Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

No, I'm not. TOE is the term I wanted. Supply is QUARTERMASTER. Armorer is ORDNANCE. Look up the difference some day asshat.

Army MOS 76Y MOSDb

Receives, inspects, inventories, loads, unloads, segregates, stores, issues, delivers and turns-in organization and installation supplies and equipment; operates unit level computer (ULC); prepares all unit/organizational supply documents; maintains automated supply system for accounting of organizational and installation supplies and equipment; issues and receives small arms; secures and controls weapons and ammunition in security areas; schedules and performs preventive and organizational maintenance on weapons; inspects completed work for accuracy and compliance with established procedures; coordinates supply activities; reviews and annotates changes to unit material condition status report; post transactions to organizational and installation property books and supporting transaction files; determines method of obtaining relief from responsibility for lost, damaged and destroyed supply items; directs supply personnel in establishing supply and inventory control management functions; maintains property under standard property book system (SPBS); reviews daily and monthly records of issues of petroleum products and operating supplies; provides technical assistance to equipment records and parts specialist; assists and advises supply officer and commander.

Oh, lookey here. The Armorer MOS is 91F

Performs field and sustainment level maintenance and repairs on small arms and other infantry weapons and towed artillery.

Army MOS 91F MOSDb
I think Joe believes that gun owners are riding around in their vehicles going "yeeee-haw, and shooting their guns out their windows.
If the mental health professionals had done their job, he wouldn't have been able to buy it from a gun dealer. But you don't have a problem with them, do you?

Well, first, we really don't know what his mental health providers knew... but they weren't the ones who gave him a gun.

And gun sellers are NOT psychiatrists and are not allowed to make a diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder, you dumb arse.
There were a bunch of ways to tell his mental status.
It's the same way employers don't hire crazy people. They ask for references- Acquaintences, jobs, schools.

Fact was, they didn't BOTHER to find out his mental state. The thought he was just a really big Heath Ledger fan or something.

They could not know what he looked like. He purchased the items online from a web site. Please tell me how an online seller can discern if a purchaser who clicks a button on a the seller's website to purchase an item can discern whether the buyer is a nut case? Perhaps by the way he clicks his mouse or sumpin?
Yes, that's what we had. You are proving my point. the AR-15 was a military weapon desgined for the military.

Incorrect. The M-16 is a military weapon and designed for the military. The makers of the M-16 then modified it from its military design so as to be suitable for civilian use. The AR-15 is not a military grade weapon because it is incapable of fully automatic fire or burst fire. No modern military force in the world employs them as their main battle rifle for specifically that reason. It is a civilian weapon based upon a design which was specifically modified from its military origins. Much like a Jeep Cherokee is not a military grade vehicle.
Nope it makes it plainly frivolous and subject to sanctions as there was no reason for the online seller to suspect anything was amiss. It was also going against significant legal precedent against them. The Brady Campaign was the primary mover of this lawsuit and I hope the judge makes them pay the lawyer fees rather than the parents.

If the Gun Industry was acting responsibly, you might have a point.

It doesn't. It's goal is to put as many guns out there to scare everyone else into wanting them.

And much like we needed lawsuits to finally put the Tobacco Industry into its place, we need to do the same to the gun industry. A few multi-million dollar judgements will do nicely.

The gun industry is acting responsibly, you just have a hatred for guns. Guns are different from tobacco for two reasons:

1.) Tobacco when used legally and in the manner intended still causes death.
2.) The right of the people to have and smoke tobacco is not found in the bill of rights.
No, Kleck has not been debunked.

Yes, he has. Thoroughly. Get your head out of your ass and actually read something other than NRA gun Fetish websites..

They are not America.

No, they aren't. They aren't inhabited by bible thumping rednecks who keep voting against their own economic interests. They actually realize that you avoid mass murder by NOT LETTING CRAZY PEOPLE HAVE GUNS. It's an amazing context.

