Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

They could not know what he looked like. He purchased the items online from a web site. Please tell me how an online seller can discern if a purchaser who clicks a button on a the seller's website to purchase an item can discern whether the buyer is a nut case? Perhaps by the way he clicks his mouse or sumpin?

WHy are we letting ANYONE buy guns on line. That's like fucking insane.

The right of the people to have and smoke tobacco is not found in the bill of rights.

Neither is the right to own military grade machine guns.
they smoke cus there is no law that says they cant same as military style guns .

old rule.
if the law does not say you cant, you can
You are turning out to be a poster boy for the mentally deficient. Tell us Joeb what causes your hatred for gun ownership?

32,000 gun deaths.
78,000 gun injuries.

The fact that you gun nuts inflicted George W. Bush on this country.

Less than 11,000 gun murders and a bit over 21,000 suicides. If someone wants to die they will die. You are so fond of using Japan as an example of fewer gun deaths, look at their suicide rates. They are exponentially higher than ours. And they do that without guns.
Actually, if your paranoid delusions were accurate, you would be the poster boy for the NRA. If people though there was a snowball's chance in hell of you getting your wish, they would stockpile even more.

Wasting their money on something the government is going to confiscate?

Really? You actually believe that? Please point out any place in the US where the gun laws have gotten significantly stricter?
it took a little prodding but JoeB-Al Gore Fluffer comes clean

he hates the NRA and gun owners because we supported BUSH and AL GORE LOST HIS OWN STATE and the election as a result/ we know that crime control is only a facade doubhebags like you use to bash guns when in reality its butt hurt whining over politics

Uh, given what an absolute fuck up Bush was, the people responsible for putting him in office deserve to pay a price.

The gun nuts have hijacked this debate. We need to take it back from them. Most AMericans support common sense gun control. Heck, even most NRA members support common sense gun control.

I'm still waiting for you or one of the other members of the peanut gallery to tell me why Holmes having a machine gun was a good idea other than mewling about "founding fathers" and what their intent was.
Less than 11,000 gun murders and a bit over 21,000 suicides. If someone wants to die they will die. You are so fond of using Japan as an example of fewer gun deaths, look at their suicide rates. They are exponentially higher than ours. And they do that without guns.

Again, Japanese don't consider suicide a sin. Americans do.

Tell you what, after we ban guns, and the suicide rate doesn't go down, I will apologize for THAT part of it. But the lower murder rates and lower crime rates will still be pretty sweet.
it took a little prodding but JoeB-Al Gore Fluffer comes clean

he hates the NRA and gun owners because we supported BUSH and AL GORE LOST HIS OWN STATE and the election as a result/ we know that crime control is only a facade doubhebags like you use to bash guns when in reality its butt hurt whining over politics

Uh, given what an absolute fuck up Bush was, the people responsible for putting him in office deserve to pay a price.

The gun nuts have hijacked this debate. We need to take it back from them. Most AMericans support common sense gun control. Heck, even most NRA members support common sense gun control.

I'm still waiting for you or one of the other members of the peanut gallery to tell me why Holmes having a machine gun was a good idea other than mewling about "founding fathers" and what their intent was.

The reason no one is telling you why Holmes having a machine gun was a good idea is simple. Holmes didn't have a machine gun.

And when your own stance is that gun dealers should go to prison after following all the rules, and when you expect store clerks to be able to diagnose mental illness, and when you don't expect mental health professionals to diagnose mental illness, the whole "common sense" angle sounds ridiculous.
Really? You actually believe that? Please point out any place in the US where the gun laws have gotten significantly stricter?

They have in New York, they have in Oregon.

It's only a matter of time before there's a gun slaughter that so shocks the sensibilities that we put an end to this.

Minor regulations, at best. Certainly not wholesale banning and confiscation of firearms, as you claim will happen.
Less than 11,000 gun murders and a bit over 21,000 suicides. If someone wants to die they will die. You are so fond of using Japan as an example of fewer gun deaths, look at their suicide rates. They are exponentially higher than ours. And they do that without guns.

Again, Japanese don't consider suicide a sin. Americans do.

Tell you what, after we ban guns, and the suicide rate doesn't go down, I will apologize for THAT part of it. But the lower murder rates and lower crime rates will still be pretty sweet.

So, once again, you defend the hole in your logic by blaming it on cultural differences. But you don't allow cultural differences to explain anything else? Hypocrisy, thy name is JoeyB.

And no, we are not going to ban guns. I am all for boosting mental health facilities. I am all for the VA doing more for veterans. But I am not giving up my constitutionally guaranteed right because of the actions of 0.001% of the gun owners.
it took a little prodding but JoeB-Al Gore Fluffer comes clean

he hates the NRA and gun owners because we supported BUSH and AL GORE LOST HIS OWN STATE and the election as a result/ we know that crime control is only a facade doubhebags like you use to bash guns when in reality its butt hurt whining over politics

Uh, given what an absolute fuck up Bush was, the people responsible for putting him in office deserve to pay a price.

The gun nuts have hijacked this debate. We need to take it back from them. Most AMericans support common sense gun control. Heck, even most NRA members support common sense gun control.

