Frigging pop ups on this site


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2011
What is with all the annoying pop ups here lately? Is there a way to turn this crap off? :mad:
I wonder why people put up with pop-ups. I'm anything but a computer geek but I haven't had pop-ups for years now. Try Mozilla and the ad add on. Works for me.
I am using mozilla and have add blocker. Thanks but I still get pop ups on this site
IDK my computer stops them for some reason. Guess the popup blocker does it's job and I'm glad cause it must be a PITA having them.
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I am using mozilla and have add blocker. Thanks but I still get pop ups on this site

If you have Adblock Plus you need to turn off "Allow some non-intrusive advertising".

See, ABP happens to be a complete dick of a company that basically told advertising companies that they could pay ABP to be considered a "non-intrusive ad", which are enabled by default, or they can just go fuck themselves and watch as the money they obtain from ad views drops. Disabling the option should fix the problem.

Otherwise it might be malware. Rogue toolbar, possibly? I had to get rid of a couple of those recently.
Check permissions for the site. If still getting them the site's probably being given eprmisison to do pop-ups.


Make sure the Block Popups box is checked and there's no URLs in the Exceptions box.
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TWO essentials with Firefox (Mozilla):


and be sure you have your preferences set for automatic Firefox updates. There have been several in recent weeks.


If you add those two to Firefox, keep another browser available for when you want to buy stuff online, particularly travel items (airline tix, hotel rserervations) as those blockers will screw up the ordering process.
I've never had a single pop-up on here.

NLT, either you're watching too much porn or you click on way too many ads.


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Those will change your computer using life. If you have any questions about them PM me. I get extra salary at work because I handle the computers. Those links lead to products that are all free too. If you're willing to pay I have even better things to tell you about.

Sorry about the porn joke. But if that's not the problem, then seriously stop clicking on ads.
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So I am using a new browser, bing of all things and the crap pop ups on this site have gone away. WTF! I guess I am done with Firefox. Thanks for all the help peeps.

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