND their anchor babies socialism? That's my plan!

Because it's anti-capitalist. Labor is a market. You are suppressing that market. You are no better than a Venezuelan government price-fixer.

Because mexicans cant swim that far.

So Mexicans are the only people who immigrate? Fascinating.

You are suppressing that market.

Yup. Suppress the shit out of those illegal aliens.
Suppress them all the way back to their shitholes.

Its shocking how the left want to bring illegals in so they can take advantage of them, force them to work the most menial jobs for the least pay. Seems like slavery.
If you like your borders

You can keep your borders.

That's all I say to the odd OP
I openly and proudly American hate the left's guts. They are lying scheming traitors who block attempts to keep illegals from coming here and killing and raping Americans.

Sounds like you just hate the labor market being free. That's a fine position. Just don't go bad mouthing anti-capitalists for being anti-capitalist, ok? Because you are on! Congrats!
A county with balls would have already rounded these illegals up and deported them!
The breaking down of borders was an inevitable consequence of the capitalist system of production.
Border enforcement represents an unparalleled assault on the free market.

According to Gallup some 750 million people would move to the US. The average income of a 1st generation immigrant is ~45k. That is a whopping ~30 trillion dollars of market suppression every year. That's almost twice our GDP worth of market suppression.

There is simply no other government program that suppresses the free market to that degree. There is simply no other government program that suppresses the freedom of individuals to that degree.

Now, personally, I like borders. But I also profoundly distrust the free market in certain fields. If you claim to trust free markets, you either hate borders or are a hypocrite. Period.
Now personally I am pro-choice but perhaps the above will all be offset if abortions become a thing of the about your unparalleled assaults eh
I openly and proudly American hate the left's guts. They are lying scheming traitors who block attempts to keep illegals from coming here and killing and raping Americans.

Sounds like you just hate the labor market being free. That's a fine position. Just don't go bad mouthing anti-capitalists for being anti-capitalist, ok? Because you are on! Congrats!

That's right I hate liberals AND the labor market being free, in that order. But mostly liberals. If liberals were suddenly infested with crotch lice I would laugh at them.
We don't have free-markets anyway. We're Keynesians now.

A major issue here is that there's a problem with definitions and what kind of poicies we have. What we have today I oppose because if you say capitalism and free markets together, no, we don't have that. We have interventionism. We have a planned economy, we have a welfare state, we have inflationism, we have central economic planning by a central bank, we have a belief in deficit financing.

It is so far removed from free-market capitalism that it’s foolish for people to label it free market and capitalize on this and say yeah, we know it’s so bad, what we need is socialism. That's a problem.
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