I'm still waiting for you or one of the other members of the peanut gallery to tell me why Holmes having a machine gun was a good idea other than mewling about "founding fathers" and what their intent was.

yeah behind every gun banner is a Democrat Party Fluffer

you have no common sense when it comes to guns You are on record saying no citizen should own a gun.

and Holmes didn't have a machine gun you lying piece of shit
The reason no one is telling you why Holmes having a machine gun was a good idea is simple. Holmes didn't have a machine gun.

Okay, frankly, if you want to keep redefining things, let's call it a pop gun. So why was it a good idea for Holmes to have a military grade pop gun that fired a hundred rounds allowing him to kill or injure nearly 100 people.


And no, we are not going to ban guns. I am all for boosting mental health facilities. I am all for the VA doing more for veterans. But I am not giving up my constitutionally guaranteed right because of the actions of 0.001% of the gun owners.

Yes, you are perfectly willing to let children die so you can compensate fora tiny dick. got it.
yeah behind every gun banner is a Democrat Party Fluffer

I was a right wing republican until Bush fucked up the country. Now i know better. Unfortunately, we aren't going to get rid of people like the Bush family until we get rid of the people who support them for stupid reason. That means the religious nuts, the gun nuts and the libertarian nuts.

you have no common sense when it comes to guns You are on record saying no citizen should own a gun.

You have yet to give me a "good" reason why a civilian should own a gun. but that aside, there's always room for comprimise.

No one should own a military grade weapon.
No one should have a clip that has more than 10 rounds. If you can't hit your target at ten rounds, you shouldn't be shooting.
No civilian should own armor piercing bullets.
Guns should only be sold by licensed dealers, after thorough background checks.
When they sell a gun to the wrong person, they should be held criminally responsible.
Doctors should be able to warn families of the dangers of guns in the home.

These are all things you gun fetishists opposed.
The reason no one is telling you why Holmes having a machine gun was a good idea is simple. Holmes didn't have a machine gun.

Okay, frankly, if you want to keep redefining things, let's call it a pop gun. So why was it a good idea for Holmes to have a military grade pop gun that fired a hundred rounds allowing him to kill or injure nearly 100 people.


And no, we are not going to ban guns. I am all for boosting mental health facilities. I am all for the VA doing more for veterans. But I am not giving up my constitutionally guaranteed right because of the actions of 0.001% of the gun owners.

Yes, you are perfectly willing to let children die so you can compensate fora tiny dick. got it.

We are not redefining anything. The AR does not fit the definition of a machine gun. If you were as knowledgeable as you claimed you would know that. Your sensationalistic nonsense does not pass.

I am not killing children. 99.99% of the legal gun owners are not killing children. So no, I am not willing to give up my rights based on the tiny percentage of people who do.
yeah behind every gun banner is a Democrat Party Fluffer

I was a right wing republican until Bush fucked up the country. Now i know better. Unfortunately, we aren't going to get rid of people like the Bush family until we get rid of the people who support them for stupid reason. That means the religious nuts, the gun nuts and the libertarian nuts.

you have no common sense when it comes to guns You are on record saying no citizen should own a gun.

You have yet to give me a "good" reason why a civilian should own a gun. but that aside, there's always room for comprimise.

No one should own a military grade weapon.
No one should have a clip that has more than 10 rounds. If you can't hit your target at ten rounds, you shouldn't be shooting.
No civilian should own armor piercing bullets.
Guns should only be sold by licensed dealers, after thorough background checks.
When they sell a gun to the wrong person, they should be held criminally responsible.
Doctors should be able to warn families of the dangers of guns in the home.

These are all things you gun fetishists opposed.

I have given you good reasons for owning guns numerous times. You choose to ignore them.

Self defense is a very good reason for owning a gun.

Hunting is an excellent reason for owning a gun.

Target shooting is a good reason for owning a gun.

Vermin control is a good reason for owning a gun.
We are not redefining anything. The AR does not fit the definition of a machine gun. If you were as knowledgeable as you claimed you would know that. Your sensationalistic nonsense does not pass.

I am not killing children. 99.99% of the legal gun owners are not killing children. So no, I am not willing to give up my rights based on the tiny percentage of people who do.

You've created a system where Holmes could buy a gun. The fact this sort of thing is STILL going on 16 years after Coumbine is insane.
the best reason of all to own a gun is to upset the wannabe Hitler/sheep who dont like for anyone to be able to resist their dictation of how everyone else "should" live. Any of these mass shooters COULD have used explosives or poison to do MORE harm (and get away with it). When they use a gun, they are quickly caught or killed
We are not redefining anything. The AR does not fit the definition of a machine gun. If you were as knowledgeable as you claimed you would know that. Your sensationalistic nonsense does not pass.

I am not killing children. 99.99% of the legal gun owners are not killing children. So no, I am not willing to give up my rights based on the tiny percentage of people who do.

You've created a system where Holmes could buy a gun. The fact this sort of thing is STILL going on 16 years after Coumbine is insane.

We also created a system in which the mentally unstable are reported to a database, thereby stopping them from buying a firearm.

Holmes also made pipe bombs. Ban the sales of pipe.

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