They also have some silly idea about not letting people starve, and they don't have anywhere near the crime rates we have.
Hmm, well, let's think about that. Maybe due to the fact that MOST mass shootings happen in "gun free zones." Another great idea and law that some nitwit came up with that does not work and, in fact, pretty much makes those places targets for mass shootings. Of course, they know there is no one there that can stop them!

Well, no, they really don't. Tuscon wasn't a "gun free zone". Loughner was still able to shoot six people to death. Your "Good guy with a gun" damn near shot the person who disarmed him.
Oh, lookey here. The Armorer MOS is 91F

Performs field and sustainment level maintenance and repairs on small arms and other infantry weapons and towed artillery.

Army MOS 91F MOSDb

Yes, you would need a SPECIALIZED MOS to work on artillery.

Most units, they get buy with an 92Y. (which was 76Y when I was in.) And here was the beauty of being 76Y. Every unit in the army needed them.
They could not know what he looked like. He purchased the items online from a web site. Please tell me how an online seller can discern if a purchaser who clicks a button on a the seller's website to purchase an item can discern whether the buyer is a nut case? Perhaps by the way he clicks his mouse or sumpin?

WHy are we letting ANYONE buy guns on line. That's like fucking insane.

The right of the people to have and smoke tobacco is not found in the bill of rights.

Neither is the right to own military grade machine guns.
They could not know what he looked like. He purchased the items online from a web site. Please tell me how an online seller can discern if a purchaser who clicks a button on a the seller's website to purchase an item can discern whether the buyer is a nut case? Perhaps by the way he clicks his mouse or sumpin?

WHy are we letting ANYONE buy guns on line. That's like fucking insane.

The right of the people to have and smoke tobacco is not found in the bill of rights.

Neither is the right to own military grade machine guns.
Hey moron, buying a gun online means you pay the on line dealer with a Credit card-he ships the gun to a LICENSED DEALER IN YOUR HOME STATE and you go to that LICENSED DEALER AND THE DEALER runs a background check on you

stupid asshole
Hey moron, buying a gun online means you pay the on line dealer with a Credit card-he ships the gun to a LICENSED DEALER IN YOUR HOME STATE and you go to that LICENSED DEALER AND THE DEALER runs a background check on you

stupid asshole

And again, that worked really well with Holmes, didn't it? I mean, he turned out to be a total Poster Boy for the NRA, didn't he. I hear he's going to be on the cover of next month's Guns and Ammo, no doubt in his full Joker Regalia.

You are turning out to be a poster boy for the mentally deficient. Tell us Joeb what causes your hatred for gun ownership?
Hey moron, buying a gun online means you pay the on line dealer with a Credit card-he ships the gun to a LICENSED DEALER IN YOUR HOME STATE and you go to that LICENSED DEALER AND THE DEALER runs a background check on you

stupid asshole

And again, that worked really well with Holmes, didn't it? I mean, he turned out to be a total Poster Boy for the NRA, didn't he. I hear he's going to be on the cover of next month's Guns and Ammo, no doubt in his full Joker Regalia.

Actually, if your paranoid delusions were accurate, you would be the poster boy for the NRA. If people though there was a snowball's chance in hell of you getting your wish, they would stockpile even more.
They could not know what he looked like. He purchased the items online from a web site. Please tell me how an online seller can discern if a purchaser who clicks a button on a the seller's website to purchase an item can discern whether the buyer is a nut case? Perhaps by the way he clicks his mouse or sumpin?

WHy are we letting ANYONE buy guns on line. That's like fucking insane.

The right of the people to have and smoke tobacco is not found in the bill of rights.

Neither is the right to own military grade machine guns.
You are turning out to be a poster boy for the mentally deficient. Tell us Joeb what causes your hatred for gun ownership?

32,000 gun deaths.
78,000 gun injuries.

The fact that you gun nuts inflicted George W. Bush on this country.

it took a little prodding but JoeB-Al Gore Fluffer comes clean

he hates the NRA and gun owners because we supported BUSH and AL GORE LOST HIS OWN STATE and the election as a result/ we know that crime control is only a facade doubhebags like you use to bash guns when in reality its butt hurt whining over politics

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